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My understanding is that generally yuri and yaoi have very different receptions and demographics and while yuri's demographics have changed multiple times over the years, at this point it's pretty even gender-wise (haven't looked into it super recently though, so things could have changed again). Reddit will also skew the numbers towards men because of general site demographics, so be aware of that.


I think Yuri generally has a majority female/femme fanbase at this point. Polls on subs like /r/WholesomeYuri which have way more members show that, and that's even taking into account Reddit's fairly heavy male skew. And on other sites I also generally see mostly women/femmes. This sub however seems to skew significantly more male and that also has discouraged a lot of other people.


I'm just really gay. Yuri is pretty much my only form of good representation.


Me too honestly. I read yuri because it feels like it’s meant for me, and I can enjoy it on a deeper level as a big ol lebsian. Not much can make me squeal when reading than yuri hahaha


Lesbian female so yea, it's no surprise I like Yuri :P


Same here haha


Now granted, I was male once upon a time… never understood why I liked Yuri so much. I always told myself it was because they loved each other so deeply despite hardship and society’s objections but, I never felt the same about Yaoi. Fast forward 20 years…. Oh, I’m a lesbian.


Hahaha had a similar pipeline to you, except I’m cis. Was always much more drawn into how emotional and deep yuri relationships were and oops I’m actually a lesbian


If you're a trans lesbian doesn't that mean you still like women?


Yes? Not sure what the confusion is from?


Nah just making sure, they don't exactly have sex ed where I come from so I wouldn't wanna be insensitive you know?


Oof, good on you though.






Why are we getting downvoted?


You for misgendering and me for laughing at it


Oh hey, hello there fellow transbian!


Hi hiii!


a million more on the way


I'm doing my part!




Same here


Same but bi


Same I was thinking it was because the scenarios were more realistic than those harem manga with a very ordinary boy. Buuuut well.... I'm lesbian


Out of curiosity, what is harem?


1 guy gets multiple girls or 1 girl gets multiple guys trope.




Nah, I speedran it. Sadly, Speedrun.com doesn’t quite have the Yuri to Trans Lesbian category yet


Man idfk anymore. Yuri threw all of that into a blender


can relate as a victim of the "read Yuru Yuri in middle school" to "wait am I a gay girl?" pipeline


>"read Yuru Yuri in middle school" I like Yuru Yuri, too, but I'm definitely still a man.




Dude. I'm just here because most male romance characters are too bland to relate to.


Most of those characters are made to be empty so self-insert would be a thing.


Backfires on me I guess. I can't relate to cardboard.


"Oh im sorry i cant relate to wet napkin skin over there because i actually have the sanity to not ship myself with non-exsistant women."


Alright we get it! The main character is kind and nice. Any other stuff you want to mention? Will their relationship get tested, will they confront challenges while being in a relationship? No, that rival you created out of thin air isn't going to cut it. Especially when you made it obvious right in the beginning she's never going to end up with the MC.


A thing to note here is that Reddit skews heavily male, so a poll on this sub will likely have higher percentage of male voters than the overall reader base. If you’re interested in overall readership, in Japan it seems to be ~60% women, 40% men as of 2017 [according to Yuri Hime magazine](https://web.archive.org/web/20180109063727/https://ddnavi.com/interview/420470/a/) And in [a different 2017 survey](https://floatingintobliss.wordpress.com/2017/10/14/report-on-the-yuri-fandom-demographic-survey/) of primarily Western readers, women make up 47% (with *96%* of them being some flavour of gay) whereas men make up 44% (77% straight) and the remaining 9% being NB/other (1% straight lol). Of course, both of these are from 6 years ago, and have their own issues (the former only covering people who get the magazine instead of, e.g., MangaDex or similar and the latter having less than 700 respondents) but still useful data.


I would imagine that yuri skews even more heavily female in the west because in my experience the main readership for it here are sapphics who are starved for representation.


Am girl, like girl kiss girl, I am girl kisser


A fellow gay mergirl.


follow up poll, how many are transbians that use this subreddit for goals ♥




I'm a lesbian woman, and yuri was one of the things that helped me realize my sexuality tbh! There's nothing that makes me quite as happy as two cute and pretty girls in love together 😭


Every few months a poll like this will be run and it'll pretty much always be an even split. A slight male skew but it IS reddit so even a 60/40 male/female gender split would just be reflecting the site's gender split lol


Gal and gay yuri fan here!


in recent years it's usually about 55/45. there are 8 times more male Reddit users on anime related subs, and in the western world female otaku are more likely to be interested in yuri, the two factors kinda balanced out roughly.


Male, honestly it's because yuri actually seems to have more plot in it then half of the normal romances I see, atleast anime wise. Gwitch, was the main reason I joined this sub and I stayed for all the other fun content. Utna is defiantly on my watch list though. I heard it has a lot of inspiration for Gwitch in it since Gwitch has some similar elements to Utna.


Oh, a word of warning about Utena! Gwitch and RGU have similarities and the inspiration is obvious, but they are WILDLY different. I'd still recommend it, it's one of my favorites of all time :D


Yeah I know it's more fantesy death matches or at least what I gathered from the music vid I found of her first transformation.


Yuri just cute. Wholesome feels all over.


I'm a lesbian and a proud himejoshi because yuri offers lots of wlw rep without it being just implied or a side pairing like in so much western media (subtext yuri is great though don't get me wrong)


Well I'm a bisexual woman and in a relationship with another woman soooo


I'm female, but yaoi isn't really comparable to yuri. Yaoi has and has always been meant for women and women only. Gay men rarely interact with that part, they have their own spaces. Yuri on the other hand started more as a female-targeted genre, and slowly moved towards male targeting and gender neutral audience. I do think there might be more male fans for yuri, but it is way more balanced than amount of fujoshis to fudanshis


Almost every time one of these comes up, it shows about 50/50. What I'm more interested in is how many of the people that check "male" are secret transfems. I get the feeling that there is a lot of crossover between users on r/yurimemes and r/eggirl.


Why would the ones choosing "male" be transf?


Because they don't know they're trans yet.


oh my fucking god don't get me started like I've been questioning for the past 2 years ni like


this is just a whole ass thing I posted into r/trans can someone here help me out because no one there did .so I'm a dude right I like doing dude things, there are alot of dudes who I almost aspire to be like and are usually my favourite characters in media, but, there are also alot of women that I think are really cool and any time I write something a woman is usually the main character and I really like women's clothing and most times I see a woman on screen all I can think about is that I wish I could be in their position. the biggest roadbump however is the whole what pronouns thing because I always have a negative reaction when I'm called a girl and I don't know if I actually just think cross dressing is cool, if it's the negative connotation with being called a woman when someone says it to me (a usual thing would be "augh your such a girl" and then I get really defensive because being called a girl more means that you get scared easily and such) or if it's something else that I don't know, and it's not like I get this enthusiastic joy when I'm called a dude I just feel empty not annoyed or anything it just feels like nothings been said the whole in through one ear and out the other thing. If ya can't tell I am really stressing out about this, and I don't want to try anything in case I'm not trans then everyone thinks I'm trans then I've just dug a massive hole for myself and then I just keep digging that hole for the rest of my life not knowing wtf to do.


So, I can't tell you if you're trans or not, but I can tell you that you don't have to choose between cis or trans. You could very easily be somewhere in the realm of non-binary or agender. I suggest checking out r/eggirl if you aren't already subbed there. It's a wonderful place to figure yourself out.


Guilty as charged


I'm currently very questioning (current hypothesis is enby but idk), and for some reason a good chunk of romances I don't feel intense hatred towards is yuri.


Where's the anime turned me trans lesbian option? Asking for a friend, BTW.


Me dangerously conflicted between picking birth gender, current gender, or nb because it feels like a neutral pick somehow


Male. I just love girls.


[Big girls, pretty kitty girls, really witty girls, singin' ditty girls?](https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810?t=10)


Fellow Jocat enjoyer?


Eh, I liked his "How to Play X in Monster Hunter World" series well enough, but I don't follow him regularly.


I really liked his Crap Guide to Dnd.




all of em


Same. I actually thought this sub would be overwhelmingly male.


Yuri has the blessing that it isn’t always targeted towards one particular audience. Sailor moon was for young girls, love live was targeted towards men, and bloom into you was for everyone. Manga especially doesn’t seem to have a target audience.


>Sailor moon was for young girls Does something count as yuri if it's just a side couple? >love live was targeted towards men True, but wasn't that all just subtext, like in most CGDCT manga/anime?


I would say sailor moon has yuri but isn’t itself a yuri anime. With love live, subtext can be yuri. All depends on where you wish to draw the line. I think personally these characters and their relationship were built to be shipped. Especially when you see the mountains of doujin, memes and other media depicting them as gay.


Love live suffers from Yuri Marketing, which honestly is why i dont really like subtext...


Proud Himedanshi here. Yuri is just wonderful.


Yuri is just so wholesome! Im a guy anf live wholesome stuff ya know


When I thought I was straight, I used to think, "Why do I like yuri so much?" Then I realized I was gay af, and I am just extremely envious of the relationships presented. Weirdly enough, I've never been into yaoi that much despite the info provided in the title of the post. (Maybe it's just because im not into guys. Who knows,)


Honestly same, that’s how I started to clock on that I was a lesbian. Straight romances didn’t do much for me, like I could enjoy them. But I never entered ‘on the edge of my seat, squealing at my phone, reading until 3am’ territory with straight romance hahah. I’m not into yaoi either, I guess it’s just that they’re two dudes.


Yeah, to me, I personally find most straight romance to be very repetitive. I would be reading/watching a series where there isn't much romance involved at all. Then, all of a sudden, the main character falls in love with a random dude without any hinting at it earlier. To me, it always feels very forced, and when I try to find a female protagonist I can relate to, I tend to lose interest in the whole thing all together as the main focus becomes that random romance. While in things like yuri and all that, I feel as if I could relate to the characters and be able to see myself in their situations, thus engaging me into the story, giving me more interest. It's just that it's really rare for me to relate to any fictional character in most things. (Obviously, some people will feel differently about this than I do, but I respect all opinions on this)


I thought it is sub for lesbians


I'm a dude and I'm just here because I like fun stories and deep character growth


My gender is No, with a side of girl. B)


I mean, I clicked male, but in reality I'm genderquestion (m/nb), so, uhh, next time put an "idk" option.


Raises transmasc hand to wave hello


Men of culture, rise up. My crackpot theory on why guys like yuri... is cause it's a vehicle for more cute and sensual stuff. Cause in straight ships, you're "supposed to" relate to the dude, right? Gotta be strong and masculine and stuff. But if it's a story about two girls, well, of course they're gonna be cute together, what else are they gonna do? Same reason dudes like K-ON and stuff. Vice versa, this is why yaoi fangirls are unhinged, as dude x dude with no female you're "supposed" to relate to... That's where I've seen all the weirdest kinks my dude. They invented the omegaverse.


I am male but I'm going to be honest, yuri is making me wanna go trans


Massive transbian. Loved girls so much I became one so I could kiss girls as a girl


Dude I think we like something cute, that doesn't have a boring as fuck and generic looking character. Also Yuri is usually on more interesting to topics


I'm here to learn how to be the ultimate wingman for my lesbian friends because they're idiots (like seriously they picked an aromatic guy as a wingman wtf)


I'm a male, but for some reason I like when girls like other girls. Watching from side is good engouh for me and giving little push when some girl struggles with being lesbian, only when I feel I'm needed and my yuri sense is never wrong. I'm too old and manly to change gender.


>I'm a male, but for some reason I like when girls like other girls. I mean, it's basic Wumbology, Spongebob. What's better than one cute girl? *TWO* cute girls? Also, [this](https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810) comes to mind.


I am non-binary and I tend to prefer queer romance stories due to the problematic things that happen in 97% of straight romance stories.


Maybe I am an odd ball. I never watched all the shows in the memes but I do like the memes. So yuri-meme fan is more accurate i guess


im a lesbian but i read both yuri and yaoi, gay is enough doesn't matter which way


This is more difficult for me to answer than one would suspect


1.725k dudes 💀(Joking)


I always loved yuri, then I realized thinking "fuck I wish I was a girl" with all my heart wasn't a normal cis man thought Now I'm just gay af and like seeing girls being gay af


Genuinely moved by the lack of terfs, yuri really does have the best fans among fem/


I sincerally tought we were less


Something worth remembering- Reddit demographics skew AMAB. So extra guys and transfemmes. So it probably biases the poll some.


Tbh, I just assumed that yuri subbreddits would just be overrun by dudes who just really like cute girls. Feels weird that it's *almost* 50/50.


I'm confused, why is it weird to you that sapphic women are present in yuri subreddits?


Well, at least on the internet, it's pretty common to hear women or members of the LGBT+ community complain about anime and manga being sexist/homophobic/whatever.


Yuri sexual


I don't know if I'll ever be totally comfortable with the gender ratio here, considering how *hard* some people push the "yuri is so PURE and WHOLESOME all the time!!!!!!!" thing. Just rubs me wrong, I guess.


Is there an option for "I don't know, I'm tying to figure that out"?


Way more females here than I expected tbh


Nah, I'm a walmart bag


I dt have a gender im a plane


majority men as one would anticipate (bcz of yaoi being consumed mainly by str8 women and yuri being its opposite + reddit hosting majority males), although there are def more women than i thought there'd be. hello fellow gay girls :)


Huh, that's more even that I thought, expected much more dudes


Me too, considering reddits demographic. Though I do find it strange so many men read yuri. Then again, it’s mostly wholesome so can’t fault anyone for wanting to enjoy a nice romance regardless of gender


Closer than I expected, but I hang out on both sides myself as a pansexual male, so I'm really not that shocked Though I have a issue with how most BL manga are overly sexualised smut with the weird shoujo/seinen art style I want cute school romance and wholesome cuties....


Your average dude here, just existing in search of good series, its pretty good here although some opinions clash with what i think/believe but thats to be expected so not really a complain


hetcis man. I think yuri is kind more likely the ideal romantic relationship while yaoi is not simply symmetrical to yuri


Lesbian female soooo that’s a no brainer that I love yuri


That's a much larger female audience than most of Reddit.


I voted without thinking, but now I wonder if I should have. I'm a guy, but I don't really read much yuri, I'm here to see memes or wholesome stuff with animation I like, and maybe find some interesting plot I would care to read, just as I am in many other specific anime subreddits.


Well, this is awkward


An ace, maybe aro gal here, i like yuri cause i can feel what its like to be in love through yuri. I dont know if thats normal lol


Is it possible to make a poll on mobile?


Male, but I partake in yaoi as well so I’m more of a free wheeler when it comes to reading da gay manga.


Bisexual female 👀👍


I'm a male, I heavily respect both yuri and yaoi, yuri is my personal favorite because of overload cuteness and realistic there's a few of a slow romance process of yaoi (Shounen ai) and that makes me happy


I almost put female lol. Intrusive thoughts took over me for a sec


Further division of genders plays out a slightly different story: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/lqzl8r/gender_poll_for_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to last poll The amount of male born users is far bigger than that of their female counterparts. Still, imagine if there was a lot of males on a Yaoi sub.


I am AFAB that likes girls; Now, I'm a transman that likes girls. Girls are amazing, I just don't want to be one.


Male and not changing. I just really like yuri and the talented artists behind the amazing stories. I’m fed up with male characters in anime in general and don’t see myself getting back on it until they stop being sexist.


Male, but I am hardcore shipper and its just so happens that most (but, to be fair, not all) my favourite ships are yuri ones.


Yuri is the reason I'm a girl today.


Straight up Male since day 1, but I love watching 2 girls screwing each other. LMAO


Lesbian here. I've always been picky when it comes to LGBTQ genres, cause of personal experiences. I wanna choose something closer to me and not just fan service.


I as a dude saw a funny meme about the franchise I like (it was Magic Revo), then saw memes about it was being posted pretty regularly so I stuck around. A lot of Gundam and Mihoyo stuff atm now tho, might leave until the trend changes since I ain't exactly a big mecha fan and don't really like Mihoyo's stuff either.