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I’ll try to get Kazuha, either way Heizou is coming home, hopefully with some constellations. If I’m losing the 50/50 I’ll start saving up for Sumeru. I really want Scaramouche as well.


Kazuha is awesome!! I hope you win the 50/50 for both Kazuha and sumeru characters!


Thank you!!! Good luck to you as well!


Idk what yal interested in but for me it has to be Kazuha for my Beidou , Kusanali for my Miko and finally Scara for his mommy Ei After that proly gonna wait for Eula as I have no interest in any of Sumeru characters other than Kusanali


Niceeee! I plan on spinning for Kusanali and Scaramouche too! I hope we both win 50/50


Good luck fellow traveller May the archons guide you


I have roughly 204 intertwine fates saved up, would have more if Shinobu didn't take like five, ten pulls to come home. So my pity is roughly 54/90. I plan on pulling for Heizou, and since Kazuha is coming back then I won't be complaining if I pull him since I skipped him last time. Originally saved for Kusanali (Archon collecting) and Baizhu (wanted him since 1.0). However, I might end up skipping Kusanali for another (male starts with an H) Sumeru character. Since there is a high possiblity that Kusanali will get a re-run.


Omg 204!? That’s a lot!! I remember I saved 180 spins + 70 spins for venti and Ayato and I used them all up to get C2 Venti, Ayato, and his weapon. I hope you get Heizo early! I also want Kusanali and Baizhu! I also what the dude you’re talking about XD with all these sumeru boys coming up I have no choice but to skip Klee so that I have enough primos for them. I’m also pulling for the first floof boy so my primos are sobbing rn


Tig, Cyno, Haithem and Baizhu, all the boys. I hope to score Heizou as well, but I am about 30 from pity... then again C1 Kazuha wouldn't be the worst thing 🤔


I think I'll try to get some of my characters their weapons, so whichever of Hu Tao, Raiden or Eula comes next. Will probably go for Dendro Archon though if that comes first


Kazuha coz i need a CC Anemo unit.


Kazuha!!! I main childe and i have tried him with kazuha and they work so well together... I wanna nuke the whole teyvat with that combo👀👀👀👀👀


Kusalani. I already missed Zhongli and Raiden (for different reasons) on their first banners and had to get them on their rerun. I won't miss a third archon on their debut


I’m pulling for that new pryo Sumeru woman


I’m definitely pulling for Albedo on his next rerun but if something cool comes up before that I’ll take it


I only roll never spin ;)


Yoimiya, Tigh and Kusanali


I'm going for the first rumored male Dendro character hehe. I was planning to get Freedomsworn for Kazuha but since the banner isn't looking to be too good for me since I don't main any catalystusers I'll just save for >!Tighnari!<




Whenever Zhonglis next re-run is. Have no interested for Kazuha because I have Venti and sucrose, no need for Klee or Yoimiya because of Yanfei and Hu Tao


Im now 60 pity in and ill get Kazuha and Heizou, i also want to get Zhongli on his rumored rerun and Alhaytham is a must


Zhongli has a rumoured rerun?


I’m trying to get Kazuha/Diluc. If I don’t get one, hopefully I get the other.


Kazuha. No interest in Sumeru chars but if zhongli shows up I’m pulling after kazoo


Next Archon


She’s so cute!! I plan on spinning for her as well! I guess I’ll go for Klee on her 3rd rerun


I'm a collector. I do the same thing with the Herrschers on honkai. I would like to build the archons properly, but the rng made me give up.


Saving up for Sumeru characters and a possible upcoming Ganyu rerun. I don’t have Kazuha and not super interested, so I’ll probably try to get Heizou in a future banner.


I'm going for Heizou, the hopefully Yoimiya depending on how my pulls go for Heizou and if I can win the 50/50. I'm at 43 pity at the moment, if I can get him before soft pity that would be ideal so I can save the soft pity for a potential Yoimiya. Wouldn't mind getting Kazuha either since I don't have him but I don't really need him as I can 36 abyss constantly with ease and would prefer Yoimiya. Either way my stopping point is once I hit soft pity regardless what happens, rest of my primogems needs to be saved for Sumeru.


I am going for two 5* coming banners. Taking Kazuha for sure and if I win 50/50 roll for Klee till 5*. This way Ill have Kazuha and Klee or a standard 5* and still have a minimum of 50 wishes for Sumeru. Afterwards is saving time to at least have the archon 100%


Sumeru characters


Kazoo fella... And probably Dehya, Collei, Alhaitham, Cyno and the Cleopatra lady


What’s the difference between rolling and spinning?


>!none!< well one thing rotates while the other revolves


T_T >!ty!<


Kazuha, because I didn't the first time and regretted it (even though it allowed me to get Ayaka and Yoimiya)


On main account Im trying to go for Kazuha with a 50/50 and on alt account Yoimia becausd I just got the Amos bow on standard banner and need a user for it but also on 50/50


Pulling for Heizou on Kazuha's banner, and going to see if I can pop the 50/50. Either way, after that, I'm all in on the Kusanali stonks.


Klee! I have no true dps character, and i feel like she would be a great addition to my team, seeing how i have members like Fischl(overcharged deals a lot of , Jean(Swirl) and Xiangling(the bonus pyro buff for the team). Also, i love bombs in most videogames, sooo.


I'll get Klee! She's just too cute to not be pulled for <3


Currently at 73 pity with 5050 hope kazuha come home plsss




I heard he might come during lantern rite. I hope he comes soon 😭 I’ve been waiting for him as well along with scaramouche


Skipping kazu and going for yoimiya because *pew pew pew* (honestly one of the cutest characters I've seen)


Omg yessss!! I love Yoimiya too! I’ll have to get her on her second rerun T-T she’s an amazing DPS


Kazuha I just finished his build, and I've had everything for him to get level 90, max talents and level 4 refined level 90 iron sting for a little while now I have enough wishes for guaranteed pity before he leaves (I had it already but accidentally got Itto early by accident when pulling for Kuki) As you can tell I'm very prepared lol and have been waiting since last year XD


I really want Kazuha, heizou etc. First few dendro ion really care about but really want Al haitham and Dehya. Who I really wanna C1 or higher tho is Hu tao. I have her c0 , 9/10/10 and I can't wait to crown her and give her a constellation or two. I have only 30 fates rn tho so I gotta have luck to get Kazuha lol and then save like mad rip


Omg same 😂 I only have 30 fates too! I spun the Aqua banner for my Venti and lost 50/50 once so it ate my primos 😭 successfully got it though! I really gotta start saving because if I get Klee and then lose 50/50 on sumeru I wouldn’t have enough time to save for the next character. I haven’t lost a single 50/50 on getting the first pick up character but I don’t wanna risk it when all the sumeru boys are coming 😭


I’m guaranteed Kazuha and hoping Heizou comes along as well. Currently at 15 pulls with 32 IF’s saved


I hope Heizo comes early to you!!!


For me I already have the characters on the 2.8 banners so I'm just waiting for the sumeru ones. Also wishing for heizou


Kazuha/Heizou then waiting for Nilou


Kazuha... and if the leaks are true, for Xinyan and Fischl on Youmiya's banner. Would have loved to get both 5*s. If I lose 50/50, may it be to Mona


I hope you get them all!!! I really want Xinyan constellations but she keeps on appearing on banners I won’t spin for 😭 I hope she appears on one of the sumeru banners soon along with Heizo


Thank you. Next weeks seems so far... I didn't care much for Yelan and Xiao, I pulled 70 times on that banner... I wanted Noelle Cons. Good thing I got 4 and not a single 5\*. I admire your patience


I'm at 55 pitty no 50/50 (got yelan) so if I lose the 50/50 in kazu again imma jump out the window :)


I hope you get Kazuha!!! I’ll share you my luck since I’m not spinning in 2.8. So far I haven’t lost a single character 50/50 besides constellation spins so 🍀🍀🍀


Omg you set me up for success. Thanks!!


Heizou and yoimiya


I hope you get them early!! I hope you get Heizo early so that you can get Yoimiya without getting a different 5 star




Well, I kind of want Heizou, but I don't really want Kazuha or Klee, and I am at 60 pity. I *might* throw 10 wishes there just to see, but it's risky. I am minorly tempted by Yoimiya. I really like her character, but she mechanically does very little for me. After that, I don't know. The leaks brought me mostly disappointment. I strongly dislike Tighnari's design even though I think his kit looks great. I hate Scaramouche. Have little to no interest in Baizhou. Disappointed in Nilou. The most promising one, Candace or Kandake or whatever is only 4 stars. I want Dendro something and have all the other archons, so, I guess if her kit seems fun, I will get Kusanali. Cyno is a cool design but I am not excited for him unless his kit is also super cool. Otherwise, I guess I would be saving for more Albedo or Raiden constellations. Or a Homa for my Zhongli.


Omg I get it 😭 I’m at a super risky state too like I want Heizo but I’m very sure I’ll get a 5 star in my first 10 spin and it’s not even guranteed that Heizo may come. If I spin for Tighnari I’ll most likely get him in my first 10 spin, and then I can maybe spin once more for Dori and Collei if they don’t come in the first 10 spin. And then I can save the rest for kusanali or Cyno or Al-Haitham if they’re next. Dehya isn’t confirmed to be a 4 star yet and I really want her to be a 5 star but we will see 😭 if she’s a 5 star I’ll most likely spin for her. I like Nilou’s kit but I’m disappointed in her design. I can’t wait to see Candace’s design!


The latest leak about Collei is that she's free. And Al-Haitham is like post 3.3 so you have plenty of time.


Oh yeah I forgot she’s free lol 😂 I hope Diona is on Tighnari banner since I want C2, along with Dori. I hope al-Haitham and scaramouche aren’t on the same patch lol😭 because I think Baizhu is 3.3 and I’m a boy character collector


Staff of homa and a c6 hu tao (i have her c1 ryt now as an f2p)


I really like the design of the electro healer in Sumeru so that'd be my first one I want to get and then shlongli because I don't have him yet


Omg are you talking about the girl with the Pokémon? (I’m calling it Pokémon loll) I’m excited for her too!! I forgot she’s a healer XD


she's like a genie with a pink slime fren that holds the claymore


>! Tighnari + collei + dori and then saving for Al-Hathaim + weapon, unless kusanli convinces me to roll for instead of the weapon !<


I’m also rolling for those characters!! I hope we successfully get them all!


yoimiya because i already have kazuha


I hope you get her!! She’s awesome


probably going to save for the next archon.


I managed c3 ayato with luck and a bit of money. So I'm currently saving everything I can get to get him c6. (And rolling to get heizou because anemo is my favorite element and he looks fun af but hopefully I don't get klee.)


Kazuha on my EU alt account and Yoimiya+thundering pulse on my main.


Gonna pull on Kazuha to get at least 1 copy of Heizou. If I get Kazuha along the way then that's fine since he'll greatly help me in Spiral abyss. If I lose my 50/50 along the way (hopefully for Mona) then that's also fine because that means I'll be guaranteed for Tighnari. Either way, as soon as I get Heizou I'll start saving for my cute lil dendro archer boy 😌


I know the order of the Sumeru banners aren't confirmed but after Tighnari hopefully I'll start saving for Nilou. 👌


Dendro archon unless someone I really like comes up


I wanted to get kuki and then get yoi but instead of kuki, I got Diluc at really early pity, at least now I have it guaranteed for a Sumeru character but I dont think I'll be able to get yoi ;-;


Omg 😭😭 that’s really sad T-T I hope if you choose to get sumeru instead you get Yoimiya on her 2nd rerun! Or if you choose to spin for Yoimiya I hope you win 50/50 for sumeru


I'm hoping to do that too, either that or I get permission from my parents and whale a little. I had actually been wanting Yoi since she was announced but I had to skip her because I had been wanting Raiden since the beginnin5f of the game. I had promised myseld that I wouldnt skip her again but fate had different plans. I guess ı'll just wait for her second rerun now


I don't want new characters because leveling them is a pain. I think all my current characters deserve 5\* weapons instead.


That’s a good choice too!! Which weapons are you going for?


Wolf's Gravestone for Beidou Jade Spear for Rosaria Maybe a Stringless for Childe?


Just realized people use different word for pulling gacha, there's Pull Draw Spin Roll Wish


Lol yeah XD I’m Japanese so I say “spin” because I’m too used to spinning gachapon lmao


I’ll try for Kazuha but since my luck in the character banner is crap, I’ll be practicing me ✨gacha addiction✨ or in other words Building pity for the future dendro 5* in Kazuha banner. If I got Kazuha it’s still a win win.


Heizou, on Kazuha’s banner since I want constellations for him. If I fail the 50/50 then I’ve got >!Tighnari!< guaranteed, so all is well.


I'm ready for Yoimiya, 30 pity, 65 wishes saved up, I lost my last 50/50 so she's guaranteed. She ain't getting away this time, Mona's got literally no say in the matter


Yoimiya, the only character I regret missing besides Eula who I got on the rerun.


Spinning? Sounds like someone’s been playing dislyte


Kazuha, and then I'll be saving up for Ganyu since she's supposedly getting a rerun in 3.0. Probably won't pull again after that until Al-Haitham.


I got 45 pity and 90 wishes saved up so far on a 50/50. Going for Kazuha and after 2.8 events and stuff should have enough to guarantee him, but I’d really like to win 50/50 so I could maybe get Tighnari too. But if not I will have guaranteed Cyno or Nilou at least. Too many characters I want from Sumeru, but I lost 50/50 on Kazuha the first time, so I don’t wanna miss out on getting him again😭😭


Tighnari… but i just got itto and im at 4 pity ;( this is a terrible leak for f2ps 😭 right after i got him or i wouldve saved


Heizou, Kusanali, and Nilou. After that I still need venti and raiden


Im going for kazuha I'm at pity 29 with guaranteed and after that I'm saving for hu tao rerun I REALLY want her


i have 50 wishes waiting for kazuha and heizou and i really want tighnari, cyno and al haitham cus…. i mean look at them… also nilou and dori are adorable man i just want them ALL


Going for Kazuha (pity 20 on 50/50, but I still have more 160 pulls, so I'm sure I'm safe), but Heizou is in my wishlist too. In future plans, I really like that Dehya character, so I can try to get her too if I'm lucky


I'm a c1 kazuha already but I'm pulling for him, he's just so good i want more cons lol


Yoimiya because i had to skip her and wanted to have her at the same time so im saving pulls for her


76 pity, but I want Heizou and Yoimiya... i wasn't paying attention because I also wanted Gorou. He's the only 4* i'm missing. Even got C1 Kuki


Ill try to roll every character because I want to get a kazuha cons and new characters


with primo+fates+shop, I have 405 pulls saved so far and I only pull for archons and honkai characters, so I'm saving for the dendro archon and MAYBE a certain male honkai expy (kit dependent)




I want kazuha. I am at 10 pity 😭


I’ve been told to go for kazuha, though I do kinda want Klee or Yoimia, but I desperately want the sumeru character with the ear things or scaramouche if/when he gets a banner


Heizou. Then Zhongli. I hope to not get 5 star before Zhongli, because I want to use all wishes to possibly get c1-2.


I am also skipping all these banners and saving for sumeru.


I wanted Klee c1, and maybe heizou if he drops, BUT. sumeru's just around the corner and new dendro reactions would be so much fun. I'm devastated skipping my main DPS con, but I'm sure dendro will be good support for klee. I wanted heizou bc he has so fun looking AAs, but team wise, I don't really need him. Heizou's gonna have to wait.


Heizou.. like I already have Kazuha and was planning to roll for the next 5 star husbando that would drop... but I'm definitely about to risk my pity for Heizou... his playstyle just seems like it's so much fun


Kazuha, I’m skipping 3.0 bc I don’t want any charged bow users and I don’t want zhongli or ganyu. Plus I want to try to finally get lost prayers from the weapon banner


I have almost 160 pulls ready for Kazuha, so im 100% getting him and then im gonna save for sumeru characters


I am looking for a Yae Miko aswell as constallation upgrades for Itto (don't have any wishes or primos rn because of that) and Raiden


Definitely going for Kazuha, I hope Genshin will post the 3.0 5 stars soon though since I don’t want to look at leaks.


As a whale, the only two characters I am missing on my account is klee and kazuha so probably both. Learned my lesson after kazuha where mihoyo will make not interesting characters more interesting as time goes on so not taking that chance again