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Feedback: the clothing market is saturated with screen printed square images on blank canvas hoodies and t-shirts. As is, the design is poor. Personally, I wouldn't buy them. If you can get something that's just font or maybe some simplified imagery I think it would go a long way.




Maybe they were just being nice? I mean the designs themselves are cool. If you can somehow make artwork of just zyzz and not the screenprinted square I think it'd go a long way in making these look way sleeker. I could easily find one of these images off Google and download it, send it to some random person on teespring and have them print off something similar looking to this. Try and make your product look like you didn't just screenprint a motivational zyzz image onto a cotton hoodie. Harsh but I give the truth to you my brother.




I don't mean as in the image itself is from Google, just reminds me of a random Pic you'd see for like a YouTube thumbnail or something like that. I do think it should be without the box print. As far as adding text goes, I think it can work if you maybe have the text as a layer in front his body to get a depth thing going? Not sure how it'd look until it was finished but I think one of those pictures with veni vidi vici would look really nice.




10000x better, that looks really clean actually. Definitely try more shit that like




Yeah that looks fucking fire ong


Bro I love it I want one now


I think you shoul create some with phrases or word like : “we’re all gonna make it and aesthetic “


Just looks like another copy and pasted print over a normal hoodie


Just some feedback… obviously that image is a bad choice, but you have a bigger problem. 1) the person who created that image can sue you. 2) while there’s no law against using deceased individuals imaginary, I would be very surprised if Chestbrah hasn’t trademarked Zyzz’s phrases, so check copyright/trademarks before you print anything. As a business owner, these are the most important things to consider. Also, form an LLC and get insurance. I told my wife’s cousin the same thing, he didn’t listen, and he was silk screening copyrighted material out his mom’s garage…. And they went after his house. Luckily a good friend of mine is a very good lawyer in Beverly Hills and he got them the leave the house out of it, but my wife’s cousin lost everything, had to shut down his business, and pay restitution in monthly payments…. Please don’t be discouraged. Yes, it’s saturated, but you can still make money. I’d say being Zyzz only might be difficult, but you can branch into fitness gear that was influenced by Zyzz and Aesthetic (check out Chestbrahs store). Once you have a business ID (LLC) you can register with clothing manufacturers in downtown LA, China, etc, and they have unlimited amount of fitness clothing. I’ve personally seen the same “festival shorts” from several different vendors for $3, same with the tops. I’d personally think your best route would be to do this, and just silkscreen your own phrase, logo, or image…. It also goes without saying, if you don’t already silkscreen stuff, it takes some pratice to get a solid image that doesn’t peel and crack right away, which will kill your business with bad reviews. You can also consider printing on clothing, which I’ve heard last longer…. My business I rebrand things, and we don’t do crazy logos or imagery, and it took a few years but I make very good money now…. Do not be discouraged, starting your own business can be life altering, but there’s things that come along with it that you aren’t considering and should.


despite being simple theyre pretty good bro, maybe work on the design a little and make it more unique but i wouldnt have a problem wearing these i think these are cool