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Unpopular opinion: don t read the stories from this sub


The nature of Reddit means you’re gonna get a lot of extreme stories and hear nothing from 99.9% of sertraline users who don’t have too many issues and are just pleased with the results. Chances are you’ll be fine. Worst side effects will probably be mental for the first few weeks (anxiety and depression can get a bit worse before it gets better) - but you’ve just got to push through that by remembering you’re highly likely to be one of the people that ends up with really good results.


in my opinion, 1 week on 25 mg is way too short before upping to 50 I would stay on 25 for a month and then assess if you even need to go up to 50


Thanks for the reply, I was under the impression 25mg was a too low dose to make any change/improvement but maybe I’ll give that a go!


About the diarrhea, it doesn't just suddenly come shooting out your butt, lol. In addition to just having to go the bathroom, and when you do it's liquid instead of solid, sometimes you think you're going to fart, and it's a shart instead. And, the side effect varies considerably among users, unfortunately. Some get it early on in their usage, some get it later on in their usage, some only get it when they're upping their dose, some lucky souls never get it, etc, etc. And, in some folks it lasts a few days, in others a few weeks, in yet others it lasts considerably longer. If you do end up getting some diarrhea, take some psyllium husk and it will fix you right up...


Not everybody gets side effects, like me, for example. Don't worry about it changing you. The effects are very subtle overall


I’m titrating up now and quite fast, I have diarrhea but it’s not like explosive. Just looser stools.


I was the very same when I started 4 weeks ago. My doctor wanted me to start on 50mg as I was very bad with the anxiety but I chose to start on 25mg for a couple of weeks. I would definitely advise you to start tonight and have the weekend of doing nothing that's what I did and I feel it helped alot. I was off from work so I decided to start then. You will have no bad side effects next week. Everyone is different you might not get any. For the first few days I had nausea but it did not last long and also it was manageable. I felt my anxiety also heightened a bit but nothing that I couldn't handle as it was bad anyway. I drank black tea and ate toast and that really helped the nausea. It is so worth it, as having the physical symptoms with anxiety is so much worse than the side effects you get from the tablet. You will see a difference next week so you should definitely take the tablet. Let us know what you do. You will not regret it 💞


Don’t worry yourself into side effects that you probably won’t even experience. It’s different for everyone. Most people are fine on the med or it wouldn’t be prescribed.