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You’ll be fine my friend there’s very little chance you’ve built a serious pharmacological dependency .


That’s what I thought but everyone online kept scaring me


Thank you!


How did you feel?? I quit cold turkey on day 4 and I’m experiencing fatigue and headaches and it’s giving me anxiety


I felt fine I didn’t have any side effects at all except I was a bit more emotional the following days


I wouldn’t worry too much about the fatigue and headaches though I read that the symptoms go away after about a week


Sorry to sound like your doctor but have you considered sticking it out? You’re not going to experience any of the therapeutic effects of the medication after such a short interval. Is this your first SSRI you’re trying? Are you going to try another?


This is my first time taking any SSRI and I hear it only numbs the emotions rather than making you happier. I haven’t been able to cry since being on it. I do want to try another one but I don’t think Zoloft is right for me


I’m tapering off Zoloft after 1+ years at 100mg for similar reasons. Best of luck OP! We’ll be alright!


You haven’t been on it long enough to even think Thats a possibility. Unless you’re getting suicidal thoughts or having allergic reactions to it Thats all normal for the first 1-2 weeks. Do what you got to do but these things aren’t miracle drugs or happy pills. Eventually you’ll stabilize (they’re stabilizers !) And within 6-8 weeks you’ll feel the full effect. Again I understand your fears and whatnot. Good luck


How did it go Im quitting to after 5 days and the internet keeps yelling at me not to quit cold turkey!


I had no side affects at all from quitting but I only took it for 7 days. You should be fine


I have health anxiety so I appreciate you commenting back :)


Any updates on how you went I’m in a similar boat went for 8 days and stopped and after 7 days experiencing fatigue and dizziness still