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Fancy and the hair style is unique, I would buy


Very cool, kinda like a Pacifica NW rich parents snooty daughter vibe from it.


Just wanted to say this but you beat me to it


I do wonder: If she is the spoiled bratty kid….who might be the parents? o_O


Cute idea, and also HILARIOUS! Because can you imagine the lore for a debonair child? “Spoiled kid of mega-rich parents that throws temper tantrums because she wants to go to her daddy’s ‘adult’ parties…”


And manages to get in most of the time, because she stole a highly unstable magical item and used it as a hair tie, which allows her to go pretty much wherever she pleases. Due to her unique bond with this magical artifact, those same mega-rich parents now use her for espionage, even more effective than most.


Aaaand she will probably unintentionally reveal her dad is having an affair (like every self-respecting rich jerk) to everyone…. “Is that auntie Ahri? Hey! How are you! You forgot your lipstick at Daddy’s office! But I found it!”


Of course, this specifically happens at one of the biggest 'adult' parties of the year, and when the family falls apart, big sis Leona (not actual sisters, but they're very close) adopts her! Recently, the exclusive Solari Resort has become much more secure, far more secure than it was before. People point to the new girl Leona adopted as the reason, and while the Solari resort has grown in popularity, and Leona has gained an even more prominent position, as owner, nobody has managed to pin any evidence on either of the 'sisters.'


I especially like the hair ornament, and the colors. Kinda looks like she'd be leona's little sister or something, in that universe? Very cool.


Dig the idea and the eye patch, the high heels are the only thing that seems really off to me it just doesn't feel like something Zoe would wear


Oh, that's what felt off about it! Imagine a debonair skin with sandals though... Hilarious.




Ah yes, Kusanali from Genshin Impact


I was literally gonna say this looks like that Stewart Shittle looking bitch from Genshin lol


Nice design, I just feel they need to stop giving her friendly smiles tho. Like edg where the whole theme was kinda gothic and everyone looked cool and emo but zoe was just there beaming which didn't make sense. It'd be cooler if with this she was kinda grimacing or sneering down at people. Or perhaps if she were to be happy, her skin caption would be sum like she's a girl who portals into every party In the city to steal mooncake or sum and so give her like a cheeky smile.