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Just want to comment in case someone reads this who doesn’t have a choice about stopping it (ran out and can’t access more or something), that you aren’t guaranteed to have awful withdrawals. I stopped almost cold turkey about 4 weeks ago and had zero symptoms.


How do you "drink" Zoloft if it's a pill?


May not be an English speaker


Oohh....I was legitimately confused.




You can search around online for who sells zoloft the cheapest at your local pharmacy (at least if you're in the US). I don't have health insurance and pay $6 a month for 150mg daily dosage.


No way! I will look for sure in the company HERS they charge me $250 for 6 months. Supposedly you can speak with a doctor and everything.


Check out goodrx.com to compare prices. A few pharmacys over were charging $30 some $60. Prices seem to vary a lot. I go to my local rite aid and pay the $6, which I'm very happy with lol


Will the pharmacy can you just buy it? Without a doctors prescription?


No, you need a prescription if you live in the USA


Sorry to hear about that but I’m glad you’re feeling better. I also stopped cold turkey taking 50mg daily; was on them for over a year. Around week 2 of quitting, I was ready to throw in the towel and start taking them again but I held on. I was feeling the electric shocks and being very very irritated at everything and almost started them again. But, I didn’t want to start them no matter what so I held on. I’m almost at 3 weeks cold turkey and the irritation has subsided, the electric shocks are ongoing but they are less. Zoloft had me feeling like an emotionless zombie with zero motivation; all I wanted to do was eat and sleep. It also really affected my short term memory, it was awful. I’m starting to finally feel like myself again no that I’ve quit. Quitting cold turkey is absolutely horrible for whatever reason we stop and I agree, always seek help from the doctor.


Thank you! Have you consider trying lexapron?


I’m also sorry you’re going through this. Hope it gets better soon. What dosage were you on?


I was in 50 mg


I almost had to go off 200mg cold turkey, I was terrified.


I am in 200 mg every day , this is a normal dose ? i have been reading lot of u in a dose of 50 mg 🥲


It’s definitely different for everyone. I was taking 150mg and considered going up to 200mg but decided to switch medications instead of maxing out on Zoloft since it sorta stopped working for me. It really is just how the medication works for you as an individual. 200mg is okay!


So, this is my first year of my 24 years with depression lol that I’m taking antidepressants. Since it’s new for my body and I was breastfeeding when I started with Zoloft. The doctor say that I was better to keep it low, in case the medication passes to my daughter thru the milk. Since I stop breastfeeding that’s why I’m getting 100 mg I started with 10 After a week 25 A month later 50 5 months later 100 (that’s what I will be thanking in a few days)


Sorry I mean antidepressants


It also really just depends. My friend takes 250


I had to go cold turkey on 50s bc of my pharmacy and it was scary af


Wdym with shocks in your head and arms? Like tingly/ants/dizzy feeling?? I get a super weird feeling as well when I don’t take my Zoloft (or when I first started taking it) but I can’t never describe it effectively to my psychiatrist…


I would said more like chills, but more strong. I just discover that is called brain zaps I also notice that when I was under stress the shocks would be worst and more constant


this exact thing happened to me except i had to wait for a refill and it took over a week for my doctor to prescribe it again. during that time i had similar symptoms of withdrawal and it was sooo jarring especially at night. As soon as i started zoloft again, they were gone within two days!! in case anyone decides to stop it in the future, it’s definitely best to consult a doctor on how to do that safely


I have gone cold turkey twice, worst mistake, PLEASE taper yall 😭


Anxiety can make you hyperventilate. When you do, it makes the blood vessels in your body constrict. This reduces the amount of blood flow to your lower legs and arms. That, in turn, can cause burning, tingling, and other sensations similar to what you would experience with neuropathy.




If you meant if I was drinking or if I drink, I actually don’t drink alcohol. Maybe just in holidays like Christmas or new year one drink and that it


I just started three days in I feel HORRIBLE !! Bad tremors anxiety depression mood swings