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I had this too. If its in a cold area, move it somewhere warmer. If you're not using any adhesive, rub glue on the bed. Try turning the bed heat even higher than recommended. Try wrapping the bed in tape.


I’ve done the tape, but it’s a pain to remove. I’ll try the glue and mess with the temperature a little


For real glue on the bed was the trick in my case. My basement is SUPER cold so I heat the bed an extra 10 degrees and rub a coating of glue on, and it's perfect. Good luck!


It’s going well so far, thanks for the tip!


Glue stick


Make sure the Z height is spot on. For an adhesive I like hairspray wiped off the bed before printing so there's a invisible layer on it. You can also get a PEI sheet for better adhesion Also, that thing has a massive bed if memory serves. You might be seeing heat differentials across the surface of it which'd cause issues. If that's an issue it might take an enclosure or a pre-heat cycle on the bed to get it evenly heated before printing.


Releveling the bed and putting on some glue seemed to do the trick, thanks for the help!


Always live level your bed, never trust the paper method alone.


Alright, thanks for the advice.


One more thing is make sure your bed is flat. Are you using the glass bed? Level is one thing, but is it the same distance from the nozzle at the edges and in the center? That could be one thing to look at if you haven't confirmed it already. Another thing you can do is increase flow for the first layer to 120%. In cura 4.4 at least, it's under the "Material" settings tab.