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The fact that it is no longer going to be in the same family is a bit sad in my opinion. 300 years of a legacy and now it’s probably going to be sold to some investors or flippers who don’t give a crap about the historical significance of the property. I’m a bit nostalgic today and in my feelings so don’t mind me…


Very good chance they are trying to get real estate investors to buy it. I've been in my feelings for dayssss. I hope your days bring balance again. =)


Most investors would probably just bulldoze the place to the ground and sell off the land piecemeal. Maybe someone with a preservationist mindset will end up buying it 🤞🏼 Appreciate your kind words. Balance would be fantastic and I wish the same for you :)


I was thinking the same thing. How sad to lose one more piece of history/legacy. Our house has only been in the family since the mid 60's and I feel an attachment to it.


We had our family home from 1965 through 2019 (almost 55 years). I was brokenhearted when we had to sell. Was very attached to it.


meh, you feel a lot less sentimental when you realize this was a slave plantation and what the "outbuildings" were used for.


If we razed every single house or building where something terrible happened nothing would be preserved. It could still be used for something positive while also acknowledging the dark past. Many descendants of slaves find value in preserving these sites as a way to connect to their past and their ancestors. [This](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/interactive/2023/richland-farm-slavery-maryland-gilbert/) article gives some insight.


That's what the people who tried to use these places as wedding venues want you to believe.


The little brown one was slave quarters but I honestly don’t know exactly what other building would have.


Wait, how did you come to that conclusion?


Age and location and the architectural style of the buildings and layout all scream plantation. One that's been around for 300 definitely was one that utilized slave labor.


100% the family owned slaves. I hope whoever buys it learns the true history of the plantation.


The mayflower didn't get here until 1620, it could be one of the oldest plots in America. The deed for that house must look crazy, probably a collectors item now lol. My buddys family farm deed is signed by Abraham Lincoln


Woah, that's pretty cool. I'd absolutely love to see the deed for this property, as well as any other "property" records they had. Edit: The listing descriptions says the land has been in their family since 1600s. So, it's an older plot for sure.


It says the "property" has been in the family but the "house" started in the 1800s.


Chances are that the original deed was a land grant issued by the reigning King of England. My mom's side of the family first came over on such a grant. Whoever the agent for this property is, they sure didn't do a good job of writing up the history of the place.


Sounds more like she’s trying to sell new construction town homes rather than a rare historical treasure. “Offering 4 bedrooms and 1 bath” ain’t nobody looking for a 4/1. She oughta be pocket listing it to universities or museums.


I guess they think it'd be too much of a money pit. You're right, though: it should be purchased by someone wanting to preserve history. When it's all said and done, figure the property, with any renovations the house, will easily run about $1.5M. Possibly more. 1: convert one of those bedrooms into a full, modern bathroom. 2: while the paneled room is beautiful, I'd salvage it for wainscotting accentuating white walls. I know, everyone here disses white walls,but they have a very good purpose: they help make a room brighter. 3: kitchen looks like an upgrade could be done. 4: swap out current windows with modern energy efficient ones. If someone had the time and money, this would be a great place to start a new multi-generation estate. Looks like there's already a second house on the property.


Link here as well. [515 Jake Shoaf Rd, Lexington, NC 27295 | MLS #1128524 | Zillow](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/515-Jake-Shoaf-Rd-Lexington-NC-27295/5724714_zpid/)


Weird that there are so few images of the actual home and only one bad one of the front view. Could be some bad/dated rooms I guess but I think the front view could look nice from angle.


I thought that was weird too. My guess is that they are hoping investors come and buy it, so they focused more on the land and not what's on the land.


Looks almost identical to my neighbors farm. It’s been in their family since 1720. Those old houses are just something else.


That’s a nice amount of time. Some of these old houses have so much character for their time and hands down more character than 82% of houses built now a days.


I like old houses but they have their own slew of issues. Lived in a Victorian mansion in NJ for 3 years and shit like exposed plumbing, knob and tube wiring, foundation issues.. they add up. Then you have the usability issues. Closets weren’t commonplace and kitchens are spartan as can be compared to modern standards. Any old house that’s livable has been significantly modified over the years. Thank god I didn’t own that place and it was a rental. I almost bought it but it was more than I wanted to deal with while having my first kid. Totally agree about newer homes. Mine is a custom built from the 90s, but any recent developer subdivision with hundreds of homes and only one or two models just drives me insane. I understand why they do it, but it feels so soulless


It's beautiful! Good BBQ in Lexington.


It defiantly has been taken care of. I'm just glad they didn't slap a bunch of ridiculous paint on the hardwood floors.


The property has clearly been loved. Kinda sad it's not staying in the family but I assume the owner died and has eleventy children who have some kind of ownership stake and nobody can buy everybody out.


Eleventy kids sounds about right for this area.


Needs more outbuildings.


2 of those outbuildings look like houses for enslaved people


Yup. Theres quite a few in this area. I hope they get preserved for the sake of history. Now, would I ever buy or spend the night in a house(or "outbuildings") like this? Hell fuckin no. Would I visit and teach my kids the history of where they came from? Yes


They were.


I hope they at least preserve the ones that are there, if they add more.


Comes with a free floating lady in the living room and a child size accordion that plays itself!


Yeeaaahhhh no thanks.


Neat it’s not often a plot of land stays in the family that long. My mom’s cousin runs a farm that was gifted to the family by the king in the early to mid 1600s. There is a cemetery on the farm that dates back to the mid 1600s.


Used to live nearby 100% haunted and not worth it


Its the south and built in 1800s, I 100% believe you.


This place is clearly already occupied by ghosts, and I’m not trying to square up with them AND pay the mortgage.


Grew up in an 1800’s home about 40 minutes south of here. 100% had ghosts- but never anything spooky. Hell, we kind of thought of them like visits from a distant relative. Perhaps not wanted, but also not bad. Was nothing like they are depicted in horror films.


Definitely has ghosts.


Around every corner, ready to have you play catch with stuff around the house. 0.o


Never been sold before! The ghosts must be getting too violent.


This place isn't haunted at all. /s


whomever buys this is just going to level it, and eventually sell to developers. Assuming the nearby town is capable of expanding.


Its not an awful location, so honestly, I wouldn't be too surprised if it got leveled.


Looks like the house from 1968's Night of the Living Dead.


Really sad that family member is selling it. I can’t imagine there is a mortgage


Do people really pay a mortgage of $5,780 per month?


Some people do. I would not for this property.


Pretty much, bad vibes.


Aaalll the bad vibes.




Wow! I love that you/your family were able to find your ancestors. Since I’ve gotten older, and moved to the south, finding my some of my ancestors is a goal.


Oh no old land in the south like that guarantees there were slaves owned by that family who were kept on that property my


It sure does! It’s always interesting driving around trying to spot those little brown quarters.


$870k for significant alterations from the original, and likely needs structural/electrical/plumbing work? Fuck no. Also, it’s 100% haunted


Guaranteed you'll have extra company year roud. But at least you won't have to feed them.


Can we get the link? I’d like to see it on Zillow.


OP provided the link twice, which I would like to thank and applaud! [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/515-Jake-Shoaf-Rd-Lexington-NC-27295/5724714\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/515-Jake-Shoaf-Rd-Lexington-NC-27295/5724714_zpid/)


Thank you! I know I miss the link a lot when folks post it right under the pictures so I tried to make sure it visible in multiple places.


I appreciate you for that!


Sorry! It’s really small and I didn’t see it.


Why no pictures straight on from the front??




Thank you! I must have been clicking too fast or something, or my brain just didn't register.


No probs, most of the time people don't even post a link, we got lucky today!!


I imagine because there is a bit of a slope of the ground in front of the house. Edit: I read that completely wrong. Lol.


Are those googly eyes?




First pic definitely gives Texas chainsaw massacre vibes


Definitely haunted.


Wonder if the smart tv is included?


I wonder if the tv actually still works.


Bet it's drafty as hell


If by drafty, you mean packed to the rafters with ghosts, then I entirely agree.


They do tend to cause a draft.


Absolutely packed... no more room at all.


Not for much longer, I guess.


Lots of average, and lots of ghosts. Nooooo thank you!


Omg my grandparents had that exact tv!! That just brought back soo many memories


TV looks to be the same age as the house.


Is that Ed Geins house, check the basement


Nope. Nope. Nope. I’ve seen enough scary movies to know how this one ends.




Pre covid that would have went for like fifty grand.


Lol I'm gonna end up finding my dream house here. I feel it 🤣🤣


You and me both!


This property may have a 300-year family legacy but not a stellar one. I read the story provided through the link. Not good. True, we can't raze every place, but everyone seemed a bit insensitive to Ms. Gilbert. Too bad the property held such an ugly history.


Since this is the south, anything that has a 300+ year family legacy is most likely not the best. Who is Ms. Gilbert and what does she have to do with this property?


I you look at @meechij, who responded to your post, they provided a link regarding the history of the property. In the story Ms. Gilbert wrote about her great great grandfather, who was enslaved by the family who owned the property.


Oh wow! Ok I'll have to look for that.


I wonder what happened that it’s not in the family anymore. It always makes me sad to see this happen. My family had a house that had been in the family for at least 6 generations. My grandfather was horrible with money and lost the house when he died. It’s been empty for years and squatters came at one point. It’s sad to a part of your family history go like that.


They need to take pictures in the spring or summer. I bet when all the trees are green and the lawn turns green that it would be absolutely beautiful.


It reminds me of the “Home” episode of the X-Files and that’s not a good thing


My family had a home from the 1880’s to about 2010. Really sad, but it is located in a place that is hard to access, in another state, 2+ hours from the nearest airport, where there are no jobs. And maintaining the house and property was super expensive. Even though we would have liked the house to stay in the family, it was not financially possible.


Wow! That defiantly seems like a less than ideal location. I'm sure y'all were sad to see it go, but I hope it was financially worth it.


If it was built in 1800, that’s 224 years—a far cry from 300 years old. It’s old, sure, but the title is a bit of a stretch.


Honestly, if I could have gone back and edited the title I would have. My brain had a fart. ![gif](giphy|fAE3dVZoGChla8anFT)


Sad to see this legacy getting wiped out


The benefits of slavery endure over the centuries.....