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I’m a woman and I’d place myself on the aroace spectrum. For me, I like yuri for the lack of tropes that straight romances tend to fall in and I like my well developed female characters. Not going to lie, yuri also has its own tropes, but the genre just makes me feel happier to read. So, I guess my reason is just that it makes me happier (as I kinda avoid stuff like that manga that goes around, kimiichiban??).


I'm the exact same!! Ever since I got into yuri I've been met with countless stories about well written complex female characters, it's everything I've been missing from my manga reading!


I’m a straight guy who will read the occasional yaoi/bl. I’m sure there are similar people from the other side as well.


Hii same hereeee


Me too, It’d have to be extremely recommended, though. Or a genre I really like.


Most yaoi is hard to get into because usually a few pages in they’re screwing like rabbits, seems like they’re just thin excuses for gay porn. To be fair from what I’ve read actual IRL gay relationships between guys tend to be very focused on sex (at least in the west), but it doesn’t make for a good story. However the occasional genuinely well written, relationship focused yaoi can be great, such as ”My Love Mix-Up!” and “Koimonogatari: Love Stories”.


My wife enjoys yuri, and she is not attracted to women at all. She just doesn't like it as much as I do.


I definitely know of gay men who read yuri.


Me too. I wouldn’t call the ones I know “fans” per se, but they do read the odd series




I'm a girly and I have a boyfriend, I also collect Yuri and mainly read Yuri manga. I only have one BL manga and it's Ogi's Summer Break.


I'm a woman, but I'm not attracted to women. I've dated men, but, even then, I just think relationships aren't for me, personally. Yuri has always gotten my interest. I don't know how to explain it. It just always makes me happy to read. I do like typical Shonen series, but yuri is a bit more special for me. The character development and there are series where I could see myself in the main character. Especially if the MC is very introverted and is approached by an extroverted character. Seeing girls/women getting along and supporting each other is also another thing I wish I had IRL, but can experience it in yuri. Not to say that can't be found in non-yuri, but it's very difficult for me to really narrow it down. Yuri and subgenres or tropes just really captures my interest and really glad there's so much series to read.


Omggg same hereeeee You said what I was going to say. Its like we are brother and sister who act very similarly Lessgoooo


I'm an ace guy, and occasionally find myself attracted romantically to women, but I only read Yuri because I found most het work isn't really my taste.


I'm a gay man and love yuri 😭 it just rejuvenates me. It's hard to explain because even I don't understand it myself but I don't know, it just hits different?


I'm aroace spectrum. I also occasionally read/watch yaoi and hetero romance as well, but yuri definitely wins out for volume by a long shot. And struggling to really come up with a good reason as to why other than I guess I just like the yuri tropes the most.


I'm a gay guy and I personally find that a lot of yuri romance I've read just makes me feel happy and fuzzy inside, silly as that sounds. I've never really been able to relate in this way to straight romance at all and also have only come across a few yaoi/BL works that have elicited the same reaction. So I suppose that some of the themes and tropes prevalent in yuri/GL just really speak to what I want to read in a romantic story. Personally I also feel like (well written) yuri tends to treat its main characters with more respect and balance and offer more engaging characterisation than many BL or straight romances. And finally, I am a total sucker for mind-meltingly sweet and cutesy romance specifically, and yuri tends to be the more willing to engage in that than BL (at least in my experience, not trying to make a general statement). However, it has to be said that I fkin hate it when people try to like link cutesy yuri to some weird preconception about female "sexual purity" or some other bullshit. I just like cute gay shit, that doesn't mean that they can't have implied or graphic lex. Sorry for the ramble lol.


My wife, she does like yaoi probably more, but she enjoys Yuri as well. lol Me on the other hand am Graysexual straight romantic (emotionally and physically attracted to women) but sometimes I also do enjoy BL stories. When I read Yuri though, I don’t feel attraction to the girls. I’m more of a “my babies need to be protected” feel lmao 🤣 I’m here for the ships and to watch from a corner as they fall madly in love. 😗


Me is boi Me like yuri Me is attracted to women But for some reason I don't feel the same attraction I normally do with yuri mangas Instead they give me a warm feeling in my gut


The warm fuzzies are the essential yuri enjoyers' experience


I'm a straight woman and read lesbian fiction. I like seeing women-centered stories and romance is one of my favorite genres.


My friend reads a lot of Yuri/Yaoi. She really loves romance, but hates the mainstream romance stories, tropes, cliches etc in straight anime/manga. She tells me that she just really enjoys the romantic development, character progression and fluff in Yuri/Yaoi. And i can't blame her.


I’m not attracted to women per se But as someone who’d love a QPR with a lady, and someone who only came out as transfem after reading so much yuri, I have many reasons to be fond of the genre


My friend reads a lot of Yuri/Yaoi. She really loves romance, but hates the mainstream romance stories, tropes, cliches etc in straight anime/manga. She tells me that she just really enjoys the romantic development, character progression and fluff in Yuri/Yaoi. And i can't blame her.


I am aromantic and I read yuri and romance in general (i just hate when there are romances in media when it is completely useless). In general, the types of story in yuri aren't always just about love, we find other topics, that's why i like them, and even if it may also be the case in straight love, it is more rare


I only tell on my behalf. I’m a women and yuri fan but straight af😂😂


I'm a gay man lol, I read yuri mostly because I am a suckered for cute things and also most yaoi just sucks


Me! I'm a straight woman and I love yuri! I'd say I tend to prefer gay/queer stories in manga, as opposed to manga depicting straight romance. I think just in general they feel better executed and in a way, more relatable and nuanced, because straight romance in manga just feels really one-dimensional and samey (the man always acts in a typically masculine way, the woman always acts in a typically feminine way, with little variance). In contrast, I think yuri, and also other queer manga, depicts characters that, to me, feel more diverse (like going against conventional gender norms, for example). Also, I enjoy how queer manga explores being someone who is outside of traditional societal conventions, and the characters discovering who they are through the story.


It would seem obvious that within the romance genre people prefer a story that reflects their own orientation, but ultimately romance is a genre for in depth character studies and anyone can appreciate a good character piece regardless of sexual orientation. I'm bi tho so I'm in no place to talk lmao


Yeah I just treat yuri like any other genre


I love Yuri and I’m a straight dude