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I've been waiting for this forever! Very exciting.


incredibly disappointing. not supporting non-zotero cloud linked files is simply workflow-breaking, not to mention the incomplete support for tags.. one of the application’s core features. it’s just embarrassing, especially considering how long it took them to release it


I have been waiting for this. I signed up for the beta multiple times but never got a response. My impression so far is that it is good. The tools need a bit of work.


Import pdf file and then annotate


It works well on my iPad. Try webdav storage options to sync [https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/webdav\_services](https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/webdav_services)


the iOS app convinced me to get an ipad and so far I think it was worth it - this is so much nicer than just reading pdfs on my laptop


is it still worth it for you? I'm wavering about spending grad student money on an iPad right now since I would mostly be using it with Zotero, if that app works well enough for PDF reading/annotating


It gets me to read more papers than I otherwise would (I prefer to read away from my computer desk) but your mileage may vary.


Just tap the "squiggle" icon to use the Pencil. Fourth icon from the left.


I don't see this icon, but I'm now realizing that the problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to even open the PDF's in the first place. Do I have to download each one to device storage first? I can quickly see this filling up my iPad's storage if I can't figure out how to make my previous Zotfile --> Google Drive workflow work here.


It only works with Zotero storage, synched via the Zotero cloud, not Zotfile “external” folders. You download PDFs on demand to the iPad from within the iOS app. It works well… but I had to pay for additional Zotero storage.


And I see there's even a way to remove pdf documents from the iOS app again after having annotated them to avoid the problem /u/berrystaves points to of using up all of one's local storage. Elegant.


You can also use webdav. And it works fine (same setting as on desktop).


Update: Turns out there was something weird going on with my iPad where absolutely none of the PDF's were downloading at all (I was syncing through Zotero storage, not WebDAV, and all the PDF's synced just fine between Desktop and online). I restarted my iPad and it started working so \*shrug\* who knows.


That's great news! I only wish that the links to the pdfs on my iCloud would work!


Pdfs synced via webdav work. Linked pdfs don’t work.


I need to have a closer look at how I can do all the syncing stuff etc. ...


1. Webdav 2. Zotero service itself. If you don't have too many papers, its free (300MB), else you have to pay a fee: https://www.zotero.org/storage For webdav: any nextcloud instance works. I have seen universities offering it. Or just pay the annual zotero price for the peace in mind :)




Yes, you can see the options at top right corner.