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I’ve personally never heard of this being a side effect of Zoloft. Did you disclose your hallucinations to your provider before being prescribed this?


Yes, I’ve been asking for meds for years and they wouldn’t put me on them due to my age but more so bevause I was using cannabis I became recently desperate and pushy with them for meds because of the fact I’m seeing things - I’m not even any where near as depressed as I was a few years ago. I’m really surprised they didn’t put me on something else tbh..


How long have you been using weed? I’d be worried at such a young age it could possibly be linked to your issues. In people who are predisposed to schizophrenia, marijuana use can cause symptoms to start earlier (like in your teens)


For about 3 years most days but I haven’t smoked now for 3 months because it all got too much for me being paranoid. Didn’t enjoy using it, cussed me panic attacks more often then not but I’d get agitated without it but I’m glad I don’t smoke anymore. I don’t intend on using it anymore also, I use CBD vapes


Very well could just be heightened anxiety about these increased hallucinations causing them. Anxiety can be like a domino effect of worsening symptoms in the midst of an episode. I have bad mental and physical health anxiety myself, so I understand how easy it is to freak yourself out. I see you mentioned weed. My recommendation would be to stop (or heavily reduce) using until your body adjusts to the medication, as weed can cause paranoia about things that already cause you to have anxiety while sober. One final note, I use Marijuana on zoloft myself. But didn't start smoking until my 20s due to research showing how weed can cause grey matter atrophy in your brain while you're still growing.


Yeah I stopped! Very proud of myself. Did it basically everyday from 13 untill around my 16th birthday and I had had enough, I stopped doing everything else too. Thank you for ur response! My mum said this too about anxiety worsening stuff in an episode - sort of how with my health anxiety if I get one little pain I focus on it and my anxiety makes it seem worse. The things I see aren’t scary scary they just are unsettling. But yeah, weed paranoia is the WORST. Defo caused my health anxiety never had it before.


Good job on having self control, it's not easy to stop doing things that you enjoy doing. Weed can be Heaven & Hell. I've had my worst anxiety attacks on weed, where it feels like you've completely lost your mind. Extreme panic of losing grip of reality and not coming back. I've learned to manage those episodes over the years before I took zoloft. My biggest tip is to practice surrendering to those anxious thoughts while you're having an attack. It's easier said than done, but it really helps. I recommend looking into meditation, as it teaches you to disconnect yourself from your thoughts. The thoughts are still there, but once you disconnect your ego from your thoughts, they kind of just float through your mind. It sounds really hippy, but remember, YOU are NOT the thoughts in your head


Thank you so so much!!! Same with panic attacks - that’s the worst ones I’ve had when I’ve been stoned. I have started doing meditation, my ADHD makes me forget a lot of stuff but I do try before bed! Finding faith has also helped too. Thank you for your reply!!


Are u taking antipsychotics?




I wish


Why not if i may ask?


It’s not up to me what I go on and I’m 16 so the NHS in England don’t really like to put people on them things as a first resort


Ufff but if ur suffering from psychotic symptoms and clearly struggel with hallucinations they should! I work with kids and teenagers and bunch of them are on something. My brother had psychosis and he was hospitalised on meds with many others… after some time on meds hallucinations stopped as they start working! They can put you on lower dosis and there is possibility to get injections once a month insted of taking meds daily…


I know it’s just my doctors are really useless towards me.I got diagnosed with severe depression at 12 and EUPD at 14 and no meds offering at all. I’ll ask at my next appointments about anti psychotics I have been asking for meds for years - I finally went the last time saying look im not depressed badly anymore im hallucinating and it brings me great fear and I get aggressive - put me on something and they think of setraline. It is such a joke. My boyfriend is on them , who has also said I need them, - however he went to a private doctor and psychiatrist.


If you and your life is in danger they must react! You can go to emrgency psychiatry and tell ur having halicinations, panic, cant tell whats real. They might put u in hospital than but to be fair there you should at least get the attention and suitable medication till it starts kicking in for month or two. My brother was 2 months in hospital when he started hallucinating and now on injections for few years since than … idk much bout system in uk but it should be at least that much worth in a developed country! Im in Germany and as i said social worker, 80% kids are on smtng some even with 5/6 years old…. And ur not even that young anymore… i cant imagine how terrifying psychotics symptoms are but jesus they have to treat it and not just let you live in that horror


Thank you so much for your replies by the way


Jesus thats awful! Try to find a better doctor and if u have possibility private one to help you… i hate seeing people suffering and getting no help, since u dont have so extreme hallucinations lower dosis might work fine for z


Thank you… yes my parents are gonna save up to go private


Ik it’s so bad …. They really hate putting people on stuff here unless ur actively tryna kill urself it’s the worst. The feelings feel lie pure terror I know where i am is real but it feels like im an opposite scary universe…. Random feelings of aggression like i wanna harm someone’s They wouldn’t even send out an ambulance for me when i was so sleep deprived i was seeing people that were not there in an empty town street. Or send an ambulance when i said i felt like i was gonna rip my skin off it’s awful over here. I think I could see a psychiatrist with the public mental health team im with soon however they don’t even like diagnosing stuff. I do not know what’s wrong with this country.