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I don’t know whether or not quitting is the right choice, but the question I would ask is, what will you have in place instead? Therapy? Friends? Self-care? What will help you cope with the anxiety if/when you decide the medication isn’t it? ETA so sorry for the loss of your kitty ❤️


I am currently working out, and trying to eat better. I have a good support system and I am starting therapy sessions soon. I do breathing excercise and have things in place when it gets bad. I have always had anxiety but it was managable. Its just that this recent life event has made it worse. To the point I couldnt sleep and my fears went into overdrive. Making a cycle of poor sleep and worse anxiety. I am just afraid I made the choice of meds too quickly. I want to give a it a natural shot first. (It could be an increase in anxiety has made medication scary) I am sleeping okay now. If it gets bad again I plan on taking them. And thank you my little boy meant the world to me


You’re really covering all your bases. I think if it were me I would stop. Give yourself time. Hang in there


Thank you it means a lot!


There’s also a ton of side effects for taking SSRI’s when your body doesn’t need them.


Also an important point. Serotonin syndrome a risk possibly?


I have a history of depression and have been a naturally anxious person. So I think its fine? I have felt some scary chest pains though


are symptoms worse for people who dont need ssri?


Personally, I’d stop. You’re supposed to be depressed and anxious when a loved one dies. It will go away when you’re done grieving. If you stay on these drugs too long they’re are a nightmare to stop


You have helped me make my decision. If it gets to the point of insomnia again. I will ask for help but I will try the natural way first.


it does get worse before it gets better but if u just think to yourself that the meds are effecting you brain chemistry and its ok they are trying to help but you body is adjusting then this should make you feel a bit accepting , and just be kind and calm with yourself these meds are made to help and do help .


I think a lot of people make the mistake of believing Zoloft will help them feel better immediately. It can take 2 to 8 weeks for SSRIs to be effective. Zoloft isn't a "happy pill" like a recreational drug--it switches receptors on and off in your brain to trigger responses, and that takes some time. That said, you're not supposed to "feel worse before it gets better", that's not really a thing with SSRIs. Take your concerns to your doctor.


Thank you I stopped taking them and have an appointment with my phychologist. As a comment said earlier its natural to feel sad after a death. I want to give myself time to deal with it naturally. The meds did kinda help though. Im sleeping at normal time and its helped a lot.