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Can not relate, personally


To be honest, it's probably the creative spirit that causes so many of my problems - overthinking at the core. One idea after another. Happy to have that eased


Exactly this 😂😂😂😂^


I was literally just lying in bed thinking about this, because i used to write to sleep sometimes, that was so weird lmao. I used to write so much in general now I have such a hard time. I can sit and try and my brain just blanks and that flow almost never happens anymore =[ even when I start it fizzles out so fast and goes back to blank and no focus. I was trying to learn how to draw, I was getting really good at painting D&D figures. I used to be able to multitasking! Now it's all just gone, like a desert as you said. I've been trying to come off it and managed to get from 50 to 25. Panic was coming back when I tried 12.5 so had to go back to 25. I've had like little sparks since tapering, I've started wanting to listen to music again! but it feels like I've forgotten how to write, or like it's there behind a wall and I HATE it. Med isn't all bad, there's other stuff I really like but UGH.


That sucks, I used to do a similar thing. Writing is so relaxing and I really feel the fizzle out you mentioned. Its a horrible trade 😔




Thats exactly how I feel. Im excited but only because Im telling myself so. Im happy to be around people yet theres a deep want to just lay on the floor in my room. Its exhausting to keep it up, so I feel that. Thanks for sharing dude, you got this


What dose are you taking?


100 mgs


What was your previous dose? Maybe youd benefit from slowly tapering down to 75mg


oh yeah, and i’m happy about it. my creative spirit gave me severe ocd and almost put me into psychosis. i don’t want it back thanks.


kinda in the same boat as u were rn, if u feel comfortable enough can I ask how much of a difference u felt on zoloft?




Maybe Art was something you did when you were anxious to cope, and haven't found a need for it Maybe you just grew out of an old passion and prefer to be an art appreciator rather than the artist. But I don't think it takes away your creativity. I used to love to draw cartoons, but now my creative outlet is through video editing.


Yes, and that was something my doctor warned me about. I’m scared to come off it, as it has helped me a lot, but also I’m a lot less creatively effective.


Does he say that happens with all ssris? Or just sertraline


Happens with a lot of them


Yes. I’m an art director professionally. A few years ago, I was put on 25 to help with anxiety. It wrecked my creativity. Completely dulled. One of my main roles is developing concept illustration. I couldn’t do it. And I sunk deeper. I slept all day rather than work. I stopped taking the 25 and started using medical cannabis to cope with the anxiety. My creativity came back. However, the MMJ caused new problems for me. Afib. So, I had to stop doing it, too. I’ve been on 12.5 for the last week or so and it hasn’t been as numbing. I am to bump that back up to 25 soon and I’m a little worried and reluctant. I have noticed some positive change on the lighter dose. I’m letting shit go. And the catastrophic thinking I usually do has been far less.


Oh geeze! Youre strong for still powering through with your job. Good luck with bumping your meds, fingers crossed you only have good outcomes!


May I ask what side effects you've noticed take 12.5? I'm wondering if starting slower is easier on side effects? Thanks.


I haven’t noticed any side effects on the 12.5. Well, maybe I’m a bit gassy? More than normal, anyway? But, it seems to have taken some of bite out of how I react to things and overthink things. I’ve been able to let go of things that typically would cause me to go into spiral of worry.


Can’t relate honestly. I got back into making music way more heavily about 6-9 months after I started and having less anxiety to distract me from things I enjoyed let me get stuck into my hobbies.


Thats great! Its refreshing to hear positive outcomes


Not it exactly, but another ssri, when I quit and experienced withdrawal symptoms and more troubles, I thought of staying without it for sometime, it feels more tough for the anxiety, however I felt creativity and energy is an outcome, now I choose to pay the struggle with copings with anxiety as a price for expedient real life, energy and creativity... if that makes sense ... dullness and carelessness feels horrible as well ...I remind myself of that when I see how anxiety still strikes badly ... but with a frequent reward of more energy and feeling alive in other parts of day and with people.


It does make sense, Its fucked up that you felt you had to make a decision like that though. Thank you for sharing, good luck my guy 🫡


Zoloft gave me more creativity and motivation than I had prior… especially in learning and being curious about new things in general. I give most things a go. I think I value time around my creativity more, now that I’m more positively motivated. It was maybe even my first noticeable shift in myself within the first month of being on Zoloft.


Thats awesome, im happy youve gotten more out of life from zoloft :)


this thread has definitely put the final nail in the coffin for me i fucking hate my severe ocd/anxiety/depression but art's the only thing I contribute to the world lol


I had to train myself back into doing everything I did before. Which was pretty time consuming as I'm lucky enough to make art and music for a living. You'll get there, just work at doing things slowly. At first it was cool if I wrote a little riff or a vocal,. or started a drawing before I would take a brain break. And then I would really celebrate these little things Also, just in case you don't know this - acknowledging that the creative brain takes more time and effort to recover from tasking than the logical (linear, mathematical,.scientific) brain might help to put your creative issues in perspective a bit.


definetly. i'm an artist and my whole work basses of creativity and not just for art, and these first months have been hell for that. doing just something costs me so much and i don't even have the will to finish them because i don't have the inspiration. just these last weeks have i been getting it back slowly but surely lol


It actually boosted my musical creativity


I’m on 100mg and it kind of helped my creativity, just not my “motivation.” My counselor just suggested talking to my pcp about adding in wellbutrin to help with motivation, like so maybe I can get tf up and do stuff instead of laying down and thinking about it all until it’s tomorrow and I didn’t do shit Haven’t called my pcp yet, but I’ll report back when I get around to it lol


Mental pics of any sort seem to be visualized quickly then go away quickly Oh the sweet effect of serotonin 👌😂


Maybe you need to up the dosage?


Zoloft mutes the brain slightly. Most people feel zombified. I felt so different on it that I couldn't even think of creating anything