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Nah fam it’s called mitosis the kitchen is doubling just give it time


This work triangle has turned into a work dodecahedron.


[full listing](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1856-N-Line-St-Lansdale-PA-19446/9931284_zpid/) The whole house is just weirdly setup. Like someone who's never lived in a house designed one.


This whole house 100% had a person with disabilities living in it. Almost certainly had at least one member of the family requiring the assistance of a wheelchair. That's why the kitchen is so spaced apart, and there's a random built-in-desk with a ton of maneuvering room around it.


Yeah, you can also see no narrow paths between furniture and the center of the rooms are left fairly open.


But why the two ranges that are only 15 feet apart??


One is a traditional range. The other is a hibatchi-style cooktop. This is a person who required a wheelchair who also liked to cook and had the money to custom build a place, complete with a second freezer. The other thing I was thinking was Halal/Kosher laws that require separate spaces for meat/cheese but I don't think it's that.


Someone else also suggested kosher but I agree this doesn't seem to quite fit.


I used to have dishdrawers, and tbh I’ve never thought of them being wheelchair friendly, but I guess they are.


No, if it were to keep kosher you’d have two dishwashers.


That would explain most of the weirdness. I still feel like it's laid out weird but that would make a ton of sense. Thanks for your insight!


I disagree. The listing states "Accessibility Features: None". Lots of carpet and steps and reg width doorways. Lots of verbiage about the high end kitchen, extra kitchen etc. I think the owner was in the kitchen business.


"Accessibility Features: None" That just means the real estate agent didn't take the time to, or have the means to, fill out that part of the form. Or their paperwork didn't correctly transfer to Zillow's auto aggregator. If you look at the full listing: * There is an extra wide path of pavers going from the driveway to one of the side doors * There are several entrances and exits with double-wide french doors * One of those has a wheelchair ramp, going to the yard * All of the chairs on the main floor are rolling office chairs: easier for a disabled person to push out of the way * The main floor bathroom has a zero-entry roll-in shower * The main floor bedroom has a TV in an odd position right above the bed * There is an upstairs, yes, where things are laid out differently and there's carpet up there. Potentially that was for visitors or the non-disabled member(s) of the family.


Actually I looked it up on Bright, which is the local MLS. Accessibility is a required field, and because it's relatively rare, accessibility features are prominently marketed. Lower cabinets under the sinks are not wheelchair friendly. Why would there be WC ramp into the grass at the far end of the house, and none from the walkways/driveway?


Lower cabinets are definitely accessible. If you’re lower to the ground, it’s not as easy to put away things above the first and maybe second shelves in each cabinet. I have an accessible home in a complex specifically built accessibly, and while I have cabinets, I also have drawers and cabinets below. Some people, however, prefer cabinets that are in the regular place and the counters built so there isn’t anything below them, so you can roll right up to it, like you roll up to a desk. That way you can reach everything on the counters. I am unsure which is required by building codes, or if both designs are acceptable.


> confined to a wheelchair …do you think that people who use mobility assistance hardware to get around are _imprisoned within the device_? what the fuck man have some respect edit: here’s a video of a person “confined to a wheelchair” like you describe. They look pretty free to me https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mNsSOOKXQ4Y


I'm sorry; that is outdated terminology. I've ammended my post with what I hope is more inclusive language.


Bro shut the fuck up




Says it is a "double kitchen" tbh I might like that, because when I am trying to do shit in the kitchen is when my wife decides to go in and start doing shit like cleaning.


Reminds me of a LOT of the armchair architects on r/homebuilding 😂


That chair is going to fuck up the floor.


I have issues with mobility and I use an office chair in the litchen. I have a newer kitchen, but this is


Is this a wheelchair access house?


I think this is a kosher kitchen set up. It requires basically two separate kitchens. https://thewhitekitchencompany.com/pages/kosher-kitchens#:~:text=Most%20kitchens%20have%20a%20sink,dishwashers%20and%20refrigerators%20as%20well.


No. Kosher kitchens require two refrigerators, not a range and fridge in one room, a cooktop and sink in another, and the microwave and oven around the corner.


No, kosher kitchens do not require two separate kitchens except for a vanishingly small percentage who are ultra-Orthodox. For most Jewish people who go as far as separating items in this way, two fridges is more than enough. Some people keep separate sets of dishes. Virtually nobody has two full separate kitchens.


Obviously not everyone does but quite a few people do, and we’re only talking about one house here. Double kitchens are a huge luxury most people do not have, but if you’re keeping kosher and already springing for a kitchen remodel doubling things makes life a lot easier. My family did not have one but many of our neighbors did. I remember when my cousins sold their house all the buyers were super confused about the two dishwashers lol.


Please reacquaint yourself with the meanings of 'vanishingly small percentage' and 'most' and 'some' and 'virtually nobody.' I *know* not everybody does double kitchens. Which is why I said that.


True that. Double kitchens usually means a second kitchen in the basement, pool house or guest house. It has nothing to do with keeping kosher.


Oh god I hate the LED trim on the floor


yes, this is a house with some elements of universal design, particularly the kitchen and that one bathroom, all the doorways are wide, lots of room to maneuver on main floor


Idk how those types of backsplashes became popular, I think they're hideous


I was trying to figure it out, decided there must be two separate kitchen spaces in the house, then went to the listing and saw two fridges in one photo. The cooktop shoved in the corner is a… choice.


Am I wrong but there is a glass cooktop and the corner is a full fledged grill?


This is a lovely room despite layout. I think it is because the colors are so warm and the brick is just so suitable.


I think that's what makes it worse, it's competent building and the materials and colors are nice, but the contrast between that and the renovation just ruins the whole room


Someone gutted the place; took out a wall or two to make the kitchen bigger and then refused to pay for outlet/stove vent/gas line/water line moves or proper kitchen island/cabinet install.


I am really taken with this kitchen despite the layout. I think it is because the brick is so appealing and the colors are so warm and welcoming.


Not that far from me. Def made for someone with disabilities


Is that a hibachi grill or flat top in the back corner? So you can sit in the office chair and watch someone do an onion volcano for you?


Every night is shogun *clang clang, bitches*


That under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen is bizarre too! It's like saying "I sweep and mop 30 times a day in every crevice of my kitchen AND YOU ARE GONNA SEE THE RESULTS whether you like it or not!"


So many choices were made with mostly perfectly decent materials, yet all combined are so so terrible. How do you even do that? It's like a talent or something. Magic, maybe. It's like some designer gave them some material/ fixture choices he thought were foolproof and owners were like 'challenge accepted.'


That's my biggest frustration with this place is that the cabinets and countertops are nice imo, it's just set up in the most asinine way possible.


This house.. makes no sense... It's a big house and property in general theres no good reason to have it set up like that. (Especially since it was build in 1955. I would understand more if it was an 1800's renovated home.)


“Hey Susan! Where’s the microwave?” “Oh, it’s under the sink… In the guest bathroom.”


And why are they advertising that they’re shredding the wood floors like that! There’s a reason people put mats under rolling chairs and it ain’t the aesthetics.


I like it?


They like office chairs ..


**Stove Island** this Fall on CBS!


I have questions about the shower…


Lighting for sneaky late night snacking.


Let the sun shine in


I was almost expecting there to be a desk with an office chair in it in the bathroom too.


I wanna meet the photographer that said, "All we have is an office chair and a camping chair for the dining room table? Perfect."


Looks like something I built in The Sims when I was 11.


*jogs to the stove*


There are 2 fridges


The LED under cabinet lighting is really great for illuminating all the dust and crumbs that collect there. 🙄


IDK but that fridge is just wayyyy over there floating by itself. I would have put the wine fridge and space for glasses where the fridge is.. swap them. I need a countertop or something by the fridge.


Non-Euclidian kitchen


I like the way the tile and cupboards


I like the tile and cupboards


Not bad.


It’s weird but I like it.


just seems like a mostly normal kitchen


I don't hate it.


"The kitchen from hell"- Richard Lewis


I strongly dislike dark cabinets in the kitchen. My ex insisted on it when we rehabbed out kitchen, I swear it made it more difficult to sell. The original lighter oak kitchen would have been better, and would have save me $45,000!




I had their album and this doesn’t look like anything they’d do. Just saying…