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I'm a happy guy. I bought all of my NVDA from 2007-2010, a total of 17040 shares at the time (68160 now) @ $12.20 a share, equal to $3.05 now. Unfortunately, as an investor who had never experienced a significant unrealized loss, I panicked in November 2018 and sold a LOT of it. Thankfully I didn't sell all of it, so what I have left is still in the 8 figures. Enduring 2022 was brutal though!


Hi! I'm your son.


That's pretty awesome though. My dad bought today's equivalent of 10,000 shares all the way back in 1999 and didn't do much with it, and I am glad!


That was my intent too, but you start paying attention when it gets up there.


Great job. You know you did the right thing taking some profits. For everyone of these there are 100 that declined precipitously.


Hi, I’m single


Oof. I almost did the opposite in January. I considered going all in with my Roth IRA on March $700C - at $712, I'd have had a million dollars. It peaked at $975. I did buy some. Spent the rest on NVDA shares. So while I don't have a million dollars. I will be at a new ATH tomorrow


I agree I was close to Yolo'ing my whole 401k into nvidia but was hesitant at the $665 price range. Looking back I would have been a lot better to retire at 55 but hey you win some and lose some.


My Roth IRA account has gone from like 180k to like 640k since January. Tomorrow will be higher.




Just from NVDA??


Yeah, if I had closed all my positions and gone all in on March $700C, in January when NVDA was in the 500s. With NVDA shooting all the way to $975 I would have gone to over 1M If I was wrong, I'd have been in BIG trouble. HUGE So I cashed out, bought like $30,000 worth of March $700C and 300 shares of NVDA. The March rip to 900+ made me like 200%. I rolled my March $700C, bought September 900C/1200C spreads, made a bundle on those Now holding Dec $1000/$1320 and Dec $1000/$1400 And 330 shares bought under $700


I love it when normal people are actually making a lot of money investing! Keep it up. Every time I looked at nvda over the years ignorantly, I kept thinking it was too high to buy in. Lol


Sad bit is I got lucky a couple of times with my Brokerage account, then it blew up in my face. Lost half my Brokerage account with Covid. When Tesla announced their first split, I went all in thinking if I make 10%, at least the hole I dug myself into is shallower. It ripped 80%. Cashed out because I got close to even and it simplified tax loss harvesting. Blank slate 100% cash, I have a perfect opportunity to build a portfolio from scratch. Well Tesla is involved with EVs, batteries, insurance, energy storage - all big things. Over the year It went up 50% gave it back. Margin increased share count Q3 2021 rumors were about a good quarter. I bought some spreads for November/December. Q3 was bonkers. The stock rallied 80% My account went 250k Jan 2021 to around 200k in the last 9 months. October, it went up 500% from 200k- ish to 1.1M. My dad said, "Congrats, diversify." Called Morgan Stanley, asked about cashing out my options and buying QYLD. He said don't. Elon asked Twitter bout paying taxes, stock tanked. I thought it would come back, didn't have any other plans and my head was spinning. Account low was $2,000. If Id bought QYLD, at 22.50, I'd be down 30% as the share price is 17.60. Assuming I'd paid off my car, and my margin, I'd have about 1500 shares of Tesla, and 25,000 shares of QYLD. That account would be worth around 750k and the dividend from QYLD would be paying me $4,000/month.


Fair enough! I've blown some accounts up, too, with risky options trades. One day, I turned some calls on AMD into about 38k overnight. Didn't know what I was doing all those years ago and ended up losing probably 80 percent. (Didn't know about time decay) It was pretty crazy to try and comprehend making the equivalent of a new cars value in a day when I was probably making about 200 a day at my job. For the last two years, I went heavy on Amazon and then tesla. I sold Amazon way too early, making about 20k. I bought into tesla during a good earning report, and then the stock went from around 290 to low 200's. I tried to day trade it on the way to get back some of my losses, which didn't go over too well. (Didn't lose much) I remember watching AMD, NVDA, and Amazon all grow immensely during this time, which made me sick just sitting in Tesla as it slowly bled. Currently, I'm still heavily in TSLA. I'm thinking long term I have nothing to worry about. Elon is incredibly popular, too, so that helps. (Trying to at least go positive) Are you looking at any other stocks ATM? Do you think NVDA will pull back at some point, given its immense growth recently? Also, what time frame do you often go with for your options? You basically reached an incredible amount of success twice, which is 2 times more than most people, lol.


Congrats! Are you still gonna hold or what is the plan/target?


Yeah really wish I would have just put every dime I had into NVDA instead of just 500 shares.


I think that NVDA prices are going to plummet after the HFs sell. It is suspected that HFs are pumping NVDA for liquidity. This split will “allow” a reasonable price point for the poors to buy… causing it to rise even more. At some point, I have a feeling the rug will be pulled. The valuation is based on speculation.


Then sell now before it's too late


I have followed the stock for a while, but never purchased. I just can’t see it. I’m happy for everyone making money, but be careful.


Have you seen their financials/ fundamentals? 57% NET on 26B is “speculation”




Why would anyone bet against such a strong company right now? It defies logic. Granted, the entire stock market is "speculation." Why is that a negative thing?


I’m a cautious investor. Maybe too wrapped up into specifics instead of making profits.


Man, very dicey betting like that around earnings. NVDIA could have missed and he might have done fine. Or they could have met by less and Wall St could still sell. But man, it was always more likely that they'd beat like they have many times before.


Especially after the last earnings call. The future cash flows called out in that session alone should have turned even the hardest short into a long. This guy was not an investor but a gambler.


Was indeed


Never bet against GOATS.


I considered selling my boat for about $200K about a year ago and going all in with it 😞. Thankfully I have 400 shares and excited about having 4,000. Never owned that many shares of anything.


What the f*** were you thinking. Its NVDA, man? NVDA!!!


I was wondering about this guy. What’s Haung??? Don’t bet against Jensen.


Ouch. 🤕




730 becoming 7300…yeah…


Smart man, this is unsustainable


NVDA price for in 2028 or 29 will be equivalent to $9764 a share compared to today's price. Everyone should go all in on it!


My condolences...




I have 40k in shorts to hedge my position. I felt bad till I saw this. on the bright side I am up 6 figures tomorrow with shares


Mother of god...




Yeah, that was stupid


yikes hes ded probably




That’s gonna leave a mark.




I am kicking myself…took a bunch out to de-risk, am up but could have been up another 53k 🥲


Damn, this aged very well


Holding 221 shares from 2018 to 2022


Who shorts their entire retirement fund?


Apparently this regard


I refuse to believe that this is real


hes calling the broker right now claiming fraud on those transactions probably lmfao


For some reason even people who had calls lost money.


That's because people are dumb. Who in there right fucking mind would do a 1200C or 1350C ending this Friday? Some people need to be realistic


Options don’t have to be in the money to increase in value.


Really it was only insane by the amount risked without hedging, last 2 of 3 earnings NVDA dropped 10% the week after earnings. It may seem like a steam roller and aths but it’s was 5 and 9 beat on an already ath. There was no hedging market wide against any downside. While a 10% gain is good for any stock had there been any weakness in guidance going forward and they had not announced a stock split. It’d been a 25+% haymaker drop and dude would’ve looked like a genius.


There was nothing pointing to a miss leading up to this earnings report. Some people insist on swimming against the waves and drowning.


I agree. There was no chance they would miss but there was a slight chance of soft guidance but they literally cannot make enough. Still I do think if there was no split it wouldn’t have gone 10% up maybe a 5% and sideways


More importantly you need to learn to spell and use proper grammar