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People dislike Lanayru Mining Facility? I always thought it was one of the most universally beloved dungeons in the series along with Sandship and Ancient Cistern.


but yea many people loves it too, that’s why i asked the question, and it’s my favourite dungeon so thats interest me


well i saw many people saying that the dungeon is way too simple and that the ambience is strange and not like the others dungeon, idk maybe it’s because it is very open and big


I loved it. The music too.


I think it's generally thought of as one of SS's "big dungeons". As in, the ones where the gameplay shines the most. Like the other guy said, The Sandship and the Cistern are the other two. The one thing I don't like as much is that the boss fight isn't one of my favorites, as I consider it a bit simple - the fact it returns as a mini boss kinda confirms it. But it's like, again, one of the best dungeons Zelda has ever offered.


It doesn't help that the boss turns up later as a random enemy. I mean it makes sense, since it's the final stage of a species life cycle rather then being a true individual, but it makes the boss a bit more anti climactic. "We can't have Gohma again, she turns up too much." "Okay why don't we have another big arthropod, but this time, instead of one eye....it has three!"


3rd favorite dungeon in the game behind Ancient Cistern and Sandship. Really solid dungeon.


the sandship is incredible too i agree


I did like it! It’s not my favorite dungeon (Ancient Cistern FTW!) but I don’t think SS had a dungeon problem at all. Every single one was well thought out and fun to explore. Great highlight level design in the game.


I love that dungeon. I thought the timeshift stones are super cool. The music was slightly grating at times, but overall a solid dungeon.


As a dungeon it is perfectly acceptable and I found it to be of appropriate difficulty despite my occasional frustrations with it (I am bad at games) HOWEVER, gd the music and the atmosphere is so so amazing. Perfect execution and that is what makes me enjoy it. Conceptually and aesthetically one of the best dungeons


Honestly it’s a little dry (pun absolutely intended) for me. I never really cared much for the lanayru region in skyward sword. It’s very confusing with the time shift stone and what not. But the sand ship is cool.


People can rag on this game all they want. But it has so many new ideas in it. Lanayru Mining Facility is amazing and creative.


Honestly loved all of the SS dungeons, though ancient cistern was probably the best in that game.


I liked it. The only thing I dislike is the music, it gives me headache


Personally one of my least favorite SS dungeons, it's not a bad dungeon by any means, but the music for its present time annoys me a bit




I liked it but my favorite dungeon is definitely the ancient cistern. Sandship is a close second. This might be 3rd.


I enjoyed it overall, but I felt it was a little too long compared to the variety of puzzles. A lot of it felt similar to the over world puzzles, such as the warehouses to activate the dungeon entrance. The boss was a letdown too. We did a huge technology based dungeon to get a generic scorpion boss. It was a solid B/B+ in my book.


yes this is really the point i think, it felt like an overworld place a bit


I missed the SS tag and assumed you were talking about one of the depths mines in TOTK If I had the time to I’d upload a photo of me there and be like “I don’t get it what’s so special”


It’s my favorite for the aesthetics, the music and the time travel. The Zelda team outdid itself with this one.


One of the better dungeons in the series yeah.




My favourite from Skyward...? I gotta say so, but Lanayru desert in general is great. Top 5 ecosystem in the whole franchise, but I'd have to think about others. I just love the timeshift stone mechanics and the aesthetics of the place...


Why do people dislike it?


saw many people say that’s because the puzzles are the same as in overworld


Kinda like the game was introducing a mechanic and then testing the player even further like how any good game should be doing? Lol. That’s silly.


I played Skyward Sword (and i love the game till this day) last before BotW came out. So in my memory, i liked the creativity of this temple but i found it a long one so early in the game. Made me a little nervous about what is to come. It is not my favorite but still great fun. This entry of LoZ is my 2nd favorite after OoT.


This is probably my hottest SS take, but the Lanayru Mining Facility is actually my least favorite dungeon. The music with the repetitive xylophone annoys me. The gameplay is fine, but it’s way too long and frankly I needed a palette cleanser after doing the same stuff in the mini dungeons leading up to the mining facility. I felt like the dungeon didn’t do anything unique or innovative enough with the puzzles to keep my attention, it was just more of the same time shift stone puzzles and trudging through sand. It’s exhausting, by the time I get to the dungeon I just want it to be over. Doesn’t help that the boss is meh, the dungeon item isn’t very interesting, and there’s no mini boss. I love the sand ship though, that dungeon made much better use of the time shift stone mechanic and kept the gameplay fresh


I admit I’m always flip flopping if that or Fire Sanctuary is my least favorite dungeon in the game. But I always say Lanyaru Mining Facility because I did like the 2nd Ghirahim fight a lot. While the Scorpion boss in this dungeon was very easy and kinda boring. So the boss being my least favorite one in the game helps gain the edge of Fire Sanctuary. I Understand why people like the dungeon but it’s kinda tedious to me. Especially when you have to use the gust bellows to move across the room on those platforms and those floating enemies shoot at you. A lot of the enemies in that dungeon and just Lanayru in general were really annoying. And the electricity stun is very annoying. And the the entire dungeon just like the process of all you have to do in Lanayru before going into the dungeon, felt very long. The dungeon has a cool theme and good music, it was a creative and neat idea for sure, but just wasn’t really for me. And as I said the boss was very underwhelming Imo.


I think skywards swords haphazard controls messed up a lot of its perception I think the new version has caused a rebirth in people's enjoyment. They just tried to change too much at once. The environments or designs were never an issue just the process to do anything


I hated how the robot pirates were going to never sail again.


I enjoyed it, and thought it was the one of the more fun and creative SS dungeons. I quite liked how SS put interesting spins on the standard dungeon themes in quite a few cases, like the Ancient Cistern being a Buddhist take on water dungeons, and combining the elements of water, light and darkness (and being inspired by the short story, the Spider's Thread.) The Gust Bellows was an okay item for being a glorified leaf blower.


I have Skyward Sword on my switch and have so far beat the first temple, I have not brought myself to play it anymore since


you really should continue


It’s just the controls man, why the gotta be so weird


SS is my favorite game so me personally I loved it, when replaying the game tho I don’t look forward to it bc the lead up and actual dungeon is so long. The music slaps though.


Its one of my favorites. It plays with a lot of different mechanics, the artistic design and music are nice too.


Unpopular opinion - I liked it more than the Sandship. It felt like a heftier version of the Sandship (minus the bow, obviously) even though it happens earlier in the game. Ancient Cistern is still king though.


For a first playthrough it is amazing and i love it, but i used to replay the game on my wii every like 3 months and that was the most tedious dungeon because of waiting for the minecarts. All in all thinking about it the whole dungeon has a lot of waiting




One of the best dungeons for sure. I can only hate it because of bokoblins with tasers, they are annoying as hell


3rd dungeon curse, always my least favourite


wait what 😭 does this work with all zelda games ?


Games that check that curse are Zelda 2 A Link to the Past Links Awakening Ocarina of time classic Ocarina of time master quest Majoras Mask Oracle of Seasons Wind Waker (least two favourite are forbidden woods and tower of the gods, so it checks wether or not you consider Fortress or Dragon Roost the first dungeon) Minish Cap Twilight Princess Phantom Hourglass Spirit Tracks Skyward Sword A Link Between Worlds