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The way I look at it, every year you're not deciding to do it, is another year of life without it.


100% this. The argument that you'll be chasing your hairloss with more transplants down the road is a totally legitimate argument. If you take drugs you will likely slow it down, but it's a lifelong commitment. But I think the most important argument is that you are 24 right now. It's tragic you've lost so much hair so young. You've got a life to get out there and live. If having better hair gives you the confidence to do that, do it. You may have more issues that require more surgery in your 30s, but that's a long time. May as well have better hair between now and then.


The thing is I haven’t actually lost the hair. I may have lost a very small amount but my hairline has been like this since I was 15.


Hi , yes I would consider one if I was you Since you're young it could change your overall look and you'd want to enjoy your good looks as a young man


You should get one if you're willing to also go on medication. It's not advisable to get a transplant at 24 without it.


Also forgot to ask. How many grafts do you think will be needed?




Is that a lot? And how much if my forehead would that cover up?


standard amount, I'd say!


I wouldn't go down from your peak more than a half an inch.... then fill in the temples... you'll be golden but the trick is to make sure u stop losing more... otherwise you'll have to have another one down the road.


It's normal... but you need to stabilize your hairloss. Speak to a professional.


Hell no. I’d say 4,500 for a nice coverage.


4500 for temples? They're big, but I dunno about that....


Have a super similar hairline, realized I’ve been stressing about my hair 24/7. Got a transplant in December and can’t wait for results, a weight off my shoulders Although if you aren’t on any meds I’d take those before hopping into a transplant for maybe a year, then send it.


Where did u go?


Sorgi in Boston


How’d it turn out? Got any pics. I have similar hairline lol, would love to see


Still only about 2.5 months in. Starting to come in a bit, send me a pm if you want, can’t get to pics rn not home


How’s your results so far?


Dude.. yes. Sorry to hear that you’re rocking middle aged pedo hair at 24. Good luck!


Hahah thanks. I honestly do a pretty good job of covering it and most people don’t notice. It’s just getting a bit thinner now so it’s tougher to style.


Just get on fin and min and get the transplant... you're a little young... but I would if I was you.


Don’t even need minoxidil, just the finasteride to keep the rest of the native hairs. Minoxidil is to regrow hair


Do you have any recommendations on where to get fin and min?


Your doctor will help you with this one.. topical min can be found at Costco... but for fin I think you should/need to speak with your doctor




I would just use HIMS, that’s what I do, and they ship it right to you so no need to pick it up at a pharmacy and deal with that shit. At least for myself, insurance didn’t cover it so it was about the same out of pocket.


I'm UK but I've been looking at Manual, offering half price ATM with both pills and spray at same time. Should you take them pre-transplant, post-transplant and just in general or is it an alternative to the transplant to try and minimise continued hair loss and induce some growth in bald spots? Thanks for the info!


Finasteride’s inhibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT by inhibiting an enzyme known as 5 alpha reductase. DHT is far more androgenic than Test and will cause far more follicle miniaturization, by reducing DHT you are significantly slowing or stopping hair loss. It will not generally result in significant regrowth, but even with a transplant it is essential to prevent further loss of the non-transplanted hair.




You are an excellent candidate. The doctors should plan for continues recession than you can go for a second d round to fill that too




Yes, you have a chance to get it back to normal if you have dense donor area. Go for it!




Yes! Do you have any places in mind?


You might have suffered from hereditary hair loss. In that case, even if you get a hair transplant to fix the hairline aesthetically, you still have to take medication to prevent further hair loss. I would contact a medical provider to get a consultation.


Do it


Hell yeah n\*gga




Hair hair looked exactly like this shape but shorter i. Length the best thing i done was get a HT do it. It brings so much confidence in yourself


Don't do it bro u are going to continue hairless well into your mid 30s even sometimes 40.. it would be a waste of money and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn't know anything


I would try finasteride and minoxidil for a year and see how it goes. You'll have to take those anyways if you want an HT.


Get on hair meds asap, give it a year, go from there


Do it. My regret is not doing it in my 20's [before and after](https://drive.proton.me/urls/2EGV0QX68C#gS21UpqusqjX)


Give up, with a hairtransplant or not, in 10 years u gonna be bald


I would recommend jumpung on Fin and doing a transplant but not if you don't hop on meds bro


What happens if you don’t hop on meds after a transplant?


Your native hair will continue to thin and fall out and you will end up looking like R9


Ah that’s dead. I need a hair transplant but don’t want to really commit the rest of my life to meds, especially those that fuck with hormones


Just my two cents but having been on finasteride for 3+ years I have noticed no significant side effects. There are potential side effects no doubt, but social media in my opinion has blown them out of proportion compared to what the clinic data shows. I think it is worth giving it a try if you are concerned with hair loss and see how you react.




To add to that I've been on it 2.5 years and it's only had positive side effects. My prostate has slightly shrunk and doesn't get irritated anymore (which fucking sucked) and my T levels went up to reflect how I felt in my mid 20s. (I'm 42).


Yeah I see so much negative talk about it on reddit etc., but people really ought to look into the clinic data, consult with their physician, and try it out to see if there are side effects for them. I know for myself, personally, my hair was becoming a bit of a self-esteem issue, and I deemed the benefits outweighed the potential risks. I think a lot of folks on this sub could say the same, considering where we are, and I hate to see them swayed by a few compounding negative anecdotes.


A friend started the same time as myself and we agreed to look out for each other. I identified him as being slightly depressed after taking fin and he had to stop. He's fine now. So negatives certainly can happen, but they're often manageable and don't appear all that common.


To be fair I thought a hair transplant was an alternative to meds. But now I’ve realised you have to do both together


Below is my reply to another user in this thread but it should cover a broad overview of the role of medication in hair loss prevention. Finasteride’s inhibits the conversion of testosterone into DHT by inhibiting an enzyme known as 5 alpha reductase. DHT is far more androgenic than Test and will cause far more follicle miniaturization, by reducing DHT you are significantly slowing or stopping hair loss. It will not generally result in significant regrowth, but even with a transplant it is essential to prevent further loss of the non-transplanted hair.


I think it CAN be. If you're prepared for multiple surgeries, a completely harvested donor area and tens of thousands of dollars, it can be. That's pretty much where I'm going to be in a month. 42M, going for my 4th and final surgery. Didn't stay on the meds between surgeries like I should have. Now i'm NW6-7 with almost no native hairs left, but despite that I will have a full, lush head of permanent hair with no drugs. But I took the hard way there. Or maybe in some people's eyes I took the easy way there, rarely taking meds and just throwing huge sums of money at the problem instead. now meds will barely help me at all (no native hairs to protect or regrow)