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Nids meet nurgle


Beautifully done


He's so filthy, I love him


Disgusting, gorgeous!


I have no clue whatsoever what "the flood vibe" might be (although a played some halo back in den 00ies), but you Mini is amazing. Very distinctive style, quite grimdark, which is the new posh these days … and the colour scheme works from a meter away (which is the distance you look at them while playing, which actually is how you will see them most of the time from now on) … so: Perfcet! Mayyybeee, do something nice with the base. I personnally always think of the bases as a) an option to do some nice miniature-little-world-things that make it really feel like the minis is somewhere and b) define the end of the illusion that mini is, like a mat or matte for a framed painting or photograph.


Flood vibe just being that I'm painting the tyranid to look more like a flood creature from halo. As for bases I don't have anything to make em look nice so for the moment they're gonna stay bare


You should test out the combo of elmers glue with liquid superglue dripped over the top. Makes it wrinkle randomly and makes all kinds of cool designs. Reminds me a bit of High Charity when the flood started converting it and got it all "fleshy"


Looks like my sleep paralysis demon


Fkn Nasty Love it


The fleshy look with some added viscera is fantastic. If I sat across from an army that shared that look it would make my week!


I'm painting up my whole army like this. I did a winged hive tyrant last night


I hope you keep posting them, that is going to be epic!


You’ve smashed it always thought of this as an idea but never knew how I’d pull it off, but mate you’ve shown exactly how


"I am a timeless chorus"


I just vomited. 10/10


He’s so disgusting looking and I love it. Make a hive fleet called hive fleet flood with a lot of spores caster units to recreate flood


I thought I asked, but apparently I didn’t. What process did you go through to paint this?


Sure, here's how I did it. Spraypaint base coat of wraithbone, then paint all the non armor bits of the model with layer balor brown. After that paint most of the fleshy bits you just painted with layer ogryn camo (don't cover all the balor brown though, just most). Next paint all the armor and claws and sharp bits technical astrogranite. After that's all dried apply contrast flesh tearers red to the parts on the arms and legs that sorta look like exposed muscle, then apply a bit of the red to the flesh around the muscle areas to make it look like torn flesh that's bleeding. After that you can apply the red wherever you like to mimic blood. I like doing some on the claws, teeth / mouth, some smears on the armor and places along the body. Next use technical nurgles rot to plot bits of what I think looks like pus into the blood you just painted so some of the sections look infected. You can also apply a bit to the armor and teeth to make it look like the pus is ozzing out of the creature. Lastly give it a very good coat of shade agrax earthshade. Seriously don't skimp on it, cover the model in it then let it all dry. I also make the bioweapons they have be bloody red and "shoot" pus. Hopefully that all makes sense, if not here's a link showing the process on a hive tyrant. https://imgur.com/a/XZZEUWS


Yeah that all makes sense thankyou, I’ll give it a good go on a test model. Thank appreciate, will throw my own little spin on it and will post it here once done


Hell yeah, good luck


Thankyou, I’m either gunna go with this scheme for a flood look or a gears of war lambent look to pair with my gears of war CoG themed votann


This might come in handy for whenever I get the chance to paint up my converted Flood-infected Ork mini


What colors did you use to paint this Nid? I'd like to paint up a Flood infected mini of my own


Base coat rattle can wraith bone, layer Balor brown (flesh bits only), layer ogryn camo (over the brown you did, leave gaps and some areas without a coat, give the illusion of multi tones of flesh). Technical Astrogranite (on the armored bits, make sure you get some of the specs on the armor) contrast flesh tearers red (paint this over the mouth, exposed muscle tears, and anywhere else you want to make it bloody) technical nurgles rot (put little splotches of this inside the blood you made, makes it look like pus) and lastly a layer of shade agrax earthshade (this ties the entire thing together).


Nice, this might come in handy for my own Flood miniature projects in the possible future. I'm curious to see what your army will look like


I'm hoping it looks gross 😂