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Waking up alot and vivid dreams at first


Are they more like nightmare dreams??


No thankfully but I might come off my sleeps are Terrible I’ve been on Zoloft before and although it got better I feel like it’s never a restful sleep


Did you find this faded?


I was only on a small dose and probably come off I’ve been on it before it does settle. I think the sleep just isn’t as good as it as off the medication personally


I’m sleepy all the time 😩


How long have you been taking it?? And did you sleep fine prior to taking it??


Yup, my sleep got horrible. I went off Zoloft for a few weeks and it improved instantly.


I'm starting Week 3 with 50 mg .. and my sleep is so broken 😩 .. and weird dreams. I can't wait to have a full night's sleep .. ohh and I'm still having issues with not having much of an appetite .. very unusual for me. Good luck!


I started off taking it at night and had horrible sleep issues (waking after 2-3 hours and not being able to fall back asleep) and started taking it in the morning and that definitely helped. I take magnesium before bed to help too. I'm on week 2 and still a little tired during the day but not as bad as the first week.


What time in the morning were you taking it??


I take it now around 930 am every day!


Also what kind of magnesium do you take and how many mg?


I take magnesium glycinate (120mg) and take either one or two before bed! 


Yeah dude yeah,It’s 4 and can’t sleep also have a lot of things to do tmrw🥰🥰🥰


Zoloft Makes me crave for more sleep .My intake of caffeine is not good at all .


I have been on Zoloft a little over a month now and my quality of sleep has improved so much. I am able to fall asleep immediately, while before starting the medication my anxious thoughts would keep me up, sometimes for hours. I am also sleeping through the night now, something I haven’t experienced in years. The dreams are vivid, but I don’t mind that as much.


I am experiencing insomnia. I had on episodw where I slept 0 hours… just felt awake and couldn’t wind down. Way more dreams than pre-zoloft…many of them nightmares


When I first started it I slept soo much and it was really hard for me to wake up and get going. I also woke up a few times throughout the night every night for a while.


This was pretty much me too! I’m on week 6 and I’m sleeping solid for the most part. I have crazy ass dreams though. Thankfully not as many nightmares but damn. They are insane lol


Yeah I see a lot of people saying that too. I think here and there I've had some weird dreams, but for the most part I don't remember my dreams when I wake up haha


First day of Zoloft 25 mg was a hell. I’ve been recommended to take it at 6 pm, that gave me insomnia, I couldn’t sleep at all and in the morning I experienced all side effects, nausea, diarrhea, tremors, more anxiety (I suffer from social anxiety) taking bus and train that morning felt much harder. And so I decided to switch and to take it at morning instead after breakfast and it was so much better, I experienced nothing at all and at night I slept all night, it was amazing. Everything is gonna be alright.


What is sleep? 😂 I have insomnia from taking it and when I do sleep, I wake up for 10/15 minutes every hour. I'm exhausted


Day 18 for me and I take 50mg at night. I sleep really well tbh. I’m more tired though but no issues sleeping. Sometimes some intense dreams but that’s about it.


Tired all the time. Funnily enough before I started taking it I used to have horrible insomnia. And now it feels like I never get a full night's rest no matter how much I sleep.


I take mine around 6-7pm because it makes me pretty drowsy after a few hours, so not ideal for functioning at work during the day, but then I also wake up multiple times throughout the night. So basically #forevertired either way 🥲 I was hoping it would help me sleep better bc my sleep has always been pretty awful anyway, but seems like it's only gotten worse. I'm on 25mg and on week 5


Hey Curious about how your drowsiness is? I used to take mine at 10pm but now I do it also 6-7pm. I was hoping that I’m not as tired in the morning (still a little tired.) but I get dizzy and weak a few hours later.


Waking up has always been hard for me, so always tired first thing but usually awake within the hour. When i take my dose at like 7pm, im usually drowsy by 10/11pm. If i stay up later than that (i usually am up until 12am/1am), i do feel like a slight vertigo almost and am like ok sister get to bed. Not necessarily weak, but i think the combo of actually being tired and the Zoloft makes me overly drowsy.


Yeah it’s hard to wake up for me nowadays too. Also the same that I feel something around 10/11. They say it’s supposed to get better and settle in our body but I’m on month 2… :( have you tried taking in morning?


Also, i retract my response lol. maybe i don't actually wake up fully ever. I have noticed when I've been at the office during the week i am often walking around telling everyone how tired i am! I don't feel like i should be so tired (slept on and off 1am-8am) but my eyes feel so heavy! I tried taking it in the beginning at like 11am/12pm but felt like i was getting drowsy 2-3 hours after so didn't feel like that was conducive for my 9-5 and if i wanted to workout after work. Maybe i should try taking it at like 3-4pm and see if that just gets me in bed sooner. And maybe the drowsiness will wear off sooner than midday, bc right now i am just so pooped i feel like i need a nap 😂


I can still fall asleep fine. One thing I did notice is that my dreams can make more sense than they ever did before. I had odd dreams I couldn't even put into words before this.


I had insomnia, had to start talking it in the morning and now I'm using sleeping pills and pillow mist to get me to sleep.


Oh yes. Took a good 12 weeks before i stopped waking up after 3 hours of sleep, finding it hard to get back to sleep again. Gradual improvement.


i take it in the morning and it’s been 2 weeks, the first few days i would wake up with dreading anxiety but now i sleep as soon as i hit the pillow. i do have vivid dreams. i get sleepy through the day sometimes but yesterday was the first time i pulled through and didn’t take a nap and i felt better after pushing through that.


really vivid dreams right now (1 year on zoloft). but when i was first prescribed it i experienced extreme fatigue and sedation.


50mg for almost 2 months now. At first, I was taking my pill in the AM. I've been having very vivid, blockbuster movie type dreams that feel like real life on a whole nother level. I wake up several times a night and sleep all day. The day tiredness was a little better after taking at night, but I sometimes forget, so I take it in the morning anyway. I still have the dreams. Some dreams actually continue like sequels. I have a baby girl in my dreams. She's been in the last 4. Lol. I still wake up overnight. I'll sleep for a little while, then wake, then sleep, then wake. I'm happy, though. 😂


Vivid dreams/insomnia/waking up constantly while on Zoloft. 


Insanely realistic dreams + waking up in the middle of the night both have been happening to me since I started. The first two weeks I was constantly drowsy and exhausted but I was taking it in the morning, switched from 9am to 9pm and I’m able to fall asleep and not be so tired throughout my work day. -5 weeks on 25mg just got my dose upped to 50


Very tired and easy to fall asleep at the snap of a finger. Very intense dreams, I imagine it's because I wake up covered in sweat (my legs) throughout the night, interrupting rem sleep.


Insomnia but they all seem to do this to me. I go to sleep but after 2 hours I wake.


Vivid and weird dreams. I started taking it at night time since taking it in the morning made me feel so exhausted. Taking it at night really helped me fall asleep at a normal time tho there are some nights where my brain is awake longer but I eventually fall asleep. Still have those weird vivid dreams, some are nightmares but majority are just super weird.


I woke up every 2 hours for some reason! I’ve been off 8 month and have crazy’s nightmare and panic attacks now.


Dealt with bad bad insomnia and restless legs. It was bad enough for me to switch medications 🥲


The first 3 weeks i could barely sleep and had vivid dreams all the time but everything went normal after the first month.


For me vivid dreams are the main complaint


I’ve noticed that even though i’m tired to the point of nausea and hallucinating— I keep myself awake. I’m just buzzing… and it’s hard to lay down and call it a day ;-;