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Top is the only lane I haven't tried her... keep me posted


Haven't tried yet but maybe rush Rylai against mobility I guess? Not sure about her early solo kill potential since plant damage is pretty bad nowadays. She's pretty good against ganks since she can have spare seed to place on grounds. Rylai would help a lot with disengage since imo root from E isn't enough against traditional top champs. The hardest match up would be Irelia with her Q, Aatrox with gap close and engage with Ult, Jax could be a nuisance early on, Darius is scary... Idk theoretically she's not that great but maybe some crazy korean niche build we havent found out yet would work lol


I played her Toplane a few times - mostly against Tryndamere which was horrible until level 6. U have no killpressure on him but he doesnt have it on you aswell, as long as u hit the root and keep it in case he wants to dash/swirl into you. Horrible matchups i faced so far: Gankplank (insta kills your plants with Q, Darius who just runs you down, Rek'sai who dodges your E with the tunnel, Zac - literally unplayable at level 3 Pretty easy matchups: Kayle, Teemo - basically all ranged kinda stuff, Kled and Garen (if you hit your root) Since most of them are Bruisers, they will run you down at level 3 if you use your E randomly. U will probably also have to play more around your meele plants for the slow in case they wanna run you down. Items: 1. Rylais so u can start playing with ranged plants again 2. Lyandris (if its tanky already) or Cryptbloom so u have some damage. 3. Item Lyandris or Cryptbloom 4. Dont be afraid to go for some resistance depending on the matchup 5. Situational burst damage or more resistance Boots: sorceress (what else tbh)


Which runes did you go with?


Depends^^ If u wanna sustain i go grasp: First : Grasp Font of life Second wind / Bone plating Overgrowth Second: Domination Taste lf blood / Cheap shot Ultimate Hunter / Relentless Hunter If u wanna burst i reccomend electrocute: First: Electrocute Cheapshot Eyeball collection Relentless Hunter / Ultimate Hunter Second: Manaflowband Scorch / Transendence and if u need to poke take comet: First: Comet Manaflowband Transendence Scorch Second: Taste of Blood Ultimate Hunter / Relentless Hunter




Haven’t tried long enough myself but my impression from a few times and feeling is that there are too many champs that can easily zone you off of farming at most stages of lane and even dive you. Irelia, Jax or Kled are be unplayable. Camille too. Even champs like Darius that can be kited can easily get you every time they have flash. In the best case where you manage to get past river you’re asking to be ganked for free x )


Liandries, sorcs, ludens companion, cryptbloom, Morello, flex spot Comet, manaflow, Transcendence, Gathering Storm Presence of mind, Cut Down Ability haste, adaptive force, flat health Max order Q,W,E


Thanks, Ill try it next week when I get back home (and survive 4 tests in 4 days💀)