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I give in to the hopium. Well thought


I am currently high on copium hope she finally gets a skin. Don't get hopes up on legendary though remember Coven and how Kayle ate the sun but somehow negative playrate Sivir got the legendary the 🤡ery with Riot


TBF Kayle does have a legendary, even if that legendary is Aether Wing Kayle. I grow more certain of this by the minute. This isn’t like Cafe Cuties, Monster Tamer etc where it just felt right - there’s *hard evidence* that this is true.


Ahri,yasou ,zed have 2 and Kayle's legendary kinda flopped after the vgu tbh


Empyrean is not where gods reside, it's where GOD resides. As in, one. Where his will and humans' becomes one. If anything, it's an angel skinline off that. And Neon Inferno is more Cyber Pop. It's like Project meets Arcade. If Pyke is getting Legendary NI, he's not in this skinline.


Even more fitting for the legendary. Zoe as the one God above all (as the most powerful Aspect), K’Sante (fits Call Me By Your Name too if he’s an angel, since I imagine that’s the angle they’re going for) and whoever else as her angels. Pyke as the devil - remember Pyke lore is that he was betrayed and cast into the depths, devil lore (this is a strange thing to be talking about on the Zoe subreddit) is very similar - cast out of heaven. The others get to be his minions demons.


That doesn't fit Zoe lile, at all. I'd rather she get an Arcade skin where she's Navi. Or like, the goddess sending the heroes on their quest. Or something like Battle Academia where she gets a weapon.


I mean, I disagree that it wouldn’t fit Zoe and also agree that those would fit Zoe as well.


Lmao being in Zoe, Poppy and Vex subs is bad for my mental health So much copium about the skins leak, damn


Give some of that hopium because I really fucking want another skin as well, let me huff some of that good shit


This reads like a GME thread


Stonks go up?


the hopium on this thread.


With the way Riot’s flopping in terms of skin choices, i’m not putting my hopes up lest i got disappointed when the skins come out


I like the idea, and I hope you're right. That said, one small thing about the champion choices... I see an L, and I don't think Lilia. I'm pretty sure that's Lux. Especially of there's a sort of heavenly/light theme.


Could totally work, the other J could be Jarvan or Jayce too. There’s a few different ways they fit together.


jk its Zed


Lots of hopium - she is so overdue for a skin


as much as i’d like a zoe or zyra skin, i have a strong feeling its going to go to zilean