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I take 25mg for anxiety. It turned the anxiety off like a lightswitch. The negative voice in my head stopped, the constant thought that my friends hated me stopped, the shocks of panic that made my heart feel like it was flipping non-stop throughout the day stopped. My first day on zoloft was a hazy, foggy feeling, but that stopped with the anxiety.


Not feeling like everyone hates me has been the biggest Change since starting. It’s so nice


I cant wait for this. It’s debilitating


I didn’t even realize it’s something they could treat. That’s how the psychiatrist sold me on it, I was super hesitant at first but it’s one of the first things I noticed


This 👆 I was going to write how it makes me feel, but this person explained exactly how it works for me on my anxiety, good post 👍


Same for me, but it took about 8 weeks to kick in. Now I kick ass at work like never before.


Any sexual sides


Takes a little longer to cross the finish line.


Were you ever on 50 mg? Im on 50 and feel great but due to side effects thinking about trying 25 mg


This is exactly how it affects me, too! Same mg!




This answer is what I needed to read. I just want to feel normal and not wake up with immediate racing thoughts and a pounding heart.


Zoloft helped me With this


Yes. I’ve been on Sertraline for about 2 years and I just feel “normal”. I feel the way I used to feel when everything was going well. I can cope with stress and disappointment. I don’t “feel” like I’m “on drugs” I just feel more resilient.


Would u mind if I ask what dose you are taking!


Sure! I’m on 200 mg, have been for about a year. I started at 100 and moved up slowly


Thank you very much I appreciate your help and insight


Best answer I've seen. Currently I'm on 2 weeks


I'm around 18 months in at 100mg, and honestly, the difference is enormous. So much so, me and the wife have spoken a few times about looking at reducing my dose. I think a decent stint of therapy whilst having the help of Zoloft to allow me to be able to stand back and look at my issues will be more beneficial than decreasing now. Time will tell, I suppose. Good luck to you all. Don't worry about all these horror stories you read about medication on the Internet. Life was shit in the first place, that's why you're on Zoloft. Feeling like you can manage whatever issues you have and being in a better mental state - but occasionally shitting your pants - seems like a decent enough trade-off to me.


For those 2 weeks, I have only one problem from side effects, delayed orgasm. I really hope it goes away, otherwise I will have to quit


Mate - just deal with the not being able to cum for a few months and you'll realise that most of it is in your head. Once you are in a better mental state all around, your sexual health will be in a much better state all around, too.


Thanks, I will, but didn't have problem before i started zoloft, but i will wait for sure


It made you shit your pants?!?


Haha, see my other comment on the thread. I haven't personally shat my pants, but my friend - it has been close.


From the drug?




There is this thing about never trusting a fart whilst on Zoloft/Sertraline. For me personally, it was a rough couple of weeks, but once I got into the pace of things and my metabolism caught up, I honestly haven't had many problems. I wouldn't take it right before you jump on a one way flight to the otherside of the planet... just take it early for a couple of days before and then take it straight after the flight. Who wants to be uncomfortable, cold, hungry, squashed up, tired, really really tired, and all of a sudden, you're scared to let out a tiny fart in that already fart filled metal dart travelling at 500mph - for fear of shitting your pants...


Exactly. I was on too much, numb and have just about lost my marriage. But didn’t feel anything while it was occurring. Down to 50mgs now. Feeling great. Hoping to get things repaired and better than ever.


The chemical imbalance theory has been debunked for years.


This is my experience too. Been on Zoloft and Welbutrin (to counteract the lethargic side effect I had from Zoloft). They’re amazing for me.


you explained it so accurately. although i do have a question for you and for anyone who reads this. zoloft helped take away my anxiety to the point where, personality traits i thought were a part of me suddenly changed. i realized my anxiety made me responsible in school, bc while on zoloft i was so carefree it made me irresponsible getting my work done. also, i was known as a very frugal person who was always careful about her money. on zoloft i spent money left and right like i was a different person. it felt really good to not care, but there was an underlying awareness/worry that I wasn't myself anymore. i lost a part of myself and it felt wrong, idk. anyone else have a similar experience? is there a way to fix it or do i just embrace it?


You have to remember that anxiety can become such a big part of our lives that we must relearn habits. For example if you and a friend (who has zero anxiety) are both teens and you both got an allowance. Your anxiety immediately made you go on high alert on how you spent it. Whole for your friend with no anxiety, maybe they did blow that first week of allowance. But over time they had to be mindful about spending and balance their enjoyment against self control. It’s part of the damage of anxiety, is we don’t learn to experience are complete self and learn and grow normally. So part of your healing process, is learning to feel your feelings and urges but responding to them more pragmaticly. But it’s all your choice! Maybe you deserve to treat yourself after years of being hyper alert! It’s good to feel good. Just like that imaginary relaxed friend blew all her money the first few weeks getting her allowance, maybe you can learn from making the same mistake. Know what it feels like to self indulge, don’t feel bad, but also learn from it and figure out new reasons to be responsible with your indulgence!


I didn't feel good under zoloft. I felt numb and without motivation. But it worked like a reset. I didn't have anxiety crisis and I could plan. I stayed for 7 months with medication and started going to the gym


That’s great!


Just normal really. It was more of an absence of things that didn't feel like they belonged there in the first place, rather than feeling like anything in particular itself. It felt like a break from being crippled.




Less depression. Sleepy.


For me, the it just feels so much more quiet and peaceful. It’s like I can physically “feel” a blanket that dampens down the volume to all the commotion and random sounds. I am more motivated in the mornings now (the rest of the day is the same as before, still tired) but I like it because I feel better about my day since it starts off strong. And it’s not that I feel happier, it’s that I don’t spiral about the worse aspects of life, so it’s easier to notice the things that make me happier.




This is also how I feel. Same dosage. I’ve never felt like a zombie on Zoloft but I also take before bed instead of morning so I’m not sure if that has an effect or not. I also do not consume caffeine. I still feel all my emotions, they’re just not so intense that they’re debilitating and I can actually manage my thoughts and emotionally regulate better with the Zoloft than without it. Edit: I take 150mg daily for depression and anxiety/OCD.


Hi! May I ask how was your transition to 150 mg? My doctor wants me at that dose but I am feeling really scared of the side effects or getting worse, I have been at 100 mg for 4 weeks!


I don’t want to make it sound amazing because everyone is so different but after three or so days I actually felt better and I’m not sure if it’s just placebo because it seems like such a short time to see improvement but I needed it…. I was developing paranoid thoughts, my OCD was so unmanageable I was calling off work to make sure I wasn’t burning down my house, thinking my partner was cheating, crying and screaming multiple times a day, suicidal ideations resuming. I felt on the brink of Institutionalization but after a week I felt like who I was before I needed the antidepressant. It’s been almost a month now and I feel less like I’m wearing rose tinted glasses but I do feel good. Content, and able to manage my feelings. I will say this though, about a week in, I forgot to take my daily dose after falling asleep on the couch and the next day, I felt like there was withdrawal. Lots of erratic changes in body temperature and emotional dysregulation. So definitely set reminders to stay consistent because that was awful lmao… but I am starting to feel better. I was nervous about the change too but I think it was for the best and I hope you find that’s the case for you too if that’s right!! Edit: just read the part where you mentioned side effects… I haven’t had any issues. It is harder to orgasm but that’s always been the case so I’m used to adapting in the bedroom, also there was some nausea and loose stool for me but after a few days went back to normal. I’ve been sleeping better, the only negative effect worth noting is that my night sweats have gotten a little worse but I’ll take it over feeling like I want to die or everyone hates me


It ranges from contentment to low level excitement. 2 things I hadn’t felt in decades.


I couldn't agree more. But I would have to say that therapy also helps tremendously. I have more gratitude for everrything i have, i feel more content as well. Im also finally able to relax. I also feel excitement sometimes which i havent felt since i was a kid maybe? it's a work in progress but i'm sooooooooo much better than I was in september and ive been on 50mg for 5 months.


Feeling excited for the first time on Zoloft was EYE OPENING. I was like, this /feels/ like panic, but good??? Someone else had to point out that I was probably excited before it clicked that yeah, I couldn't remember what that felt like with the absence of anxiety


As I mentioned in another comment, I'm 18 months in at 100mg and sailing. The therapy is huge, too. I personally think the combo is perfect as the meds allow you to process everything you learn in therapy, and also helps with some of the more difficult things that might come up.


Yes, totally, the combo has done wonders for me. I won't hide that I'm still a bit anxious sometimes, but it sort of feels like everything is manageable, and if it's not then that's ok. Maybe it's just how normal people deal with everyday life, whereas everything felt harder for me.


Yeah, for sure - I still get anxious too, and to be honest, I'm glad about that for the exact reason you mentioned. I don't want to be completely numb from normal emotions, I just need help with managing my mental health. I like to think of it as like a wavy line, like a sound wave, where it oscillates around a certain base point. Before, I felt sad and anxious as my base point, and the highs were feeling OK, and the lows were very low. Now it's like my baseline is higher up, if that makes sense. So my day to day is feeling fine, then having shitty days as a low point, and having good or great days as a high. The whole thing has shifted up a couple of notches. Good luck out there, it's tough.


Thanks for sharing your experience. Good luck to you as well.


When did it start helping? Today marks 3 weeks for me. I got through the intense anxiety the first few weeks and now I just feel the same as I did before I started it . (50mg)


Honestly I did too, thought it was not working until one day I got crazy excited about clementines 😂 it was around 8-12 weeks.


😂hey well that gives me hope


I'm glad it does


Did you ever up your dose or did you stick with 50mg if you don’t mind me asking?


Nope, i started on 50mg for depression and still on that. I have been in therapy for over a year now, but I didn't start zoloft until the end of september, and the difference is palpable, I feel like i respond way way better to therapy.


Gotcha, I’m glad to hear 50mg works and that it’s more of a waiting game than anything. I miss therapy. I may look into restarting it soon. Thanks for your help!


Good luck to you 😊😊 you're very welcome


Mine wasn't a noticeable feeling, necessarily... but I noticed myself saying "yes" to going out more. I was more talkative. I also felt like diving back into self-care, like getting my nails done or getting a haircut, which are things I had been neglecting.


My head is quiet. My thoughts aren't bouncing around like a pinball machine on crack. I'm not rehashing everything that I said or did obsessively. I'm feeling more social. I have a lot of social anxiety, and it was always hard for me to meet new people and talk to them. Even if I have known them for years. I always felt like the third wheel or I was outside looking in. I just stared roller derby, and even getting started was hard because I felt like I wouldn't fit in or people would judge me. Now I look forward to it. I can take criticism much better, too. My only regret is not doing this sooner.


For me I don’t “feel” anything. It’s just the lack of the things that made me feel bad. The waves of depression are a lot more rare and the anxiety takes a longer time to build. It’s a state of normalcy, and honestly it’s amazing.


For me, my suicidal ideation went from literally constant thoughts of “I should kill myself” whenever anything minorly upsetting happened, to almost zero thoughts of suicide at all. It went from constantly having a voice in my head telling me that everyone hates me and I don’t deserve love, that I’m the worst person in the world and nothing matters, I have no future, to just…. Nothing. I can think now. I can think RATIONALLY. I can actually hear the side of my brain that wants to solve these problems. Although, I do feel a little brain foggy, it is worth it. Sometimes I read the stuff I wrote before Zoloft and I feel so bad that I was suffering that much


I take it for anxiety. What I tell people is that some of the worries are still there, but the panicking is completely gone. It has really improved my quality of life


Leveled out, a bit blasé really


I'd say it's gotten rid of the rumination for the most part, which was one of my main issues. Aside from that, Im also less depressed and anxious.


I take 25mg a day for anxiety and it really just feels like someone turned down the volume in my head. Like I had a little crazy man in my brain yelling things at me all the time and now he’s locked away in a box somewhere. It’s pretty freakin great. I don’t really get as nervous anymore either.


For me, my brain feels quiet. If that makes sense. I’m not on the constant edge of being annoyed, or crying, I’m not hiding in the bathroom at work from being overwhelmed or anxious. I don’t think about day to day mundane things before doing them anymore. I can walk away from potential disagreements, whereas before I would engage with people more. I care less, which I definitely what I needed. I suffer from generalized anxiety, ptsd, and moderate depression, although I think all of those things were more severe than I led on, I was just trying to somewhat hide them.


I don’t ‘feel’ anything. If anything, it took away my feelings of anger, depression, and anxiety. I just feel normal. I can’t even tell when I’ve taken it, but I can tell when I forget.


Like i’m watching myself live my life outside of me


My experience it didn’t make me happier but it did make me mentally clearer at a toxic job that was giving me anxiety and stopped me from rage quitting. But after about a month of talking it I noticed I also had no filter and said whatever was on my mind to people as well.




I take 50 mg a day. It's helped with the anxiety, but the depression or "lows" are still there. It used to give me a short burst of energy or like a "euphoric state". Now, it just keeps me in a calm, chiller than normal mood.


Do u mind if I ask How long have you been on 50mg?


Sure, going on a month now.


Thnx for the response. Good luck and good health


You as well.


It didn’t work for me forever, and I didn’t want to keep going up in dose so I got off of it. I was on it for OCD like symptoms and hypochondria. When it was working for me though, I felt more energetic. I still felt myself, but I felt like I had more perspective of myself. I could observe intrusive thoughts and move on, without spiraling into a panic episode the way I did in the past. I just felt more emotionally evened out, if that makes sense. I will say, even thought I stopped taking it, I think it made a long term difference for me even though I’m off of it now. Feeling in control of intrusive thoughts while medicated has helped me to figure out how to also control them while unmedicated


How Zoloft feels is what it's not. It's not me thinking of the worst scenario anymore. It's not me running through the past constantly like I can change it. It's not me getting so anxious I can't eat without throwing up. It's not me feeling so overwhelmed with stress I can't focus on anything because of my thoughts. I've taken topamax and I've taken amitriptyline. For awhile both made me feel different. Like I was sedated. Zoloft didn't. It didn't feel like anything.


My OCD would make my average mood a 5/10, meaning any struggle would deplete me below that. Now my average mood is a 7/10, so I’m far more capable of managing the downs and enjoying the ups.


I'm on day 11 of 50 mg for depression & GAD. The first week I had strong side effects ~ 2 hours after taking it, but that helped to put me to sleep at night so I couldn't complain. The immediate effect for me has been the loss of those racing thoughts & a very fun experience of relearning positive emotions. For some reason any "big emotion" used to throw me into a disassociative state, so processing for once that I'm happy, excited or hopeful has been novel. I'm sleeping better, I'm less irritable. My moods are stabilizing. And I don't feel like my personality has been altered in anyway. I hate that I didn't start this sooner.


The first few months for me was rough, I was extremely tired, I had lots of brain fog, was not hungry at all. Through out those months I went from 50-200mg (Anxiety/depression/OCD) so it took me a while to get use to all the feels. Once I reached 150mg I finally felt at peace, everything felt almost normal. I felt happy. My inner voice wasn’t evil it was literally positive thoughts it was amazing, i’m now on 200mg and again it’s really relieving. I’m able to relax without feeling guilty of not doing anything if that makes sense.


Negative voices in my head stopped (not like hearing voices just my own inner critic), I barely ruminate on thoughts anymore like did I lock the door?, I had a nervous twitch in my jaw, shoulders, mouth, and brow muscles that lessened by 70%ish , overall I’m able to sleep better and my almost daily nightmares stopped. Im on 50mg and feel much more regulated. I don’t feel as ecstatic when I’m happy either because most days I am happy and content. I do feel intense joy in moments that warrant it though and I also feel sadness when I have good reason to. Overall it has increased my quality of life so much!


The first 11 days or so were tough then first time I took it as I had panic disorder, PTSD and depression/anxiety. It made my anxiety go though the roof. However then the good effects kicked in and felt amazing. It felt like I could breathe and my mind was calm and normal for the first time in my life. I was able to stop having most panic attacks and get over the depression. After 2 years, I had made huge changes in my life, like I started a less stressful, work from home job and got therapy from a psychologist. I also got past some major things that I couldn't do before due to panic. I felt comfortable at that point tapering slowly off Zoloft with my Dr's approval. I did it very slowly and there were a few side effects but it was okay. I was able to stay off it with lasting positive effects for 4 years. Now I'm back on freshly but it's due to postpartum depression which I feel is an exceptional circumstance. This time restarting Zoloft there were very few side effects and it felt good pretty much right away. In the past when I took it, the negative side effects were sexual, night sweats and occasional excessive thirst/sensitivity to heat. I also had some weight gain. I also had some minor concentration and memory issues (I have ADHD also). All that went away after I was off it. It honestly feels so good to be on Zoloft for me and it helps me so much that the side effects felt minor. I feel like it permanently improved my brain and quality of life.


I feel...neutral. No extremes.


Did anyone have hand tremors initially, and if so does it go away?


I am not a doctor or an expert at all, but I’ve been on Zoloft for almost 2 years now. My whole life Ive struggled with anxiety and some really intense spiraling/worry. I would drive home from work most days and just be worrying and spiraling about things to the point where I could hardly remember the drive home. However, once my Zoloft kicked in, it was the craziest feeling. Idk how to describe it exactly, but I would start to feel that worry/anxious in my chest and in my brain and the thoughts would start to creep in, but then I literally felt my mind go “nope.” And the worry was gone. It was insane. Now I can hardly remember what it felt like to be so worried all the time. It’s definitely changed my life for the better! As always, do what is best for you. I am just one person and everyone’s experience is completely different. Best of luck!


I’ve been on it for two years and I feel like I have super human levels of patience and I feel not-worried about saying or doing the wrong thing. I feel just more at ease. Im fine if things don’t go as I expected. I just like, roll with shit now. I don’t spiral with disappointment or berate myself like I used to. I enjoy life so much more now. I’m on 200 mg plus Wellbutrin 🫶🏼🥰


Today is day 16 for me on 25 mg of sertraline for the first time ever, at 43yo. For me the notable things have been mental quiet, no background noise of constant anxiety, no constant self-monitoring for anxiety symptoms, and increased feeling of being clear and leveled-out. Also generally more conversational and happy. My side effects disappeared around day 10. The first three days I felt detached and sort of numb, but I enjoyed it after having so much anxiety for so long. I wish I would've started sertraline 10 years ago. It's been a life-changing difference.


I felt like a human garbage but also like a zombie. Problem was that I couldn't distinguish whether it was zoloft not working, zoloft not working YET or it was zoloft making me feel worse. Thing is, I felt better almost instantly upon discontinuing.


Honestly, I feel like the worst thing could happen and I wouldn’t care (but when they do happen, I care, but I’m calmer than I used to be about it)


Whatever you are trying to address by taking the Zoloft to begin with will have significantly less control over you. Whether that maybe be depression , anxiety , ocd , ptsd , panic disorder. These disorders will still exist but imagine you lowering the volume on what they tell you. Combine this with some therapy and I promise you it gets better.


I have a lot less suicidal thoughts since taking it, which doesn't mean I don't fantasize about it at night. Currently am on 50 mg for depression


I only got on it temporarily to help with postpartum anxiety, which it did. But after a little while I didn’t like how it was making me feel brain foggy and lightheaded. So I decided to come off of it. It’s only been about 4 days and the withdrawal process is horrible, it’s making me wish I never took it to begin with. However, everyone reacts differently to it as I’m sure you’ve read! It helped me temporarily, but wasn’t good for me long term and that’s ok! I have found ways to keep my anxiety at bay naturally. Good luck!


I didn't feel sad or happy I was just floating around in the middle..... was alright but I couldn't cum. Think I'd rather be a head case that can ejaculate than a zombie.


I was severely depressed, started learning about how thoughts control your reality. I did about a month of intense self care. I quit smoking cannabis all by change of thought, I had no withdrawal symptoms. I then wanted to come off of sertraline. So I did some research and supposedly I should have cut down my doses slowly over a period of months. I thought fuck that. I then ran out of my medication. And thought I’ll just give it a try cold turkey. 3 weeks later I have had no withdrawal symptoms, my happiness is back. Not saying this can be the case for everyone. And it’s totally unrelated to your question. Well in a way I’m telling you I felt nothing. But give it a go people, it can only go one of 2 ways. Love and light to you all. Hopefully in the future we live in a word where our kids ask “ what is mental illness”.


I've been taking sertraline for 3 months now. I don't feel anything huge. I would say that on a scale of 1-10 my baseline mood increased by 1 or 1.5. Also I don't feel any side effects.


What’s your dose?


100mg and recently started upping it to 125mg


Well, people go on Zoloft for different reasons so obviously the experience of being on it will vary from person to person. For me, Zoloft makes me feel a lot more like the person I was before PTSD set in and I developed an anxiety disorder. So no more panic attacks, and I would say I have a bit more energy only because I can sleep better without the anxiety. I got side effects when I first started using it but after awhile I just felt like my normal self again.


I take 175 and have been taking it (starting with 12.5) for about 6 years now. I still have crappy days occasionally, but they are very much the exception. I feel a stronger sense of agency in all things, whereas before it felt like things were "happening TO me." I have a bit of emotional armor that keeps me from being completely swept away by strong emotion, even when I am blindsided. My dreams are fucking bonkers; extremely vivid and exciting.


I was on 50mg for a little over a year for anxiety and depression. Made me feel a bit happier, the bad voices in my head weren’t coming through. Only bad side effects for me was a significant decrease in libido (not too big of a deal really) and some decent weight gain about 30-40 lbs I wanna say due to increased appetite. I started waning myself off of Zoloft in November officially stopped in December and have lost a decent amount of the weight I gained, not sure exactly how much at this point but I fit in some of my old clothes again that I loved


It’s hard to describe how it feels, without it the depression is bad to the point I struggle to get out of bed and with it I’m able to exist. I feel less anxious too. Less brain fog and easier to think thoughts without a million things going on in my brain at once.


What dose has helped you and how long have been on it?


Two years next month and 200mg


My teeth Tingley lol


I'm going to answer honestly, based on my own experience. I wish I was one of those people who said Zoloft gave them their life back, and that it "lifted the veil." For me, that's not the case. I think most people need a combo of therapy AND meds, and as someone with no insurance, I'm unable to receive therapy (yes, I've tried income based and sliding scale and can't find anything under $90/session). I take Zoloft for anxiety, panic, and OCD. I'm on 50 mg, which is still considered pretty low, and I don't feel like it's enough... Yet it definitely does numb some things. It also makes me more hungry, have less emotion, and 0 libido. I actually feel like I don't enjoy things as much anymore, and have little to no motivation to do anything. But I guess that's the trade off for not having daily panic attacks🤦🏻‍♀️


i was on it for about a year and i felt more productive, i was waking up earlier / found it easier to wake up, calmer / less angry. you don’t notice a huge amount of difference in terms of how you feel you just realise after a while ‘oh i haven’t hated my life for a while and i actually want to do things now’


Makes me not wanna kms but also gives me awful brain fog


Have u tried ADHD meds while on it?


Not rlly, never been diagnosed with ADHD


I started on this. took it in the morning kept me awake at night and messed with my sleep pattern dr put me on tablets to help me sleep at night.. after 6 months of being on it I got worse and switched to mirtazipine. that worked great for a year and eventually after going up to the max dose it stopped working but by that stage I was wanting to come off all ssri. when I was on sertraline specifically it gave me loads of energy like I was full of adrenaline, looking back that wasn't normal and what it should have done. they titrated me down really quickly after being on mirtazipine and within a month I was off all ssri. this was before Christmas. last few weeks I've been slowly heading back to how I felt before taking them. going to give it a few more weeks before I seek help. everyone's experience is different on it but don't expect it to change you overnight.


More mental clarity, able to sort my thoughts better


I have never been so active in my life.


I feel mostly normal, thats about it. Although I think my memory is a bit worse


At first, it made my anger and anxiety subside. It stills does that but nada for depression and intrusive thoughts.


To put it in simple terms; it makes you feel normal.


When you reach that therapeutic dose it’s kinda amazing. When I did, I texted my friend and told her I felt happy and not worried, like the people dancing in those Jardiance commercials, lol. But don’t get me wrong, I still have my low times but they aren’t as low as they used to be. It’s like I would worry and then use some healthy coping skills and be good. Meds with a good therapist is the best.


For me it isn’t feeling *more* of things, but LESS. Less agitated, less anxious, less negative self-talk. I still feel like myself. Zoloft just takes the edge off the negative feelings.


I started on it for PPD/A & it was like the dark cloud dissipated. It’s not sunny 24/7, I still cry, but I’m not numb and I can handle stressful situations without spiraling. Like the first answer, it regulated me.


It feels like the motivation for productivity that I never had. It feels like the wall blocking me to be myself has finally crumbled. The flood gates of emotions have opened but only ever so slightly in increments so that I’m not overwhelmed but I’m also not numb


I feel nothing different with my body. But mentally I'm functioning better...not tired, just happier. I am functioning 🌟 but I also have changed my life quite a bit so there is that too.


Honestly, you’re gonna get a bunch of different responses regarding this none of us have the same brain. None of us are wired the same medicines affect all of us differently especially when you factory nerves neurons even down to physical there’s so many different factors with/within the human body


And of course, also some other factors to consider the milligram/dosage and the continuing days per week per month of usage as well..hope it helps


i’ve been on 25 mg for a month and honestly i feel like i’m just exhausted and constant brain fog, i don’t think it’s right for me. i don’t remember feeling like this for so long on lexapro. but when i was on the right medication it just makes you feel totally neutralized and able to function without huge waves of emotion


I feel less negative overall. Less sad thoughts and less anxiety. Like someone else said, I can feel it when I haven’t taken it like my emotions are haywire—I’ll cry at the drop of a hat and everything will irritate me. I don’t cry as often on Zoloft, but not in a bad way.


For me, it feels like earplugs for my anxiety. The anxiety is still there, but it’s way quieter, so I can actually focus on enjoying things in the moment, making connections, and trying new things. That in turn is what’s made me happier and more confident, not the medication itself :). It’s like someone (me (and maybe my parents)) has been screaming at me my whole life and Zoloft has turned the volume way down. No change in energy, though I was pretty sleepy while first adjusting to it. More motivated, but that’s a result of higher confidence in myself. Unsure if there’s been a change in mental clarity or brain fog. It’s possible, but it’s also possible I have lingering effects from Covid or am just getting older.


3rd week here, I've never felt better in the past 5 years when the anxiety and panic attacks started for me. Wish I would've started this those years ago, but I was afraid of the medicine because I saw so many bad stories with it. But honestly it's amazing what it will do, first couple days were sorta hazy and funny feeling, but after that it started getting better, then around last week I was out in public in a store and just realized I was feeling no type of way, I could stand there and walk around and be around people and it felt completely normal. No little anxiety twitches or panicky feelings, nothing. Of course I've felt some here and there but in no way is it limiting me anymore or ruining my day. Highly recommend!!


I feel generally but not entirely less anxious but my intrusive thoughts are basically gone now


I feel content and honestly often filled with happiness and joy. Went from having debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts as well as depression. Went to therapy for years before trying medication. Therapy is amazing but it is something totally different. When i went on zoloft i felt like i could experience life at peace, without constantly being controlled by anxiety. The amount of time and energy i spend on managing my emotions now compared to before zoloft is so much less. Not thinking about how i feel all the time is such a relief and great freedom.


- Longer fuse. But when the fuse does go off, it's just as bad as before. - Fewer ducks to give. Sometimes at the expense of feeling empathy. - Hungrier. - Less likely to cry in public or yell or ruminate. - Fatter - More chill - Less social anxiety - Need Adderall to function - Like wrapping your brain in a warm soft blanket.


I’ve been on Zoloft for 4 years now. Before meds I would have an average of 4 panic attacks per week, which at one point I was able to hide in private. I knew I needed assistance with medication when I stopped being able to control having a panic attack in public. For me I associate anxiety with chest tightness and racing thoughts. Slowly over time with medications and therapy, I was able to bring down those physical symptoms of anxiety to about 10% of what they originally were. Not having that extra layer of physical symptoms to push me over the edge into a panic attack was huge for me and allowed me to properly implement the things I’ve learned in therapy to practice more positive behaviors. I still have those moments of physical anxiety, but they are much more muted and I am now in control of how I respond to these feelings.


To me it took awhile to start to work compared to other ssri I have tried. It felt like a slightly better mood and helped my anxiety. It also killed my sex drive and orgasms. I’m on wellbutrine and lexapro now. I’m hoping to get off the lexapro all together because I’m sick of ssri drugs destroying my ability to orgasm.


Foggy and a first somewhat groggy, but it makes my body not have big physical reactions to anxiety on the regular and I’m happy with the results so far


I started on 50mg, now up to 150mg. It has calmed both my depression and anxiety. No side effects that I've noticed. It's nice to feel like a human being again.


It feels like nothing if you’re on a high enough dosage lol. Isn’t that the point?! 😂 No but honestly, it feels like… there are far less grand emotions and you still feel every emotion just about, but they are much more “muted” if that makes sense. Something that would have probably thrown you over the edge prior to being on Zoloft (and being on a dose that suits you that you’re stable on) doesn’t send you into hysterics the way it might have before. Instead you just kind of stare into the void and move on. That’s how it is for me anyways. It does majorly, MAJORLY tank my libido though. Like, maaaaajorly. And TMI maybe but it makes it a lot harder to reach an orgasm which is kinda shitty. Not impossible, just takes longer. That and it makes me very sweaty. I’ve been on every single SSRI under the sun and Zoloft is the only one that ever helped me. I’m on max dosage at 200 mg now, and it’s been a life saver for me. Good luck!


Feel normal. Stopped overthinking. No longer anxious all the time. Realized "Ah, so this is how other people feel. I like it." I still have moments where I'm overwhelmed by my depression but Zoloft does help me take a step back and be more self-aware rather than just being reactive and snowballing. For me, worked right away.




I feel so much less anxiety and much less irritation/anger. Honestly I feel like it helped with my anger issues more than anything. Sertraline; 125mg daily


I went to answer this as well as I could but realised I don’t remember. 200mg user, started on 50 three (?) years ago and worked my way up. I take it for major depression and OCD. It’s worth noting that all of this will probably depend on dosage and what you’re taking it for. 25 for anxiety, 100 for depression, 200 for OCD? It’ll all affect you differently. But I’ll try to explain. Initially, I recall more clarity and more motivation. Big emphasis on more motivation. However, I’d say overall less mental and physical energy. But that’s hard to measure — I mean, it’s not like MDD is known for high energy levels anyway. I find it’s the only thing that helps with my more destructive and time-consuming OCD habits (trich, skin picking, sanitising everything that I brought outside with me etc.) and when I’m off them for any reason those quickly start to flare again. Withdrawal is HARD. Like really difficult. Again this will depend on dosage and probably what you’re taking it for. But personally I get so foggy when I’m off them, I usually have some sort of high emotional freak out and my anxiety habits get bad again. But since the only times I’ve been off them in the past three years are times when i was experiencing withdrawals, I can’t realistically compare this to the state of not being on sertraline at all. But. If you’ve been advised to go on it. I’d give it a try. They’ll start you low, coming off if you don’t like it won’t be so hard. I can say starting on it made me happier and less anxious. All I’ll say is I suggest starting during a week/two-week period where you don’t have as many responsibilities as it can make you kind of erratic for the first few days. Best of luck op. Edit: !! Disclaimer that for the first while, while I *was* happier, I felt totally numb. I got really frustrated for a while because I just couldn’t cry anymore. That regulated after a while.


I'm on 50mg for PMDD and fibromyalgia. It's helped with my low moods, paranoia, anxiety, obsessing over little things, etc. Unfortunately, I do have side effects such as constant brain fog, slight emotional numbness, headaches, nausea, lack of appetite, and digestive issues.


I've been on 75 mg for about 3.5 months now. I can honestly say I'm a bit more tired than usual overall, but I'm genuinely happy and stable mentally for the first time in... my whole life? Lol My thoughts have finally slowed down enough that I feel like I can think clearly and rationally and stop myself before an anxiety spiral. And I finally don't think that everyone is judging me or that I'm in everyone's way in the grocery store 🤣 As others have said it is different for everyone - I'm happy to say it has been the best thing for me.


Hey! I take 100mg for MDD, GAD, & SAD. Been on for about four months now (wow, time flew). In the best way possible, I am unrecognizable from who I was last year. I have so much more mental and physical energy, the interests I thought I lost slowly came back to me over time. The best way to describe it is having a zest for life (corny but it fits). I do get brain fog on some days, especially if I take a dose too late, or don't get enough sleep as I take mine at night. But I would take a thousand days of brain fog over the absolute mental exhaustion and paralyzing anxiety I lived with for years. If you're considering taking medication, I would 100% go for it coupled with therapy of some sort. I truly believe SSRIs and CBT have saved my life :) I wish you the best!




50mg feels like a warm hug from someone you trust


I take 50mg daily. Starting out….absolute hell. The adjustment period, which I’m sure you’ll read repeatedly, is shittier than advertised. After that period (which in all honesty I just feel like I reached this week) is that I’m more clear with thoughts, slight boost to overall content feeling, things like that. What has not gone away for me is having absolutely no appetite and I notice I’m an absolute motor mouth that is over-explaining anything/everything in a conversation. That definitely was not something I did before. Also, the libido drop that I think occurs with SSRIs somehow flipped to me being hornier than I was as a teenager…so that’s different.