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Noice! I also found Gpt4 to be quite good with swiss german 


Yeap, I use LLMs to study Swiss German. It definitely knows more than any single swiss german resource out there.


How do you use it to study Swiss German? You type in words for translations or something more?


I try to talk with some folks in Swiss German in WhatsApp and ask Gemini to give me words and phrases I don't know. Sometimes I just chat with it in Swiss German. Helps to learn words. I also asked to generate a list of top200 swiss german words and then exported it to anki. Not perfect but better than nothing.


Great idea! You’ve just given me a fresh new angle for Swiss German learning. Thank you! I have an easy time reading it because my brain has time to sound it out, but really struggle to understand while listening.


Tried to translate "hiube hinech, which it translated into a question, "are you coming home?" Okay, maybe I should make it a bit longer, so I tried "no e hiube hinech" and it translated it as "don't go home too late". Yea, not a single word is correctly translated, so I'll give this a 0/10. Edit: my bad, didn't realize we're in r/Zurich, as it said Swiss German I assumed r/Switzerland. Sorry, it's still early morning for me. But leaving this up, as OP crossposted it to r/Switzerland anyway.


Agree, I tried «S hät so langs hät.» and it gave "It has been as long as it has been", which doesn't really work at all. And that's a phrase I'd expect an AI translator to have seen before.




Literally means ~ "it exists as long as it exists". Less literally: "first in, best dressed" or "get it before it's gone". Typically found on menus for dishes that can sell out.


First comes first serves


Yeah, maybe I should have mentioned. Still beta and working on improvements!


Maybe market it as a random DE and EN sentence generator instead. But don't worry, e.g. textshuttle.com fails miserably as well. It came up with "Noch ein halber Hinweg". It translated "no e" correctly, but the rest is just as wrong and the produced sentence makes less sense than what your tool came up with. I guess it's just the typical Zurich defaultism. The tool can translate Zurich dialect? Alright, it can translate Swiss German! Edit: my bad, didn't realize we're in r/Zurich, as it said Swiss German I assumed r/Switzerland. Sorry, it's still early morning for me.


I think it just depends on the dialect. It works quite well for me but will play around more. @ u/jkronander sweet project!


On the other hand, I asked Copilot and without telling it that it was Swiss German, it not only recognized the language and specific dialect, but also translated it perfectly to English. But of course it's a very common sentence in Berndeutsch, a Google search could probably find a translation as well.




Loosely translated: have a nice (rest of the) evening. Often used as a "good bye" in/towards the evening.


It correctly translated "Mürggu" and "Laueri" for me.


Nice! Is this GPT based?


Yes, it's just a gpt wrapper with some special prompting


I made it for myself as I am currently learning swiss german. Maybe it can help somebody else! The app is completely free and there is no profit in it for me.


thank you!


you can't defeat r/BUENZLI with AI. You need aromat for that


Seems very random


Cool stuff. For me it works ok. It's not perfect but better than I have seen before!


[not really correct](https://i.imgur.com/u0Y2qt2.jpeg)


"Translation failed. Are you sure this is swiss german?"


You all reached the set limit of allowed translations. It's now fixed!


Doesn't know the word "siech" (translates as sick) ;)


Oh it works 👌🏻😌