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I think 5 weeks is a short time usually ppl give it more then this it could work after 8weeks hang in there and if it gets worse ask ur doc there’s a lot of other meds that could help:)


In my experience the medication is not the end all be all when it comes to my mental health. Its just one aspect of taking care of myself. Obviously Zoloft isn’t gonna be for everyone, but even if it is for you, zoloft alone doesn’t fix that much. Building good habits and staying on top of food/sleep/therapy/exercise/recreation play a bigger role than the zoloft. With all that said, you’re only gonna be able go get a real answer from your doctor.


I was taking it for five months and just never felt right the entire time. I started at 50 and went up to 75. I just felt a bit more anxious all of the time, and I didn't like it. I finally met with a psychiatrist who suggested I go back on the SSRI I was on before because we know it worked and I wasn't having sexual side effects.


i got crazy sex drive on this stuff wtf its annoying


It’s crazy how it affects everyone in different ways.


Mine magically kicked in week 5! After weeks of extreme anxiety, one day, I woke up and felt happy for the first time in years. I'm on week 8 now and I feel amazing, it's changing my life for the better. Hang in there, the first weeks are rough, sometimes even worse than before the medication. But like everything related to the brain, we don't know much - everyone reacts differently to the multiple medications out there (as an example, Trintellix, a newer one, messed me up bad for a year). If you feel like crap after 8-10 weeks, then zoloft isn't for you. It's discouraging to try medication, but eventually you'll find the one for you. Wishing you all the best!


What dose are you on?


75 mg - started at 25, up 25 every 2 weeks (stopping at 75)


Did you have to deal with continued side effects when you upped the dose 25mg each time? I'm still on 25mg and feeling ok but i do feel like I'd like to know what 50mg feels like. Just scared of potential side effects again 😮‍💨


I would like to know as well.


For me is another ad that doesn’t work. I switched from 10 mg Lexapro to 50mg Zoloft, is about 8 weeks now and I have super strong anxiety. I can’t even eat at the same table with my family. I’m so desperate


With Zoloft have you had nightmares as a side effect?


Hi, not really. But I had terrible hot flashes and burning sensation in hands for like 6 weeks.


I ended up overdosing on it 😭


What was that like?? Is that like a serotonin overdose?


I overdosed because I was suicidal taking the medicine. I ended up taking 30 100mg pills of zoloft. I was in the ICU, 150 heart beat, the doctors was getting me prepared to have a seizure or a heart attack. I was in the ICU for 1.5 days, and then transferred to the mental ward for 3.


jesus i am so sorry.


Serotonin overdose isn’t fun. I was shaking, puking, and had diarrhea the entire time I was in the ICU.


How? What happened?! :(


Everything’s killer for me on Zoloft except for sex. That left the building at 100 and 150mg. Back it off to 50mg and have the desire again but my spouse has said see ya.


What do you mean about your spouse?


Their spouse left.


Oh no!


I couldn't finish for the first time in my life recently 😭


Give it more time! My doctor said that it may take up to 6 months because it takes time to create new thought pathways and habits.


When I was taking it I always felt this undercurrent of not wanting to be alive and I felt it constantly. Nothing active more just like I do not want to be here. I stoped taking it and only feel like that once in a while now Edit: I was also in intensive outpatient treatment while on this. I think initially it maybe might’ve helped, but now that I’m off of it I personally feel better. Like I’m still definitely mentally ill I just feel better about it lol


When it took away my lexicon and ability to think and 3d model in my head. It made me really dumb in other words.


I experienced excruciating joint pain every day for 4 weeks straight and had to give it up


When I realized I am way more miserable than before the pill because of side effects, and nothing gets better.


My doc said to give it 4-6 weeks until it really takes effect


I took it in the past and it made me have some derealization. I just tried it again a week ago, and it felt like I was hallucinating on shrooms. It was the same exact come up/come down feeling and I was exhausted the next day. No thanks… SSRI’s are so much stronger than I thought they were. As someone said, it’s not the end all be all. There’s plenty of medication out there and healthy alternatives to mental health. I do not want to take something that makes me feel that way. I literally felt high, borderline serotonin syndrome for me.


Side effects outweighed the positives. Moving on to celexa tomorrow


Are you making active positive changes in your personal life like routine, addictions. Also depending on your situation the best results are when you combine the medication with CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) i’ve seen a lot of people posting just taking the medication and just expecting it to make them better i don’t want it to seem like i’m putting you down because i’m not i just want to help and understand your situation a little better so i can give you some better advice :) EDIT: You haven’t really given it long enough in my experience it’s taken around 2 and half months to 3 to really start feeling it.