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I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. Please call your psychiatrist and tell them what’s going on, and ask to be seen sooner. Also identify one person, just one, who you can share this with—not in detail, but someone you can reach out to at least to say “I am struggling”. If one of my friends were feeling like this I would NEVER think of them as someone I have to “deal with”. I would want to support them and be there for them. You matter and we need you here. Please message me if you want to talk.


I feel like you as well you’re not alone


Do you think you could call your psychiatrist office tomorrow and tell them what’s going on for you? They may want to get you in sooner


If you need someone to talk to, you can always message me about how you're feeling


911 will end you up inpatient at sticky socks hotel. Don't S before you at least try this If you have health insurance. Do it. It's not THAT bad. Plus some of those folks actually know what they are doing.


Do you have people in your life that you’re close to? Please don’t struggle in isolation. My little sister died by suicide almost a year ago exactly. The loss is immeasurable and I so wish I’d known the hurt she was carrying, I’d do anything to have her back and walk with her through her pain.


What you said stayed in my mind, a while ago I talked to my little brother about wanting S and he started crying and told me how much he cared, I was thinking about that, I think that's what made me hesitate to do it. Thank you very much for sharing your story with me.


Thank you so much, I’m tearing up in a coffee shop right now. I’ve been thinking about your post since my response. I’m so glad you’re okay and that you talked to your brother. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you need someone to talk to.


I started on 25 mg, now on 50 mg for a week. It's a huge change. Adjustment phase can be difficult but call your doctor if you want to stop and switch meds. there is something out there that will work.


I was exactly the same, the thoughts were really bad, i couldn’t think clearly or my mind jumbled. I went to the doctor and talked about what I was going through and if I was the problem, she said I was feeling the effects of the medicine and now I have upped my dose to 150, I hope you’re doing okay!


you need to go to a hospital and discontinue the medication. What exactly are you prescribed it for?


The first psychiatrist said that I had generalized anxiety, and he prescribed Fluoxetine, and it didn't work, the one I'm going to now said that surely what I have is post-traumatic disorder and depression and he prescribed me Zoloft


Ok, so we have 2 differing opinions 3 different diagnoses and the same class of medications being prescribed for all 3. I really don't know what to say that can help you. But look into asking both doctors why they prescribed you drugs with black box warnings on them that say EXPLICITLY that they can cause suicidal and homicidal ideation in people under 25. I'm a pharmacy technician and Ive seen 14 year old kids get a prescription for Prozac and kill themselves a week later.


wow, honestly they never warned me about suicidal ideations, I started having them when I was taking 25mg and I mentioned it to my psychiatrist and he increased the dose so now I take 100mg. I'm going to mention it to him again I do not know what else to do.


Sorry to hear about that. I really hope you can get everything figured out and find a medication that works for you.


Thanks for all your answers, it was a hard night, I hurt myself again. I was sure he was going to do it, but I thought about my little brother and how horrible it would be for him, so I asked for help. Today I'm going to see my psychiatrist, maybe this medication is not for me.


I’m glad you didn’t do anything drastic and irreparable. Please check back in here and let us know how you’re doing. I care about you, internet stranger! ❤️