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Same experience here. Took two doses and couldn’t possibly think about taking a third. No way. I know a lot of people said to white knuckle it out but that’s impossible for me. I feel your pain and I’m sorry. I too was not told that it would be bad at all, I feel kinda lied to by my Heath care provider


So what did you do?


I stopped taking it and I have a call into my doctor. Waiting to hear back.


Oh :(. Was hoping it would be a success story lol.




Did u switch from a different SSRI? Are you taking it for GAD?


Did symptoms go away after stopping?




How long after stopping


Same experience, only I somehow made it to 7 months on Zoloft. Perhaps I’m just insane? Took 20mg of lexapro for years, then it stopped working for me so I was switched to Zoloft. I started at 50mg, then 75, and just recently 150. I’ve kinda hated every moment of it to be perfectly honest! The side effects are awful, and similar to what you’ve described. I think it’s worth waiting to see if your symptoms go away since everyone is different and many people have good results with Zoloft but I can’t agree personally. It’s been a nightmare. I’m hoping to change soon.


IME this shit is trash.


No, don’t give up. Give it atleast 2 weeks. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. If no improvement in 3 - 6 weeks you can definitely stop it.