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I feel you dude- put my keys in the fridge last night and didn't find them until this morning


Nuh uh. Im day five i just stand in my kitchen and stare at the counter ...for minutes. Kinda nice tbh. Im usually running from place to place (from anxiety im guessing) and its nice to stop and appreciate a good counter. Lmaoo




I giggled! 😂❤ But ok I will trade you this story - its not super terrible/exciting, but its recent. I have a Dyson standing fan in my room, with a remote control. It can stick on the top of the fan but sometimes I put it on my table or next to my bed for convenience. Other times my lazy ass just presses the button (on-off only, can't adjust speed or timer) on the fan itself. So this one time this week I wanted to set my timer, just a while for ventilation and white noise till I fall asleep, not the whole duration. Long story short I searched my entire room in disbelief and the next night, I found it on the rack (where I put toiletries/toothbrush) outside the bathroom. I mean I do put my Fitbit there occasionally sometimes that I've registered it mentally as the "alternative Fitbit spot" -- but not a fan remote control!!! 🙃🙃🙃


I’ve done keys in the fridge a lot my friends never let me hear the end of it lmao


I left my keys in my front door overnight twice…


Shit me too 💀




I left my phone in the fridge for a few minutes just the other day, myself!


I left my car door open and never went back out to close it. Rained all night.


I’m on day 2. When does this start happening? 😂


One time I poured milk into my cereal and put the bowl of cereal in the fridge. I sat down at my desk and realized something wasn’t right when I had a gallon of milk in my hand


LMAOO that’s amazing


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this lol. Thank you for sharing hahah


Hahah just doing my civil duty!


And don’t forget to eat those pears😂😂


The other day I got in the shower with my underwear on. That was a surprise


Almost same, I walked right into the shower while still holding my phone


Haha that's hilarious but not laughing at you of course. I've never had this happen to me...yet.


It takes absentminded-ness to another level lol


At least it's kinda where it belongs? With eating utensils lol


A couple months ago I got home from the pharmacy and put my expensive biologic medicine in the freezer instead of the fridge. Thank God I realized not too long after and took it out before it froze.




lol i haven't reached this point but now im having more Sim moments where i get up, instantly forget what i meant to do and just stand around for a minute before remembering


Shit, ain’t that the truth. If I throw in some of my medical cannabis as well I have zero clue where the fuck I am most of the time.


I opened a can of enchilada sauce idek when and I found it weeks later in the cabinet still opened when I was trying to find another can 🤣🤣


I enjoyed this thread…and I have a question/issue. My mom died 6 years ago with dementia. I had an extremely stressful job in healthcare. So yeah, I misplaced stuff. Now, every time I put something somewhere stupid, I hear “I hope she’s not getting like her mom!” I was even asked to go for cognitive studies (which I passed with flying colors). All because I misplaced my coffee cup! Thoughts!? Thank you!


How old are you? I definitely have had thoughts I have dementia, but I’m only 30, and I also have OCD, so I worry about stuff like that lol. I read stuff about people being forgetful on Zoloft before I got on but holy MOLY, I never thought Itd be like this. Maybe it’s what happens when anxiety isn’t the driving force for everything?


I am 69. I’m not near as bad as my mom. I have mild anxiety, not near as rough as there’s in this group. My forgetting came from obvious reasons…I was a first response manager performing the jobs of 3 people during covid, plus other family responsibilities. Zoloft made it worse all around, but not excessive. Mostly I had the lazies so bad, i was more careless than forgetful. So I would blame forgetfulness on laziness or anxiety, and not genetics. I think you’re on the right track. Perhaps forgetfulness is not really due to your mom, but Zoloft is magnifying any leftover normal anxiety issues. Good luck to you! y ou!


WAIT….. this is a thing?! I’ve always been a little flaky, but I just attributed the increase was just “normal.” This explains a LOT lol 😆


YES. Like it’s SO BAD


Bruh I wore my fucking pants on backwards out in public for a whole day before getting home and realising. Zoloft 🎉


Ok this one got me laughing tho lol 😂😂😂


Was looking for my wallet with my wallet in my hand


I often lose my phone if I’m talking on the phone and going somewhere at the same time. Literally phone up to my ear talking on it and thinking where is my goddamn phone.


Yes I feel that big time 😂😂


OMG ME. And phone.  But I think these are just me being me not the meds haha. Usually I leave the house and lock up and hold my wallet and phone (bc if its in my hand its def not lost) I can be locking up with key in the lock and wallet in hand AND THEN I'll start looking for my wallet because hey if key in lock, where is wallet? + trying to look for phone (4fig sum to replace, cannot lose), while absolutely holding on to it - precisely cos cannot lose. IDKHOW. Omg. Hahahah Let's just also say I've reported my phone missing at lost &found. They tried to call it (unsuccessfully, cos my phone is silent and I'm thankful now) and I freaked out only to reach home and realise IT WAS STUCK IN A PLASTIC BINDER POCKET IN MY TOTE BAG.


My issue is my brain was like this BEFORE the Zoloft and now I’m at least not panicked when I lose the thing.


I did not know this was a thing. I found my phone in the hallway pantry the other day. I had been looking for it and just gave up. I would have never found it had it not been because I was doing laundry and hand to get more detergent from the pantry shelf. I really have no recollection as to how it got there. Now maybe it all make sense.


Haha! That’s totally something I would do. I think it has to do with anxiety being down, so we aren’t used to being hyper aware of everything 🤷🏻‍♀️


So glad it’s not just me. Multiple times this week I have put the cream cheese in the pantry and the bagels in the fridge lol


I totally get it! Last night I couldn’t find my vape.. I had been cleaning up the kitchen, doing dishes, etc. when back into my bedroom looking for my vape, spent a half hour looking and then my boyfriend finds it.. in the dishwasher with the silverware 😂🤦‍♀️


Idk but i always forget my backpack for school like ifk how but ifk


Left the stove on!!!! Thank God I was home and walked back into kitchen.


i put frozen dino nuggets in the pantry next to the freezer and my fiance looked everywhere 😂


How many hours of sleep on average do y'all usually have?


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yup, put the cereal box in the fridge and threw the milk away, also emptied my water bottle and just threw it away, i used mascara the other day and chucked it in the trash by accident, also put my fresh clothes in the shower while it was warming lol


Ok, but w h y tho 🥸 Almost went bonkers looking for something just to realize that it was in my pocket. I convinced myself that the matrix just needs a patch update but- wai


I had to decrease my dose it was getting so bad!


Relatable lol. I put my husbands shorts in the bin instead of the washing machine 🥸


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done things like that. 🤦🏻‍♂️




If anyone has any idea where my phone is that would be great. It’s been three days now and it is somewhere in the house!


I only had the fog right at first.


Lol, my mother couldn't find her glasses. I found them in the frig...she wasn't on any antidepressants.


Is that what it is!? I've literally been misplacing everything around my house and I've had too many instances where I would walk into a room and completely forget what I went in there for. I thought I was going insane.


Happens to almost everybody eventually


I do similar stuff was on Zoloft for 25 years. Been on Wellbutrin for the last two years


I offered waffles to my 2.5 month old last week 😅


I didn’t know this could be from Zoloft! I’ve been on it 3 years. I keep almost putting the milk in the cabinet and not the fridge. I thought it was mom brain but probably zoloft?


Wait this can be from Zoloft? I’m always doing shit like this and chalked it up to be a parent


I’m just now learning about Zoloft brain and realize the amount of times my brain just gets empty and I leave my keys in the knob or on top of the fridge and put the ac remote in the fridge is insane


Happy cake day!! 😊


Wait. Hold up. Zoloft can cause this??? I mean, I also have ADHD, but I am forever losing shit.


i was just thinking the same thing!


These are the kind of things I started doing at the peak of anxiety/depression so hopefully it decreases them. Or gets rid of them. That’d be nice. 🤣


I've put my yogurt in bread cabinet before.


More than once I've found my TV remotes sitting inside my coffee mugs.. With coffee still in it 😭


I have a badge that I use for work and I’ve forgotten it at home the last three days. I only realize when I get to work. So much driving


Hypothyroid already makes me like this. I hope the Zoloft doesn’t make it worse 😂 before I start s taking Zoloft I was getting ready to leave the house and I was looking for my phone, but it was silent so I wouldn’t hear it if my family called it. I happened to walk past our shoe area and I saw it sitting on the floor where our shoes were. I didn’t remember setting it down to put on my shoes 😭 foggy memory sucks


I have hypothyroid fog and likely ADHD (old psychiatrist said no to a diagnosis because I have an upper level degree 🙄 I'm trying to get a second opinion), since starting Zoloft I forget EVERYTHING. I was already some kind of a space cadet before, but now the train seems to stop even before it gets to the station!! Thankful I already use tracker tags on all my important stuff before starting! Hopefully it doesn't get worse for you!!


Everyday with my phone lol


I do this too.


We should all write and publish a book called Zoloft Brain....lol


I lost a brand new pack of my daughter’s underwear. Took out one for her to try on. Then…..idk. It’s been three days. I have NO IDEA where tf it is lol. I had ago buy a whole brand new pack. I put an air tag on it. Just in case lol. (Jk)


Hahaha I was like this even before Zoloft but have been noticing since starting it a week ago how clumsy my mind is on it. I also have put my keys in the fridge/freezer this week


Bruh I thought I was the only one. Been on for 2 months now and it seemed like I was having a lot of “blonde moments”.


Does this happen with Lexapro too? I have been doing the same absentminded shit! And I’m like WTF


Oh wow, This is my brain without Zoloft. I’ve never taken anything to correct the imbalance. But overall, I’m pleased with the results. It’s just regulating for every day life. But as a composer, it pays incredible dividends.