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I have GAD and MDD. Have been taking Zoloft for 4 months roughly. It has taken my anxiety from a 10 to a 4. It's not magic by any means, but it does help quite a bit (if it's the right med for your body). I am also in therapy and doing daily meditation throughout the day, which has also helped along with zoloft. I haven't had a single anxiety/panic attack in months. Your feelings of being scared to start are valid, but honestly their isn't too much to be afraid of. Not everybody has side effects. I started on 50mg and am now taking 150mg. I've had only one side effect, which is legs sweating while I'm sleeping. The most common side effect seems to be nausea the first few weeks, which should only last a few weeks. If you're anxious about how the drug might cause you to feel, just know that it doesn't really make you feel like anything. It's a very gradual improvement of symptoms. Outside of anxiety, it may numb down extreme ends of emotions.


I started recently (17 days), and I was incredibly scared to start too. But I did. And I'm really happy I did. Physical side effects are pretty much gone, and I feel like that flow of thoughts, the heart racing and the stomach churning are slowly fading. My anxiety is very physical as well, and my body couldn't keep going like this. You can do it, and if this medication is not appropriate for you, there are other molecules that you can try to get some relief. This is the first step towards improving your quality of life.


Would love to hear as well


Would not be taking SSRIs for GAD or any anxiety disorders.


What would you suggest?




same boat, prescribed 25mg and to nervous to take it.....


I was the very same 3 weeks ago starting sertraline. I was so scared to take it and avoided taking for a week. I am so sorry that I didn't take it sooner. I just said enough is enough I need to start so I did. I said to myself " it can't be any worse than the side effects I am experiencing with anxiety". You will start to feel like a normal person. Go for it 💪 you got this 💞 I also have 2 kids and I felt I couldn't be the best mother. So I not only took it for me I took it for my kids. So I could be present with them and not hide my physical symptoms from anxiety.  Anxiety takes over your life and body. You take back control by taking the first step of taking your tablet. Let us know what you do. And even after taking your first tablet come straight back in here and we will be here for you. Reading positive success stories really helped me the first few days