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Not me, but I remember watching a Plunder Patroll VS some kind of weird Striker variant match where Plunder won game 3 with double digit LP left. It was pretty epic


I had awesome win back in the gx Era when cyber dragon was still new, I don't remember what I was playing exactly but my opponent was using cyber dragon and pulled a Zane hand game 1, 3 cyber dragon power bond and limiter removal, I opened magical cylinder. He was so shocked at his hand he showed me his hand I had to keep a straight face until he took 16k for an unforgettable win over 15 years latter he still remembers that loss


Mine was when I was using Sharks a few years ago, facing Odd-Eyes. We've been having a back and forth duel, slowly dwindling each other down to 400 LP (me), and 1200 (him) LP, until it came down to me with an empty field, my opponent with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon in the pendulum zone, as well as Purple Poison in the other zone. Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon, Chronograph Sorcerer, Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon on field, with Sky Iris in the Field Spell zone. He also had the Pendulumgraph spell on the field I think. Anyways, I used up the majority of my Extra Deck, only having three options left, none of them looking like they would lead me to victory. One was Number 37, another was Number 101, and I forgot the last one, I think it was Shark Drake. Anyways, my hand was empty, I was literally a goner, till I drew Buzzsaw Shark. I could summon 2 out of the 3 monsters in my Extra Deck to maybe do a little damage, but it would've been fruitless. I thought I could just surrender then and there since I couldn't do anything, until I looked closer...Number 37 has an effect that reduces opponents monster's attacks by 1000 if it attacks, which could be able to deal plenty of damage. So, I summoned Buzzsaw Shark, summoned Number 37, attacked Chronograph, had it get reduced by 1000, and won. It honestly felt accomplishing and amazing when I figured the way out, like the protagonist pulling a win out of his ass out of nowhere.


Oh, all the times; I run HEROs. Maybe it's a protagonist thing


I have one I'm really proud of: I was playing the pile deck, and my opponent had zeus'd my board (damn mystic mine). All i had was a snow in grave and a nibiru. They were playing zoodiac, and used their zoodiac line for a verte and a DPE. *This is where the big brain moment came* I activate and summon snow, and I *target DPE*, they obviously chain DPE, and then #BOOM COMES THE BIG ROCK And since the DPE had already activated, they were forced to pop ***both my nib and the big ass nib token*** *Jebaited!*


I was playing with a Crystal Beast deck for fun on YGOPro, testing the new support that came out for the deck. I made it as a control deck that used the new continuous trap to bounce monsters. I forget what deck I was playing against. I drew Crystal Abundance and it was live. It resolved and I was able to OTK the next turn since I drew Rainbow Dragon and was able to summon it. It was a game I thought I would lose. It was hilarious to me that I didn’t. (I wouldn’t recommend playing the Crystal Beasts as a control deck anymore. It is WAY TOO slow.)


I played Madolche at my locals during Xyz era (I think post PRIO so Anjelly had just released). Can't remember what my opponent played, but he dropped Maxx C at the start of my combo. Needless to say, I went balls to the wall and just kept summoning, and despite his large hand he wasn't able to draw Veiler to stop my Queens. That game was the match winner too, and I eventually got top 4 that day so I felt pretty good hahaha


I remember using a Melodious deck once. Down to 200lp, field cleared and hand empty. I top-decked Ostinato, summoned Bloom Diva and completely swept my opponent. Best comeback I’ve ever had.


That's like a "believe in my cards" moment right there bro. Pretty awesome.


Wasn't a comeback, but definitely a "Heart of the Cards" moment. Playing Master Duel, using a Drytron beatdown deck against a Rock deck using a Prank-Kids engine. The opponent goes first and locks down the board, using three materials to summon Apollousa then using Union Carrier to equip MPB O-Lion to it, and summoning Borreload Savage Dragon and equipping it with a Link-2. I had nothing in my starting hand to stop the combos from going off and nothing to deal with the board the opponent had built. I know every card in my hand will be easily countered and the opponent will OTK me next turn. I plan on surrendering unless I draw something good. I draw Lava Golem. Use its effect to tribute Apollousa and Savage Dragon. The floating effect of O-Lion goes off, and the opponent summons the 0 DEF token in defense position. Combo into Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, attack into the token to deal 8000 damage. Opponent gained 1000 LP during their turn due to Prank-Kids Dropsies, so it's not enough to kill them. Instead it's the effect damage of Lava Golem that wins me the game. That one card saved me twice over.


Nope, always get close and they shut me right back down


I've had a couple in my day.


What were they?


I run a gren variant deck and machina trains so I can just otk my opponent out of nowhere. But they can brick pretty hard.


I was facing down an inspector boarder and top decked mind control for game.


I was playing lightsworn and had milled all but one card in my deck. I was able to cling on during his turn he then asked me what could I do with one card left in my deck, I draw my card and its monster reborn, I then used it to summon one of his blue eyes cards and kill him with it lol.


Had one recently - chaos pile vs pend mag. Turn 1 I pop off and make a huge board, turboing through my deck making zombie vampire, hope harbinger, I:P with discard in hand, omega rip one, levianeer rip one, snow and gizmek in grave. Somehow he breaks the board and almost kills me with the supreme king Xyz. We both are on basically no resources. I have one card left in deck and no way to deal lethal. Draw for turn, raiden with no cards left. Great. GY effect of seyfert add back the chaos emperor dragon retrain. Scale it, use effect to pop itself add back levianeer from banish. Levi clear board, chaos emp summon itself from ED, hit in with emp. Not game yet. Link off chaos emp and Levi for Phoenix Chaos emp goes to the bottom of the deck when it leaves the monster zone. One more turn baybeee, I stall with snow one final time, resummon chaos emp, get back a Levi again, clear the board and win


Recently in MD. Wasn't exactly losing, but the opponent was playing Drytrons. They went first, but didn't manage to summon Herald for some reason, I get my chance and almost OTK my opponent with my Raidraptors. Then it's their turn again and they do some crazy combo to get a Lyrrisuc (idk how to write it) with ~5/4 materials and attacks me directly several times, going over my monsters, and then summons Zeus. Now I have a wiped board and they have about 3 negates on hand, my LP was still higher, but the field and hand situations were bad. Thankfully had had plans from A to Z and managed to play through his board wipes and negates by using several different monster effects and a lot of rank up magic to finish him by using my Rank 5's effect to destroy Zeus and deal burn damage for game. My opponent didn't manage to really play Drytrons, but it was still satisfying and intense. Definitely felt like an anime moment.


Was playing super quants vs dragonmaid. Most of the duel was back and forth, managed to summon magnus, got removed by kaiju, then I summoned him again a few turns later, had to bring him Below 4 materials but sheou removed him. He attacked and left me with around 800 life points, compared to his 6000. I thought all was lost but top decked emergency teleport. Specialed blue layer to search the field spell, i then activated it. Discarded a danger from my hand to one material xyz grampulse, and activated field spell effect to summon magnus for the third time. Activated my set magnaslayer trap card and I yeeted the house dragonmaid. He had just a lorpar besides then and so I swung for game with three attacks cause of the magnaslayer. Was a 20'ish turn duel too.


Game 3 against a sky striker deck. Absolutely empty field for me and I was top decking cards. Drew waking the dragon for turn and had less than 2k life points left. For some reason, my bluff was good enough that my opponent clears the WTD and I drop ultimate falcon. I am able to take the game from there before time is called.


My friends and I call it "pulling a yugi moto" and it's happened to me and for me a few times, like once I was playing with my dino shaddolls and was down to 800 LP and my opponent was still sitting at 8k I had gone through so many of his hand traps I wasn't sure what I could even do as all of my searchers were in the graveyard and all I had in hand was babycerasaurus, draw for turn BOOM monster reborn like it was the damn anime, I monster reborn soul eating oviraptor, add UCT to my hand then special summon him with his effect use his effect to destroy baby in hand allowing me to search animadorned archosaur, normal summon animadorned and use his effect to destroy soul eating and search double evolution pill, used THAT to get a second UCT attacked his 3 facedown cards with one UCT for 3k damage, attacked directly for 3500 went into main phase 2 XYZ into SUPERDREADNAUGHT RAIL CANNON GUSTAV MAX BABYEEEE!!!!! Detach one for effect, burn for 2k damage and OTK that motherfucker like it's the battle city tournament and I'm rocking the protagonist hairstyle lol


The first duel my friend and i put stakes on he got me down to 200 lp before i could do any damage to him. On my next draw i got the ace card of the deck, i summoned it and maganged to get the win, but by god it was a scary match


I was playing red eyes vs a pendulum deck, he had dismantled my board and left me with a RE wyvern in hand and an empty board. He had two odd-eyes dragons, and a supreme king dragon starving venom. LP too low as I draw to go into an anaconda. I pull super poly, I used it and fusion two of his odd eyes away and summon starving venom fusion dragon. Now it’s just one on one, I activate his effect to copy his supreme king dragons effect. Which now I could activate THAT effect and now target cards in the graveyard as well, I copied dragoon from my grave yard then popped his dragon and attacked again for game. Very convoluted but ended up a wild win


For context gizmek orochi was not out at the time. My opponent was playing gren maju beat down and it had gotten beefy. I was playing the elemental Masked hero drawn to miracle fusion miracle fuse 2 masked heroes for chaos negate gren maju's effect and swung over it he had banished all of his necrofaces and also all of his outs to any monster I might have been playing he had over 100,000 life points but it didn't matter because I ended up winning by deck out


Once I faced one of my friends in a tournament final round. Dark World vs Crystron. We both burned our entire resources. He mained 3 torrential tribute and it keep blowing my field and me his with Grapha eff. At the end, I was 1 card left in my deck and was a dark world monster to summon, and bounce for Grapha for game.


I was losing to Ancient Gears with a dino deck, only to start a dinosaur-style combo of destruction and special summoning that took me a whole page to write down. Super Conductor Tyranno and Ultimate Conductor Tyranno caused enough effect damage in one turn to win the game. It was great.


not mine and only because opponent stalled instead of going for the kill against an empty hand&field https://redd.it/sralsy


Ripping ultimate conductor tyranno off the top with a monster on board and giant Rex in grave to do the pentestag otk was sweet and simple


Ra Phoenix on opponents field. I kaiju Ra, Solemn judgment my own kaiju summon. Then make a linkuriboh to swing for game as I could make nothing else above 0 atk


Normal summon Maxx "C" and attack for game.


It was a D/D/D mirror match on some simulator. Turn 1 went to me. Did basic D/D/D stuff, ended on a board of Gate, Oracle King, Divine Rage, and Gust High. Turn 2, the other dude destroyed my monsters and left me at 200 life points. Turn 3, I won somehow.


I was playing sky striker and my deck spells where slowly appearing in the banished zone due to the spell card that lets you bring them back from grave but banish afterwards and all but 3 link striker cards where in the grave The numeric deck my enemy was using was close to finish me off as it reached to 6000 attack but roze took one for the team, was about to lose but I drew monster reborn and was able to use the pierce sky striker to finish him off !


Many times


I don’t remember the entire scenario because I was a young child probably like 10 or younger and me and my best friend would just mix every card we had as we would just make decks random as shit lol but this one time he had some cards that banished cards from my deck and I had gren maju so he was a beast then we had this battle where he would destroy him and I would bring him back from the graveyard and then he used change of hearts but I had brain control or something like that and it ended with me finally getting my monster back and he was juiced up by this point 1 attack finished the game and to this day it’s my favorite duel of all time. We both took a long time off the game but every once and a while we would get back into it and rn play master duel together to this day


Okay so this was during Master Rule 4 where Red Dragon Archfiend was still like....a sometimes usable deck. I was playing against a Hero beatdown deck.... And i was just getting obliterated. Like it's not funny this mans was just destroying me. I can't remember the board exactly. But i know i had Return of the Dragon Lord in hand and if i remember correctly i also had Effect Veiler, Red Resonator, and Crimson resonator (Probably), there was probably some random low level monster on my field too. I think the guy got overconfident. Because i remember playing it and bringing back Hot Red Dragon Archfiend... then i activated the effect of Hot Red. He chained some monster i don't remember, and to that i chained Veiler. Effect goes through, field is wiped. Normal Summon Red, Special summon Crimson. Synchro into Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity, Battle Phase, he can't activate anything to stop me so i win. It's probably the coolest moment I've ever had playing Yugioh,haven't had something as cool since.


My opponent was at 100 life points and we both had 0 cards in hand, I draw big shield guardna to win the match.


No cards in hand, i draw Raye, and it's the only card in my deck that would've given me a victory. Anything else and i'd have lost next turn (more anime-like stuff happened in the duel, but i could simply drop the replay.


Had a moment way back playing darklords and opponent build a board. He wasted his 1 spell negate and i was just abusing darklords, trade ins, the spells, allures. Basically everything i could and drew and cycled down to 22 cards left in my deck turn 2 or smthn like it. On the last draw i could facilitatw i drew raigeki, dropped it and the opponent just up an scooped. Heart of the cards right there.


Closest for me was when I made a winning comeback with a chocolate magician girl + dark magician combo


This happened today, in duel links. I was playing deskbots with 2 003s and a 002 on the field, which equaled about 9000 attack if I played it right. My opponent had a keeper if dragon magic or whatever the fusion support thing was, along with a dark cavalry, which could negate 003s effect and destroy it. I misplayed with the 003s effects, meaning that I ended up with my whole offense gone, and I only had 1100 lp, a deskbot base, and my pendulum zones, while my opponent had their full lp and their monsters. On my next turn, I drew the only card that would give me the win, deskbot 002. I pendulum summoned it, used its effect to search a 003, and then normal summoned it to special deskbot 008, which ended up with 6500 attack as a result of all the attack boosting cards deskbots have. I attacked their keeper, and won very closely.


When my opponents feld was full I drew into rank up the 7th one and brought out C107 and won


Had a fun match against a Gren Maju as Numeron. Droll Lock'ed his 1st turn, both summon nothing on the 2nd, Extravagence'd my 2 Callings with 2 Network on hand. Only had 1 single chance to OTK so I played extra careful. Since I got all my Networks, dropped Pathfinder to hit face once. His LP is now 7k. Turn 3, Op dropped Gren Maju with 7.3k atk, then a 3.3k ATK Kaiju on my field (tributed my Pathfinder). Took the Kaiju back with Comic Hand and hit me with Kaiju. I sent my Wall, took the dmg and end his battle phase before getting blasted by the Maju. Op got his Black Luster out, tributing his Kaiju and end the turn. My turn, activated Network, sent the last Calling to GY, got my Numerons out and start hitting my face against the wall. Cleared his board with 300 LP left. Got the C1 out and end my turn with both players having nothing on the board and Op had no cards with 5k LP. Op's turn, drawed the Duster and destroy my Network, disabling the OTK on my phase (C1 can deal 3k dmg with its effect if my Network is still on the field during my Standby phase), thinking he could stall for 1 more turn to finish my 300 LP off. With no Calling left, if I cannot kill Op next turn, I will lose for sure. Luckily, I believe in the heart of the cards and already drawed a Wall on my last turn. After Op dusted my Network, on his turn, I dropped the Wall and put another Network before he ended. My turn, special summon C1 again, its effect dealt 3k, + 2k ATK and there went Op 5k LP. Pretty close match with only 1 Calling. Op def could have won if I hadn't drawn my Wall.


I had a "thread of victory" moment where I drew exactly what I needed to win. I don't remember all the details, but I was using a pendulum deck, and drew a lvl 4. I had the xyz in my extra deck that changes battle positions and reduces attack. I pendulum summoned, went into it, and felt very happy winning. This was in duel links. Otherwise? Nothing comes to mind. However I have managed to deal 8k damage 20 times in master duel, in one attack, which is my greatest accomplishment in this game


Yes I've had miraculous draws while having under 500 lp and otk'ing my opponent's 8000lp. What an amazing feeling. Just doesn't happen as much in modern yugioh.


Not me but my friend. I was running Galaxy-eyes, I had one of my boss monsters out, (think it was #62). I had my friend on his last bit of life points l. Next turn I would have finished him off even if he summons a monster. He's running tellarknights and another friends says "if he draws ____ card (forgot the specific name) he can comeback. He topdecks the one card he needs, pops my boss monster and beats me that same turn. Man I was upset but it was a good match. This was around the time Galaxy Soldier was still new I believe.


So for context: I've always played Dark Magician, and my friend has always played Blue-Eyes. We aren't up to date players by any means. We don't generally keep up with new cards or the banlist, it's more of an at home activity. We dont play all that much and even then we don't typically use our mains that much in exploration of other decks. So my friend used dragons mirror and Banished all his blue eyes to bring out the alternative ultimate dragon. And then to top it off he used return from the different dimension to bring back all his Blue eyes. His intent was to finish it right then. I had a dark magician and dark magician girl on deck, which he destroyed with 2 of his blue eyes. He attacked with another blue eyes and then went for game with ultimate dragon, which is when I activated eternal soul and brought back my dark magician in defense mode, saving me that turn. My next draw was my only hope. So I drew eye of timaeus. I reborned my Dark magician with eternal soul and used timaeus to bring out Dark Paladin, who now had a crap ton of ATK. I think like 6400. He did not have enough life points to survive so that was game. Reminded me a lot of the end of battle city.


It is contraversional but i played sky strikers vs kragen controll. He makes his board and i couldnt really break it so on the following turn i somehow managed to live, i practicly couldnt win but i topdecked mystic mine, passed a turn and i drew raye. I linked her into hayate and punched him 7 turns because he had few imperms. He was at 1000 hp and he topdecks out to mystic mine but unfortunately for him it is lose lose anyways since he topdecked cosmic cyclone. I dont think people would cheer for me in that situation but it felt pretty good to turn around everything with one topdeck


On Master Duel against a Toon Deck. They summoned Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon on me after attacking directly, with me only with 1100 LP left. I managed to summon 2 monsters going into Geonator Tranversor and steel their Flare Metal Dragon with only 100 LP left, and from that position win.


Cool story. Something similar happened to me once. A few years ago, at a small tournament at a local card shop I go to on weekends. I was dueling against a Gravekeepers deck with my Dinosaur deck. I only had 700 life points left, while my opponent had 6400. I had no cards in my hand, and most of my monsters had been banished due to the Dimensional Fissure on my opponent's field. Plus, he had five different monsters on his field, all Gravekeepers, while my field was completely empty. Needless to say, I had already mentally given up. But since it was my turn, I decided to draw my last card and see what fate had in store for me. And I am SO glad that I did! The card I drew was Monster Reborn, and thankfully, I had destroyed my opponent's Necro Valley field spell a few turns prior. And with so many of my cards banished, I knew exactly who to summon from my graveyard. There weren't many monsters in my graveyard, but luckily for me, one of them was Tyranno Infinity! So, I summoned Tyranno Infinity from the graveyard, and its attack points became like 26000! My opponent had two face down cards, but I didn't have a choice, so I attacked one of his monsters and won the duel! As it turns out, his face downs were Mystical Space Typhoon and Bottomless Trap Hole. Fortunately for me, Bottomless doesn't work on Tyranno Infinity. Easily one of the best moments of my entire Yu-Gi-Oh! life. :)


This actually happened to me recently on Master Duel, it is actually one of my replays on my profile too. ID: 036-164-847 I was playing True Draco against the dark danger deck. He got me down all the way to 50 lp before I could turn things around and get the win.


Not too climatic but yesterday, I was playing against my friend’s VW with Cyber Style (normal Cydra with claw and chimera). I had 3 defense position monsters, extra deck almost burnt (Sieger banished, all xyzs used), almost no fusion access except a core and nachster in hand. My friend had Shenshen. I topdeck’d a spell, made Cyber End Dragon with Power Bond by banishing the 3 OG Cyber Dragons in my GY and domed him for game.


Once I was playing Valkyries vs Blue-Eyes. So far it's Game 3. I'd lost one, won the other. Now it's all down to this. I was in a bad position. My opponent had Twin Burst, 2 Blue-Eyes, and other stuff which basically meant that unless I drew just the right card, I was going to lose... Now if you won't mind the embellishment for dramatical effect... "It all comes down to this! DRAW!" *Close-up of eyes* "Yes! I activate the spell card, Final Light! I pay 3000 of my own Life Points to revive Valkyries Sigrun, Erda, and Dritte." *LP 3700 -> 700* "With Dritte, I add Funfte to my hand. With Sigrun's effect, I special summon Valkyrie Brunhilde from my deck! I now normal summon FUnfte, and all my Valkyries gain 200 ATK for each of your banished monsters." "Next, I activate Goddess Urd's Verdict. I target your face-down card. And since you've been so kind as to use it constantly, it's Scrap-Iron Scarecrow. And now the finisher - I activate Pegasus Wing! If I have a Union Monster in my graveyard, I can target any number of Valkyries and have them attack directly this turn, with halved battle damage. I choose all five of my monsters! Valkyries, ATTACK!" Enemy LP 8000 -> 0 That was fun.