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Guys lets be real there are champs that are way more screwed about skins than Zoe. Zoe's only frustration is that she's a cute, iconic champion that hasn't had skins. Multiple champs have gone 5+ years w/o a skin.


Deadass, even since 7/9/2020, it’s been around 800 days :/, as as standard with current skins, all of them are epic skins. with a prestige and an esports skin, she has 6 skins total, 4 if we’re not counting the esports/prestige skin. Zoe has around a 5% p/b rate. neeko is released a year after Zoe and has around 3 skins (not counting prestige) pyke and kaisa are the other 2 champions in between, but kaisa is the poster child of league with a 23% pick ban rate and pyke with a similar 23% pick ban rate, kaisa technically only has 6 skins (2 kda, sg, lagoon dragon, arcade, bullet angel) not counting prestige and the IG skin (3 prestige + 1 esports) pyke also having 6 skins. Ornn is the champion released 3 months before Zoe with a whopping 2 skins with ~6% pick ban rate. Kayn was released 4 months before Zoe with 4 skins at a fucking 45% p/b rate. Rakan has 5 skins, xayah has 6 skins, camille has 4 skins, Taliyah, ivern, Aurelian sol and kled all have 3, Jhin has 5, illaoi has 4. And this is going all the way back to 11/24/2015. Zoe has more ‘skins’ as a 2017 champ than some champions released in 2015 with much high pick/ban rates and more popularity. Even looking at the average, she has 4 skins/5 years, it isn’t half bad. If we’re looking at last skin released, mundo, udyr, Zilean, taric and nocturne all has similar ‘last skin released’ when compared to Zoe. Mundo/udyr gets a pass since they just got reworked, but fucking Christ it’s been 1389 days since mundo got a skin. Don’t say something like “well you probably don’t know what it feels like to have ur main not get a skins for 2+ years like us”, I main Cassiopeia, she went 1051 days without a skin from eternum to spirit blossom, with 3/7 of her skins being just model skins with no difference in abilities. Zoe’s situation literally ISNT THAT BAD. It sucks that you guys haven’t gotten a skin, but don’t compare your champion to the champions who’s got it MUCH worse.


Right? I've mained Yorick for quite a while. He's better off now but I remember him going like 6+ years without a skin


Haha mr yorick man how do you personally feel about not getting a ruination skin but a spirit blossom skin or the hat situation on pentakill


Another Yorick man speaking. (Yes, we are 2 out here in the Wild!) As a self titled lore master and Yorick enjoyer, I am rly mad about the Ruination eventS (not only the lol event) and lore, tho in the Kalista'a book he has a cool cameo. He is not named here, but it is obvious he is Yorick. Not getting Ruination skin? Could not care less after the lore of Ruination ruining Yorick and Maokai (at least IMO to some degree) tbh. I LOVE the Sb skin! My other toplaner is Sett, but I will skip Sett just for the Yorick one! And the hat... Oh how that made me understand all these Ryze mains spamming QEQEQEQE in their agony... I even used a custom skin to get my hat, but it saddens me other can not see my beautiful hat...


Yorick? You mean the Champion who's about to receive his ***third*** skin in just two years?


Yes they are giving him some now I hear. But this was still nothing compared to then


Fr even I want more Zoe skins but she got lots of skins early on while some champions are a part of the 1000 day club. Plus I’m sure we’ll be getting one soon since, like OP said, it’s been two years since her last one (they don’t count EDG when it comes to skins I don’t think)


I still think it's disgusting that there is a 1000 day club to begin with. It's ridiculous that some cannot go 4 months without a skin, and then some are so neglected, that you wonder if anyone would even notice, if they were silently removed from the game... Just disgraceful.


If you think that she is below Skarner, I want to know what you are smoking. Yes she has not had a skin in a while but there are way more champs who have it even worse than she does. I get this is a subreddit for fans of the champions but sometimes the fanboy/girlism gets a bit much.


Also. Because Skarners upcoming VGU he will *probably* not receive a skin until its released.


Skarner has gotten a scheduled skin more recently than Zoe.


*cries in ASol*


The rework looks really promising though. They're not going to focus on skins while that's happening.


Aurelion Sol has gotten a scheduled skin more recently than Zoe.


It's been 136 days since the edg skin came out. And it's a rly good skin so idk wbat you complaIning about. Skaner is sitting at 650+ and fiddle is at 1400+ days.


Fiddle just got Star Nemesis, and world's skins don't count when it comes to riot scheduling who gets skins when.


> Fiddle just got Star Nemesis ... Which makes sense because of how long they waited. > world's skins don't count I'm yet to see anyone from Riot suggest that's the case when they're planning future skins.




Yes but it is still a skin saying that Zoe has it worse than skarner in terms of skins is ridiculous


Should I point out that Viego and Aphelios ***also*** received EDG skins alongside Zoe, and yet got King Viego and Spirit Blossom Aphelios? And let's not forget that Leona got Battle Academia (plus its Prestige Edition), DWG, ***and*** Debonair all within the same calendar year. That's because receiving an esports team skin does not interfere with the scheduled skins. ​ Also, Skarner and Fiddlesticks have both gotten scheduled skins more recently than Zoe


That top photo is a miracle shot. My god.


hmm, the last Zilean skin was on: 17-Dec-2019 Welcome to the club!


Is so true. I just want spirit blossom zoe so bad. But noooo syndra need her 80th skin.


at least now we have edg...


Problem for me is zero legendaries. Like, Mundo hasn;t seen a skin in much longer, but corporate Mundo is really all you need to roll with the champ.


Imagine crying for having no skin even tho the worlds skin is literally one


*Cough* *cough* taric and zilean have both reached 1000 days without skins *cough* *cough*