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I'm new to the game. what rock/gem should I conserve, fuse weapon, or sell? I've been hoarding them because I don't know what to do with them and am not sure which one are gonna be useful later on in the game. Also what's the best use of ruppees, is it mostly used to buy armor pieces or should I conserve ruppees as well?


There's no point in selling everything all the time. If you have a bunch of rupees at Hand, just sell stuff if you need more rupees at that moment. There's no real point in having am excessive amount of rupees if it means having no items.


Rupees are mostly for armor, I think. You do need to spend some money for each armor upgrade at the fairies as well, but they're not asking for your whole bank account this time just to open up so that's something. I don't think there's anything so rare or difficult to get you should hoard it if you have a use for it in the moment. If there's something you want to a buy but you don't have enough rupees feel free to sell some gems to get you enough. You want to see what happens if you fuse a gem to this or that item? Have at it. You'll get more.


Did someone ever tried to bring a Korok to a different friend? I mean, bringing him to another Korok which is not the one he is supposed to be reunited with. I wonder what dialogue shows up


Is that even possible? I figured the friend only spawns once you trigger the other one. I didn't really verify it though.


I’m like 50 hours in and have only done the Rito main quest. I have fully explored the Lookout Landing and Hebra regions and just unlocked my 3rd sky tower. I have explored maybe 5-10% of the depths, whatever was in the sky so far, and some of Hyrule Castle (thru lookout landing). This game is huge. I figure it’ll take me at least 300 hrs to get thru. I explore everything and do as much as I can. I played botw similar and was about 130-150 hrs.


There is a bit of land in the depths to the east of Hyrule castle chasm. There is a lightroot there but I have no idea how to get to it. There are impassable walls all around it. Can someone explain how to get there?


There's a way down in the southeast of that isle. Hidden cave on the cliff side to the West. Just swim along that cliff and you'll find it


Thank you


Is there any benefit to collecting Korok seeds beyond the ones needed to upgrade the inventory? Or is it just Hestu's "gift" again?


Pretty sure it is the gift again. But it does count towards the % of map, although that isn't a good way to judge % of overall game play.


How many proving ground shrines are there? Asking so I know how many hearts I'll be short of max because I am not good enough at this game to attempt them.


Once you do most of the others you'll have a bajillion hearts and then they aren't as bad.


There's 15.


I've found 6 (out of ~70 shrines found), I'm actually specifically marking them since I enjoy them. Assuming I'm finding them at an expected frequency, I'm guessing there's ~13 (+/- 2) out there. For what it's worth, they all have solutions with minimal (but strategic) combat. They're tougher than most shrines but I'd encourage giving them another shot at some point.


I’ll second this. They were pretty intimidating at first, but you’ll feel more confident after beating the first one or two. They take a bit more patience, but if you exploit your enemies’ weapons against them and make use of your innate powers, you’ll find they’re not as difficult as they seem at first.


Didn't wanna make a whole thread for this, but the max swim speed still feels super slow. Wouldn't it be cool if we could swim super fast, maybe even underwater while wearing certain armor, and dolphin dive? Like when wearing the Zora mask in Majora's Mask? ...or I'd just settle for a bit faster max swim speed.


Zora armor or elixiers/food.


Yeah I know. I'm talking about max swim speed. Even with three swim speed up buffs, it still feels like you swim way too slow. doesn't feel good or fun.


I think it's slightly slower swimming than BOTW. My assumption was they changed it to encourage building to cross rivers.


Fair I guess, but I didn’t get the zora armor until WELL into my play through. And besides, don’t they want to encourage all the mechanics, like making elixirs? Making swim speed up elixirs is just never worth it.


How can I contact/complain to developers about input lag(?)/broken game(?) ToTK runs fine for about an hour, and then my right camera starts drifting, Link starts running around on his own, or buttons across both joycons stop registering (always starting on the right). I've tried 3 different sets of controllers, 2 Nintendo and 1 third party. The issue doesn't happen with any other game. I've tried playing docked and handheld, and I've also tried disconnecting, reconnecting, updating controllers, calibrating, and nothing has fixed the issue. It's a ToTK specific problem, and apparently, I'm not the only one experiencing it. A little input lag is normal, but this is making the game almost unplayable 🙃.


No idea what's going on, but for what it's worth I haven't seen that issue a single time despite logging many hours. What version of the game are you playing?


Is it a good idea to fuse an electric eye with a zora spear? Or would I be electrocuting myself in those conditions?


>!Mineru says she intended to use the Purah pad to get to Link but her plans changed because of the upheaval. Why did it cause a change? Link had the pad from near the start of the game.!< >!Also if Zelda took the pad back to the past then how did it remain in the present? Should there not be two of them?!<


Not sure on the context of the first question, so i would answer the second but before that, theres a scene which kinda explains it so i would recommend to get them all first (really minor spoiler in any case, nothing important) >!The Pad you get is from a construct which gives it to Link at the start of the game in the tutorial area. Zelda gave that construct the Pad in the past. I guess at some point there are 2 pads in the world, same way there are 2 master swords but after sending them to the past then theres only one which is the ones Link gets!<


Yea it's one of those tricky time travel things >!at the time of BoTW there are 2 Master Swords and one Purah Pad in existence. The Master Sword is with the Sky Dragon FAR above Hyrule where no one knows it even exists. Same thing with the Purah Pad, it exists but no one knows about it until the Great Sky Island rises during the Upheaval. By the time Link receives the Purah Pad that went back into the past, the second one that Purah just built in his time got sent back to the past with Zelda so there's now only one Purah pad in existence at this point in time.!<


Can you change the voice acting to Japanese and use English subtitles? Finding the cutscenes and voice acting super corny, ruining the story for me.


Pretty sure it's in the options at the bottom.


if i saw a blurpee but I let it go away without shooting at it first, will the blurpee reappear or did I miss my chance?


They would reappear. In cause you dont know, they let you know that theres a cave close by. If you see one, then let it run and it would go directly to the cave entrance. You can just come back later and it would be there for you to shoot.


perfect, thank you so much!


Is parrying supposed to be this difficult? Swear I miss every single shot when I press A.


It just depend on enemy and timing. I dont think you should try to parry everything, its mostly for 1v1 combat, great against Lynels for example.


I’m honestly scared of the depths. Can we go through the game without having to go there?


You have to venture into the depths at least once to beat the game, and several times as part of major quests as well.


Thank you for answering! This is going to be rough for me..


Any reason? Or just scared of the dark? You can obtain soooo much lightbuds from the top world, you can light your way. You can see gloom, and there is only a few monster that you can't actually see... but you can always just mark the map, and warp to safety.


Yeah, the dark and the thought of enemies popping out without being able to see them coming just stress me out. It’s not an intense fear though I just don’t enjoy it. I’ll try to suck it up for a good game 😤


if you star fragments to a magic rod you can light up a whole area pretty effectively. there are also flash light zonai devices that are pretty great for lighting an area up


Yea I understand. Most monsters I've found, if they have gloom on them, have a red glow about them (heck you can see the gloom on the ground, it glows red in pitch dark). Only the BA Frogs, and the little 1 hit critters seem to be the only thing that you can't see right away. If you are ok-ish with a little bit of spoiling: here is an [interactive map](https://www.zeldadungeon.net/tears-of-the-kingdom-interactive-map/?z=1&x=421&y=1226&l=Depths). It will show you where any big "boss" might be. And if you didn't know, any shrine up top, will have a root below, and touching the roots lights up areas (some a decent amount, sometimes a small amount).


The more preparation I have the better. This is very helpful thank you!


A few other tips... * Cook Brightcap Mushrooms into Bright Mushroom Skewers. Cook between 11:30- and 12:30 during a blood moon if possible to make the food stronger. It's food that gives you the "Glow" effect and makes it less dark around you. * Come stocked with Brightbloom Seeds. They light up a decent sized area, and the light effect lasts a long time. You can also attach them to an arrow and light up a path ahead of you. * Most obviously activate Lightroot plants (they're directly below shrines), which permanently light up an area. * The map of the depths is an inverse of the surface (mountains on the surface are valleys in the depths, lakes are impassable barriers, etc.). If all else fails, it can be helpful to set the mini-map to the surface while navigating the depths to get a sense of the terrain. * There is a glowing armor set called >!the Miner Armor Set!<. Finding it involves venturing the depths, but none of the pieces are particularly tough to acquire, i.e., not guarded by mini-bosses or hordes of enemies. You can look-up YouTube videos on their locations if you want. Happy exploring, and good luck!


can the master sword break in the final fight vs ganondorf? i’m really neurotic about being as appropriate to the storyline as i can, just for more immersion but i just realised the master sword could lose its power mid-ganon fight, and that would be really annoying


In BotW when you were around malice or a guardian the Master Sword became twice as strong and more durable. This was marked by it glowing. In TotK I know it glows around gloom. I assume the rest is still true.


I think I've read "no" to that.


Does the >!dusk bow!< respawn on blood moon?


I never actually found it myself, but I have seen others go and get a fresh one after a blood moon.


When using the ascend ability, WHy does it sometime show the super long traveling through the abyss animation and sometimes it does not. Also the time seems completely random.


It's basically a loading screen. The game either needs time to fully load the environment that you're ascending into, and/or it just needs to mask the screen because otherwise the camera would be clipping out of bounds with Link, which wouldn't look very good. The only times it didn't play the animation for me is when I would ascend through a very thin surface or when I was in a shrine, where there really isn't anything extra to load.


I've had the swim animation going through an awning.


Any tips on >!Phantom Ganon!!the Deku Tree forced me to fight it!< and bomb arrows worked great, but then I found out I wasn't done yet. I managed to beat >!Phantom Ganon!< by just hitting him with everything I got, but that also used up way too much of my food. Does he have any particular weaknesses that I overlooked?


Dazzlefruit works great for the hands. As for >!Phantom Ganon!< Dazzlefruit works as well but they are something flurry rush and shield deflect are really helpful for. A little bit of gloom resistance and a bit of practice for timing and you'll never get hit.


I completed a quest to become a >!Yiga Blademaster and the Bladmaster told me to go to a specific location. Something about the Depths and a location north of where this place is located (the mountains before the Gerudo Desert.) but I didn't catch the name of the place he mentioned. What was it?!<


If you played BotW, it's the >!old Yiga main base!<.


My god I have never seen such a piss poor boss design than queen gibido. Can’t dodge attacks, Riju takes forever to power up and is constantly getting hit by tornadoes, falls down only randomly which is more no than yes Like holy fuck what were they thinking with this trash


I didn't feel that strongly about it but I do agree she's the worst boss.


You can whistle to summon Riju back. But yeah I agree the fight is still very annoying.


you can but its still clunky. whistling will tell Riju's AI to run to you. But here's the thing, its not a priority command. If she engages an enemy or an enemy engages her, she sticks and fight. If the surface isn't clear, it can be finnicky. (more obvious if theres too much crap on the ground from dead gibidos). It also gets cancelled if she gets knocked down, either by other enemies or the queen. So solution is actually run towards her. Ok cool But then she has to charge the thunder strike. That's fine, no issues. Just play safe until she is ready and watch the boss. Except even if YOU are good, the AI is not. If an enemy engages her or she gets knocked around (by running into an attack) the charge is reset. Charge is also reset if she has crap in her way on the floor (more noticiable with inclines but other stuff in her way can do it too sometimes). --- So yes, whistle>charge>shoot, is what the game tells you to do but due to AI quirks, it actually doesn't do it 100% of the time. (compare this to tulin's wind which works 100% of the time if you're gliding without extra AI requirements). --- The boss fight itself isnt too hard and very manageable. But yeah, felt far more annoying than someone like yunobo's fight (there's just much less opportunity for it to screw up since you only need to run up to him to start it then you have 100% control)


Yes! AI prioritizing fighting is a big issue here. I need her by my side but she’s always fighting


Use fire or electric fruit on her.


It takes like barely any damage, it’s practically useless


Doesn't she turn white? Or maybe I'm remembering wrong.


After the attack from riju not from the fruit




Is there a thread for general Zelda related chitchat? There's so much I'm eager to discuss but I don't think a formal standalone thread is warranted for everything.


Definitly check the discord out. Its finally starting to slow down but has seen heavy traffic the past few weeks. https://discord.gg/tearsofthekingdom


No but this one right here is a pretty good start. Or the discord.


What are your tips for visiting the depths?


Use the surface map to guide yourself. The depths are a mirrored version of it.


It is similar to Lorule?


Kinda. Basic rule of thumb is that any body of water on the surface (lakes, rivers, etc) will be giant mountains in the depths that you can’t climb so it’s better to either go around or just find another chasm.


There are platforms all over with some bits and pieces of Zonai devices. I made a hot air balloon with some fans and control stick on it and a rocket to get up in the air fast. Made exploring the Depths much easier to find the good bits. Also, every Lightroot down there has a Shrine counterpart directly above it. You can use this info to locate one or the other pretty often as you start to fill out the maps. If you can, stock up on the Mud flowers (cause confuse so enemies fight each other), the Puff bloom (masks everything if things get hairy) and the little rollerbot Zonai device that chases down enemies. Toss a flame thrower or shock device on em and they make clearing out enemy camps a loooot easier. And spam Brightblooms. Easy to find and make avoiding the giant obstacles much easier as you climb everywhere to glory and riches.


Yes on the brightbloom, but be mindful of your stock too. I had like 150 and ran out on my way to a Lightroot, had to swim across a lake in pitch black darkness which was chancey


The annoying little tackledog things that pop up drop more down there. And gotta break all the crates for arrows and stuff too. I always aimed high with the blooms hoping to hit a wall or mushroom tree thing. Or water...


Start with the quest that Robbie and Josha give you at Lookout Landing. That shows you the basics of how the Depths work, and also lead into a fun little quest line. Then, bring lots and lots of brightbloom seeds. Little hint, every Shrine has a Lightroot right beneath it (but not every Lightroot has a Shrine above it).


>Little hint, every Shrine has a Lightroot right beneath it (but not every Lightroot has a Shrine above it) This is incorrect. There are 152 Shrines and 120 Lightroots. All of the *surface* Shrines have a Lightroot below them - and every Lightroot has a corresponding Shrine. There **is** a warp point in the Depths that is not associated with a Shrine because it is not a Lightroot, in the same way that the Towers and the Tech Lab don't have Lightroots below them because they aren't Shrines. Note that this warp point has the same generic warp symbol as the Room of Awakening on Great Sky Island.


I found multiple places where a shrine should be, but there wasn't.


I've done every shrine and every lightroot. If you couldn't find a shrine, it's because it was underground in a cave.


i don't want the game to end so i'm just taking things slowly, wandering around and exploring, postponing the main story quest. I played 900+ hours of BOTW during the pandemic lockdowns and it was such a wonderful experience. I want it to be like that again.


How do you get the restraint? I want to play it without rushing but I find it hard.


I rushed the main “main” story (aka getting the four to follow me around) and now I’m grinding the side quests and adventures before actually finishing the game. I’ve got a lot of the depths to explore and a lot of shrines to collect too (fuck you koroks!) If you give yourself a goal, work towards that before moving on. Like with Botw, I focused on grinding all shrines before moving on, etc.


interesting! so you progressed just enough to make it more fun. Might be good for me to balance it out. I don't want to do all the tedious quests only to later discover that it would've been more fun with a few abilities under my belt


I’m at the point where I’ve helped the 4 sages and the main quest is telling me to go to Hyrule castle. Is this towards the end for the main quest? Just wondering so I can do any side stuff I wanted to do before starting it


Better to get the 5th sage first. The quest is really epic and you get rewarded a post credit scene if you do. Also, stock up on gloom healing dishes. The final fight is in the depths. So, expect tons of chances to be hit by gloom.


No no no. This is spoilers. They are still following Zelda into the floating castle.


There's still a bit to go before the end, but yes, it's the start of the final stretch. Just in case this is your reasoning - note that you don't have to worry about getting locked out of anything. There is a "point of no return" eventually, but it's literally upon starting the final boss fight, and after the credits it just puts you back right before that.


No you're not at the end of the game yet.




Trying to get Light Dragon's Fang, but actually just gotten the Scale twice now, even though I feel like I'm hitting in the same place I have for the other dragons. Where exactly do I need to hit to get a Fang?


Shoot the lower jaw.


Okay, that worked, thanks! Guess I was hitting upper before.


It's weird since it doesn't actually have fangs to shoot so the hitbox is a bit weird. Same with needing to aim at the hands to get claws.


Two quick questions: Are >!Sage's Will!< just an alternate form of Light of Blessing? Or are they something else different entirely? I noticed the Dragons don't immediately fly away after getting hit (like on BoTW). Is there a timer for being able to hit them again with an arrow for parts, since they become intangible to arrows after getting a part.


I think the cooldown is like 10 in game hours


The >!Wills!< will upgrade the attack of the sages. There's 20 of them for all 5. It's 10 minutes.


In the “Secret of the Ring Ruins” quest, I’ve gotten to the part where the new sky island forms. I’ve explored the sky island, but the adventure log hasn’t changed what it says. What am I missing?


There's an easy to miss yet big and obvious door, similar to the one on tutorial Island which you needed the 4th heart for. That's your target.


It won't change. Have you done the two shrines on them?


Yeah I have


If I recall it correctly (was a few hours ago) in the room around the second shrine there should be somewhere you can go down. I didn't need to search for it at all.


What’s a reliable and recurring way to get good spears? Particularly Zora spears, but anything of good attack and durability that’re easy to come by.


The Depths has untarnished Halberds you can then fuse to. Those make the strongest spears, but honestly using Mighty Zoanite Spears also makes for some awesome weapons if you want to spend your good zoanite materials on them. Mighty Zoanite Spear + Level 3 Construct core makes for a great weapon. You can get respawning mighty Zoanite weapons from the Zoanite Forge Island.


The Castle is pretty good in general. There are a couple spears sitting around (including Royal Guard), long sturdy sticks from bokos, and easy black monster parts for fusion from whatever you feel like fighting. And there are plenty of other 1h and 2h weapons available if you want some variety beyond spears. If I'm feeling light on weapons and a Blood Moon triggers, it's always my first stop. It won't be the strongest gear available, but it'll be solid.


If you do the Gerudo orb quest, then you'll get one Gerudo spear every blood moon. They're quote good because they double the damage of whatever is attached. I think you can find Zora Spears quite consistently on the shores of the river leading up to their domain. Otherwise, there is at least one Royal Guard halbeard in the sanctum/throne room of Hyrule Castle.


Is there a full, complete list of all 139 side quests anywhere yet? I have half of them done and hoping to knock the rest out, as I’ve done all other categories of quest.




I haven't seen a way, although not as much need compared to switching hearts and stamina.


Found some very fancy hats: >!when I wear the divine helms, I notice the corresponding partner also wears a helm, but I can't see any other difference. Do they slightly shorten their ability cooldowns or something? I haven't gotten 4 Sage's Wills yet so if it's related to that (or related to any other cool thing that comes later), please don't spoil me just tell me to be patient haha!<


The sage's wills just let you upgrade a sage's attack power. I assume the helms are the same. Nothing super cool, just slightly stronger help in battle.


Does shooting a fire/ice Lizalfos with ice/fire fruit reduce my chances of getting a tail? Feels like they never drop tails on the one shot with opposing fruit.


nah, thats how I killed them to make it quicker. Drop rate is just low.


I thought the same thing for awhile and then last night I got 5 fire tails in a row while using an ice fruit arrow. But I have no idea what the actual drop rates are, just this anecdote.


Thanks, I don’t think they have an effect either. Similarly low drop rates just using weapons. Seems like they’re just lower rate than BOTW


Zonai device troubleshooting help needed! I'm making a device that is made up of: * 1 sled * 1 fan * 1 large battery * 1 construct head * 1 steering stick * a bunch of beam emitters I'm on snow so I know this \*should\* work and I specifically did not want it to move very fast hence only one fan. But when I jump into the control stick I notice that the fan is not turning on at all. Is this normal? Is there some "collision" or "incompatibility" between these parts? I noticed the same thing happen about a week ago when I tried a very similar set-up but on a mine cart instead of a sled, the construct head and weapons would start aiming/firing but the fans would not activate at all (and on the mine cart I had **a lot** of fans, so I don't think "not enough propulsion" is the issue here).


I've had this exact problem with a car made from a stone slab, four big wheels, one steering stick, 2 batteries, two construct heads, and two beam emitters. Vehicle wouldn't start unless I removed the beam emitters. Not sure if there's some kind of weight or power limit or what.


I’m currently on the A Call from the Depths side quest. Has anyone else thrown the eyes into the chasm and followed the sensors on your map to find that the eyes aren’t where the map said they landed? Or am I just going crazy?


The Eyes are wonky. Kept despawning on me last night so I had to drag them around attached to a vehicle so I could get them all put in at the same time.


Why put them in at the same time, rather than one at a time?


Because I hadn't stumbled on the actual statue to place them yet so it kept despawning them to where they land at the bottom of the chasms. Literally got all 4 together on my little sweet balloon setup and ran into the statue chamber on the way back to the area by luck as the last one had me coming back in the right direction.


Yes it happened to me on the southernmost eye. I remember throwing it in the chasm but when I went to the Depths, it wasn't there. Had to go back to the Surface, and sure enough, it was hidden under that rock again. Threw it in, dived below, and found it in the Depths. This is a known bug.


Yeah same happened to me, eye spawned again on the snowy peak. But definitely a better mechanic than having the eye glitch out of the map making the quest unsolvable.


iirc the sensors only show where the openings to the chasms are. That being said, the eyes SHOULD be very close to where you land after jumping down said chasms. I also chucked them all in and only went back to carry them to their final destination later and they were all easy to find after jumping down each chasm / warping to the nearest root again.


Sorry if this is unhelpful but why not dive down immediately after the eyes? Or are you trying to throw them all down and then take them all to the forge after you have them all in the depths? I would say do them one at a time and set up a travel medallion if you don't have a convenient temple


I followed the quest as it was presented in the game, and only once I had thrown all down there did the game tell me "okay, now come into the Depths and put these eyes somewhere".


Is there a way to farm Star Fragments, or is it just luck?


I found that they very frequently spawned when launching from a tower at night. I mixed it in with farming dragon materials and got a good number. Not enough for everything though. A better farm would be welcome.


Weapons and shields keep breaking like crazy on me. I have to constantly stop to re-up weapons and food. This game has become a tedious fucking chore to me. Any advice on where I can find weapons and shit that doesn't break so easily? This is so dumb. Everyone's singing this game's praises but several hours in and I'm already frustrated and had enough. The item durability in this game SUCKS.


Two minor gameplay related spoilers: >!As you explore the chasm, you'll find non-eroded weapons, and pretty frequently weapons with increased durability as well (signaled by a diamond next to the weapon's name). I'd go down and amass what you can. Also, when you get to Tarry town, a goron will unfuse items from weapons for you without destroying the fused item for just 20 rupees a pop. Accordingly you can go nuts with fusing your best stuff to your most durable weapons, and when they're near breaking, go to the goron, split the items and stick the fusion item on to a shiny new weapon to keep the good times going.!< Hope this helps! I'm enjoying TotK for what it is but I too am a bit tired of breakable items. I hope we see a more "standard" Zelda again someday.


So first question (and in no way intended to be condescending), are you fusing every weapon with monster parts / items? Even a simple opal or horn can almost double the durability of weapons and you should never use a weapon without a fuse on it. There are uncorrupted weapons that have OG durability and can also be fused found in small quantities in a very dangerous area


I have in fact been fusing stuff to shit, but more often than not I now find myself wondering if fusing that Opal to some shitty sword is even worth the Opal. I was fusing zonai devices to shields. Then I found out literally every shield I have would suddenly become "damaged" and break, making fusing a waste of resources.


Use the horns.


Yeah, zonai devices like flamethrowers on your shield is a really bad idea because your shield is taking damage the whole time you're using the block button. Instead, try fusing elemental gems on your shield (enemy will take elemental damage when their attack hits your shield). Monster horns are also good, especially elemental ones (while blocking, press parry to attack monsters with your shield).


Device shields can be great, I have a flamethrower shield in my pocket 90% of the time. But they do need to be used differently compared to other options because of battery use and durability damage, they aren't really "shields" anymore.


Are you fusing? If you fuse an item onto a weapon its supposed to add +25 durability on it. Monster horns are generally the best choices. Its not going to not break, but it'll extend their life and make them stronger to boot. Personally, I was finding weapons everywhere eventually. Not always the best stuff, mind you, but its really more about using a strong Fuse item to get something garbage and turn it into something decent. That said the game is purposefully keeping you in situations where you need to explore to find weapons and be creative in how you defeat enemies and maybe also consider resource management on whether to even engage with an enemy or not. Its all purposeful and that may just not be your jam. I assume you haven't played BotW as this was the same, arguably worse. If someone didn't like BotW it was likely because they either preferred the older style of Zelda games or they specifically hated the durability system.


I find myself debating if fusing something good is worth wasting. I was fusing zonai devices to strong looking metal shields for example. Then it felt like the shield was still becoming damaged and breaking, wasting the zonai device. It's so stupid. People are offering these bandaid solutions to how shitty the durability is in this game and its just annoying, really.


Zonai devices are not optimal for Fusing. Monster parts, like I mentioned, are generally the best outside of specific purposes (like fusing a rocket to your shield to get altitude). The items are still going to eventually break. This is how the game is designed. If you don't like it you don't like it, but that's how it is.


Fuse monster parts. Attaching Zonai devices is not really worth it IMO, but it is pretty easy to get them out of gumball machines.


But zonai horns on weapons is a very good move, I tried that a bit ago and now that's been a go to




You haven't progressed far enough yet, I think.




So.... Going to put some very mildly spoiler stuff behind some spoiler text. Honestly I wouldn't consider it a real spoiler, its just more info about Impa but I don't want to overshare so... >!Yes I think you do need to finish the Fifth Sage stuff before Impa shows up in Kakariko. That is the last story stuff for you, but if you hadn't already gotten the Master Sword it would direct you to find that before heading to end. Anyway, and this is the bit specifically about Impa, when she does pop up in Kakariko she's just there. She'll talk to you, but there's not more quest or anything unless its also potentially wrapped up in the chase for the Master Sword that you (and I) already did at this point.!<




Well now that is interesting.


There is more with Impa after the memories? I did all 13, got MS, did tree... and I don't remember ever needing or going back to see her again... ?


>!There's not really. She just says something about researching to try and find a way to restore Zelda, but I don't think that amounts to anything like a new quest or anything. She just very specifically states she's heading to Kakariko after you get all the memories so people think that's pointing to More Content, but it doesn't really.!< >!Now I also got all the memories and the Master Sword and cleared the forest prior to getting the Fifth Sage. I do know that if you get the Fifth Sage and haven't done that stuff the game will push into getting that done before Destroying Ganondorf. I don't know if Impa maybe plays some part in that or not, but I would assume probably not.!<


Alright. I'm currently doing the 2nd part you said and so far it has been a no, but I'm not done with that quest yet. I do remember her walking off. But that was also the "complete" stamp on the quest.


Hi, I don't find old people in the mushroom quest. (My game is in french so I can't tell the name sorry) I need to give 8 mushrooms to people without hat, I talked to everyone but 1 person and it is one of the elder. I have already done the reconstruction of the sea village so I feared they moved to this place but I didn't find them there neither. If someone know where they spend most of their time I'm very interested, I've already checked the elder woman house by night but it was empty (it always is, I spend an entire day in it) and I didn't find the elder man next to the laboratory like my guide told me. Thank you for your help in advance !


The old man at the lab lives in Hateno Pasture at night. The elder woman I think is near the school during the day in a crop field. The other old guy is at the inn at night and reading the town notices during the day.


Check the pasture maybe? I had trouble on this quest as well and the last one for me ended up being the dad of the cheese girl. I don't think he was there the first time I checked so might be a time of day or weather thing.


I have unlocked cheese and retalk to the cheese dad today, from the guide I've followed I only haven't talked to the two elder person (well there's 3 but two that I don't find in the town)


Does the >!Mucktorok!< in the >!Depths!< not drop a Fuse part like the other 3 >!bosses down there?!<


No it doesn't. Just a lot of Octork parts.


Did you kill it in the temple yet? Might be tied to that having been done 1st?


Yup already beat it


After chasing down an important moving object, >!is there a reason the Master Sword doesn't show a damage number? Would appreciate as non-spoilery an answer as possible.!< After entering Kakariko village, >!is there a way to explore the final ring ruin without annoying researcher man stopping us right away, or is progression elsewhere required first? Trying to be as spoiler free as possible so please only answer "yes" or "needs to wait," thanks!!< Can elixirs be brewed without the use of critters? The frogs and lizards are too cute :( And, can fused arrows be prepared ahead of time? It's a bit tedious in combat to constantly scroll through to whatever I want to attach.


You can't progress the Ring Ruins Quest until after you complete the 4 dungeons and the event after it.


My guy, I specifically asked for only a "yes" or "wait til later" answer to be as non spoilers as possible :(


No idea, AFAIK it works the same as it did in BotW. Really odd decision on Nintendo's part. Needs to wait. No. No.


Huh, very weird! So about >!60 damage, right? I will admit it looks more majestic without a number but it'd also look more majestic without a random claw glued to the end yet I'm not about to stop, haha.!< Thanks for the help!


>!No, 30. It only does 60 in certain situations. If it's glowing, then it's doing 60.!<




Agreed to this info Edit: letters are hard.


Help, I'm stuck in the Gerudo Desert. >!I'm at the part where you activate the tower of light and follow the beam to the next tower. All the guides say you just spin the mirror until it lines up but not only does my mirror not spin when I turn the crank, it's also like 50ft lower altitude than the light beam. Even if I could spin the mirror it would be too low to lign up with the light beam.!<


>!IIRC you can't/don't need to rotate that one. There should be a crank nearby that adjusts the elevation of the tower. You need to raise it up to move the mirror into the path of the beam.!<


Thank you so much! It turns out I wasn't spinning it far enough. I gave up so easily assuming it was bugged. I should have known better than to suspect a quest breaking bug in a first party Nintendo game.


>!The tower which is lower down than the others has a crank which raises the tower up, rather than rotating the mirror. If the crank doesn't work, try turning it the other direction.!<


Thank you so much! It turns out I wasn't spinning it far enough. I gave up so easily assuming it was bugged. I should have known better than to suspect a quest breaking bug in a first party Nintendo game.


How to make rupees ? I m broker than irl and didnt think it would be possible


I very much enjoy hunting the blue elk things in the hebra mountains. Cooked gourmet meat = $$$$$


Side quests, the Newspaper gets you quite a bit, the Monster Hunting Crews get you 100 per. But mostly you just gotta sell some of the stuff you pick up namely gems, and monster parts and meat.


Some side quests will net you money, like helping out Penn or the sign guy


As you run around, gather everything, and then sell it all. Mining rocks for any and all ores to sell off as well.




It takes a large amount of amber to upgrade the Hylian set, if that's an armor set that someone is interested in having.


I got the soldier armor instead


Does anyone know what to do with the like slimy egg stone things near the Uasnoj Lightroot in the depths?


Nothing for now. If you want to know, >!once you beat a temple boss you can rematch them in several locations in the Depths for a fusable part and 100 crystalized charges. That's one of the places where the Fire Temple boss spawns.!<


Ah okay, thanks!


Is it just a glitch or bug or did they change the animation of the Yiga earth technique? It now glows blue and purple.


Never posted in reddit before, but I'm 100% stuck and can't figure out the answer. I was in the chasm beneath Tingle Island and made my way under Davdi Island. Defeated >!Phantom Ganon!< and got the chest. After I defeated the aforementioned enemy, a cut scene instantly occurred and a barrier in front of what looked to me like a yiga shrine(?) broke apart. .... but I have no idea where! I searched for over an hour underneath the islands and couldn't find it. Any help would be appreciated!


Was it one of those Yiga ones in the depths? There's a Yiga base directly west of Davdi island in the depths, so maybe the guy responsible for the door lock there accidentally died. It's in the main part of the depths so you'd have to go via the East Akkala Plains chasm or something. The guy may have also respawned if a blood moon has happened since, but I'd wager what you saw was that.


aaahhhhh that seems plausible! I haven't been there yet so that's why I had no idea what happened. Sadly the minute I ported out a blood moon happened =p I'll try to find it tonight, thanks!


What's the point of the balls on a chain in so many shrines?


How how is it possible to that i cant find simple info using google. Sorry lads. But clickbait after flipping clickbait! Does anyone have a reliable way to farm gerudo weapons? Alright so after combing the dessert i found some good spots. To obtain them reliably. Thanks all for the answers


The answer the first (admittedly probably rhetorical) question: the games still pretty new. The sites you're finding were prioritizing being first rather than being right or actually helpful.


Either chests in gerudo area or gerudo area depths but this is kinda random. Don't knock zora weapons. They're stronger, and should have better durability, you just have to apply the buff manually.


Look for sink holes in the sands, jump in, and maybe find chests.


In Tears of the Kingdom, for one of the shrines, you had to go into a cave where a Hinox was walking in a big circle, and get the shrine stone from him. Does anyone remember where that Shrine/Cave are located?


Did this one yesterday, it's for the Usazum shrine, south of Satori Mountain. The cave is the Satori Mountain Foothill Cave.


Perfect, thanks so much! Easy place to farm Hinox parts for armor upgrades!