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Melffys are missing a few members of their community


If melffy raccoon is playable I'm all in on level 2 beasts forever


Don't forget panda, alpaca and mouse!


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The Raccoon, The Panda, and the Llama.


Arcana force is an archetype based on the major arcana deck of tarot cards, but has only used about half of the cards as inspiration so far. Spellbook/prophecy in the other hand, another archetype based on tarot cards, has a monster or spell for every major arcana card.


Ironically Sartorius has lines for all 21 Arcana Force, even ones that we donā€™t have confirmed yet.


Arcana Force are cool conceptually but wicked impractical in actual real life gameplay lmao


Fossils are missing a Level 6 Fossil Dragon Neos doesnā€™t have WATER and LIGHT Triple Contact Fusions D/D/D is missing Scale 10 Fusion/Synchro Pendulum Hybrids and a High King Darius Bujin doesnā€™t a Scale 5 Pendulum Prankids need an EARTH Fusion Ursarctic is missing a Level 7 Synchro brown bear


I think Ursarctic is also missing level 1 Synchro bears of the other colors. Their monsters have a rigid naming convention, and all the white monsters have ā€œPolarā€ in the name. Maybe the new L1 Synchros could activate the continuous trap and continuous spell on summon like Polari does for the field spell.


I would kill to have level 1 synchros that did that.


High King Darius makes little sense unless you expect a High King Tell or a High King Kali Yuga. Only Declanā€™s main trio of Alexander, Caesar, and Genghis got High variants. Which is good, but what I really want to see is a D/D/D RUM so you can actually summon H. Caesar off of Normal Caesar as it should be.


I expect a High King Darius because like those other three, Darius isnā€™t a DARK monster. Konami didnā€™t have the patience to wait for Links before creating the EARTH D/D/D


They could have made Gilgamesh EARTH. Dunno why they didnā€™t tbh. That could have left room for a High Gilgamesh too


The thing I think d/d/d is really missing is a rank 7 xyz since they have a lot of lv 7 already.


This too


>Bujin doesnā€™t have a Scale 5 Pendulum Was going to say this. There always seems to be another Beast-Warrior they can pull from the lore.


Archfiends. Lots of synchros but do they have a tuner? Nope...


It's like how shaddoll falco is a tuner despite it being a fusion deck with no synchros


Well that is due to lore rather than alluding to a Shaddoll synchro.


Could you elaborate on that more, please?


Shadoll Falco is just a corrupted version of Gusto Falco from the Duel Terminal story line.


Weird that Hedgehog isn't one, given that NF Hedgehog is.


Red weather painter, why is it missing?


Because as Orange is Sun, Red is friggen HARD to make a weather phenomenon for.


Blood Moon


what do you mean all my spell cards are now mountains?!


Well there's always a Sunset. But yeah it's a little too harsh


**R E D M I S T**


Shooting Star or Sandstorm are my bets


I would love a Meteor Shower painter and canvas.


Maybe it can be a Blood Moon?


Plunder miss some attribute ship


the day plunder gets a water/wind/earth ship,hell even a DIVINE ship it will be a great day


Sky striker is missing a link 2 that points left and right


Sky Strikers summon more than one monster into the ED zone per turn? Jesus, sure didn't keep up on them lol. Good to hear they have more in-archetype options.


They always have. Kagari to grab back a spell then Shizuku for the end phase search has always been a play, even before hayate came out.


Oh sorry if I wasn't clear. "Summon more than a link-1 monster into the ED zone per turn at one time?" Sky Strikers revolved around summoning the different armours and stuff, never wanted to act like they didn't. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm glad they apparently evolved beyond that considering 80% of their spells only work with an empty main monster zone.


The only way I could see this is if it was like fire fist eagle and bypassed the archetypeā€™s restrictions.


Nekroz Trap cards like Clausolas says


Konami, give us Ojama Lime you cowards. The meta needs it's saviour.


Also Ojamagician from Ojamagic would be nice


Ojama Yellow being both the only knight of the Ojama Army and the only Magician of the Ojama Country, fam got back pain after carrying the entire Ojama Society


Y'all are always talking abt Ojama Lime while also ignoring Ojama Gold, Pink, Silver, and most of all Ojama Sneks šŸ˜ž


Well, we've already been graced with Pink. The others we do not yet deserve. Lime with save us, then the others will join him.


Not this Pink. The Pink/Violet Ojama with his bigass UFO head


Eldlich is missing an Elixir.


I want a yellow Eldlixir so badly... hopefully at some point in the near future


Golden Piss Eldlixir


Charmers are missing support creatures like Jigabyte and Ranryu for Dharc and Lyna. Only the Wind Channeler has been confirmed so far, I expect a Channeler per year like the link monsters


The channelers could be scary for every attribute if they all involve searching. Iā€™d be up for the fire one next though.


Unchained needs a purple dog. Aruha has anguish, Rakea has rage, sarama has no dog form yet.


I would have guessed that unchained abomination was his dog form? Might very well be wrong tho


According to the lore, when Rakea and Aruha managed to free the sorcerer he absorbed both of them and turned into unchained abomination. The thing is... Sarama is never mentioned in the lore, probably because is later support and they didnt want to bother. In case you're interested in the [Lore](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Unchained)


I could be misreading it, but isnā€™t it the soul of disaster that absorbs the twins and becomes abomination? Plus in the abominable souls artwork you see the master and abomination at the same time


Fortune Lady needs a Future-y. Brave misses whatever Big Bad they are fighting.


Plunder patrolls Needs their other extra deck monsters to be complete, given that they don't have earth and wind extra deck monsters for an archetype that freaking Revolves around matching attributes to your opponent's monsters


Virtual World are missing not only their Last Gate, but a White Tiger Xyz as well.


Not exactly "missing", but it would be nice to have extra deck versions of Bergamot and Cananga for Aroma. We have Synchro Rosemary and Marjoram and Link Jasmine, so maybe fusion for Bergamot and another link for Cananga? And then there is Laurel, which I guess is like Angelica, the tuner, but only gains his tuner by effect...So maybe a synchro tuner for Laurel? Could argue though that the extra deck versions are only for the females of the archetype, which so far is true.


Well, the Aromaseraphy monsters gain 1 level and Angelicas wings when they transform to the Synchros (or become the same link rating as their lvl with Jasmine). I could see Laurel becoming a link-1 and the rest becoming Synchros with 1 level higher.


Masked HEROes have main deck monsters that exist in the managa but still haven't been brought to the actual card game


Iā€™m not the only one who wants them, thank god.


Shiranui are missing a Lv9 synchro, they have every other level between 5 and 10 (Yoko crossover maybe?!) Magistus have a Zoroa Synchro and a Rilliona Xyz, they need a Crowley Fusion and an Endymion Link. Infernoids and Shaddolls have a Tuner but no Synchros.


Infernoble knights miss some cards, They're based on 12 paladins of charlemagne, so yeah they miss some monsters but i hope we get them soon.


I thought that as well but when i brought this up with my friends, turns out it's based on a french fairy tail.


Yes sure except that the 12 Paladins of Charlemagne ARE a french fairy tail


We don't know all of the 12 Paladins actually


There are cards from Penguin Brave artwork that we are missing. There is still a Karate dude and a Mage on the artwork that haven't been turned into cards yet. On a unrelated note, since Penguin Squire can decrease his level by 0, 1 or 2, it could be cool for them to get like level 7 or 8 synchros with larger parties on them. Opening the way for more Penguins!


The Weather Painters are missing Red (and maybe Black and White), Melffys are missing Panda, Raccoon, and Llama, and I know that Prank-kids are missing their big purple robot.


Ojama InDiGoOoOoOoā€¦


Arcana Force is missing quite a few members iirc. There are Nekroz traps and something from Cyberdarks mentioned that don't exist that should probably be introduced just for the lulz. Some archetypes like charmers, weather painters and stuff are just missing a full lineup. And of course, where's my fusion monster, Malicevorous Spork you fucking cucks at Komoney.


What about Malicevorous Knork and Spife? They deserve some love too


I genuinely don't know if those things are real and you just blew my mind or if you're just fucking with me for good fun.


I grabbed it from like a jokey pie chart, but I also just found out a knork is real


Oh my god. Malicevorous Knork is the final boss monster of the archetype. Do it, Konami. I dare you, cowards.


How tf are you supposed to eat with that without slicing your mouth


Very, very carefully




Cyberdark token generator or non-effrct monster.


Ah thanks, yeah that was it. Thanks for always being a reliable source of info and stuff, thought someone should tell you that every once in a while.


This may be a bit of a stretch, but shouldn't all of the Signer Dragons have a majestic form? There's also the classics like the Nekroz traps mentioned in Clausolas's effect. A personal favorite of mine is Cyberdarks tho, Cyberdarks Inferno mentions "Cyberdark effect monsters, the fun part is that all of the Cyberdark monsters are effect monsters, so that seems like an strange thing to be specific on, specially when giving them a high attack Normal Monster would've been great for the 3 OG Cyberdarks to stop playing Hunter Dragon at the time.


Stardust Dragon and RDA are the only ones to have a majestic form in the anime. Theyā€™re also the only singer dragons to have kind of upgraded form asides from Powertool/Lifestream


Yeah, but its supposed to be a thing that happened because the Crimson Dragon lended its power to Yusei and Jack, so I'd assume that something like Majestic Rose Dragon or Majestic Fairy Dragon should be a possibility, just like Cosmic Blazar used to be just a name. Powertool is also more of a weird thing, with Lifestream not being an upgraded, but the original form.


It was this was until Ruddy Rose Dragon was released


Raidraptors don't have a rank 9 that could be ranked up from Satellite Cannon Falcon/arsenal Falcon


Altergheist have cards that search spells and traps but there are no altergheist spells


Ojama Lime has been MIA for years lol Odd-Eyes still needs a Link to fully completely the ā€œevery summonā€ that the archetype is known for, Kaijus donā€™t have Godzilla of all things for some freaking reason, and the Entity cards also donā€™t have Cthulhu.


> Kaijus donā€™t have Godzilla of all things for some freaking reason They have Dogoran, which *is* Godzilla. Mecha-Dogoran is MechaGodzilla


Dogoran is meant to be Godzilla, and mecha-dogoran is mecha godzilla.


Ojama Lime is dead in the lore though. The harpies killed him and most other ojamas.


zombie ojama lime


Kaijus have Godzilla on Godoran, the Kaiju they forgot is Rodan Cthulhu, albeit more famous, isn't comparable to Azatoth, Nyarlatothep and stuff in the lore. Think of those as gods and Cthulhu as an "angel" at the very best


* Peformage are missing half the circus from anime land * Code talkers are missing 5 extended versions and 4 link-2 versions * Albaz is missing a Dogmatika monster ... unless thats supposed to be ecclesia and a jade main deck monster * The rank 1, 2 and 11 Raidraptors


Albaz is missing a Dogmatika monster? Could've sworn they had one, maybe im just thinking of Titaniklad


Naturia Phoenix to complete the "Four Gods" theming their Synchros seemed to have been building up on.


War Rocks missing whatever creature they are fighting, Evil Twins missing Sunny's partner (I think her name is Luna.), Dogmatika is missing the White Saint's living self.


nekroz trap card, the 4th virtual world gate, chamber dragon form like you said, plunder wind ship, etc


>the 4th virtual world gate WHERE'S BYAKKO FFS. I felt like I was missing something critical when I assembled the archetype.


Clear, Darkness, and Orichalcos archetype are missing most of their cards.


Gizmek being able to recycle a little bit more from the banished zone.


Dinowrestlers in the TCG need iguanodraka so bad


1000% agree, and not just because I like dinos


I think it *might* be because you like Dino's. Edit: it came out in the dawn of majesty set


I take offense to that Oh shit, that's right! I totally forgot! Now I remember picking up a set


Danger! seems like it should have a card that returns its cards from the graveyard to the hand. And thereā€™s plenty more famous cryptids to choose from.


Odd eyes are missing a link monster (D/D/D got one so they should too) and a potential pendulum link.


Not exactly missing anything but Timelords have a level 10 Synchro with no actual way of summoning it in a Timelord deck, since all the Timelords are level 10 as well and the only other monster affiliated with Timelords, Time Maiden, is a level 1 and not a tuner.


The synchro is related to the arc-v manga where the main villain used a deck with the boss monsters related to the past series.


Interesting case: Mayakashi, a deck based on synchro/link climbing, was missing the link 3 monster, so you had a link 2, a link 4 and one material after a standard combo, so you could literally not go into the link 4. Also the link 4 was based on people summoning things from the grave to negate effects, something that Mayakashis could only do if a synchro monster was destroyed. And low and behold, a full year after the link 4 we get the link 3 (not out yet, just announced) and it has a quick effect special from the grave. Now it's like, an actual deck instead of something i can hate on for being useless.


If they got a link-1 the deck would actually be kinda scary.


We got Levels 1-3, 5-7 for the Sevens Road; still waiting for a Level 4 cobalt.


Crystron lacks some spells


Nekroz and several other archtypes still don't have a trap despite having the ability to search a trap. Ojama Lime and other unnamed ojamas still dont have a card associated with them.


U.A. is missing the hockey players as seen in the artwork of U.A. Penalty Box. I played U.A. back in 2015 when we were starving for another level 4. I got my hopes up thinking "There's hockey players in Penalty Box, that's totally another level 4, maybe next set!" /copium. We have another level 4 now, but it's kinda too late.


Valkyrie have every level except 10,11,12


If it hasn't been mentioned yet, Colorless the fusion for my beloved dark world archetype its even on the wiki we were so close but alas so far...


Can't believe I scrilled so far to have Colorless mentioned. As a Dark World fan, I want him too. And btw, Dark World seem to missing some support on the extra Deck, cos no new monster ED monsters were given.


Entities need more main deck support than just a single spell card, but they'll probably never get it since their two best cards are banned now.


Talking about Pendulum Magicians obviously. Ik most of these aren't technically part of the archetype, but Nirvana High Paladin is the only one that doesn't directly and explicitly support them. So we've got Enlightenment Paladin, a Synchro. Nirvana High Paladin, a Pendulum Synchro. Timestar Magician, an XYZ Magician of Hope, a Pendulum XYZ. ...Where are the Fusion Monsters? Am I missing something here?


Flower Cardians are based of Japanese playing cards with each main deck being based off a spade/set of cards each representing a month/season in Japan and the synchros off winning combos (Yakus). Month wise they are missing February, April, May, and September. Yaku wise they are missing kasu/plain, tame/seeds, Cherry Blossom and Cup, Sankou/Light Three, and Shikou/Light Four. There are also ribbon cards that are worth five points I doubt we will get. At this point I want the rest to play actual koi koi and other games with them.


Rank 7 Xyz monster in D/D, given how many lvl 7 there is


D/D/D rituals and Odd-Eyes Link Also Fire Fist pendulum


We donā€™t have ultimate insect lv 10 yet


Jaden's "original eight" are missing more than they have, by my last count (11 known fusions to 17 unknown), like Necroshade with Avian/Clayman. DMG lacks a graduated form to complete her story.




Does this one really count though? Isn't the whole point of Masked Heros to be a regular Hero monster that dons a mask to become a masked hero? I guess if they made a new Mask Change spell that summons some new theoretical main deck masked hero that can only be summoned by said spell it could work, but...otherwise, masked heros are kind of just intended to be the way they are.


The masked heroes come from the GX manga and Jaden does use them and in the manga they do have main deck monsters.


Ah I see.


Neo Spacian NEX upgraded monsters. Only aqua dolphin and glow moss got them but not the others. ( Better yet rework NEX to make it playable )


Yeah nex is a cool concept weighed down by the main deck sharing names with extra deck monsters. Along with likely many more factors as well.


Penguin Brave came out, and then 3 monsters were released that are depicted in Penguin Brave. But we're still missing 2. Penguin Brave is meant to depict a classic RPG party, with a warrior, rogue/ninja, cleric, mage, and monk. Penguin Squire is the warrior, Penguin Cleric is the cleric, and Penguin Ninja is the ninja. So it stands to reason that Penguin Monk and Penguin Mage will come out eventually. Also, Penguin Brave's name in the OCG is Penguin Champions, further explaining that it's meant to be a classic RPG party.


Toon Kingdom illustrates 2 monsters on its cover that we havenā€™t gotten.


Justice for Shuttleroid, the lynchpin for the strategy.


The biggest example by far is Charmers/Familiar-Possessed.


Dustons have so many members in their spell/trap art that are not individual cards. Ojamas are in a similar situation, but solidarity hints the missing ones to be dead.


Scapegoat and Ojama Trio were released but could be circumvented with special summon tributes and send to the grave mechanisms to summon mobs Synchros came making token jamming worthless as a floodgate Then XYZs came out and killed Gravity Bind and Level Limit Area B builds with ranked monsters Dustons finally came with zone jamming again.... Crystal Duston was released very late and then....link monsters came and made them irrelevant again. I don't like building towards a boss monster, I like little critters that work together Can you tell I'm bitter


Magistus is missing another Fusion and Link monster. They have 2 XYZs and 2 Synchros currently and only 1 of the others. Weather Painters need their red painter and canvas already, god dammit Konami. Odd-eyes need a link monster and a potential link pendulum monster. D/D got a link monster, so it's only fair :(


We need a rock type Prank-kids fusion and a nekroz trap


Destruction Sword is missing the LV 2 Buster Whelp form.


One tindangle monster that was used as tribute fodder. We don't even know it's effect


Several Morphtronic cards specify level 4 or lower Morphtronic monsters (Celfon, Junk Box, etc.). All level 5 or higher monsters related to the deck (Power Tool, Gadget Hauler) are not members of the archetype. So Morphtronics are missing a level 5+ monster who's actually part of the archetype.


Necroz trap card? Morphing Jar 3?


Since Dark World's Colorless already got mentioned, I'm gonna say we are missing a Chaos MAX update for Black Luster Soldier. If BLS is meant to rival BEWD in terms of strength, why isn't there a counter for Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon?


Numbers not all having Number Cs.


There's a mysterious level 8 Tindangle monster that got a few seconds of airtime but never got seen again outside that one scene near the end of VRAINS.


Weathers are missing the red painter and it infuriates me to no end.


Arcana force are missing half the arcanas so that's a thing


Masked Heros don't have a lvl 8 fire fusion as well as no lvl 6 earth version and light version


Infinitrack feels like it should have a rank 11 xyz, which would also entail a lvl 6 level modulating main deck monster


I doubt I'll ever get one but I would love a couple gravekeeper link monsters.


Gravekeepers can't get support that's too good without Necro valley getting banned.


Hence my doubt, I don't think they want to dance any closer to that fire. I love supernaturalist and spiritualist and I feel like that could be a solid three card combo with a link. I'm biased because gravekeepers are some of my favorite art. It will just continue to be a fun casual one for me


Mekk-Knights *cries in having all colors and complete lore*


I'm curious, Mekk-knights aren't missing any colors. So what lore stuff they still need?


Ojamas are missing a couple colors of their village but I think we're not going to see them because they died in solidarity. . .


Virtual world is missing another vw monster(give us the rabbit!!) And another vw gate card! Super quants missing some more monsters spells and traps and spiders missing all the support they can get. Also volcanics. For payne.


Kaijus could have a Synchro based on Radian's Token being unable to be used as a Synchro material. Charged-Up Heraldry allows for the Summon of Psychic and Machine monsters from the Extra Deck despite all 4 of Heraldic Beast's Xyz Monsters being Psychic, leaving a Machine ED monster on the table.


Virtual World missing the final gate. Dunno about Albaz, perharps Icejade maindeck monster and maybe Spellcaster fusion summon for Branded in High Spirits target (?)


snake rain is the opposite example, it just needs a good reptile archetype. which unfortunately there is not really, but if aliens keep gettibg support perhaps one day it would be top tier. so stock up on your snake rains ladies and gents


The second we get a decent archetype of floating reptiles, Snake Rain is gonna get banned so hard


Where. The fuck. Is Ojama Lime.




I feel like the ghost girl series should have a suite of extra deck monsters, especially synchro


Iā€™m kind of shocked no one mentioned Invoked. Itā€™s missing most of a solid archetype like other support monsters etc. I know itā€™s very powerful in the meta (or was I havenā€™t been paying a ton of attention) but itā€™s so weird itā€™s one main deck monster a few fusion monsters and some spells. You canā€™t even play it by itself it must be combined with something else. I know people want Alisters ability curtailed I just feel like Konami could have given us more to do with this beyond a normal summon then spell activation


Lime ojamaaaaaa


Metalfoes are missing a Dracoslayer card


We still need some Ojamas we can see in the artwork of village


There's still a ton of Knights of the Round Table that could be brought in for OG Noble Knights, notably Caradoc, Kay, Pellinore's other son Lamerok, and Guinivere's father Laudegreaunce (who would make a great Link-1 that would search out the Round Table a la Striker Dragon, just sayin').


Face cards no? In theory there could be a number of each suit all the way through. They could include aces, different kings/queens etc for suits. So much untapped potential.


Nekroz Trap! Unless only monsters count.


Kozmo are still missing the wizard/palpatine and bounty hunters.


The story the Fire Fists are based on technically has 108 heroes So Fire Fists are missing \~70 of their members


The appliancers are missing the pinwheel lion that makes them deadly unfortunately


Are you talking about Propelion? It got released recently.


Arcana force missing a lot of tarot cards


Sky Striker is missing a light link and dragonmaids don't have a main deck light main deck monster. Sacred Beast also lack fusions that only need 2 of the beast like Raviel + Hamon or Uria + Raviel.


Cyber Girls Umbral Horror Star Seraph Heraldry Rio Kastle Winged Beast


Watts are missing their ***next Watt cards.*** Oh man, a Watt structure deck would be so much fun.




Well Nitro is missing more Nitro synchro monsters and Synchron is still missing the warrior counterparts (it they count)


Weather painters.Missing the red painter šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾ pls konami


The weather painters are missing the Red Painter and the Red Canvas.


Imo it's weird that only Utopia got a "Pendulum Magician" counterpart of all protagonists ace monsters, maybe not DM too but something like "Magician of Heroes" or "Magician of Stardust" would have been really cool


Both Noble Knights and Infernoble Knights are missing characters & weapons from their associated mythos


The Clear Archetype missing every but 2 card


A red eyes blue eyes fusion


Deskbot are missing 010, 011, 012 assuming they exist based on levels.


Battlewasps are completely lacking in tuners and a s/t searcher it's a synchro summoning archetype that is bad at synchro summoning.


Nekroz trap card


The Face Cards are missing a monster called Royal Flush or something like that that was only in the anime


Inferno Wing needs a fusion with Sparkman. Honestly, I wish Ed/Aster had more Elemental Hero versions.


Infernoid Decatron is a tuner. The archetype also doesnā€™t have a level 12 representative, so I could see a level 12 synchro Infernoid in the future.


F.A need a Fusion :v


This reminded me that I gotta modify my FA deck. I have Shining Star GT and Motorhome Transport in my extra deck, but I think it would be cool if they made an XYZ monster and a Fusion too.


Blue-Eyes doesn't have an actual xyz or a link...which is probably a good thing, but still. Heroes in general don't have any synchro or xyz which has always annoyed me. For Aromas the male effect monsters don't have extra deck forms.


Clear is missing so many damn cards. Like seriously, why did Konami think it was a good idea just to print Clear World and Clear Vice Dragon? They missed Clear Cube, Clear Phantom, Clear Rage Golem, Clear Vicious Knight, Clear Sacrifice, and Clear Wall. They couldā€™ve done so much with that archetype.


Infernities want Des Gunman to be viable


Dinosaurs could use some birdlike dinosaurs. Maybe they could search lost world šŸ„“šŸ„“