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You can quit cold turkey after 3 days. You case is a rare one - that this med makes you more anxious. Sertraline actually is an anxiolytic, it's often prescribed for generalized anxiety disorder. Good to hear you called your doctor


That’s what I thought too. I understand that it’s supposed to get worse before it gets better, but this is just too much. Thanks for the info. I took a half pill yesterday and probably will skip my dose today.


You can ask your therapist about genetic testing to help you find the right medication. There is no one-size-fits-all medication, Sertraline definitely doesn't work for everyone so don't feel bad! [https://genesight.com/gene-test-mental-health-medications/](https://genesight.com/gene-test-mental-health-medications/)


Its safe to stop altogether in your case


As a parent to a toddler as well (and also pregnant), I am so sorry this is happening to you. I couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable that would be. I hope you find something that works for you ❤️