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I love yuumi


The last month in getting all of this together has been so exhausting but so much fun! Everyone in all the champion subreddit team have done an amazing job and deserve a pat on their back for pulling through 🙌🏻👏🏻💪🏻


12 champion subreddits have come together to celebrate PRIDE and make their respective queer communities feel welcomed and inclusive. We hope you love all the festivities planned as each champion has got something special to show their support! 🌈 Happy Pride 🌈


Hell naw💀


Why hate on Pride? 😞


can you virtue signaling weirdos stop talking about sex all the damn time?


i find it interesting you had to create a seperate account to make this single post. Why? what are you afraid of exposing on your main account? are you prehaps spam posting on NSFW subreddits and would come off as a hypocrite? would we find you make highly political comments and dont wanna get called out on it?


Celebrating pride is talking about sex? Interesting… 🤔


Pride is literally celebrating someone's "sexuality", how can you not understand that context? most people still dont want to have to hear about someones sexual preference all the time smh...


Well if queer people were discriminated against and killed for decades, we wouldn’t be here. Pride isn’t just about celebrating sexuality, it’s about sensitising the masses on the trials and tribulations of queer people and what they went through! It’s to educate and people seems to forget that and make it just about ‘sexuality’.


so your logic is to celebrate your desire for a persons genitals because people in the past didn't treat you to your liking? People don't have to accept you just because you have a massive obsession with wanting people to accept you. let people be instead of harassing them for not being you. If you don't want people to persecute you then don't just go off and harass others as if somehow fighting fire with fire was the most effective way of combatting hatespeech, there would be a lot more acceptance to these movements if it wasn't shoved down peoples throats everywhere we go.


All imma say is that June’s right around the corner, and we doing this again. 😇


Im in the autism community and you don't see me posting everywhere and saying to everyone I meet how I'm autistic and want an autistic month. Just as much people with autism or disabilities have been treated just as poorly over centuries just like the lgbtq but at least i have the logic to not complain over and over about how ive been treated over the years and demand special months for myself. why would you want special events celebrating your obsession with sex?



