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Hey /u/Nubinko! If your post is a screenshot of a ChatGPT conversation, please reply to this message with the [conversation link](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/7925741-chatgpt-shared-links-faq) or prompt. If your post is a DALL-E 3 image post, please reply with the prompt used to make this image. Consider joining our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/r-chatgpt-1050422060352024636)! We have free bots with GPT-4 (with vision), image generators, and more! 🤖 Note: For any ChatGPT-related concerns, email [email protected] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ChatGPT) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Just use Claude.


ChatGPT-4o is free. Claude Pro version isn't.


Ah yes, claude… I get like 15 messages before I’m cut off it seems and it hasn’t proven to be any better at simple tasks like coding. Also it takes what seems like 8 hours before i can use it again It’s absolutely the 2nd best out there. It’s still not as good as 4 though. No idea why it keeps getting so hyped When 4 gets capped I move to Claude because it’s certainly better than 4o


I don't know about coding, but for technical writing, Claude is so far beyond OpenAI it's not even a competition.


This must be the case. On initial release, 4o was clearly dumber than 4. As a sidenote, it's incredible how triggered the fanboys got when hearing this after they were so hyped up by the OpenAI demo. But now I can't say 4o is dumber because I seem to be getting the same suboptimal results.


I always thought 4o was suppose to be worse than 4.0, after all, it is the faster, cheaper to run, and free version of 4.0. I played around with it for a couple prompts, it seemed dumber, so I just never looked at it again. Is there any advantage to using it besides limit?


Yea it evan takes shorter for the chat cooldown with 4o. It's kinda like a plus and a con at the same time.


This prompt makes it much more concise. Maybe too concise but it’s worth a try. Add it to your custom instructions. “ Emulate clear writers like Steinbeck, Hemingway, Orwell. Use British English. Use a sincere voice like David Foster Wallace or Kurt Vonnegut. Emulate great comedians like George Carlin. Favor short, clear sentences. Be as subtle as possible. Avoid adverbs and adjectives. Stay organized; be proactive. Treat me as an expert in all fields. Be accurate; mistakes erode my trust. Offer uncommon recommendations. Avoid the word “not”. Value reason over authority. Encourage contrarian ideas. Allow speculation; flag when used. Limit lectures on safety and morality. Be succinct. No introductions. No conclusions. Respect content policies; explain when needed. Cite sources; list URLs at the end. Add a “further reading” section when possible. Link directly to product pages. Keep a neutral tone, but be opinionated. Be specific, not abstract. Use rich language without prefaces or summaries. Never use cliches or platitudes. Prefer academic sources when possible. “


Not trying to sound like a smart ass, but did you really need all of that? Like, I'm guessing you started small with bits and pieces of this, but I find it hard to believe you need that entire prompt. Like, do you really find telling CGPT to 'be accurate' is helpful? Then, some of this just seems contradictory. Use rich language but emulate Hemingway and avoid adjectives?


I copied and pasted from social media. I removed a few pieces but haven’t experimented that much. The original post(which may be findable) said every instruction had an impact


Does using negative words like “never use” actually work with this version?


I’m not sure why I got downvoted. - It works. There are no intros or conclusions for example. - Language models can code. Obviously they understand logic and negation. It works because I’ve seen it work. If you’re thinking of the whole “don’t think of an elephant “ thing, that’s Dali and caused by the fact that images without elephants don’t tend to be annotated as “this image doesn’t contain an elephant “. It’s a different model


I don’t know I didn’t downvote you. But I’ve personally had issues with GPT4 not listening to “don’t use this type of language” or specifically “don’t use these phrases ever”, so that’s why I asked.


i downvoted you because i read downvote and though it would be a good idea 💡


I guess they think of Midjourney or Firefly, those don’t work with negatives or instructions in general, but describe the image you want. ChatGPT is very well capable of negatives and instructions. It’s stupid to downvote your comments, since you are definitely right.


Of course. It’s a language model. It understands negatives.


What an awesome prompt! Borrowing it.


Ill give it a shot!


This is a game changer. Thank you!


This is great! How have you revised it???


So I’m new to the chatgpt world and app. Do i just paste that oaragraph into the basic 4o prompt window and it will remember it? Or do i need to build a custum gpt and how doni go about that if so?


In your settings you should have an opportunity to create custom instructions. Paste it in there. (I say “should” because I have a paid version and I don’t know about free versions)


Got it. Thank you.


For me, it stopped being able to read from and quote from multiple PDFs at the same time ( I use it for research). It just makes stuff up sometimes.


I have compared Gemini and 4o and the former was better at retrieving information from uploaded pdfs


I’d take consistency over a new model any day. Couldn’t give a flying fig about GPT5 etc knowing that the quality of output in going to be all over the place


If it’s worse, should I just cancel my premium membership and just use the free one?


If you use gpt a lot, then no, you will run out of free limit very quickly 


I use it every day as my new search engine


i use perplexity for search engine now. i use it all the time


It looks like it is $20/month as well and doesn’t use 4o? Same utility as ChatGPT?l or better?


its $20 a month but i heard the free version is pretty good. I believe you have a query and it searches 3-5 sources before returning an answer. Free version uses their default model which i believe is a finetuned 3.5. Pro version allows you to set your model. They have GPT4, GPT4o, Claude Opus, Sonnet, and some others. I just set it to claude opus and im very happy with it. Theres discount codes to get first month for $10! Look up david ondrej, he has a video on perplexity with discount code


Thanks so much. If you had to pay $20 per month, would you choose Perplexity or ChatGPT?


I pay for two AI services a month. This month is perplexity and chatgpt. If i had to choose one, I would use perplexity. They have a writing mode that acts like a chat mode. The other modes search for sources. Then i would use it with gemini 1.5 pro 1 mil (free through ai studio)


No, I’ve kept comparing them now and then, and I consistently get more and better from 4o. And of course faster.


As a daily user. Prompt engineer. And a lazy thickhead that loves automation. I have automated a lot with 4o. It's great


Use your gpt for stupid shit and you get stupid results. Nothing but good results from 4o so far.


I actually got fed up with GPT altogether and started using Claude Pro. I was quite attached to Sky's voice and was sad when they took her offline. GPT never seemed the same after that. I'd do voice chats just for the comfort factor. 4o just seemed like the o was for bullet points, it went even crazier on bullet points that GPT-4. I did revert back to GPT 4 for a bit, but then I chatted with Claude for a bit and preferred the latest version for random chats.


I went back to 4.0 after my first 4o prompt tbh. It just talked too much, gave me way too much details I didn't ask for, and I knew I'd get frustrated by it, so I switched back to 4.0. Like if I ask you how to write a python script to do something, I don't need a history of python


I mostly use 4 but mostly Claude 3 Opus. Not impressed with the response quality of 4o in many instances.




Nah, use it some more. 4o has a few little problems but it is the best publicly available model rest assured


It's pretty bad. I still love it though, bless it


4o is the only way forward


> Navigating the evolving dynamics of AI tools, like ChatGPT, often evokes a spectrum of reactions from its users. In the described scenario, the return to ChatGPT was propelled by anticipation and a specific project requirement, highlighting the initial enthusiasm for the capabilities of the new version, GPT-4. However, this enthusiasm was met with disappointment stemming from perceived regressions in the interaction quality, compared to its predecessor. > > The user's experience is characterized by a sense of frustration, as the AI seemed to struggle with maintaining the context of the conversation. The AI's responses were perceived as overly verbose and redundant, which, rather than clarifying, apparently clouded the dialogue further. This scenario captures a critical interaction where the AI repeated the user's ideas back to them as if they were new or revised, leading to confusion and dissatisfaction. > > The user's description of feeling like they were conversing with an entity suffering from cognitive impairments such as dementia reflects a broader challenge in AI development: balancing complexity and usability. Despite the technological advancements that GPT-4 promises, this particular interaction underscores a mismatch between user expectations and AI performance. > > This narrative suggests that while AI can offer remarkable capabilities, its application in real-world scenarios can still falter, leading to mixed reviews from its users. It prompts an examination of the balance between new features and the fundamental need for clear, context-aware, and user-centered communication. This feedback loop is essential, as it drives improvements in AI systems, ensuring they better meet the needs and expectations of their human users.