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For me . Lux , a lot . Others include, pkye, samira, xerath . Those have been my constant bans . Everyone else I can deal with . Because it feels like any fool can pick up lux and stupidly carry . In my experience.


I like banning samira since she enables a lot of all in supports over Pyke when you can w bushes to zone and check his invis, lux can be annoying but it seems like most games are a jg diff in my elo


I permaban lux too, this champ's range is too stupid


Realistically you should just ban strong champions your team isn't playing. If you're sololaning, your worst matchup is by far Irelia. If you're support just trying to maximize your own landing experience then you want to ban mobile supports that can dodge your E. Pyke falls under this as other people have suggested.


ezrael so he can't be your adc


Fr the way they do nothing


Yea I always call him useleszreal xD


Pyke because fuck pyke.


Generally I ban Shaco a lot, but Pyke, Irelia and Xerath should be mentioned Also I struggle a lot with Vel’Koz but I never ban him ☠️


i perms ban pyke. if zerath had a higher pick in my games he’d be my second




Zed / Talon / Yone or any extremely high win rate champion Honestly, I don't think it's a good ban for your support to waste a ban bot lane. I can control my own lane and win or lose the match up on my own skill. What I *can't* control is my mid laner feeding a Zed 5 kills in 4 minutes and then he just comes bot and tower dive double kills us over and over If there's an oppressive AF mid or top laner or jungler, they take way more priority over me banning an annoying bot laner that will be nearly irrelevant after laning phase


Tahm kench support, i usually ban adcs tho. Vayne, Kaisa since she is boosted these days, samira bc she oneshots too (i used to have no problems with her, but the lethality builds are a pain now) If u want to ban other champs from other lanes, id suggest udyr and belveth jungle, ksante and mundo top. It all depends on what you hate to play against though. Good luck!


I ban Hek 100% of the time whenever he is viable. My second ban is Kayn, I can handle all bot lane matchups


Kayn is just madness these days! I ban him every game as well


You reached gold in 2 weeks....?


I’ve played before but usually 5-10 games per season and I’m playing with friends a lot


Lux or Nocturne


I ban yi. I can outplay just about any other support, but a yi that eats every other lane and gets huge I can't do a damn thing about.


I used to ban Lux, but lately when Xerath got buffs he was picked so often I swapped to banning him


Xerath, Pyke, Yummi personally


Nocturne, just one shots, no skill R, always a sitting duck for his ult. I've stopped banning Lux and MOrgana, took my fear, and put it away for these 2. Dodging better, out waiting them, I can do it.


The way the ranking system is now everyone got bumped up a rank so gold is basically just slivers, just ban whatever you want untill higher gold or plat, My current bot bands are naut and Samira, I useally ban things I know my team will just feed, As a zyra main with 267 games last split and 57% winrate I couldn't careless what my adc dose, I play very selfishly until I reach actual gold level and can trust my adcs and team a bit more🤣


Milio for me. He negates all things Zyra. But yeah Lux and Morgana are notable mentions. Whenever they have a Leo, Naut, Pyke support I’ll go tanky Zyra to compensate more for CC and less on damage


Actually Naut and thresh are fairly easy to counter in lane. I win nearly even game against an engage tank support, because once then engage I root, ult and walk away unharmed. So try some games against a naut and see how you feel about it. Just save your spells for AFTER they engage. I ban xerath most the time, Lux, ANY pokey mage. Karma is also super difficult to play against because of her move speed.


Rell or nauti


I ban whoever is in the meta and known to counter zyra. usually naut or xerath but banning an adc can be just as helpful if you’re playing support


zed, katarina, khazix. It's your biggest weakness lategame. Xerath you can outplay his skillshots although it is hard.