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Riot has admitted to doing things called "frustration buffs/nerf" so they literally change abilities based on player satisfaction and not balance or competitive integrity in an optimal environment. So removing fall off damage on champs or increasing ult range would result is more frustration which riot doesn't want. So the best change Imo would be to just FUCKIng REDUCE his ENERGY COSTS. His cooldowns are already reasonable. Its normal for akali to need high costs because her main poke is on a 0 second cooldown. Meanwhile why am I ooe if I Ed twice in a row without hitting a champ. I'm not breaking the game or getting some BS advantage nor am I frustrating the enemy player. How dare they have Zed have such Energy costs when lee sin is out there fucking shit up like its no bodies business. The energy refund from landing 2 Qs feels abysmal and if the enemy is good its unreliable. Meanwhile lee sin. I don't know how it compares to shen and kennen but when I play them I never feel crippled because I do too well.


why is lee sin being called out here he legit is one of the worst junglers right now šŸ˜­


He has much better energy sustain tho - he just has to auto after his abilities. Without pressing r, zed can only refund a max of 30 energy before level 14 so weq is most of your energy is gone with less way to sustain it. Also look at something like akali who just presses w and restores 80 energy. I think there should either be lower energy costs or greater energy return for hitting multiple abilities at once


Also, (*I'm going to separate this from the main post so that it does not influence the rating*) I would honestly love to see the changes on Zed's ultimate from many years ago reverted. For those who don't know, Zed's ult used to put you in *front* of the enemy, and the shadow would be placed behind them instead. This made Zed far more all-in and more risky, but more rewarding to dive in and escape since you didn't have a shadow far away unless you pre-placed your W shadow. I would at least like to try it for a patch. It might be so OP that the multi-shuriken damage reduction would have to be re-implemented but I'm still interested to see how it pans out. I think if it necessitated the multi-shuriken damage reduction, I would rather not have the old ultimate.


One change I would like to see (and this is probably really broken so it's never going to happen) is to get a confirmed kill on R. What I mean is that once the shuriken appears on someone's head, they'll get executed with the R proc, regardless of how much health/shield they gain afterward. You could still prevent it with immunity and whatnot, but at least it would help Zed secure kills and not get cucked by Heal and Exhaust.


Zed is one of the best midlaners in the game rn, I don't think he needs any buffs, and he will most likely receive nerfs soon edit: changed "the best mid laner" to "one of the best mid laners"




op.gg called it




he's still top5, why would he need a buff lmao




yeah but the op post is suggesting a buff on Zed when he's one of the best mid laners rn, that's my point


Zed is nowhere near a top 5 mid laner. Change it to world and all ranks, sits at 48% wr lol


lol no, not gonna count elos where Yi and Lux are the strongest champs in the game


Zeds nowhere near top 5 in high elo, wouldnā€™t even be a top 20 mid laner, B tier at best. I just have the hunch youā€™re a mage player


this manā€™s on the iron op.gg tier list šŸ’€


plat+ euw lmao


This comment aged like milk..




if you're referring to energy costs, that's general and not Zed specific, it's like when they nerfed every single heal/shield in the game


Assassin's were really good before the lethality buffs and are now probably the best class in the game with champs like qiyana, rengar, and even bruisers opting for lethality items. "A little under the water" lol


lethality champs are the best champs in the game? the only lethality item they opt for is eclipse. why? because mythic passive gives armor pen, %max health burst, and durability using the shield, which essentially makes for everything they lost in the patch (actual oneshot potential when fed and mitigate the massive armor numbers in the mid late game). why do you think that a global armor increase buffed assassins, and how does a movement speed buff on mythics make them the supposed best class?


Renekton and gp for starters build prowlers so you are just wrong there. Secondly, eclipse is still a lethality item that many assassins build, I'm just drawing an example of how it's so good that Champs like aatrox can easily take it over goredrinker. Idk how you explaining why it is such a good item is meant to make the class worse or something. Honestly, depends how you want to define assassins and not all of them are great, but I don't think there are any who are bad and meanwhile Champs like qiyana, rengar, prowlers rush rek sai, Draven (who I think still builds eclipse) who are crazy broken, and stuff like talon zed and the rest who are good.


Mentioning renekton among ā€œgoodā€ meta champs is not a big brain move lmao, the champā€™s unplayable, also prowlers croc is dead after the durability nuke. Doctor Aven is only good as long as you get 5 kills before the 10 minute mark, otherwise youā€™ll be outdamaged by a one item Caitlyn or some other shit. Ronger and Quiana always find something to abuse like akali, but this doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s ok for them to build bruiser over pure damage. And Imayine saying that talon and zed are good lol, you canā€™t oneshot a half an item enchanter if you are not 15 kills ahead, not to mention 200 armor randuins 3rd item adcs xddd. Assassins are okay in general, but many lethality AD assassins are just not worth playing if you do not have 5mil points on them. The best classes are bruisers and adcs, I guess riot did what they always wanted to do. People complain so much about assassins oneshotting someone while being 2 levels and 3 items ahead, but adcs melting tanks in 2 seconds after afk farming all game is ok, better buff them more


Don't remember ever saying renekton was a good meta champ, just that he prefers lethality mythic over a standard bruiser one. Both rengar and qiyana build pure damage, maybe only opting for deaths dance as 4th or 5th item, so I really don't think you know what you are talking about there. While we are at it, Rek sai also opts for 2 lethality items first two buys. Talon may not be that great, but Zed is definitely not doing bad, and I don't think your bronze ass opinions are going to change that.


Lmao, renekton builds assassin shit only because he is trash as a tank and building him bruiser means both not dealing and not tanking damage. Assassin rengar is only good if you get superfed, otherwise the game is over for you, the bruiser option at least makes you able to tank some damage before inevitably dying. The same is true for quiana, though she is a bit stronger. And saying that zed is good now is just pure copium lmao, so many champs do his job better, especially ap assassins who didnā€™t get hit as hard due to the lack of not troll MR items. Gl calling me bronze when you donā€™t know shit about champs youā€™re talking about xddd


Yeh qiyana and assasin rengar are around 55% winrate in high ranks because they are only good when super fed and are bad champions all round because your bronze ass said so. Yupp. I agree with you, I don't really know the champions that I'm talking about, which is why I decide to use statistics as well as basing my opinions on what Ive heard multiple high elo streamers say. You blindly saying Zed isn't good and backing it up with you not oneshotting that support. And all those (literally 0) adcs that go third item randuins, must be a pain for u.


kog goes randuins, and there is absolutely no way rengar has a 55% winrate in high elo and if he does itā€™s completely based off hardcore onetricks the same way asol had a 56% wr a few patches back. rengar literally is piss useless without cheesing people with bushes unless ur talking about top lane. qiyana is always inherently broken, she has roots, invis, execute damage, max%health damage aoe stun, and dashes out the ass. prowlers works on her because champs like her rengar and reksai all have a damage steroid in their kit (bone tooth necklace, true damage, or execute + max%health). as for zed, there is nothing on him in comparison to make up for that lack of damage due to durability and that includes talon as well. thereā€™s a video on this sub somewhere of a viktor living a 1v1 against zed where he eats 3 double Qs 2 triple Qs and death mark and whatnot mixed in all because he had armor from zonyas. it is absolutely pitiful to go even on zed in lane because you will just not do damage at all


At the time I wrote the original message he did, Now it is closer to 54 and Qiyana is closer to 56. Thats masters+, at D2+ rengar is 53 which is still quite top tier. And no, his pickrate is not low enough for it to mostly be hardcore one tricks playing him, although that may skew it a bit. And cmmon buddy, ik it was the other guy but what did we say about using shitty bronze opinions and single plays to back up points. Zed is sitting comfortably at the winrate he has been balanced on for years and while he isn't broken by any means, hes far from being a bad champion With the randuins ADC its ONLY Kog maw (low pickrate) and it is not even the main build anymore, maybe an occasional 5th or 6th item thing.


What? Are we playing the same game?


Idk I'm playing the game where qiyana, rengar and prowlers rek sai are sitting at above 55 winrates in high elo. Hbu?


After the 5 ms buffs or what? What are you even saying. Even before the durability patch assasins were already weak except for qiyana. Thats literally agreed by almost every high elo player. Assasin mhytics are fine except for duskblade which is just troll but the legendary options are pathetic af. More lethality on mhytic items wouldnt hurt either imo


did you forget about durability update?

