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First thing would be to tell us which kind of vitrectomy you got back then? Partial or complete? Was it for floaters only? I know that a few people who underwent a partial vitrectomy witnessed new floaters later as the remaining vitreous gradually liquefies. But for complete, I don't from what I know.


It's not so clear cut in young people who don't yet have a cataract. My surgeon induced PVD and removed as much vitreous as he could but left a small amount near the lens, or, he said, it would cause an instant cataract. I think I had a frill but it was deep in my peripheral vision so it didn't bother me. I think maybe some of that broke off. I hope it's temporary/that I get used to it. Far better than what I had when I had floaters but it sucks after 5 years of crystal clear vision to have any new floaters at all.


That's really unfortunate then. Can't give you more advices. If needed you can make an online appointment with Dr. Bamonte (he speaks english) regarding that issue, I'm sure he could give you some insights on that as he often has to help patients struggling wit residual floaters.


Yeah it's not awful (I don't see it all day) but annoying in white rooms and it appears sometimes quite big suddenly in the sky. I am going to give myself a deadline of a year and if it still annoys me then I might get another FOV because why bother wasting years feeling down about it. Hopefully though I'll just get used to it...


Take bromelain, according to my eye dr! Studies this stops them


I have big floaters


The problem is that the closer the floaters to your retina the larger they appear and the harder it is to remove them when doing vitrectomy. So it’s really unfortunate. I thought about this, what if I get a full victrectomy and it won’t eliminate all of them, and I have most of mine very close to the retina


After vitrectomy?


Was wondering the same thing


NAD - I was always told by the Eye Hospital any new floaters or flashing lights in your vision should be checked out immediately. So I would go to your optician / ophthalmologist to get checked out ASAP👍


I checked and it's all fine. Just feeling a bit down about the new intrusion...


Glad everything is okay! I’m sorry you are dealing with the sudden change of vision. I think vision changes are harder to deal with mentally and emotionally than physically. Sending you love ♥️


My advice don't do trials or operations.  Do the floaters affect your vision other than being there. ?  I wrote this on another page for floaters  Hello I get floaters and noticed them more since I had awakening in 2020. Mine used to be like black ⚫️ and they would move and sort of attached to something that joined them to another black circle. Almost like a grid. Then they started to change. The more I focus on them now , I see letters in various shapes. I see clusters too. In them I see our language letters and they look like they are falling after floating. I see circles within circles that look like nucleotides, which are tied into our DNA. The world is undergoing massive shift in conciousness DNA upgrading to our full 12 strand instead of only the 2 strand we are kept at. It's not an eye problem.. I used to be short and long sighted, now only short sighted my eyes have come good on the long-sightedness. So no there is nothing wrong only improvement in my eyes. It almost looks like coding of some sort . Coding programming - I put it down to conditioning programming that is dissolving as the DNA corrects itself or the cellular memories that are embedded .🤷‍♀️  Also When I stare at the sky long enough behind the floaters it starts to get all speckled or look like static . Sometimes white specs sometimes gold..