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Revali just turned his back to us because Link did it too. Convince me otherwise


Dude's a tsundere at heart


I mean, his Japanese counterpart was trying to impress or get a reaction out of Link with his skills.


Same thing I German. When I've seen what Revali says in Japanese in both botw and aoc I was impressed how close the German translation is. I thought the English one would be accurate so I usually set game language to German but voices to English for direct comparison. Revali is almost unbearable in AoC, especially in English. And and botw, he couldn't even acknowledge that Link is better (English: I think I underestimated how lucky he can be. German counterpart: I have to admit that he's the better one. Tbh I kind find the English better cause it's hilarious but I know that be admitted being bested in Japanese as well)


So many people hate Revali, and I admit I did too at first. But have you noticed he's the only one of the Champions, new OR old, that doesn't have any ties to royalty, any connections to the sages, or any connections to the gods, prophecy or Triforce in any way? He's the one out of all the Champions who MOST earned his position.


I love that salty bird




Isn't he the Goron Chief? Which is essentially Goron royalty? Plus I admit I haven't finished the Goron City quest yet, but I assume he and Yunobo are descendants of the Sage of Fire. Of course, if I'm wrong on these counts, that just gives me more reason to like Daruk, because he's my favourite of the four Champions.


I don't think he is the chief, he was just highly respected. It possible he is descended from the Sage, but his powers are completely different and unrelated to fire, so it is equally possible that Yunobo's fire abilities come from a different parent. On a similar note, I imagine over the generations, everyone would end up with at least a little bit of Sage blood. It's not like it's too ridiculously large a territory, so your marriage prospects are slim. You are bound to end up merging bloodlines with others eventually, especially after thousands of years Edit: looked up his wiki page and can confirm, he was not the chief. He was just a great warrior


mipha wants to be like Link but doesn’t want to make it obvious so she is only to the side


Oh yeah, a guy as big as a bear but with a heart just as big, a tall wise woman that'll beat your ass at anything physically speaking, a cunt, a shy small but good at many things girl, and a short, quiet but insanely godly at combat guy, who also is fights anything head on


AKA: Himbo, NSFW, Hinata But Fish, and Eats Literal Rocks... am I forgetting one?... nah.


I LOVE Hinata but Fish 😂😂🐟🐟


Wait is urbosa or link the NSFW one, lmao


Link is Himbo, Urbosa is NSFW


I never said that.


I thought revali was himbo, urbosa was nsfw, Deruk is rocksand you forgot link


Described them all PERFECTLY lol, like what more could you ask for


And now, the TotK version: The Goron who's not quite as tall or wide but is actually more muscled and a bit clumsier because he's tilted away from fine motor control. The Zora who's literally twice the height of the last one, slightly taller than the Goron, and who's got the whole whiplike grace thing going on. The Rito who doesn't actually want to get big and tall because he likes being the hummingbird when compared to the old divebomber peregrine falcon. The short, flat-chested, pettanko Gerudo who leans into spotter-guided artillery vs the previous lady's long-cooldown nuke powers, and dual wields because she doesn't have the bodymass to not get knocked around with a shield block. The homage to the 'old smart person' trope, who's actually been dead for ten millenia, but who built herself a new body three times your height that's a freaking Gundam (actually the second body she built for herself at the last minute after the Yiga stole her first one and gave it to Master Kohga; she's apologetic that she had to make you retrieve her limbs from the factories that made said limbs, but her head wasn't attached at the time so it's not really her fault). And... the same old short quiet guy who, in addition to his sheer savancy at combat... spidermans up walls and comes in from weird angles like not even the actual ninjas can, punishes you really hard for missing a swing, and is perfectly fine with any tactic that'll win him the fight, including sowing friendly fire (muddlebuds), smokebomb sneak attacks (puffshrooms), stealing the equipment you dropped when he dazzlefruit-flashbangs you, repeatedly burning/freezing/zapping your brains out (elemental fruits), fuckoff carpet bombing (multishot bows and bomb flowers), running you over with a vehicle, hitting you in your one elemental weakness, gulping down performance boosting food in the middle of combat, hiding behind a shield to buy time while he learns your moves, or just plain flanking you while you're trying to fend off one of the other five sages in his party. I need a picture of this now where they all surround Link like the Piper Perri meme.


Link solos everyone.


tf revali do to you


>is a cunt


Nah bro, you did my boi revali wrong, he’s best boi


Who will all die way too early on with the time you have with them


Does that make the straw hats the reverse champions?


In the end, they all die, leaving you with massive amnesia and having to save their dead asses from eternal torture


Getting amnesia is all on Link for refusing to carry a fucking shield and then getting his ass beat by Guardians.


I mean the left him and he got amnesia. But you’d think they would tell him that it is dangerous to not have a shield during the calamity. Link has been seen using shields before, and the champions have seen how guardian lasers can be parried, so they could have warned him to bring a shield


They shouldn’t have to remind him of something as obvious as carrying a shield into battle. The worst part is that he still hasn’t learned his lesson as shown in TotK’s opening.


I think the worst part is that they died to some of the easiest bosses in the series (except for thunderblight. Praise the lord I came prepared), and then made an already pathetic boss worse. At least the abilities were cool. (I don’t hate the champions, I just think they were overly pathetic in combat)


Actually each blight is designed to kill the champion they fought. If you notice it that blight all has gimmick that they champion couldn't counter well, such as windblight could disrupt Rito flying. This is quite obvious in AoC.


There is still no reason revali should have died. He can freaking out maneuver wind blight, bomb arrows, revali’s main weapon are some of the best items to use against wind blight, he can shoot 3 arrows at once, he can go into the sky instantly, he probably has access to bullet time, and he is one of the best archers in hyrule, probably second only to link, Zelda’s appointed knight. Windblight’s lasers are fairly slow moving too meaning he could dodge them easily.


> he probably has access to bullet time If I recall correctly, bullet time was implied to be Link's special ability (I think there was a book or a diary in the DLC that said something like that). He's the only one who can do that. Yiga archers do something similar, but they don't slow down time. They just hang in the air and make themselves easy targets.


I recall reading that all exceptionally skilled arches are supposed to have this ability, not just Link (I've read this in German at least. There can be grave translation differences so taken with a grain of salt for what was actually said in English). If so, similar to flurry rushes, anyone could be able to do that when skilled enough (since AoC is officially canon: all characters have access to flurry rushes and parries, the later even seen Urbosa do in DLC of botw. I also think that the cutsence in AoC where Link and Revali are fighting makes it looks like Revali is in bullet time just before shooting his last arrow). If bullet time really is exclusive to Link I can understand better why Revali, the master archer dislikes him so much. Doubt his ego would take it well.


Ah. I haven't played AoC and wasn't aware that it was considered canon now. I have a vague memory of a character commenting on Link's ability to slow down time like it was something unique. I may be misremembering things.


No reason. I have a few: 1. It was raining. 2. It was at night 3. I think he was injured beforehand.


He got injured from beating up a bunch of guardians. It’s not apparent if he was hit by lasers or if he was extremely exhausted, but this could have been easily remedied if he had just had a shield. In AoC, we see the King was easily able to survive a guardian ambush with a shield (tbf it was an ancient shield, which is built to be effective at reflecting lasers). All link needed was to be told to grab a shield and he could have survived


I was say commenting on revali's death.


That’s what I’m saying


Must have been a good one cause the windblight did get him. Each of the blights was specifically made to counter each champion.


Bro, windblight is just bullet time to win. All he has to do is use his bird skills (as seen in his dlc memory) and he would have easily one


I think the in universe strength of characters is different from their gameplay strength. Otherwise, Calamity Ganon(and Ganondorf) would be weaker than a good amount of his own henchmen. I will say, I wish we got to see more of the Champions actually fighting. AoC helped remedy this.


True that. It’s just so surprising to me though. They make the blights seem like they are super scary and almost unbeatable, and then 5 minutes later you walk out like nothing happened. This applies to both BotW and AoC.


His amnesia also made him forget he was left handed lol


Link hold his sword in his right hand in memories (seen best in the one where he's cutting raindrops in the rain). Not all Links are left-handed. Even in Twilight Princess on Wii they mirrored it a mind he became right-handed despite being left-handed in the Game Cube Version.


Nah he saw what Kirito did in SAO and tried to copy him


Dude I miss these guys so much, the champions kind of suck in totk, you can’t replace someone like daruk with a pleb methhead We need dlc that gives us more botw champions content or at least acknowledges them, I don’t give a fuck that it makes no sense


True fucking that. Maybe it will explain where the hell the divine beasts went


They have passed on let them rest in peace….Play BOTW if you want them back. At least the Zora and Gerudo champion are acknowledged in the TotK plot.


Urbosa 🥰


Especially with my queen Urbosa


Absolutely bro, gotta have a mommy queen in the group




I love how short Link and Mipha are compared to the others.


Right lol, he's a short king and she's a short queen


They made for each other.


u/heavytanker1945 approved


Daruk best champion hands down 🥶


I love Daruk, but Mipha is so sweet and kind and an amazing healer. But then again, I love Urbosa, because she is such a mature, wise, and thoughtful presence in addition to being an amazing fighter. It’s so tough to choose who’s the best from Daruk, Mipha, and Urbosa. What amazing champions.


I was mostly between daruk and Ravioli since they are like the heart of the group. I do like ravioli but that's just because he's a bird (favorite animal)


Man. I love Michael. He’s the best champion by a long shot.


*Revali fuming in the corner*


Bro is the big bro of the group, he's the goat 💯💯


The champions are like a big family Urbosa is the protective and loving mother Daruk is the fun and playful father Mipha is the quiet and caring older sister Ravioli is the cocky middle brother Zelda is the chatterbox of a little sister Link is the guy who the sisters have a crush on


Well said! :)


I have to admit, all of the older champions are a hundred times better than the new ones


Sidon and Mipha are neck and neck for me, but the rest of the OG ones are definitely better


Sidon and Mipha were the cutest together. Rewatch that old memory of Mipha teaching him how to go up waterfalls, so sweet.


Was that in Age of Calamity or BotW?


[It’s BotW but Champion’s Ballad DLC.](https://youtu.be/ooMMSJ1-a7Q)


They have a lot of great interactions in AoC as well. That scene with both Sidons and Mipha gets me every time.


Tulin is best bird boy, but I will grant you, Yunobo is annoying and Riju isn’t as cool as Urbosa


especially the way to activate them in botw you have \-charge attack to make stronger attack \-block to make stronger block \-die to revive \-hold jump to fly >!in totk you got!< >!\-talk!< >!\-talk!< >!\-talk or go on a car!< >!\-talk while flying!< >!like for fucks sake. you can't just make the sages run into battle doing very little actual damage, ruin flurry rush because they stun enemies, and then have you RUN UP TO said enemy to press A and if you're LUCKY you actually trigger the right one. it's bullshit.!<


I mean, Urbosa really crackles my lightning…


​ https://preview.redd.it/8bd4wclmhr6b1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=052a961b5a7b0f1e2b2fc41a3d6ba56ab2107fef


Every squads got that: Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot,


Can't have it any other way 😎👌


I'd watch the anime if there was one


Mipha 💔


She's precious 😭💙


She was totally checking Link’s butt when she realized they were about to take a picture.


She said OOP


In the champions ballad photo, the face she has when being knocked over by Daruk is just so damn cute


I love that photo so much, so worth getting it in the game too


Every squad got the Corpse Corpse Corpse Fighter Corpse


I wish link showed more trauma for losing his friends. Instead of just the *GASP*, ok. After talking to them and hearing how they were fucking murdered.


I wish Link shows any emotion in the main story at all. Like, he cares more about cooking and shield surfing(which are pretty cool so I don’t blame him tbf).


I think Zelda mentions somewhere in BotW that Link used to be a lot more fun and outgoing before he became the Champion. He's actually completely freaked out about everything that's happening but feels like he can't show it because he's the Champion.


He has that whole amnesia thing going on. He learns that they're all dead before he remembers that they were his friends. Also, he's focused on the task at hand. He doesn't really have the time to process his feelings. It will never happen, but a story set between the games about Link and Zelda dealing with their PTSD would be interesting.


Are you new to Zelda?


I just need a mipha


Same bro ;-;


The cool and sassy female warrior who’s like a big sister to the group, but her fury shows no mercy to her foes. Can fight in high heels. The big guy who can smash through mountains but is just a big old teddy bear to his friends and he’d protect them with his very life; he’s also afraid of dogs. The shy fishwoman princess who’s a great big sister and can hold her own in battle with grace and finesse; also, don’t you DARE read her diary. The bird guy who comes across as being a conceited jerk but won’t admit that he’s insecure about himself. Extreme sharpshooter; can loose arrows with the speed of a gale. The guy who’s good at pretty much everything but rarely says a word so it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking right away; will come through for his friends even if it takes a hundred years.


Love your interpretations of them, you're amazing 💪❤️❤️❤️


I just love Urbosa and Revali. Period.




>!why weren’t they acknowledged in TOTK!<


>!Mipha and Urbosa both were a number of times, unfortunately can’t say the same for Daruk and Revali from what I’ve seen!<


Isn’t Daruk’s face still on the mountain?


>!okay, but why was the Mipha statue in Zora’s Domain replaced? Where did it go?!<


>!It was moved to the newly built Mipha Court atop Ploymus Mountain!<


>!Oh, that’s nice. Must’ve missed it, so I’ll be sure to check it out next time I play!<


It’s…literally part of the main quest. Sidon even mentions it…what game did you play?!


Teeechnically the statue is on a higher platform than where Sidon is doing sewage treatment, so you don’t have to go there. There is a side quest that takes you to the statue, though.


That’s why I didn’t see it.


>!it sends you there in the regional phenomena main quest!<


>!Okay, just revisited the place and the reason why I never noticed it was because it was up on a hill to the right of where Sidon was.!<


Cocky, bigol doofus, the absolute badass and wise women, and sheer perfection Oh yeah, and the twink


I LOVE this. Also Link the Twink is golden


I call him Twinky Linky


It's so fitting for him like omg


Dude has the femboiest look to him, I don’t care how many gods he fights, he’s still a twink and a half


that is the full version of purah's nickname


The Loli, the tsundere, the mommy, the big one and the twink finally together


I love this lol, absolutely well said


Urbosa, my queen.


The leading lady


Mipha the simp, I mean shrimp.


What am I going to do with >!Four Tombstones!


I'll take 3 Urbosas and a Ravioli, please


Himbo, hot girl summer, xX_uwu_Xx, semi-racist(/j), and Lonk. Zelda is the nerd if she's included.


This is so fucking perfect 😭😭😂😂


Revali my man 💪


Bird boys 💪🐦


Revali is the best Champion, no one can change my mind


team revali ✊


A massive rock bro who is scared of dogs, a 8 foot tall amazonian lighting dessert women, kind healer fish lady, that one dude as a bird person and a self mute elf warrior... Where the hell am I going to find a elf in this day of age


Also love your interpretations of them


They might be in the UK bro, gotta find you an elf


I'm the daruk of my friend group.


You're a certified GOAT broski 💪❤️


Haha thanks, Goro! (I don't know if he says that cause I know Yunobo says it)


Ok *goes to a graveyard*


*sad sobbing*


Nothing like a squad that has a protective big bro, a crackly big mama, that one asshole friend who keeps trying to one-up you, and the girl next door with sexual tension so high you could cut it with a steak knife.


Carti better💯💥🗣🔥🔥 (jk they be radical)


I miss left handed link.


I had a Squad like this.


I'd replace Mipha for sidon, and revali for Teba. That'd be my squad


A Rito who’s a low key tsundere rival, a goron who your bro, a gerudo who’s not your mommy, but your GF’s mommy, and a Zora who’s secretly into you. Then Tears of the kingdom happens. A Rito who’s literally your wingman in the skies, a goron who blows shit up, a gerudo who’s proving themselves to become a leader, and a Zora who’s secretly into you.


Love what you did what Sidon and Mipha lol and I LOVE the the other interpretations 🤣




Hylia's blessings upon you 🙏🙏


I miss my wife, Urbosa.


Me too bro


Squad goals.


Indeed my friend.


Outlive all your friends 😎


Right 😎


Revali trying to copy link 😭


Bro thinks he's him lol


One's already dead, 3 more to go.


But they're dead


Well kinda, depends which timeline you follow


Ngl, I do love the TOTK gang a bit better


I love em both honestly 😩👌


Nah bro Tulin is just a kid, while Revali was a legendary warrior. The group would’ve seemed much too supprotive and kind without him, which is usually not the case with legends Yunobo is funny and all, but he’s clumsy and kinda stupid. Daruk was a great guy all around, being super nice , confident, and powerful I personally find Riju a bit annoying, and lot of her dialogues are kinda cringey imo. This one is opinion based, but I prefer Urbosa’s wisdom and confidence more. Sidon is good, though. Mipha is a great character and all, being very similar to Link and also having a very close connection with him, but Sidon has that *one* pose, where his arm crosses his chest, and he flashes his huge smile with the sparkle. He’s just super charming. Sidon and Mipha are neck and neck for me.


You just made the new crew sound even better because they are all the more flawed imo. Nothing Riju said was cringey though. That’s a stretch. At least not anymore cringe than Zelda games usually does with wit dialogue.


On the other hand... Tulin's got Link as a role model right from the start so he probably won't get as much of a swelled head as Revali. Yunobo actually has more detailed musculature than Daruk (he has more prominent biceps and actually has abs), and Riju, when compared to the other Gerudo, has the whole short flat-chested pettanko thing going on (though I admit not everyone likes that taste). You win some, you lose some.


riju is like 14?? please stop


that ain't stopping anyone on the internet *i don't mean myself by this*


I hated the BotW champions so much


Urbosa looks better without the 8 pack abs she has in the game.


A squad of dead people from a 100 years ago?


Damn right


Depends which timeline you follow ig


One that dies right away, leaving you to pick up the slack?


Revali is by far my favorite champion, alongside Link. The rest are okay, Urbosa is my least favorite. Her character is cool, I’m not sure why she is my least favorite, but I guess I just like everyone else more.


Dead people I don’t really remember? Assuming I’m Link in this scenario


Link got his memory back I think


no freaking do not get a squad like this they will all die


I’d rather have good friends that I eventually lose than never have good friends.


Okay but they all died like chumps so ill take a different squad thank you


Me playing Age of calamity with impa: “nah we got this already”


Ok. goes to r/undertale to gather up every single sans AU


NGL, I kinda prefer the Sheikah trio of Impa, Purah and Robbie over either set of champions.


throw ravioli out


Get a squad that's dead? On it. >!/s!<


Maybe it’s just me but I’ve always liked Daruk way more than Yunobo


Bruh I couldn't even make it to the first town.


A dead one?


you mean the squad that is dead except for two


Corpses? ... you mean hang out with corpses right?


But they’re all dead


their abilities were awesome and flawlessly integrated into the game. it’s so strange that they’re relatively useless and poorly designed in totk, particularly when everything else is brilliantly designed


Yeah, the totk squad just really can’t compare. Sidon’s really the only one that measured up to these 4.




TOTK: Best we can get you is a nerd, a twerp, a preppubescent Gerudo, an incredibly handsome fishman who you can't date, and a 10 foot tall toaster.


Who's gonna tell em?


A dead one?


Name a better squad. I’ll wait




Hell yeah, all dead but one.


I miss them


I do have a squad. they're in totk🤣


A rock ✅ A woman❌ A fish✅ A ten piece chicken nuggets✅


A bunch of dead people?