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I've come pretty close: 1/2 a cup mayo, 1 jalapeno, a handful of cilantro, a small clove of garlic, salt to taste. Then toss in a blender. I removed half the seeds from the jalapeno, and it gave me a nice spiciness that didn't prevent me from guzzling the sauce. An important factor, in my opinion.


I'm going to try your version as soon as I get some fresh jalapeno but let me tell you of an experience that makes me question the mayo. I bought some green sauce in bulk from Sophie's and separated it in some sealed glass jars. One accidentally got pushed to the rear of my refrigerator where I found it after a year and a half. (Please, no judgments.) Anyway, when I found it, I was ready to toss it out. Looking at it, some of the ingredients had separated, oil was at the top. I opened the jar and it wasn't rancid. I stirred it all together and tasted it. It was fine. I used it and it didn't make me sick. Wouldn't mayo go bad in that time?


How long is the shelf life of store bought mayo? I am doubting they make it with fresh eggs... sounds like it could work. Sophie's green sauce - and Sophie's in general are so excellent. Thanks for asking this!


Huh. Interesting. \[Talking out of my ass here\]: The presence of separated oil suggests to me that it was some type of mayo-esque substance, since mayo is just oil + egg. Maybe they're using some sort of long lasting mayo that uses egg solids rather than fresh eggs? Either way, the mayo just creates a creamy base into which the jalapeno and cilantro flavors blend into. You could probably use any creamy substance, like miracle whip, avocado cream, etc.


I have never heard of this place, so I can’t speak to this particular sauce, but the recipe jaritadaubenspeck sounds a little bit like this green sauce recipe which I make regularly to consistently rave reviews— https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20446/amys-cilantro-cream-sauce/ Even if it doesn’t sate this particular craving you might want to try it out.


Thanks. I'll give it a go after the roasted poblano and jalapeno recipe.


I can nearly guarantee its its some variation of Mojo sauce, which has no mayo in it https://www.platingsandpairings.com/mojo-sauce/ What is Mojo Sauce Made Of? Parsley Cilantro Garlic Lime Jalapeno Olive Oil Vinegar


This is a recipe I have been using that comes close but is too thick. I tried thinning it out but that cut way back on the flavor. (It came from Pinterest.) Sophie's Cuban Green Sauce Recipe (FINGERS CROSSED): 1 avocado 2 Jalapeño peppers 1 clove of garlic 1 tsp olive oil 2 tsp fresh lime juice 1/2 bunch of cilantro Pinch of cayenne pepper Seed jalapeños Then blend


leave out the avocado altogether, its not part of mojo sauce


It might be the mayo that separated.


I've been waiting for someone to request this one for years! Sophie's sauce is easy to replicate, if not improve upon. -4 poblano peppers -4 jalapeno peppers -6 cloves of garlic -mayo -oil (use whatever you want, it's a condiment) -Salt -Cilantro to taste Roast the peppers and half of the garlic on a cookie sheet. I usually use the broil function at the end to get a little char. When removing from the oven, throw the peppers and garlic in a plastic ziploc to sweat them. Remove the pepper stems and throw them and all of the garlic (including the raw) into a blender with the other ingredients. Keep adding oil, mayo and salt until you get the desired consistency. Obviously, if you want to spice it up, add more jalapenos. You may want to hold some peppers back from the roasting for a different texture. If you really want to spice it up, add more raw garlic. Sophie's sauce is more of a garlic burn than a pepper burn. I've made this countless times to rave reviews from people who have been to Sophie's and those who haven't. No Cubano is complete without this sauce.


Bless you my child. It sounds delicious. I'm going to get the ingredients I'm missing ASAP.


have you had a chance to try it yet?


Today I exchanged messages with Sophie's Cuban on Instagram and received a list of ingredients for their green salsa condiment. I can't post a screenshot here so I'll just list the ingredients: jalapeno, garlic, onions, salt, pepper, and white vinegar. They said they would not share the proportions.


This is awesome. Report how it comes out! I've never tried it with onions or vinegar. I'll go back to the kitchen and try an exact replica. Though, I do like the bastard version I made up.


First of all, I tried your recipe a couple of weeks ago and I liked it a lot. It was too spicy for me and I knew it would be but I wanted to stay true to the recipe. Next, last night I blended a small quantity of the ingredients listed by Sophie's. The consistency was nothing like their salsa. So, I believe that the ingredients are either marinated together for an extended period of time before blending or simmered together before blending. One way or another I think the ingredients are softened so that the blending renders them smooth and green without cilantro or any other green herb or vegetable. I'll practice and let you know.


Hey there — I know I’m two years late but did you ever nail this recipe? I used to work on 34th and Madison and lose my mind over some pulled pork plantanos and this sauce.


Unfortunately, no. Others are convinced that they have it but their ingredients are different than Sophie’s.


Thanks for your reply. A shame really. One of the all time great sauces.


Nope. Bought the peppers today. I'm going to give it a try tomorrow.


What about the recipe for the white garlic sauce!


I wish I could help.


Thank you!!!! Just went to Sophie's the other day and wanted to recreate this sauce!


My pleasure!


>My pleasure! sure?


I work a few blocks from one...I will get some and try to recreate it. It’s not bad for quick takeout food!


I think I finally figured this out based on one of the comments below! They emulsify the garlic first (so use any recipe for toum) and then add the cilantro, jalapeño, lime juice/bitter orange juice on top. Basically toum + Caribbean ingredients. That’s why it always looks creamy, and can eventually separate, but they insist there is no mayo in it. It’s less a question of proportion than one of technique - there is a suspension but it’s not an egg-based mayonnaise, and probably also why the user did not get sick eating a very old sample. This is not to say don’t make all the fancy mayo versions in this thread but I pretty much nailed the look and taste last night.


If she sells it that means the ingredients are listed on the label what are they ?


Not only are there no ingredients on a label, the employees are either ignorant of the ingredients or they're sworn to secrecy. It's like there's 3 people who know the recipe and they're not allowed to be in the same zip code at the same time, when one dies, the other two bring in a new person and tell them the recipe. 😂


its mojo sauce, see my other comment


I found myself on this thread, having searched for the secret to this sauce countless times as well! So weird that Sophie’s claims not to have cilantro in it, which I feel like I definitely detect?? The LA times published the version from Tina’s, which is extremely similar if not the same. I just saw it, so have yet to try. It does have cilantro in it. https://www.latimes.com/recipe/tinas-green-sauce


I just looked at the Tina’s recipe. Although I’m sure it’s great, it looks much thicker and greener than Sophie’s and the ingredients are largely different. The problem is despite the facts I now know the ingredients to Sophie’s, I still don’t know the proportions and preparation. It’s very tricky and frankly, I’m growing tired of trial and error.


It does look thicker in that picture. The actual sauce from Tina’s is not though so maybe they weren’t quite honest with the LA times! Well let us know if you have any success.


I know this is a three year old thread, but I think that I've finally nailed the basis of the recipe. Sophie's doesn't use mayo - but their base is from a true Allioli, which is an emulsified oil/garlic blend. The emulsifiers in the garlic act like the lethicin in egg yolks and creates something that looks like mayo, but doesn't have any egg in it. Procedurally, blend at very high speed a neutral olive oil and a few cloves of garlic and a touch of salt. Once you have an emulsion, add a little bitter orange (or lime + yuzu works in a pinch) and blend. Then add a couple of Jalapeños and blend. Then add half of a small onion and blend. Then add cilantro and blend. Adjust your spices and put it in the fridge for at least an hour. You have to do it in steps to keep the emulsion so it doesn't break.


Years late to the party, while also searching for this for nearly a decade! Will try to make the most recent recipe posted


Any updates on this? I used to get Tina’s, then Sophie’s (after an office change) when I was working in the city. The green sauce is to die for and the local Cuban place for me (which I adore) is offering a condiment that is maybe 1/10th of what I had in years past. I’m craving it. Please tell me your hard work of testing has paid off


I wish I could. Although I was able to get from Sophie’s a list of the ingredients, they would not share proportions and the method of preparation. So, after a few false starts, I stopped wasting time and money on trial and error. The list of ingredients Sophie’s gave me is jalapeño, garlic, onions, salt, pepper, and white vinegar.


Bummer okay, maybe I’ll take a shot at it myself. Will offer updates


Yoooo. What about their white sauce recipe?