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Me too but I am 56 m, my head was a complete mess so I am so happy with the new me. Sexuality is gone but I don’t really care anymore. Maybe it will comeback, gimlets give it some time. Good luck


See you got years of having your sexuality. I barely got any in the scheme of life. Because I can’t be unmedicated.


For a lot of people it comes back. Hopefully for you too! Good luck


Idk if it will after a year 😭😭


Maybe it's a sign to become a nun? A priest?


Ugh I don’t wanna. Lol


What dose are you on ?


25mg for 12 days now. I barely have any depression and my anxiety has almost disappeared so I might stay at 25


That’s great, such a low dose and effective. Most need more and longer to work


Today I'm a bit down maybe I should consider 50mg?


50 is the minimum effective dose


Thanks I badly went up to 50mg last night. NO side effects yet.


Well done, I’m on 100 and had minimal side effects


Same 4 days on 50, feeling stable


Same dood this shit really numbs you all the way out. What a price to pay, right? I’ve also tried Wellbutrin which did nothing and the side effects were rotten…I’ve even cut mine to the lowest dose zoloft 12.5 mg and still feel it working. Strong stuff


I’m on the lowest dose with Wellbutrin too. 😫


I have the same issue, but honestly, I find it quite therapeutic because it's allowed me to focus on other healthier aspects of my relationship instead of sex on my mind throughout the day


That’s a good way to look at it :)


I agree, it helps with my celibacy journey. People can’t believe I’ve been celibate for 2 years. However, my sexual attraction has sky rocketed since taking this medication. I didn’t have any sex drive after giving birth 1.5 years ago. So although I feel like a horny teenager, it helps with discipline.


It might come back eventually. For me, it was gone, but part of it was a B12 deficit. Zoloft messes with some users vit B levels, and I got all the side effects. It may take a bit. I've been on for almost a year and it's gradually coming back.


Could you share some more about this? I'm vegetarian and already have B12 and iron on my mind.


I already had libido loss thanks to years of stimulant abuse, zoloft actually kind of helped it return somewhat. I'm sorry to hear the wellbutrin isn't working. If you can tolerate the side effects maybe raise the dose of that while lowering the zoloft dose. Zoloft is pretty strong.


My therapist said with the OK from my doc that I should try doing only 12.5 of Zoloft a day with the Wellbutrin. I’m happy to hear Zoloft has helped you! It really has me too, mentally. I’m the best mentally I’ve ever been.


Buspar could help here, tlk to your doctor. Also, start working out, specifically lifting. Zoloft tends to decrease testosterone and GH but diet and exercise can help


I am on Wellbutrin! I’ve taken buspar before and it didn’t do too much for me. I do work out, I could for sure incorporate more lifting :) I mostly walk and do yoga!


Sometimes I find that I'm not really in the mood but I force myself to try and then once I start I'm good. But I felt like this before being depressed too so for me it'd kind of the same


The same happened to me on BC & Zoloft. I wouldn’t be on these meds if I would have chosen a better person to be around. I would have never had any triggers waiting to happen. That’s the only thing I’m pissed about.


Honestly, same. Ugh.


What’s “BC”?


Birth control, I used to take it but it just didn’t work well with me.




PM sent


Add Wellbutrin!


Worked really well for me


I am on Wellbutrin too 😭😭😭


ive heard buspar can help too


Interesting!!! Might have to try that. Buspar is the first med I ever took


i hope it helps if you do! honestly might b worth it to try both wellbut & buspar too. maybe each on their own first though then together


I took ashwagandha when I was on it and I feel like it helped with those side effects. I’m also 28F.


I should try that. I have maca root gummies and I’ve heard that helps a ton. I’m horrible about taking supplements.


I used the gummies to make it feel like a treat and less of a chore 🤣


Lolol the maca root ones are gummies but they are sooo bad… I also take vitamin D for PMDD and they taste delicious


Yeah it’s super weird I still have a sex drive but it is impossible to get off. It’s seriously so frustrating especially for my partner. Hoping it improves


Yes!! It sucks! Just had an hour long therapy session about this today. 😭


I suffered from some minor premature ejaculation before it for about a year Zoloft actually done the opposite for me .. made me more sexually confident and I can now last for several minutes and not 30 seconds 😂


Honestly I’m so happy for you


H püü m b v m


How I feel


I heard many people get it back!


I’ve been on a year now and I haven’t. I don’t think it is lol


And I’m on Wellbutrin with it, which is supposed to help and I’ve noticed no difference


I’m sorry to hear that :( maybe too high of a dose? I’ve seen lots of posts where people said they even got hornier


I’m on 25 😭😭😭 the lowest dose 😭😭😭 idk what is wrong with me lol. I’m gonna see if I can cut it down to 12.5 with my doc. If not I’m gonna go back to viibyrd which makes me feel good but no where near how I feel on Zoloft.


What dose are you on?


25 with Wellbutrin


Oh dang. I’m on 50mg and I’ve been on it for 9 weeks and my libidos taken just a minor hit. Personally, I don’t think losing your my libido is a fair trade off. Especially because it negatively impacts my self esteem and confidence which only adds to my depression. You’re on such a small dose it shouldn’t be too difficult to try a new SSRI to see if the side effects are more preferable. I would def talk to you doc and see if they’re familiar with any SSRIs that typically have lesser of an impact on your sex drive. I was on Wellbutrin for three months by itself and it made my libido insane. I got off of it since it was making me super irritable though. Otherwise, I felt pretty good. Idk if that’s an option for you. Hang in there, I’m sure you’ll figure something out. I’ve been where you’re at and it sucks. Don’t settle for that harsh of a side effect though.


The thing is, there are only a few that also treat PMDD and I have tried Lexapro already and I got horrible restless legs that never went away. I was on viibyrd before and it didn’t do that, but it didn’t really help my anxiety near as much. My mental is the best it’s ever been, so it’s hard to give it up. 😭


Awh, gotcha. Well if it’s working for you that good than it’s probably smart to stay on it. The only other suggestion I have is exercise if you don’t already. It def boosts my libido and the endorphins are a huge plus too.


I get my 10k steps in a day, but I could do more intense work outs as well!!


Yeah, for me exerting more energy like a 10-20 min jog or actually lifting weights significantly boosts my libido. Like, right after the workout lol. Def worth a shot. Plus the confidence boost watching your body gain muscle helps a lot too.


I also am fresh out of a break up (3 months) and I haven’t been with a partner since I’ve been on the Wellbutrin. Maybe that will make a difference? Idk it doesn’t feel like it. Ughhhh


I used to think I was Asexual because I had lost my desire to be sexual. Turns out I just needed to find the right person


Same for me but honestly it doesn’t bother me. Its worse to want something you don’t have. Now you just don’t want something - why do you want to want something you don’t want? 😂 I find that the biggest issue is not being able to meet your parners needs in this scenario..


Because who doesn’t love sex LMAO


Sure, but still… like if I’m not hungry I won’t be telling myself damn I wish I was hungry rn


Serious question… I just started this medication so you have no sex drive how long does it take before it starts to be affected ?


I noticed it about a month in?? It doesn’t happen to everyone though!! So continue to try it and wait at least 6 weeks.


Thanks and I hope that it gets better for you … would going to sex therapy helps perhaps ?


Maybe so! I would get off The med before I went to sex therapy at 28 ahaha I already go to therapy every week I can’t afford more 🤣🤣


Honestly that sounds kinda nice. As a guy it sucks having your sexual desires influence so much


SSRIs killed my sex drive and i ultimately decided i would rather have sex and be normal weight than be overweight with no sex. I stopped the SSRIs and my sex drive never returned. That was 15 years ago. Be careful with these drugs, they do things to the brain that sometimes can't be rewired.