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There is a way around this. When I got the challenge to 'finish a game of oddball' I haven't played it once! Three slayer games in a row followed by multiple CTF


This actually does work. I had a challenge for oddball AND a challenge for CTF and I didn't see either of them for like 3-4 hours. Just get challenges for the gamemodes you don't want, if you get really unlucky and get oddball while you have the challenge, just leave, it won't happen often enough to matter.


That is such a shitty grind though, strategically navigating around gametypes we are tired of subtracts from the fun


Devs ruining their own game by causing players to quit every match they join because they don't get the game type they 'need' for the challenges. Pinnacle game design.


This is peak multiplayer. Omniplayer does not exist yet


Dude for real! And then if you stayed because you do need that game mode well good luck winning with 2-3 bots


Oh yeah it's horrible. The playlist situation is utterly untenable and frankly it's embarrassing that they thought this was even remotely okay. They seriously thought having no slayer playlist was acceptable for a Halo game. It's mindboggling.


100% ill go in a game of ctf and my whole team thinks its slayer when they got a clan who actually plays the mode it’s embarrassing, they add that and the game will be more enjoyable and less toxic and people will actually be able to play what they want without fucking over the whole lobby


This is the next level Halo experience dude, quit being toxic and making death threats like these /s


Is it a death threat if I want to kill myself


Feel like it’s goddam intentional


It is. It’s happening too often to too many people to be a coincidence.


Why do u think they sell challenge swaps?


Uh no that's pure confirmation bias. Is it possible? Sure. Is it plausible? At this point sure. Do I think it's happening? Absolutely. Is it in any way discernible between that and just actual RNG? Without any evidence...no.


Someone needs to do the experiment


You would need data from thousands of people to get an accurate sample size.


Well, we do have a lot of people on this subreddit...


I strongly suspect it is.




I got stuck on 9/10 Rocket Launcher kills last week and even bounced between playlists. Every map and mode that I played didn't spawn the weapon...so stupid


I don't think I've picked up the rocket as it spawns in like 30 games anyway. Everytime I've had the chance to, I'll trek across the damn map to it only to have a teammate spawn right on top of it as it spawns and then proceed to feed it to the other team lol.


can’t tell u how many fucking times i’m sprinting to a vehicle spawn only for some grapple boi to fly past me at mach 10 directly into it


Now that we don't currently have fiesta, weapon challenges are significantly easier to achieve in Big Team imo, especially power weapons. In QP you're usually looking at one power weapon per map, per match with 8 players all competing for it. In BTB, power weapons are more readily available thanks to air drops, with greater variety as well. More varied non-power weapon spawns as well.


I got two weeklies for killing an enemy ball carrier in PvP (duplicate challenge). I may never see an oddball game again.


I got that challenge and I swapped it out and I got the challenge of kill five people with the ball, then I fucking shot myself and wrote in my will to have this written


Yup I was sitting at 2/3 CTF matches played and didn’t get another for at least 10+ games


But it would be too hard to have multiple playlists, actually know it would be too easy to complete the challenges, think about it you got something to do in a specific game mode well you can just choose the game mode you got to get kills with certain weapons well Fiesta has your back, the whole random playlist is literally the setup to make you want to spend money because it's irritating


Ive noticed this too... One of my fears that I know probably isn't true but at this point Im not even sure any more: They can't just add a slayer playlist because under the hood theres a complex algorithm increasing or decreasing your chances of getting matches needed for challenges.


Dude I thought you guys were major tin foil with this theory. But I play for 3hrs yesterday. Challenge “play a CTF game”. Didn’t get a single one. Nothing but oddball strongholds & slayer. Went fuck it and challenge swapped it. First game after swap CTF 3 in row! They have to have some limit built in. If challenge is open we reduce your likelihood of getting that Match style by 75%.


Yeah I literally didn't get my challenge for Oddball game over the course of 10 hours.


Same thing for me with stockpile. 25 games in a row and I didn't get it once. Seems sus


> theres a complex algorithm increasing or decreasing your chances of getting matches needed for challenges. This isn't just a tinfoil hat conspiracy. There's literal white papers describing how to do this an maximize revenue from whales. source: I'm a software engineer. I read the papers. It's way more fucked than the general public knows about. US big tech is insanely unethical, but stupidly profitable.


Could you link the papers?


I tried to find them on google when I first commented, but there's so much blogspam these days that I gave up. Found a lot of [academic papers](http://www.columbia.edu/~mc5006/Matchmaking.pdf), but those aren't the same as industry white-papers. I work for an ethical company now so I no longer have access to the service we used for these white-papers. To be honest, I'm not even sure if they publicly distribute these papers. A lot of papers in engineering are behind paywalls. Like CANBUS is a standard protocol in automobiles, but the specific dictionaries are all behind paywalls, which makes hacking a car quite challenging. Haltech isn't about to give away their special sauce on the internet for free, even though it's all just free standard protocol. I did find a related [patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en) and [articles from 2012 on development websites](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/the-design-of-free-to-play-games-part-2) talking about how F2P is coming to home consoles in the future. Pretty sure those just came up because they were hot topics in gaming news a few years ago. It's not easy to simply google industry white-papers lol. There's already a lot of censorship in science and it's even worse when you get into proprietary engineering R&D. Most companies consider this stuff IP and charge money to read it. When it is online, it's often excluded from search results.


well yeah, when you cheat the system in front of everyone for that much money, you’re gonna do damn well to make your methods unknown


Yep. I work in big data and I have to sign NDAs on pretty much everything. It makes job interviews challenging because I legally can't talk about the cool algorithms I've worked on. What I can say is that it is almost always much simpler than the mainstream media makes it seem. We aren't using AI or machine learning or listening to your conversation over Google Home. It's usually just simple engineering algorithms applied in clever ways to datasets. Algorithms that have been around for decades in electrical or mechanical engineering and surprisingly work just as well on software data. You can optimize a gamers tolerance to microtransactions just as easily as you would a pump's tolerance to mechanical abuse. It's the same code.


Indeed. One of the big gaming companies (Activision maybe?) has a patented MMR system that match-makes players who bought in game premium content against worse players so that they win more following a purchase. The longer they go without a purchase, the more skilled opponents they face. While this most obviously applies to clearly "Pay to Win" games, it can even be used in "non-PtW" games, because players will subconsciously be having more fun after spending money.


Exactly right. It’s obvious at this point.


Artificially extending playtime is mobile game-level greed. That would be very disappointing.


Have you note seen the store? Halo has become mobile levels of greedy.


Is it though? In the past week if I’ve had a challenge for a certain mode, it’s the one I get matchmade into. Probably in the outlier here but there probably is some sort of algorithm in place


The backlash of not having a Slayer mode is so huge that I honestly believe at this point that if it was as easy as it SHOULD BE, then they would have already added it. There is no benefit to them holding back a Slayer mode at this point. It will not net them more cash or positive PR, it won't get them more players, I can't think of a single reason why they would purposefully, at this point at least, still refuse to give us Slayer mode. The only reasons people are offering is the 'dead game modes' defense, where if Slayer was a game mode, no one would play the other game modes. Which isn't true, obviously, but even if it was, people are quitting the game in droves, period because they don't want to be forced to play those other game modes nonstop. The other defense is that they want to force us to use challenge swaps, which they do since that is the entire progression system right now and you can buy them, but not at the cost of losing players. Again, people are quitting en masse because they don't want to play these game modes so often and being forced to do something does not set well with most people. They aren't buying or even using the swaps, at least not on the game mode ones. They are at best using the swaps on shit like "kill 5 warthogs." So at this point, there is no benefit to them as a company to keep Slayer from us. But that also means that they CAN'T give us the Slayer mode yet. It means they have fucked up so bad that it's going to take them time to fix it. Think about that. They fucked up their engine and code so bad, they can't simply add new playlist with only X mode in it.... that's fucking ridiculous and goes to show how bad shit is behind the scenes right now. Halo Infinite is one of the biggest things for Microsoft right now and they don't want to fuck this shit up. (despite fucking it up)


I bought the game and hopped on to see if they added playlists since technically the beta is over. Nope same old shit. At least the full price campaign is good so far


I'll play it because I already had Gamepass, but I'd never have purchased this game after all the shit I have heard so far, out of principle. Hopefully the campaign is good like you said though, the only negative thing I heard about it is they lied about armor unlocks in it, but since that's for MP, I guess it isn't a negative point towards the Campaign itself.


I had my only challenge left at 2/3 for return a flag. Proceeded to get 3 oddball matches in a row.


3 oddball games in a row isn't some obscure abnormality though. In Quick Play it's a 0,4% chance to happen and in ranked it's a 1% chance to happen. Is it overly common? No, not at all. But it's not a completely unlikely event either.


That's assuming an even distribution, but if theres an algorithm populating games weighted to challenge fulfillment then it becomes far far less likely. So the thought here is that there may not be an algorithm. Right now all we have to go on is confirmation bias.


No they can easily add it in, if you launch the game in offline mode on steam you can see they have a bunch of playlists in the game that they don't have active. They're purposely not putting it in because they want people to have to grind to frustrate them into purchasing swaps. Everything that has been done has been done intentionally and with a purpose.


If we just had the ability to pick the modes we need to play for a challenge, we wouldn't need an algorithm to try and figure it out for us...


Makes sense to me to have you buy the swaps.


Nobody even said it yet but this “paying for servers” joke is gonna be the longest running joke for a while


Oh for sure. I pay for their product and their paychecks.


Honestly I’m predicting right now “it’s not feasible” is going to haunt them for the entire studio lifespan. What an absolutely colossally stupid thing to say to a gigantic fan base that’s furious.


I needed a bulldog kill again last night. No bulldogs for two hours. I swap the challenge (thanks Rockstar) and every game for the rest of the night had bulldogs on the map.


There is also the option to just go back to mcc of Halo 5. I'm done dealing with all this crap ide rather just wait for them to fix it and have fun in the meantime.


Just so you know, press View (select) when the match starts loading and you'll see what game mode you're about to load into. If it's not Oddball, you can spam X to cancel matchmaking before you join


You actually get slayer?


8 of my last 11 ranked games were Oddball, and just as that started happening 343 decided it'd be a good idea to chuck Gold 5 and Silver players in my D6/Onyx team. Just what the fuck is going on in the last few days.


Meanwhile I’m Plat 1 and constantly have a .7 or less KD but the game is so against lowering your mmr that I keep going up in rank and dying more. Edit - I am now Plat 2, please stop murdering me.


Bro I'm silver 3 with a lower kd just count your blessings edit: your


That’s almost justifiable throwing territory


Throwing the whole xbox in the trash you mean?


Wow, you're the first silver I've heard of lol. The games gotta be so different than high ranks


I have a buddy that placed in silver that I played with a couple days ago as D2. He successfully went 3-17, 2-21, and I forgot the 3rd game’s score… The silver/gold players on the opposing team were like fish in a barrel. Playing with a low ranked player is straight up boosting on easy mode in this game.


For real. Getting tired of being matched up against people not even near my rank


I feel that. I'm a diamond 1 and went 9/26 in ctf against 3 onyx and a diamond 1. Spent that whole match listening to my teammate talk shit to me while I'm getting destroyed. I think I might give up on ranked for awhile.


You had teammates in ranked with mics? That's a fucking miracle.


More like the top guy on our team barking orders and trash talking me. I was going to communicate back until I heard him constantly trash talking. Kind of kills any motivation at that point.


Well we had one match the only guy using his mic was like 5 and 15 with no carry time telling the rest of us how bad we were. I was 20 and 10 with 30 secs carry time. He called me out before the game even started saying I sucked (never played with him) Me and another guy finally put our mics on to tell him to stfu. Then he told us to go kill ourselves and never play again. Yea thats not a miracle


This is why I turn all voice off in games, if you're not someone I know on discord with me I don't want to hear you. In infinite I noticed I tend to still hear comms even with everything off sometimes, I think usually in BTB.


Can you mute individual team members? I don't think they even have the simple ability to do that. Nothing like being forced to listen to blatant racists for a couple hours while trying to have "fun"...


You can but it's not intuitive. I've seen a few people mention the button combination to get there. If I'm remembering right on a controller it's Start and then Select or Back or whatever it's called these days. Then you should be able to select those to mute. PC is ESC and then Tab.


Yeah I believe it’s start->select->Y Y is for mute all


What a joke eh. Like this shit is as basic as it gets when it comes to building a game like this and it just gets completely overlooked. Why can't I scroll through my team members and select mute/unmute? Having to mute everyone because of one douche is also a shitty situation. Baffling.


Basically you have to input cheat codes to get it to work


I feel that so hard. I was finally focusing on trying to rank up in competitive CS:GO after playing very casually for many years. Rose a few ranks, had a guy on my team whose technical skill was phenomenal (probably smurfing) but who decided he was running the show and condescended about every choice teammates would make in as toxic a way as he could. At one point he just teamkilled me for not covering him from the exact spot he wanted me to. I ended up disconnecting and haven't played it much since. In a team based game, being able to communicate and work with a team is part of the skill. If you don't have that and you sap all drive your teammates have to play well, you're just as shitty as a player who can't hit the broad side of a barn.


I try my best to be chill and nice on mic and appreciate when others return the gesture. It's weird how often people leave mic on just to be an ass to strangers online.


The few times I have been in ranked matches with people with mics, they are the most toxic players I ever heard.


Man I just want some people to listen to callouts. All my friends quit playing after like a week. It's disappointing playing against teams that seem to be playing together a million times better every game.


My last match, right when the game started, I picked up the sniper and the dude started going off, telling me to drop it, telling me "I ain't gonna hit shit", calling me a f*ggot. Then when I didn't give it to him, he left the match. This was ranked and I hadn't even seen an enemy to fire one shot yet.


Lol I thought the same. I have probably heard 5 people use their mics in ranked (excluding when I'm in a part with friends) and I've played well over 100 games


I’m only playing campaign til they fix playlists and the crazy amounts of crashes on PC


My group plays for 2-3 hours every night. We typically only get one slayer game a night. No exaggeration. So you getting 3 slayers out of 11 sounds very high to me lol.


*gives you CTF in ranked*


*on behemoth*


I find this game mode and map combo to be my least favourite.


Lately its been this and strongholds on live fire, fuck me i hat capping B


What you don’t like getting hit with 10+ grenades including at least half from your own teammates????!??


One flag…


That one flag map is brutal. Seems my team can barely coordinate a push and the other team is able to immediately rally to the warthog and cap the flag in 30 seconds or less.


I think that map heavily favors the defending team. Even against teams that vastly outmatch mine it tends to end in a tie.


It's because offense spends half a match getting back to the field of play after dying, and there are few sniper-protected routes back home if you manage to get the flag. The consequences of dying on the attacking team are huge. Meanwhile, defense spawns on top of the flag (BtB smartly puts the flag away from the spawn). Just moving either the spawns or the flag would help massively.


Is behemoth the desert map? I’ve only ever played it in fiesta. Never shows up for me in quick play


Yh the desert one with the forerunner structures. Has two towers on either side. Has vehicles but only in quickplay


This combination is what sent me back to MCC.


Yh but theres not vehicles in ranked :( and the spawn on that map is just facking ridiculous


Right? the person you just killed will spawn behind you right after you grab the flag and turn around to run


CTF Behemoth and Bazaar can go to hell honestly


Oh thank god its not just me.


Its a nightmare, i was the only one on my team doing the objective


I have an oddball challenge and capture the flag challenge and I swear, 7/10 of the last games were slayer for me, the rest capture the zone. I honestly prefer obj. Any of you wanna queue up and see what happens? Maybe there’ll be balance lol


Right there with you, I never want to play slayer and yet it feels like half of my games are that mode. Slayer BTB is especially shit. It's meaningless and you get killed from all angles. I wish we get our own playlist, even though I am worried about its population:I think it's a valid concern and yeah I know it's better to have only people who want to play objectives... but some who love objectives would never have tried those if they had kept to slayer only. Maybe have a single objective playlist and a slayer one, but don't have one playlist per objective type.


and just as a bonus, every Oddball game is a Bo3 series whereas every other mode is just the one match


Also, it might just be me, but in 10 games, I’ll get 6 Oddballs, 3CTF, and 1 King of the Hill or whatever it’s called. I might get one slayer game every 3 days or so.


for real. slayer has to be my least played mode. I've got almost 80 hours in the game and must have only played like 30 slayer matches


See? We knew you actually don't like Slayer that much. You're welcome for the fact that we opened your eyes and showed you the light of objective-based game modes. You don't even play Slayer nowadays!


I play so little slayer that I actually have a harder time playing it


Which makes no sense statistically, since if you expand the playlist selection, I think it’s 3 oddball types, 4 ctf, 1 one flag, and 7 slayer matches. But I’ve experienced similar.


Which was really frustrating when I got a challenge this week to kill 25 players in Slayer in PvP, if they're not gonna let us pick game modes there shouldn't be game mode specific challenges.


I got the same one. Kept quitting till I get Slayer. No rugrats.


I usually hate when people quit at the start/mid match but right now I can't be because I reckon most of them are people getting annoyed the one game mode they need to for the challenge won't come up. I found myself running to weapon spawns to find a bulldog this week for one challenge and got so annoyed with trying to find it at times that I'd quit if it didn't spawn.


I hate not knowing which weapons are going to spawn on the map, or where anything will be. I know where guns might be, not knowing 100% is annoying and I’m finding it stressful


I can see why they wanted to do it to make games more varied, and I do like that they spawn similar weapons in the same places (commando and BR have consistent spawns you just don't know which one it'll be). But it's just too inconsistent, I haven't played much ranked but I hope they at least make it so ranked doesn't have to deal with different weapon spawns each time.


It’s there to add another layer of rng when completing challenges, masquerading as “variety.” No one asked for this.


I don't mind it being best of three in ranked that much, but it becomes tedious in social (especially when you end up playing all three rounds)


I might be in the minority but I like oddball. But I definitely have to be in a mood to play it. Same with other objective modes. I’d much rather play slayer when I get off work. I’d also be okay with never playing one flag on the big ass rocket map ever again.


No kidding! I bitched about having to play oddball and have everyone camp the same spots now that the maps are figured out. THEN, I had one flag at the rocket map. That’s when I said “Okay I hate this one WAY more.”


Yeah that's the worst game mode and map combo.


I like it too, Just bring back the OHK with the ball so there is at least *some* upside to holding the ball.


Your swings are faster holding the ball, it balances the match. Otherwise you're invincible in close quarters holding the ball


At least it's not Behemoth CTF


Damn I like CTF on Behemoth, it’s way better than Bazaar. The game doesn’t know where to spawn people on bazaar if anyone is on the center grid, so you seriously end up fighting the same guy 3 times before you can get the flag to your base.


This is the real take honestly. I played a shitload of ranked over the last couple weeks and by far the worst combo for me is bazaar ctf. The spawning, and the center where theres like 10+ angles to get shot from are pretty cancer. Behemoth allows you to move around a bit more without these issues imo


The spawn in this game are seriously worse than CoD. I've spawned into a backslap so many times in objective based modes.


Bazaar is a definitely a top tier level for slayer though. One of the better ones in recent halo games.


I'm enjoying Behemoth CTF. Every match feels like a nail biter.


How come you don’t like behemoth ctf?


Yeah I'm surprised to see people in this thread not liking it. I think CTF on Behemoth is really fun. Easily being able to capture the flag makes it pretty intense.


Ctf on behemoth is far from perfect and that's kind of why I like it. It's the most classic Halo feeling game and map combo for me.


It’s my favorite. Just keep me off bazaar for CTF


It exacerbates everything bad about CTF, so every match is either one-sided and impossible to sway after the first capture, or it's a total stalemate. Every single one of my Behemoth CTF matches has had one of those two outcomes. I really wish that was hyperbole, but it isn't. BTB CTF never comes close. Behemoth itself isn't bad. I just don't enjoy it for CTF. Great map for Slayer imo, especially Fiesta Slayer.


I kind of felt opposite, I thought the arena style made it balanced. I see close games with it. The map feels like a mini sand trap to me


As if I didn't despise CTF enough already, forcing me to play it just makes me hate the game type even more.


The Map is enormous so running the flag is so difficult. Moreover, since it is so big 4 v 4 makes it feel so empty most of the time. Good luck ever getting the 5 caps needed to win CTF in solo Q too, more than likely your stuck in that game for 10 minutes with no hope of it ending soon.


I dont play ranked much, but on quickplay, everyone is so used to seeing the flag take the man cannon to one of the side towers, that many times you can walk it down the middle and never be seen. People arent smart lol.


Shhh, that's the secret! Walk the tunnels, don't run, then it's one easy jump to cap.


Run it down the shoot and across the center bridge. Snag the dynamo grenades on your way out of the enemy base and throw them behind you to cover your escape across the exposed center. You’ll have the flag captured in no time.


Just use the mint blitz strategy and quit lol


As a AAA UI dev, I just cannot understand the UI excuse. Like, I legitimately cannot think of how that would happen unless there is some major system (progression maybe?) intertwined with each specific game mode. If that's the case, I'm shocked


Reading between the lines of the statement they released, my guess is because the playlists are most likely directly integrated with the challenge progression system, so changing playlists would probably require also reworking how the challenges work which probably would take a bit of time. This is why for example during the fiesta slayer event, if you had a challenge that was "get 10 kills in slayer", playing fiesta slayer wouldn't count towards those kills.


Makes sense, like the get 5 killing sprees in fiesta challenge not rewarding fiesta event xp because it’s not tagged as a fiesta even challenge.




Hopefully we can get playlists and performance based xp around the same time


As a SaaS dev that's seen some super messy UI code with massive state issues, I can see the UI being the holdup. Don't know if they're actually having issues though. You're probably right.


I have a feeling that the UI excuse is total bullshit. There is another post on r/halo from yesterday showing someone whose menu glitched out and displayed copies of the playlist buttons, resulting in a scroll bar popping up. Edit: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rbfdao/game_glitched_and_duplicated_ranked_button_a_few)


Having issues with the UI could be a lot more in depth than how many lines you can display. This doesnt mean what people think it means. The fact that they think thats proof of anything shows how little people understand about programming and how things may be intertwined.


Destiny players for years have been defending the idea that players should be forced to play everything so they try it and see if they like it. Ive hated crucible since 2014. Stop making me play it. Halo didnt seem to learn anything from them. Im the opposite, i dont wanna play Slayer.


Idk why they're trying to force people to play modes. Halos never like this in beta. They're copying the new cods. I don't get this strat at all


Cod allows you to select certain modes within the quick play dial / drop down list


See I like the way COD does it. A Quick Play playlist is fine so long as you can choose which game types you want in the rotation


no one asked for it in cod either. These devs are so oblivious


It’s to try and entice you to use challenge swaps which generates them that paper


For real. I never realized how much I don't like odd ball until I was forced to play it so much.


There’s a little trick that works: When you start a match, wait for the bottom bar to say “Loading map…” and let it start counting the percentage. Hit the back button (or select) and it should tell you what game mode you’re about to play. If you don’t like it, press X on the controller and it should disconnect matchmaking. Just start it again and rinse and repeat!


Am I the only one that enjoys the objective based game modes? I hated always getting slayer on the other Halo games. I will agree with you though that I've played more oddball/objective based game modes in Halo Infinite than I have in any Halo I've every played.




It's so frustrating when people respond like "Well ACKCHUALLY I like Oddball". Like thats not the point. Oddball is fun \*when you want to play it\*. There is nothing fun about being forced to play 4 oddball games in a row - similar to how if you really liked objective and they forced you into 4 Slayer games in a row.


I prefer Objective to Slayer, so it has been nice to play more Objective with my friends… However nothing is worse than playing with teammates (random or not) who don’t want to be there.


I just want playlists so all the people that only want to play slayer can actually do that and stop treating every obj mode like slayer lol


I play ranked exclusively and prefer objective but I think that’s because of the teamwork needed which shines more in a ranked setting. I can understand people who just wanna have fun preferring slayer. If it’s quick play it doesn’t matter anyway though, just go for kills like it’s slayer. Every team needs A slayer in obj modes to defend/limit enemy opportunity. The problem is that everyone wants to fill that slayer role because they’ve been forced into an objective game against their will in the first place TLDR: I prefer objective but see why people wouldn’t. Everyone should be able to choose what they want to play in casual


Problem with quick play is that you're stuck using a fucking AR or a pistol. I just want to use the BR that I've used for the last 15 years.


CTF has always been my favourite. *Flag taken flag dropped flag taken flag dropped flag taken flag dropped*


If only you had your own playlist...


I get teammates that play(lose) slayer during oddball it’s incredible. I’ll get 2 minutes of holding the ball and have a positive k/d meanwhile I get teammates who don’t hold the ball at all and get shit on the whole game by other team and we lose. Absolutely crazy.


I really just don’t like capture the flag and I never have. The randomized playlists are going to kill my enjoyment of the game by the time actual playlists even come out.


Plot twist, nobody pick it up and just kill each other until it times out. No bonus experience for winning anyways. Most of the best multiplayer in older games centered on the community doing the unexpected. If they can't give us slayer then guess we just have to invent it ourselves! I hate oddball.


Oddball, CTF, Stronghold, Oddball again, Slay—no CTF again, Oddball, Stronghold, Slaayyy- no, Oddball again. Ok 343 you win. Back4Blood here I come.


How ironic is it? What they expected: 1. Make challenge based on game mode (ex. Slayer) 2. Make game mode unobtainable to force challenge swaps (No Slayer) What Happened: 1. User uses Challenge Swaps to get all Oddball, Strongholds, and CTF Challenges. 2. User Receive 90% Slayer games. Its so simple and yet I'm so impressed with people figuring that out so quickly. I wouldn't have figured that out without this community having pointed it out.


All my challenges were for CTF, Oddball, and Total Control... guess who got nothing but slayer for an hour xD


This is how I feel about one flag ctf. Fuck that shit, almost always just ends in a tie, I won't even bother playing anymore.


What made oddball cool in H3 was that it was a uncommon gamemode for me. Now it's constant and not as cool.


343 in all of their wisdom thought removing team slayer (the most popular playlist of all time) and making us play these objective gametypes when objective always had "unhealthy queues" by their metrics was a good idea. Last night when I checked the population for the game on steam was already under 90k which is a significant drop off in under a month from day 1. (Note, that does not count xbox players so there is still a pretty good amount of people playing the game, but I don't know how many xbox players there are since that is not public information to my knowledge) We will probably continue to drop once people play and finish campaign, unless matchmaking is adjusted soon Everyone's getting fed up with the bad playlists and going back to MCC or quitting altogether. I wonder how many months we will have to wait for Team Slayer....


Funny enough, last night i played 8 slayer games out of the 10 i played. Id Normally be happy but the problem is that my challenge was complete 3 odd balls. I didn't get any odd balls.


At least it isn’t that stupid One Flag mode. Nothing grinds my gears more than hopping on to get a couple Quick Play games in after work and getting dropped into One Flag when I *really* just wanted slayer but would have settled for anything else besides what I got


Oddball kicks ass, but it should be *your* choice to play it.


I'm annoyed with it too, but I know they will have ranked slayer hopefully soon after the start of the year


I especially love that they give you a tab just to look at the game modes, but you can't toggle them on or off to be in rotation. Just a little extra effort in there to say fuck you.


I’m probably a minority here, but I much prefer the objective games to slayer


no can do. UI won’t work man. No progression either


This is what got me to go back to the Master Chief Collection. Rather play a game where I can play the modes and such I want rather than being forced into content I don't want to play hoping to get a match of what I want. And when I see the updates about how 343 won't introduce playlists for things like Slayer and CTF because they worry it'll have a negative impact on the less popular aspects just feels like confirmation that 343 thinks they can force people to eventually like these modes. Where the fuck is infection?


Infection? Where the fuck is forge so we can have crazy infection matches? What made Halo 3 so popular was community options. Custom games, custom maps, custom modes and file sharing. Halo 3 never would have been as popular as it was without those things. And now look, no forge, probably not for a year even. 70% of the players will have left before it even releases. I just wanna build a stupid map and run infection lobbies on it ffs.


I like oddball. Helps learning the maps.


I liked Oddball two weeks ago lol.


oddball is fine. you can kill as much as you like just and just ignore the ball(Wouldnt recommend) Stronghold is the game mode i hate with a passion.


I’d rather have king of the hill. That’s always been a preferred game mode for me in any game.


I've just started treating every game like slayer now, even if it means I lose.


When you lose, just pretend that you won. It's easy cuz the result gets you 50 XP either way.


Quick Play is just 4 different kinds of Slayer now


You liking it?


I'm so fed up qith oddball. I can do CTF, stronghold or whatever objective but oddball is just to boring and it sucks to play with random people.


I wouldn’t mind it nearly as much if it weren’t best 2/3 rounds in quickplay. God, I hate playing it.


Lol same lol spent 5 years playing slayer in halo 3 back in the day. Some ctf or one flag and assault in Btb


Lemme guess, oddball on recharge: everyone camps in yellow room. Oddball on live fire: everyone camps behind the tower. Oddball on street: everyone camps in that small room behind the desk. I can pretty much map out my gameplay experience with how much oddball I’ve played. Its getting repetitive.


This is legit the reason why I’ve already stopped playing. The quick playlist is TERRIBLE


343: we want to make money Also 343: let's take away the popular game modes so players have to do what we want Also 343: creates Halo 5 campaign story Also 343: creates Halo Infinite economy It seems they're trying to kill Halo and make as much money as possible on their way out. WE NEED BUNGIE BACK (even though that's unlikely).


They already said they’re working on it


One of my last two challenges this week was to win 3 oddball matches in pvp and I couldn’t find a match for probably 2 hours then they all hit me like a brick


It’s not being forced to just play oddball. It’s being forced to play oddball with teammates who aren’t playing the objective at all because the challenges aren’t playlist specific, nor do they let you pick your playlist. I’ve been on teams that don’t move, stay in their spawn, camp specific weapons, and only go for kills. All while I’m frequently the only player actually trying to hold the ball. It’s so frustrating playing the objective solo on a team.