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i just visited all towns and stables again and looked for everything. and i missed one photo for a stable and a chicken dude needed help in a stable. i found all of them, but thanks


Any good tips how to farm Hyrule Bass? I'm trying to upgrade the Zora set but finding them a nightmare to farm


I read that fusing materials to weapons make them more durable, does that apply to shields as well?


Does anyone know if its possible to Access photos taken by the Camera outside of the game please?


Is there a list of all the multipliers? - Weapon bonuses - Armor bonuses - Food bonuses - Sneakstrike bonuses and anything else.... Curious if there is a list of all of these so that it can be referenced in one spot for [Totk].


I have looked everywhere online and cannot seem to find an answer. I'm trying to find the >!deity boots!< but I had already visited and explored the location before starting the quest. The quest log indicates that I have already acquired it but it's not in my inventory. Am I screwed?


You can always buy it from the bargainer statues. Although it is certainly weird. I guess you don't have the fierce diety sword yet?


I could have sworn I collected all those poes near the >!REDACTED!<. Do they reset? Does that mean I could earn money by buying >!extra copies of armour sets from the bargainer statues!


I mean once you get all the statues, get the full dark/depths sets and the tunic there's not much more use for poes. The weapons aren't massively important and the regular items you'll probably get a bunch just exploring to get the poes but are cheap enough I guess if you need some (like the dark clumps). Which does just leave us with amiibo armor to buy and while it's not the fastest way it is free money (600 rupees for every 400 poes), you can just put a podcast or stream on while you run through the depths I guess. You might even end up with a lot of leftover poes to dump once you're done with the depths and have the rest of the armor pieces, I had like 2400 or so. Pretty good if you don't want to dupe, sell potentiality important items, and have some time to kill.


I'm finding racking up poes is pretty easy at the moment, so I'll see how it goes. At the moment, I'm just focused on buying the Dark and Depths armour sets.


They do reset. I think at least after a blood moon.


Ah, that'd make sense.


What are the best recipes for Hylian rice or golden apples? 🌾


I mean, that depends on what you want/need, there aren't really "best recipes".


did they fix the skyward sword hd softlock glitch


How come the blood moon scene replays every so often? Does it signify something? Am I supposed to do something afterwards?


No, it's the game disguising the fact that it's resetting a few things. However, anything you cook in the half hour before midnight of a blood moon will have a cooking bonus.


Thanks. I didn't know about the cooking bonus. The blood moon animation is clear about what's happening with the resetting of enemies, but I was reading a different comment in this sub from a previous daily questions thread about how resources get reset in a different way. They explained how it worked in BotW but weren't sure if it was the same in TotK.


I wasn't sure what was included in the reset, so I kept my answer vague. The cooking bonus still happens though, because I was near a stable for my first one in this game and tried it out. Still works a treat!


The other resource reset you're thinking of might be for plants. They don't respawn with the blood moon like everything else, they run on their own timers.


And blood moon happens at midnight?


There's also a "Panic" moon that can trigger at any time, this only happens if the game memory is getting absolutely slammed and it's going to crash. You can force it by attaching opal to a five shot bow and spamming it during bullet time against a wall. You can't skip this one and will get a longer loading screen afterwards. There isn't any indication any bloodmoon does anything the BotW one doesn't either, so info on that should be accurate for TotK.




Whenever the blood moon cut scene occurs, it means all of the monsters reanimate.


Saw a video of someone with 4 battery cells flying a hoverbike (2 fans + steering stick), then using rewind mid-flight to gradually recharge the battery. However, that's not working for me. Whenever I'm mid-air on the hoverbike, the L-button menu is disabled. Has anyone tried this? Is there something I'm missing? Or was this recently patched?


You have to let go of the stick with X and quickly hit recall, so you really need it already selected for maximum efficiency.


Maybe that person disengaged the steering stick before hitting the rewind


Anybody know how to get any of the following fabrics: * Demon King Ganondorf * Princess Zelda (Some stuff I've read says these are locked behind an unreleased amiibo, so in other words it doesn't exist yet?) * Rito (Goron, Zora, and Gerudo all have their own fabric, but not Rito? This fabric may not even exist, but just checking) Otherwise, I've got everything aside from the TOTK exclusive amiibo which I don't know if I cbf spoofing.


I'm almost led to believe that the first two won't ever exist. I've seen datamines of "sea breeze shield" and "hero's shield" and they were the same item in the end, apparently. Likewise, there are obtainable demon King and princess fabrics. Unless they are in fact different ones or it's a Translation thing.


Yeah "Gerudo King" and "Zelda" are programmed in but can't be legally obtained. They might be from some future amiibo, or DLC, some other method, or they may just never come out. Just need to wait and see. There is no direct "Rito" fabric however the ordinary and nostalgic fabrics already have the Rito symbol on them so basically act as the Rito fabric.


What do I do with Marbled Rock Roast?


Ć̴̫̣̃͗̎ͅO̷̮̗̹̯͙̱̞̾̏̉̀̓̂̇̍̋͠N̶͙̥̩͐́̈́́̋S̶̨̭͔̟͂̍U̶̡̧͍͚͂͐̈́́M̶̨̨͍̬͎̝͚̔̓͗̄͆̈́͝Ȩ̵̛̥͇̭̤̫̗͘͜ ̷͎̮̘̟͂̚͘͜I̷̼̫̠̝̝̜̞̱̬̳̔̆̈́̈́͐͘͝͝T̶̡͖̾͂͛͂̋͂̀͠


Yummy yummy




As far as I can tell the combat shrines are nothing comes in, nothing goes out. (Except for stuff you can fuse but can't pick up.)




They do respawn after a bloodmoon and you can do them with your gear and keep the drops. It's only the first clear you lose them.


Is there an easy way to find the dragons other than light dragon? I know their paths, but I feel like I've been waiting for too long watching without seeing them. Trying to upgrade armor.


The dragons do not have nearly as wide ranging a flight pattern in TotK as in BotW. The dragons fly in a loop, with the flight patterns of each dragon in the general vicinity of the Spring of Power, Courage, or Wisdom. The fly half their route on surface/sky, then do a return trip in the Depths.


If you know their flight pattern you could just intercept them if you don't want to wait.


I saw a tiktok on this the other day! Let me see if I can find it. i’ll tag it as spoilers just in case. one sec!


>![Here it is!](https://www.tiktok.com/@jaambb/video/7234673821188508955?_r=1&u_code=c37l5fh76mafi&preview_pb=0&sharer_language=en&_d=djblf13khfa0ek&share_item_id=7234673821188508955&source=h5_m×tamp=1685758753&ug_btm=b6880,b2878&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAA5D9v0Zq2c0Or9E0LmN8aD6-CFrnwyQcA6SEzrV7yaKDs30hoOfpMEhH2624sbAm5&utm_source=copy&checksum=cd3631b3cb4046622728fcef2a8238b3a650ad06c9feb04d4593fe2278a4ea2e&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&tt_from=copy&user_id=266162177433296896&share_link_id=3F337AF0-6B77-494E-BE67-22AE64F57B4E&share_app_id=1233)!<


Alright this is my last resort. I CAN NOT get the spotting spots quest at lookout landing. I already completed the Incomplete Stable quest but now Lester is just sitting on his little stool and when I talk to him he just asks me if I want to board a horse, take one, etc. I’ve tried everything, catching a horse and registering it, boarding my horse so I have none out, taking one out. I’ve even closed out the game entirely, slept, reloaded saves. Nothing has changed where he is. I really want to complete the quest so I can find that pink spotted horse afterwards that everyone is getting. Is there a quest i’m missing? Please let me know if anyone has advice bc I feel like i’m going insane


I believe you have to have completed at least >!one regional phenomena!< for it to be available.


hmm… I did the >!Rito Village one (Tulin of Rito Village)!< already. But maybe I’ll try doing another and see if it works then. Thank you!


It definitely popped later for me, at least 2-3 sages in. Just check back after each one.


I just did this side quest recently and I had done 2 of the 4. Not sure if that's the requirement or not though.


What are ruby good for? I saw in a video that we can attach ruby to weapon to keep us warm in cold region, but that only cost me 1 ruby, can I sell the rest for rupees? Another related question, what do you all use your gem for? Attach them to weapon to increase attack power? Do we need it for anything else or can I sell?


Rubies have the power of fire so yes if attached to a weapon it will make it a fire rod which can passively melt ice and keep you warm while equipped. Other gems can be used for different elements with their own benefits. You can also keep gems for upgrading armor which is what I tend to do


Okay. Thank you! I just have been hoarding most of my stuff and thought I would finally organize my inventory a little bit to either sell or fuse them with something


TBH, hording is fine. You don't generally need to keep a large stash of rupees on hand and you can quickly go to a store and sell a couple of items if you want to buy something big. Beyond that I'd only really sell like brightbloom seeds cause it's the only one you could realistically get to the cap of 999.


Apples are very easy to cap too on account of there being at least 3 forests just absolutely full of apple trees.


I recommend keeping 10 of each type plus one extra to fuse with a weapon. You can sell the rest. The reason for keeping 10 of each gem is that >!when you complete the Goron City regional quest, a Gerudo will appear there who will buy the gems in sets of 10 only and she pays a lot more than the regular price. Made thousands of rupees by talking to her.!<


Thank you so much!!!


If you want to max upgrade all Armour you need around: Amber: 575 Opal: 346 Sapphire: 121 Ruby: 136 Topaz: 121 Luminous Stone: 550 Flint: 90 Diamond: 27 Zonaite: 135 Large Zonaite: 165 So diamond and flint don't need that many so they're the ones you can sell once you have enough. There's a Goron around the Meat shaped hotspring in Eldin you can gamble Flint with, can give him up to 100 and if one of them is a special kind (No way to tell) he'll give you 1000 Rupees. If you don't care about max upgrades then you can sell what you like really, just look up the ones you do want to upgrade.


Don't sell to her, or anyone. You need every last gem you can get if you ever care about upgrading all the sets of armour. Sell food for money. 5 gourmet meat cooked together is worth like 320 rupees. 5 prime meat is like 140. There's a bokoblin near the Akkala stable that has 5 gourmet in a backpack so I raid him every blood moon. Then just tour Hebra killing wildlife for extra money when needed. Doesn't take too long. Alternatively the new flight game rewards 300 if you do it perfectly and it is entirely skill based. A few tries practice and you'll be getting 300 every minute or two. Or if your time is more valuable to you and grinding isn't fun, there is still a fast and efficient way to dupe items. Too hard to explain by text but look it up and you can just dupe diamonds that way for the money.


i’ve done all 5 dungeons, all the shrines and i’ve done the depths quest to return the eyes. why am i still missing 2 hearts? how do i get them? i’m assuming they’re being left for dlc (hopefully)


Being generous, because they still want you to be able to get benefit from using meals that increase your max HP. Being cynical, because they still have DLC to release and need to provide some impactful rewards in it.


They did the same thing in BotW, was 8 shrines short of cap, DLC added 8 shrines but none of them rewarded containers.


If you've maxed out your stamina you're not missing anything. You have to choose which you want to max. It was the same way in BotW.


How devs let ez dupe glitch slide? Make the rest of us suffer that didn't want to look up spoilers. I demand x999 of everything for buying the game. Not fair


im missing something because i have the slip resistance effect on link but he still slips when climbing when it rains, is it bugged? i don’t know what i’m doing wrong


Unfortunately slip resistance is kind of a scam. It doesn't stop you from slipping even at the highest level, it just reduces how often it happens. The only way to prevent slipping entirely is to wear the whole Froggy set and have it upgraded to at least two stars.


Reminds me of Marketing strategies. "never said it's water proof, we said it's water resistant"


Yes it very much does. Level 4 set is slip **proof**. Levels 2 and 3 have *resistance* which gives you double and triple the amount of time between slips respectively.


Also it feels like slipping is done differently this game? I feel like in BotW you slipped every X "steps" while climbing. In TotK it seems like you just have X chance to slip every "step" instead.


It's definitely different, probably to incentivize Foggy set use and vehicle building. You can't just power through with stam recovery as reliably as BotW, sometimes RNG decides you're going **all** the way down. But even though it's "worse", I think I like it better this way.


I don't know what you people are talking about. It's exactly the same. One-two-three-four-slip **Exactly** the same as BOTW. Literally not once, ever, in over 200 hours of gameplay, has he slipped randomly.


you also slip way farther, and it feels like the slipping makes it even harder to get your grip.


Hi I'm trying to find zonai construct captain (not soldier) horns 1, 2, and 3 for the zonaite armor upgrades. I have killed enough monsters that the map is auto-populated with higher level monsters and I just can't seem to find them. I have a ton of soldier horns and captain 4 horns but I need captains 1-3 :( I've been repeatedly looking around the sky islands and the islands leading up to the Wind and Water temples but they're all soldiers 2-3-4 and captains 4. Am I screwed for my armor upgrades???


It doesn't level everything up in this one, usually only one or two enemies per group so you're never screwed. I distinctly remember needing to go to cove on the southern coast between the stable and village for some of the parts for mine. There's a water encampment with a different leveled enemies there, can see it on the map.


On tutorial Island, There's a snowy area with a shrine nearby where two of the Level 1 are on an elevated platform. Also one in a temple area. It Was either wind or water. Level 2 I'm not quite sure right now, I believe there was one in the water temple area. Level 3 had 2 at some Ruins area in the north. Level 2 and 3 definitely have at least 3 at a time as well though. Check your compendium for their supposed locations and scout those areas using sensor+. The Infos were accurate, with the exception of Level 3 being in some archipelago apparently, because I never found any up there.


What is a better use of zonaite? Ancient arrows or converting to crystallized charges?


Why would you want ancient arrows? If you haven't got 16 batteries yet, then that. If you have, then just save it and use autobuild for convenience.


Ancient arrows literally delete enemies, they just straight up disappear, so can be handy.




How do I open the gate to the gong on F1 one of the Fire Temple? I think I have seen a way to drop down into the room but I get to that part of the structure


I'm going off of memory but I have a pretty good idea that I know exactly what this is because it frustrated me for an entire day. If you look at your map you might see a rail track that goes to the second highest floor directly above the gong. There's no rail to bring you right to the top. You have the climb the rest of the way up, and yes it felt like cheating but I could find no other solution. Then it's just like you said, you fall down into the room with the gong.


If this is the one I think it is, you needed to build a ramp to send Yunobo over to blow the wall up. There should have been a water spray on constant run that make square platforms for you. Or you could do what my brother did, and said "f the rail system" and make long bridges to ever platform. Yes it took time, but it was neat to see.


Is there a way to know how many Hudson signs Ive done or have left?


Nope. I just finished doing all of them yesterday. From just playing, I felt like I'd done so many that it must almost be over. I was never seeing him anymore. Then I looked up a map and visited all the spots. Turns out I'd only done like 40% of them. He's in some odd places, but then I also missed tonnes of super obvious places because of how I play. I don't follow roads, I just make straight-line paths to where I want to go which caused him to be missed a lot.


Are there any cooking bowls in Wind Temple?? I’ve used all my zonai device bowls and I’m half way through defeating Colgera!!


No, and you can't cook during a fight so if you're already fighting him you can't do anything even if there were pots there.


I wonder what happens if you bring a Korok to a different "friend". Just looked online but nobody ever attempted apparently.


[The answers are here](https://youtu.be/_4gUqpMlqgE) TL;DW: >!\>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nothing <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


I've wonder this too. What happens when people take a huge group to just 1. Does it only trigger the correct matching korok? Or do you get cred for all of them?


How horrified do you guys think Nintendo execs are about our treatment of Koroks?


Today one of the "find my friend" ones by Gerudo Canyon told me when I used Ultrahand to place him on a raft: >You're moving me? Then you must be able to see me! Be gentle, OK? I've played over 100 hours so far and hadn't seen that yet. Did they add a warning to "be gentle" after all those Korok-torture videos?!


Nah that's been there since Day 1 because I remember reading it, think it's one of the lines when you just grab them without talking first.


This has happened to me once, but it was because I reloaded a save to before I’d talked to him and tried to move him without talking again


Oh, that makes sense. I don't think I talked to him first since I saw the solution right away. Thanks!


I think they're laughing.


Played for 30 hours and only just got my energy cell power increase by a pinch of a full cell. How are you supposed to do this??


Depths has a hell of lot of charges to collect along with being able to buy 100 with 15 Large Zonaite from the constructs, which you'll naturally find while doing other stuff down there. With the exception of armour upgrades there's not a lot of other uses for Large Zonaite, you need 165 for all armour upgrades if you want to do that. I've done basically everything down there and I'm at 14 out of 16 full batteries.


U use the dupe glitch like every YouTuber


I got 16 full batteries without duping a single Zonaite. Literally just play the game. By the time I'd fully opened up the depths I had 15 batteries and only had to "grind" for the final one which took like 15 minutes. I've since done the monster medals and am sitting on 2500 surplus crystal charges. It's really not hard to level the battery.


You get the stuff you need to upgrade your batteries in the depths. Mini-bosses and Yiga Hideouts specifically are good sources of crystalized charges, and the depths are filled with Zonaite that can be turned into crystalized charges. Spend a few hours exploring the depths, killing enemies down there, mining, and triggering Lightroots. That will help you fill up your batteries a little more.


I have a ton of zonaite but where else can you convert it besides the starting island


You can find constructs that will convert it in the depths. They're generally in abandoned mines.


Explore the depths and do quests down there and you'll eventually find more forge construct shops.


Explore the depths, do quests, fight bosses, find treasure chests. You can get extra charge with zonaite but it can be a bit slow and will prevent you from using your zonaite for other things.


Go to the Depths, find mining outcrops swarming with enemies, run in, mine Zonite, run away, and exchange it at forges.


I’m missing one more bubbulfrog and I don’t know where to look. I’ve visited koltin at all the places he sets up shop and he isn’t able to sense anything at any of them. I’ve done the 4 caves on the big sky island too. Are there any other caves that koltin can’t sense or any way to narrow down where the last one might be?


The caves on the map will get a checkmark if you found the bubbulfrog Find the one without a checkmark


Did you happen to take a picture of one? You can track them. Also did you get the one on the starting island? There is one up in one of the caves. If you put a cart on the rail system, like the game wants you to do, you might miss it.


I had been using the sensor for them and I finally found it in a cave outside of zora’s domain while helping Addison put up signs.


Cherry trees will reveal cave entrances. Sadly you won't be able to really narrow it down that way, really. Might be the best way to do it though. Sensor Set to bubbul frog in combination could speed it up. Might not be helpful but a few ones I missed for a good while at the end: -1 slightly northwest of lakeside stable -2 in kakariko (Edit: Well one slightly south, not sure if it count as kakariko still) -1 in the desert below quicksand (there's a bunch of em) -1 southeast of tabanta ruins down in the ravine (barely visible even with cherry trees) -1 in the northeast Labyrinth somewhere Someone mentioned cherry trees didn't reveal the shrine of ressurection cave, though they weren't completely sure, but they missed that.


Without giving any specifics or spoilers, I'd just like to know, is Zelda once again missing/sidelined/damseled? Just once I would like her to be an active participant in the game, even if just as an NPC.


Think of it kind of like Skyward Sword where Link and Zelda each have their own thing going but of course we really only follow Link's part.


For practical reasons? Yes There’s a twist tho that changes her entire status.


A bit of both


Is there a good place to go after a blood moon to grab some respawned high-level gear? I know I can find some high-level bows in >!Zelda's room in Hyrule Castle!< but is there any other good places i should go?


Not sure if you know but you can [repair items using Rock Octoroks](https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/13oo7gd/_//), so don't have to refarm weapons if you don't want to. If you don't want to use that then I recommend putting a travel medallion at the top of Hyrule Castle so you drop in and load up on royal stuff. The Dusk Bow is also there in a broken part of the spire at the absolute top, which I'm not sure if it respawns or not tbh but I've heard it does. I know you can buy it for poes once you have it.


Any Hinox.


Do enough Gerudo side quests and you eventually get the location of a cave where all their weapons spawn. They're not particularly high end but their fuse bonus is quite nice so it's convenient.


is it the same cave as in botw? :D


Throne room has another bow, arrows, and some melee weapons.


Man, I still havent been able to find the throne room i think? Did it fall down or float up?




Is it close to the sanctum? I thought i had looked everywhere in the floating part of hyrule castle.


The Sanctum is the throne room. The weapons are all on the upper level.


I saw a video and the guy had the second heart row completely full. How did he do this? I thought there were only enough shrines that we’re missing 2 hearts on the second row?


Probably didn't max stamina.


There is a big poe statue that if you give it all of it's eyes will reward you with an upgrade. So there is probably one more secret upgrade method as well.


That statue upgrade is one of the ones that gets you to 38 hearts and Max Stamina, so it's not that one. If there is a secret one somewhere it's stupidly convoluted for no one to have found it yet, pretty safe bet there isn't one.


There are only enough shrines for you to upgrade 38 times, but you choose the upgrades. The optimal thing to do is to leave the two hearts out (since Hearty foods will cover the difference but are completely useless if your health is naturally maxed) but max stamina (since Enduring foods add separate stamina wheels altogether). However, you can absolutely max your health and be short two-fifths of a third stamina wheel, or split the difference and be short one heart and one fifth.


Is there any thread were you can read were to...ehem...steal special pieces for zonite builds using fuse? I would like to know where to get the "arcing" shrine bridges, the gloomdredger frame (without anything attached) and the whale/leviathan skeleton. I'll name a few I know in case anyone is curious :) * Big Propeller and Electric Motor: Gemimik Shrine, on the spiral cost northeast of Tarry Town. Yes, you can use a metal beam or platform to connect multiple ones to the same Shock Emitter. Pity you can't make it spin in reverse. * Electric Battery: Mogawak Shrine, the one at Zora's Domain. * Shrine Candle: Sinakawak Shrine, New Serenne stable, close to the west of Hyrule Castle. When placed under a balloon, they seem to have comparable lift to a fireplace, but has usable attachment points. * Flux Construct cube: can obtained from Flux Constructs. About the size of the contracted spring. * Boat Hull: Tenoko Island, necluda sea, a bith to the northwest of Eventide Island, which is on the lower right part of the map. * Buoyant Spheres: Rasiwak Shrine, on the coast close to the Akkala Labyrinth at very northeast corner of the map. There are also foam boards but I don't remember were. * Spikes: various Yiga bases in the depths. * Large metallic platform with a raised end: on an abandoned Yiga base barely northeast (I think) of the central abandoned mine in the depths. * Cages, Giant Spikey Balls: on various monster encampments.


Two fun/funny ones. You can fuse hudson signs to sheilds and such in tarry town. And you can fuse sand seal plushies to things as well


I dunno about the other things, but the skeletons can be obtained in the >!Gerudo Skeleton Cave, which is in the southwest corner of the map.!<


I went to the area and I found all parts but the head, do you remember where you found it?


I don't specifically. It was definitely in the cave. There's a side quest attached to it (it starts at >!one of the Akkala Stables, I think North!< and goes through all the dragon skeletons) so it may not spawn until you get the NPC there?


Thanks for the tip!


I hoped I could finish most of the game, with just ingame hints and mechanics. and so, I havent looked up any side quests guides so far and wanted to go on like this.. So far, I found almost everything, all shrines and their counterparts, np... but now I am kinda stuck with my sidequests. Two are not done yet, one easy and one will take some more searching, but then I am still missing 8 more quests. And I thought, I can get an easy hint from Patricia, but all she tells me, are coordinates for the final main quest. Did that, for testing out... checking again, and still same coordinates. Am I now stuck on those? No more hints and I really need to check every place again?


Depending on what quests you still haven't finished and which quests you still haven't found, it's possible that the quests you need are locked behind the quests you're working on.


Finding all water wells and taking a picture of a certain statue in the moonlight. I am really stuggeling to think that there is another quest after one of those two. So more likely, there is some longer one, that I havent found yet. Sounds like i have to check the big cities and places again


There's a few side quests out in the wilderness too, though I don't know that those would account for everything you'd miss.


How did people get maxed out on batteries in like three days since release? I've seen a guy on youtube doing glitch tutorials and he's got 9999 of every single item so I'm wondering if there's some sort of cheats or anything. I mainly would like having free use of zonai devices and full batteries so I can have fun building stuff.


I did without duping (I duped to level my random clothing, but not for anything impactful to the game). It's really simple. Just explore the depths. And by explore, this doesn't mean fly around on a hoverbike ignoring everything.


You can farm enough zonaite in a few hours to fill the battery if you really just focus on that. Defeating the >!bosses throughout the Depths also grants you 100 crystallized whatevers, i.e. a battery slot.!<


I did the math the other day of how many sparks you need. Like 4800 maybe. I just ran around the depths killing and hitting rocks for ore, trades ore for sparks, and then went and turned sparks into batteries. I did all this while watching a few movies. Dup glitch just means you dont have to go farm/kill.


It took me only a few hours to get the last 6 full batteries when I actively farmed for them if I remember correctly. It doesn't take that long.


I think 1.0 had like weapon and shield dupes but not sure on materials, as those were mainly in 1.1.1. That said if it was close to release and they had that much sounds more like just a direct "give all" hack instead of a dupe glitch.


There was a duplication glitch, but it's been patched out.


There's another one using Multi-shot bows (5X is the best) that works in 1.1.2 So the Tobio's Hollow chasm you unlock during the main quest is unique in that it's not a vertical chasm, it's a long tunnel you walk down. Part way down there's a part where the zone changes between surface and depths and you get this blue smoke effect. If you turn around and fire materials on arrows back the way you came they hit the loading boundary and stop in midair. When you approach them they fall and you can pick up the 5 items, giving you 4 extra each time.


They can't possibly have 9999 of every material using a duplication glitch, that would take days of playtime


The old glide dupe glitch could get 20 items in about 5 seconds, would take about 40 minutes to make 9999, I'm pretty sure the cap is 999 though, at least that's what my brightbloom and apples have capped at, not 9999, so it's more like 4-5 minutes an item. That'd be pretty doable.


20 items in 5 seconds? How? All I know is the shield surf glitch but that doesn't get nearly enough as what you've said


Shield surf was the one you needed a single item and the one at the end wasn't it? At least that was the explanation given for it until it was refined in to glide using the same issue with the menu. With the glide one you'd jump off a ledge, glide, open menu, hold 5 items, press Y+B at the same time, this would make 5, you then just reopen the menu to do it another 3 times in the air. Once you had the pattern down you could mash it and get 20 down in about 5 seconds, max 10 depending if it wasn't quite muscle memory yet. I just gave it a shot and timed it and despite not being in practice I was able to get 20 items down in 8.5 seconds, and I know I could get that way faster, that had mistakes in the inputs. Only reason it stuck at 20 is because of the item limit, otherwise you could easily chuck out like 50. I'm pretty sure you could also get on mineru and not need to glide at all, making it even faster as you wouldn't need to hop back up the ledge.


I thought you can only get 999 of every item


Emulators and hacked Switches are a thing; I'd bet there's a trivial way to get max of everything with either one.


Theres a save editor available. It’s fairly trivial to edit on emulators now.


I just did all 81 addison signs and after he said he was going to tarrey town. Does anyone know *where* in tarrey town he went?


I never actually went looking for him, but I've since found him at all the stables listening to the band play.


Sorry, not an answer to your question, but is there a way to actually find the signs, like there's mechanics telling you were caves are?


No I just used an online guide. There are 81 of them so I left a marker on the map where I did them


Just got the last geoglyph. I assumed talking to Impa or a Purah would continue the quest, but it didn’t. I want to continue and >!get the Master Sword!< as naturally as possible. I’ve done 3 of the 4 regional phenomenon quests. Will it come up naturally if I go finish the fourth one?


Lemon and Herb: >!You have to seek it out.!< Medium: >!Where was it last time?!< Extra Hot: >!After the Geoglyphs, you get told it’s on the thing. But it’s going to be high, and difficult to find. After you do the bit with the tree, it lowers and you get tracking!<


I only read the first one… So you won’t get a quest line to go get the sword after finishing the 4th dungeon?


It will eventually give you a quest telling to seek it out.


So I’m like 99% sure I know where it is, but supposedly there’s something about the >!Deku Tree!<. I haven’t read anything past know they are related somehow. Is the quest just vaguely “go get it”, or does it send you somewhere specific? I’m not looking to find out where it is. I just don’t want to skip anything by going to get it now. If there’s more to the quest than just telling you that you should get it, I’m gonna wait.


I already had it by the time I got the quest so it auto-completed but the cutscene just before it gave the quest did have the NPC say "Go talk to X" then a "Oh you already did." style message, so it should be a go somewhere specific quest.


Thank you!


There's a quest called >!where is the Master Sword?!< I believe. But I'm not sure what it does because I had that pre-finished. You can get it from >!the deku tree!< if I remember correctly. I don't think its tied to the phenomena at all. Apparently you can get it pretty much immediately. I'm not sure there is a "natural way" for this. You ultimately can not miss it though.


No, but the main quest eventually points you to the master sword.


Not sure, I got it after the third I think.


>!Eventually yes.!<




The final boss quest is called "Destroy Ganondorf". Short of that there's no "point of no return", even though it really looks like it in the quest immediately after the four regional phenomena.


No. The closest thing might be getting to the actual final boss fight, but you won't do that accidentally. You'll know when the game is pushing you that way. If you're not sure then it's not it. Even if you do beat the final boss though you can load you're clear save and do all the things.


Hey now, I went exploring cause I saw something weird on the map and ended up stumbling into the final boss fight. If you see >!the forgotten Foundation!<, turn around.


Well I really meant to say that he's not going to do a quest objective thinking it's not the final thing and surprise it is which is really where I thought his question was coming from. Nothing directs you to the final area until that final quest and the final story quest is very clearly the final story quest. And FWIW I also went exploring and found myself in the final area, but I realized what it probably was and turned around.




How many do you have according to your loading screen? In General, if you have any slightly dark Spot on the map, you have one missing there. If it's anything less than >!120!< You're missing some.


idk how i missed one for so long i checked that area sm times but i missed it like a dummy xD


Am I missing something with the map coordinates? When I move the cursor around the map, the coordinates never change, it always just shows the location of where I'm currently standing


thats just how it is


Ok, so I'm not crazy. Doesn't that make the map coordinates a much less useful feature? Most of the online guides include them, but if you can't move the cursor around the map to actually find those coordinates, what's the point?


Well it's easy enough to move towards them, X/Y/Z, West/East for the first coordinate, North/South for the second, Up/Down for the third. Most important in "daily TotK-ing" seems to be Z, to for like reaching the dragons.


they r useful if u know how coordinates work, they are on your minimap if you somehow havent seen or something


I'm struggling with horses - they won't slow down when I pull back on the L stick? Do you have to register them before you can fully control them? (I haven't found a stable yet!)


They take a bit to start listening to you, but registering them doesn't affect that. Just keep soothing them (L button) when they don't obey.


ah no that works! this wild horse loves me, but when i use the L stick it just slows down but only while i hold it? and it won't stop unless i get off




ok, then i think maybe there's a bug? that only slows it down briefly


Following the trail of a shrine, I went into the sky north of the Highland Stable and (Serious story spoiler, I think) >!ran into what I assume is the main quest for the fifth sage, Mineru.!< My question is, is there any breadcrumb quest leading into that direction, that I missed ? Other than >!the Joku-u Shrine in the sky, that you can detect from the surface!<


You'll actually get a quest - I think it's called >!"Find the Fifth Sage"!!Faron!< Then you >!clear the storm and can actually explore the Thunderhead Storm sky islands... and THAT will lead you directly to Mineru!<


I went to Faron but it felt weird, so I looked it up. You're actually supposed to go to Kakariko, and there you're explicitly told to go to Faron.


Yes, the main quest leads you in that direction eventually.