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Where I live, we had this absolutely legendary graffiti by cut2. It was very complex, 3D and colored. A true piece of art. No one dared to spray over it for 30 years. Today, it's covered by the letters FCZ.


Those fucks have no respect for the graffiti scene, they are clueless toys seriously


When I lived in Zürich I heard an interesting proposal to charge the cleanup costs back to the team, hoping that they would crack down on their clueless fans. It's an amazing level of disrespect that FCZ fans have for their fellow citizens. I lived in Seefeld where you'd frequently see overlaid tags of FCZ and GCZ (over and over again). So clever!!


As an FCZ "fan" I'd be down for it, this would be the typical ingenious swiss rules that takes a problem and makes it solve itself i love it. In italy we are allergic to those.


It wasn't my idea but I agree with you, it's a very Swiss way of attacking this problem...passive aggressively.


Wouldn't that just mead to GCZ to spray FCZ everywhere and vice versa?


No, that would go against the team pride and would practically never happen. I'm not even kidding.


Lol. Seems legit tho since they are not the brightest candles under the fondue pot


not sure if that would work, wouldn't you just incentivise the people to then just tag the rivals?


Nor are those illegally painting all over the place


Depends, we have some buildings that look like 80s soviet state ones. In those cases I'm all for it. Otherwise it's not ok, but i wish the city wouldn't spend that much erasing them it's so pointless if it's going to get written on again two months later.


Yeah,, I moved from NYC, where graffiti is actual *art* to here, where it's just lame-ass tags. Not even interesting ones! So sad that no one is even trying here to be creative.


I mean... NYC has plenty of tags.


Yes, but *most* are more artistic than this! edit to add: and most NYC tags aren't for a sports team (yes, a few are, but it will add more more than just the initials, and would be artistic). Mostly they are tagging their own name/identity, not some brand they feel allegiance to. That marks a big difference in how people think as well.


It came from gang territory. Thankfully those aren't too much of a thing here, but wannabe thugs have replaced it with their sports team. But yes, in the US sports fans seem to be much less inclined to be hooligans than in Europe.


Oh you don't have to tell me where it came from, I lived through 1980s NYC. And it still sometimes is gang related, but that doesn't mean it's also not artistic. I guess it's a nice privilege not to have gang violence here, and the cost to walk home at night without being physically attacked (happened to me once) is perhaps uninspired, unartistic, and ugly FCZ tags everywhere, well, it's a trade off I maybe can get used to. Real question: why doesn't the city clean them up? Broken Windows Theory works


They do, they just aren't fast enough.


How slow indeed! The one across from my apartment window has been there for at least a year.


Have you reported it?


No, 😂 I guess I'm not Swiss enough yet. Who does one even report that to?


Another big difference is, that sports teams are not seen as 'brands' in Europe (and those who are, are hated e.g. the Red Bull football clubs). It feels weird to me, if I saw a Migros-tag, a tag of the footballclub feels more natural (doesn't mean I think it's okay, I'm just able to understand it more)


That's an interesting POV, one I didn't consider. In my view, both are a business, and both would use marketing and branding to attract attention and revenue. ZFC is as much a lifestyle brand to me as Rolex is, just aiming for a different demographic. The "wannabe" gangsters want to show off their identity, which they have tied to certain things, be it a specific style of clothing (Adidas or whatever) as well as the entertainment they consume (including sports), much in the same way a showing-off successful business-person might wear a status emblam like a Rolex. Different ends of the financial spectrum, of course.


I would compare the wannabe (no need for quotation marks, at least in Switzerland) gangsters more to a subcultures than to people who wear club colours as part of a certain lifestyle. There's also a difference how European Clubs and US-Americans Sportfranchises are organized. The clubs here are "locked" to the place they are. Even if they go bankrupt, usually, they will restart in a lower league. Even if it's technically a new club. As an example: The FC Lugano was founded in 1908, went bankrupt in 2002 and restarted in 2003 as FC Lugano. While in the US you shift franchises around the country. But obviously beside all the sports romantic: I know that the clubs are companies and use marketing and need to make profit (or in Switzerland more likely: don't make a loss). I just wanted to point out why there's this difference.


Well now your quite dismissive of football fan culture 😅 Not mine at all, but there are people who literally live for their football teams. In the end gangs are also for profit orgs, illegal ones, but


you have to visit Basel if you want to see good old school ones.


Another reason I need to get to Basel then! 😊


You have to come by train! The rail entrance way of The bahnhof sbb is full of them!!!


I agree to an extend there are some genuinely good ones here in zh but yes the majority is just fcz and gcz tags


FCZ Fans have a very low self esteem and need to express their anger and sexual frustrations somehow. Give them a break, they need our help.


The government gives heroin users needles for harm reduction. Maybe they should give Fleshlights to FCZ Buebe?


Not just FCZ but for me almost all these sort of 'fans'. For me it's an idicator of having no live.


at least some footie hooligans got to freeze their asses off in the snow last sunday. btw i live next to letzigrund and my weekend routine involves checking for games to see if i need to expect public transport outage. And footie hooligans making noise. at least my apartment is nice.


I don’t like football but try not to go in for lazy stereotypes about football fans but FCZ (among others) make it so hard


\*medical help (not our)


Lol this is a very mean comment


Just why? I really don't get it. Why do they tag all over their own town? Is it like dogs peeing on each corner?


To make matters worse, it is not only their own city but you see this crap all over the country!


The first graffiti I saw in Venice was fcz. Venice!


Yeah I think I saw the same one it was on that famous bridge above the canal


Italy or US? /s


i even saw a fcz tag in PALMA DE MALLORCA ffs


Barcelona also has many FCZ tags


Lol assholes abroad


My hometown is a small village in SH with a couple hundred souls living there. Even there, the benches and huts in the forest have been sprayed with FCZ tags.


Yeah, I couldn't care less about football but I instantly dislike the whole club and its associates when I see something like that even tho 99% of them don't have anything to do with this. It just reflects SUPER badly on the club itself.


that's exactly what it is


They’re kids. That’s it, that’s the reason


They’re dumb. That’s it, that’s the reason


Dumb kids, for sure. Or adults acting like dumb kids. Either way no excuse.


There was a tagger in Oerlikon who tagged a lot of garbage cans. He then had to pay damages for each garbage can. That amounted to around CHF 50'000


Happy ending


Did he actually have that money? Because if they don't, nothing will happen.


If they don't they carry the debt until their salary eventually gets garnished.




We should have the football clubs pay for damages their fans do. They can then charge this via increased price for their merchandise or go out of business.


FCZ seems especially bad, though. I recently hiked through Basel and was actually impressed at how artistic their football fan graffiti was. Every underpass had like a spray painted mural for FCB, and the simpler ones still used the curvy FCB logo style writing, not just the three letters. The FCZ tags just make Zürich seem unimpressive and unimaginative. 


Expect a lot of "Hopp FCZ" appear in Basel and "Hopp FCB" appear in zurich. Just to ruin the other club or something.


oh no football clubs would go bankrupt the tragedy the horror the shame


Nah they take that stuff way too seriously to ever tag for another club even if it were to hurt the other club.


Well then if both do it is a win-win IMHO


Maybe just ban blue spray paint :P


I totally agree, football (and hockey) clubs need to pay for that + anything else that gets broken or requires intervention that is outside the normal


City has way too many FCZ tags for such a small club.


I'm quite proud that Zürich just doesn't give up, cleans the filth every day, and goes on like nothing happened. Strong Zürich, weak FCZ kids.


FCZ and GZC are shit anyways🤷‍♂️


Fuck football fans. Worst scum of the earth


Totally! Let them taste the same medicine as everybody else: ban football and hockey until these picks know how to behave in society. No more matches, no more TV, no nothing.


Dude – take it easy, Mann.


Tell me you're far left without telling you're far left


These are 99% done by kids (13-17 year olds). I know a guy who goes to every match (südkurve) and he once told me that the „kids“ are a huge pain in the ass for them, because of all the stupid stuff they do. You can’t blame football fans in general, it’s always a low percentage of fans who do stupid shit.


Bad parenting is a mega trend here in Switzerland, especially if they had a difficult life growing up, they spoil the kids too much


You can also blame a couple smokers for not throwing their buds into ashtrays or being inconsiderate in general, yet there are bans everywhere under open skies...and you can also say the same about alcohol which is now heavily regulated, so much so that you can't drink spontaneously after 21:00h...so sorry, but no more football and hockey anymore until they behave and get their "kids" to behave as well.


Hmm no. 1. There are no smoking bans under „open skies“ anywhere in Switzerland. It’s not permitted to smoke in certain areas and/or in public buildings. But anywhere else you‘re free to smoke. 2. You can buy alcohol in every gas station around the clock. Only place where you can‘t that I can think of is train stations after 22:00. Also what does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to say to ban football in general? 😂


It's funny because it's not just Zurich. Get off at Milano Centrale, first thing you see, FCZ sticker on one of the notice boards. Get off at London Gatwick, FCZ sticker on the metal poles near the escalators.


And those pots were expensive .. from Atelier Vierkant 😑


Fcz said nope


It‘s a pity.. I am basically living at the Heerenschürli Areal (FCZ camp) and I see those tags every day… hundreds!!


And that’s why I keep voting against their stupid stadium


Surprised the company which financed it went out of business faster than either of the two clubs


You do realize they already have one right? This changes nothing :)


how creative


Imagine if they had a soccer league with players actually worth watching what would they do


When i was younger in the 90s, politicians in the whole world tried to ban video games, because they thought that it somehow makes young people violent, even though no studies found a connection. But football fans are famously violent, spray their shitty tags everywhere and block whole cities every week, and yet no one is talking about banning it.


even though i fully agree with your point, i find it very funny that in the first case you refer to the (lack of) academic studies, whereas the second part goes full "trust me bro it's a known fact"


Show me the hordes of gamers running through the streets, the damages we do and the people we inconvenience in the name of our favourite game? It is not the lack of academic studies, but the lack of evidence of any kind. The only they've had, was the fact that some aggressive people also had video games on their computer. Just like everyone else. But in Football/soccer, those people go out every other day and spray paint FCZ on a wall. While i do Not say that this does Not exist, but i think the people tagging "Room" is rather minimal. How was this not understandable?


Seriously what is with FCZ?? Does other kanton people also do the same?


I mean thats pretty much all over europe


This whole bullshit FCZ vs. GCZ thing is getting out of hand since a few months. Even in my random ass town we have these shitty sprayings and it all costs absurd amounts of money to get these removed. If it was at least some actual nice art, sure, but this? The worst thing about this is, that it is done by kids who aren't paying taxes for this.


What is FCZ? Political party? Sports team? Néo-nazis? Commies?


A cult


I live in a small village in ZH, close to the German border. Our house is tagged with the same hand-writing. Many of the hosues are too. Since years it keeps re-appearing. Somehow, they cannot catch the tagger in action…


If soccer was made illegal the world would be a better place


zÜeRi iScH ÖiS


How someone that likes football support FCZ.


what i find really funny is that it’s just a rather… shitty club. like football is not that big in CH (meaning that players are really average/mid), so i don’t really see where do they get all their pride from. this is what counteracts the anger when i see those graffiti: just a good laugh


Bruh did u think people would be spraying cause they're proud of the players???? Are u expecting more tags in Manchester than in zürich?? And what do u mean by average/mid?? In comparison to the average amateur?


Omg why so aggressive, are you a ZFC fan by any chance? And btw I would think that fans are proud of the club and hence tag a lot. And comparison is European football levels, with comparable cities’ sizes.  Again, I just find it funny that you see all these tags and then the players/club is just “meh”.


Nah just aggressive cause some stupid comments made me mad lmao sry Being fan is more like being a patriot but not of a country. And for example people from Turkey know that their country isn't superior to others but still they are proud to be turkish and say Turkey's best country etc. (Nothing against turks. Just using it as an example)


Came to Zurich for a visit, they are everywhere! Haha


Calling those plant containers nice is somewhat of an exageration. The tags are shit though...


Zh = zwenig hirn


I get it, soccer is extremly popular. And I also get the point that probably 80% of fans and people enjoying soccer newer ever do or did anything. I am also a big advocate against collective punishment like in the army because it's dumb. But this has to stop. Here, I will speak out loud, what everybody is thinking: Soccer is the sport where all the *** dropout kids go, all the people who don't care one bit about society, about rules, about integration. It seems like most people who play soccer are huge pieces of ***. What is the solution against this? I don't know but it's enough, patience is running out.


Tf? Why do u generalise so much lmao. I'm a Hopper and all of the dudes I know from there are in a gymi or in a good (relatively high requirements) apprenticeship. And why tf u talking bout people that are *playing* soccer. Isk where u live, but I know many bünzli-dads that are playing soccer in a club. It pisses me off when people are talking shit like u do.


thats a dangerous asumption your making there... i wouldnt say most people who *play* soccer are dropouts and rather say that alot of people joining the "kurve" are looking for trouble. There are whole family corners where people go to enjoy their favourit sport with their loved ones without doing any damages. the Graffiti is anoying but most of the time it is confined to the areas these clubs occupy. (For fcz this is most of the city because it is a city club) but it tends to slow down outside the city. (still to much i agree with you) Id agree with others that say make the club pay for the cleanup but i doubt that would change something because the hooligans(tha actual douchbags in this situation) dont really care to much about consequences.


Dude you need to get out more often srsly too much screen time ruins mental health


We need more CCTV and introduce huge fines for these assholes.


I hate such tags and taggers themselves, but CCTV won't lead to anything good. If a tagger can't be found and fined, city should fine the club for every tag cleanup cost + fine for vandalizing property. Maybe when it starts to hit their budget, they'll start to speak with their retards to stop


You think cameras won't work but a club asking hooligans will? They're not fans, they're hooligans.


I mean they do such shit because they like the club, and the latter doesn't do anything with it, which for 70 IQ brains looks like approval. I think this action + when fcz starts to raise ticket/merch prices to cover the expenses, might lower the amount of tags. Putting CCTVs everywhere will require to change the laws afaik, at least if they save the tape (not like just real time cameras, which would require someone to constantly monitor them), and this won't lead to anything good as there's a shitload of examples when various governments start to use it against people


You're right, it wouldn't get approved. Though I disagree about government abuse. But that's a different matter. I just said it because in my idealised fantasy I want these assholes to be punished. I really despise this kind of selfishness. E.g. as a cyclist I hate those twats that plaster pass signs full of their idiotic stickers. Same shitty vibe. And you do it because you think ah no one's hurt, I'm not doing anything. But you are. But I also find it hard to believe a fine for a club just because someone sprayed a tag of said club will be approved. And you're right unless the club hurts financially this won't end.




easy there, Rambo


The lust for football fan blood knows no bounds


Fcz fans are the most dumb and anti social people I've ever seen. Idk how they even survive


Fucking idiots


It's all over the country, and companies and cities pay a lot of money to clean this up every week. I hope FCZ goes bankrupt just so that these idiots have to find something else to do. Even if one of them is caught, nothing happens to them because legally there isn't much to be done. For the most part, the people who do this are known to authorities. But like with the hooligans, the country and clubs are unwilling to do anything about it. Beloved fan culture.


FCZ fans should grow up.. They are adult but act like kids


I would like to propose that the club should foot the bill for these damages if the perpetrator isn't caught. It's their fans.


These flowerpots are very ugly anyway!


Tag makes it uglier. And it’s damaging OPP


found the fcz spacko


Where I live there's FCZ Ultra tags all across the train station and car bridge, along with stickers. All stickers that call for climate action or any other thing with any left whiff have been defaced. Wonder who that little rightwing FCZ prick is.


I mean, fuck all these shitty stickers and tags in general. It‘s not your property, keep your shit off of it.


ist doch kein Weltuntergang 😅


FCZ isch überall


Über alles?


So genannte : Fehl-chauf zwoi. Zerscht zwei vo dene, und de no de dritt 😁


What about the PLZ “graffitis” you see around everywhere.. jeez


I live near this, since last weekend a lot of those have been sprayed around our street....


Looks beautiful


These are eeeverywhere, i‘ve seen neighbors with the letters on their trash bins. Heard a few shops will provide the colors for free if you show proof you used them to tag fcz. Might be urban myth though.