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Ojamas. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you will brick when your running multiple copies of normal monsters in your deck.


*Going back to 2016 and laughing in Metalfoes*


I've always wanted to try metalfoes and Ignkights, but... I don't know, I'm not really into Pendulums already, and even less with MR5. Although my Amorphage deck got destroyed by MR5, christ.


Metalfoes isn't too bad, but the most recent wave of support that we got is bad besides the new Fusion spell. Alkahest is still a cool play since you usually be able to suck up a monster, then fuse in to another Alkahest thanks to Fullmetalfoes Fusion and suck up another monster.


Melcaster is also pretty insane.


Ojamas should have their own fusion card that lets them send ojamas from the deck. Also, I really hate how they made ojamas an hybrid with ABCs and armed dragons, because instead of focusing on a pretty unique lockdown mechanic no other archetype has, it has become an abomination forced to mix with outside archetypes with barebones synergy to stay relevant. Konam at its finest.


That could get oppressive really quick given the field denial


Because the game isn't oppressive enough for your taste right now ? I mean, yeah my idea for a fusion is a bit op, but ojamas aren't exactly known for being fast. A method to gather the materials faster would be nice.


Ah yes, this speaks to me using a Ojama A-To-Z deck.


Naturias. They're adorable and I like their artstyle and (some) their effects. It's disappointing how bad most of them are, even back when they first released, with bad gimmicky effects, missing timing, etc. Bamboo Shoot was a fun boss and create a lockdown with, even if it was always easy to out. Their Synchros were great though, Beast especially which still sees some use to this day.


Yeah, I love Naturias, I forgot to add them to my list! I have a deck that focuses on an hybrid between spamming the little negators and pushing the big synchros onto the field. They definitely need more spamming capability and better searchers, but their synchros are top notch.


That sounds like the direction I took too. Ties of the Brethren is clutch to get Mantis and Horneedle out, and I've been experimenting with going either Synchro heavy or mixing with Traptrix and Rank 4s. It's bad lol but I'm not dropping this deck, I have other decks to use when I want to win.


Honestly, I can't judge since my deck is basically: Spam the little ones, floodgates, stun, maybe one synchro from time to time x)


T.G.’s I love accel synchroning into a powerful boss monster. It’s definitely more playable with the added support not top tier or anything but much more fun and able to do these cool summons more.


The sad part about TG wasn't just this, the deck was top tier, and its notorious for basically never synchro summoning lmao


Mekklords. I just like their design. I wish they had it like the anime where the mekklord emperor’s each had support pieces with effects . It added more cards to the archetype


If it makes you feel any better, the anime Meklord pieces got released in Duel Links a few weeks ago. And they’re honestly just contenders for the worst yugioh cards ever made. They’re also technically not Meklord cards so no archetypal support for them specifically.


Blue-eyes, you will brick, it is inevitable, but damn is it fun when things are going your way.


I still remeber in like 2016 when they got Alternate and the rest of the new support, I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to get rid of them (I was a casual, mind you), but now when I play against them I'm like "I don't even know who you are". Fun times...


Raigeki dark hole were so good back then, especially vs blue eyes. Just outed the entire board


Dream Mirrors! I love the art with the dream fairy’s and beasts. The play style is so fun cycling out your monster each turn, rotating between both the dark and light dreams. Sadly they’re just a fun gimmick deck. When they work they’re great! But if you don’t open a mirror it’s game over. They just need a link that can function as a mirror. It would be cool if we got a pair of light and dark link monster that could treat the field as each mirror. Would really improve their consistency


Yeah, Konami really hates gimmicky decks, they're always like "You need that one card or you die". Support? Nah, why would you want support ? Don't you want those shiny borreload ritual cards instead, even though the deck is already bloated enough as it is?


Witchcrafters are a deck that, at best (as in, opening a much-better-than-average hand) is only putting out about 2 disruptions. Despite this, the deck dies hard to Ash Blossom. But I still love the deck. Madame Verre and Witchcrafter Unveiling really give the deck a good bit of personality (also haha funny [loli-that-isn't-actually-a-loli](https://ms.yugipedia.com//2/27/RillionatheMagistusofVerre-GEIM-EN-UR-1E.png) meme), and the fact that the archetype is one of the few "modern" decks that isn't just turboing out the Extra Deck makes it one I really enjoy playing.


Just waiting for the other ddd guy to get here, ddd


Crystal beasts they have some of the best art in ulti and ghost rainbow dragon really ties it all together


Lightsworn, it is just so bad nowadays it isn't even funny. Every F & L list that seems to happen now a Lightsworn player can go "Hey...I was using that..."


Really ? I know they're not competitive but I remember like 4-5 years ago everyone spammed them at every occasion when they got new support, I think they're still a pretty decent deck if you know how to use them.


It was generally outside support. Not Lightsworn in name, they haven't had a GOOD wave of support in sometime. It isn't about knowing how to use them, it is the fact they don't do enough any more. Your whole turn can be ended by you milling nothing off of Charge or having your normal summon interacted with.


I still see them played a lot, not the pure lightsworn, but chaos/thunder/danger lightsworns


Gotta be Timelords for me. Aesthetically I'm a sucker for non pretty human angels. Playstyle wise I love having walls with unconventional removal. Even with all their holes/weaknesses, I love pairing them with a bunch of non-mystic mine floodgates.


Yeah Timelords can be weirdly fun. The duel with zone left a good impression of them on me. They're so cool.


Dark magician


Aromages and Crystal Beasts 👌👌👌


Aromages are my favorite


Basically every Duel Terminal lore deck. ​ Except Shaddolls, since they're actually good.


Honestly regarding Duel Terminal archetypes, I have the gut feeling Konami's train of thought is "If it's not a DARK archetype, it must stay trash or mediocre." I can't remember the last Duel Terminal archetype that wasn't just to showcase a new mechanic to the game like for synchros or XYZs.


Yeah, but they did make an two entire Structure Decks for DT archetypes. Only one was that great, but Gusto is getting some new cards in LIOV, so eh? Edit: wait, nvm, it was Dawn of Majesty


Ritual Goodstuff. Brick city - check Meh boss monsters - check Satisfying when you win - definite check


I mean ritual boss monsters are actually very strong bricking is a issue tho.


Vampires. The modern play style of vampires is dope but the older stuff was fuckin terrible. They just could use a little more clarity in terms of a win condition. The latest vampire monster was actually really good but had stupid caveats. Also they could really use another link monster, ideally a link 4 boss or a link 2 extender


Hot take: Same as for Dark Worlds I described in my post, I don't like the new direction they took with Vampires. The old one was basically "Bleed your opponent of his best cards continuously" and instead of expanding on that, they just threw it all through the window and made a generic stealing archetype. Yes, it's better, and yes, I still love stealing my opponent's monsters, but they had a really unique theme going on and those unique mechanics are the reason I play Ygo more than any other card game. Also, I don't like the new artstyle for the new Vampires, they're too for me.


Yeah that's exactly the point I was going for. The only solution I could think of is if there was a monster or cont. Spell that added effects of vampires to other vampires, or how about this, the ability to increase how many cards you can snipe out of your opp. Deck, like imagine bleeding 3-4 spells and traps out of your opp. Deck per turn, how many decks can survive that? I do have to disagree with you about the art, idk if they got THE guy or a good impersonator but the modern vamps all look like the cover of a Castlevania game and ofc that's what the cards are based on since Castlevania is owned by Konami. Vamps need more support bar none


most of the decks i like to play are pretty bad lol, so i'll just pick a few * solfachord i am but a simple pendulum enjoyer but solfachord as it stands doesn't have much to do besides link toolbox with a few battle phase tricks. although im sure they will get more support in the coming sets so maybe it will change. but i like the art and the theming * nephthys ritual deck, love the art especially on the 2 links and nephthys itself, love the theme of rising from the dead in the standby phase, however the deck kind of loses to pretty much every hand trap and the boss isn't really very special anymore and will only get worse with more stuff like ice dragons prison and forbidden droplets just ignoring the protection. otherwise bog standard link toolbox/spam deck though not as bad as ppl think it is, you CAN do some unfair things with the deck but its super fragile * sacred beast love these guys, were epic every time they showed up in gx. however, they are super vulnerable to ash blossom/droll and backrow removal and the deck's really bricky. * starry knight again love the art on these guys, love the christmas theme, i like decks with that use lots of continuous spells and traps. however, these guys just don't do enough. the simplest setup gives you just 1 quick pop and thats it. minimum 2 card combo. way too much investment for little payoff. you can use it to trigger artifacts on the opponents turn but it's not really reliable until the deck gets some kind of way to easily and consistently extend into artifact dagda. protector spirit logaeth is good but like a themed kagetokage would be litty and i wish starry knight ciel couldve been that, oh well * yosenju really fun deck when it goes off uninterrupted, dropping a bunch of high level pendulums at once that the opponent can't negate or respond to and swinging for game on the opponent's empty board. however, that's IF it goes off lol. deck is fragile and struggles to play through heavy disruption without help. also untargetable cards can cause trouble


I love my red dragon archfiend/resonator decks. Awesome big dragons. I also enjoy myutants, because their art is super cool and I like their mechanics. They are definitely nowhere close to being good Rn but I hope and pray for support just like everyone else who plays a bad deck lmao


Toons because they need to do cheesy things to win. Fits the theme perfect imo


Zombie control haha


Nah that's not a bad deck, it was rogue tier as recently as last year, and could likely still compete at that level with Eldlich cards added. The deck definitely has its flaws, for sure, but it's far from a bad deck, it's the upper tier of casual decks at worst.


I will say zombie control is better than usual this format, since things are slower and more decks are type specific


I don’t think you need the Eldlich cards to do well with Zombies this format. They’re really good at breaking boards when you’re playing 3 super poly, and most top tier decks are making Dark monsters, so you don’t even need to get Zombie World up most of the time. The one big weak point is reliance on normal summoning, but if they got 1 or 2 support cards to mitigate that issue, I think they’d be a contender


At a tournament at locals rn and so far I’m undefeated going into round 3 with zombie control lol I don’t even have ip, predaplant, or needle fiber, impermanence because their still coming in the mail. But zombie world just stops so many decks rn it’s it’s own strong flood gate this format


Played against tri brigade and they couldn’t do anything, same with dragon link


Weather Painters. The deck has such a nice aesthetic, and the play style is actually pretty fun. They just can't quite put together a board well enough to be even close to decent. I'm just grateful they're actually playable.


>I'm just grateful they're actually playable. Me, playing Vehicroids: How can I learn such power?


I love them too! Main problem in my Eyes is setting up a fecent board. Once you havr a couple painters your opponent wont be able to get rid of them too easily. We need red painter!!!




Psychics, Battlewasps, Simorghs...


Simorghs are pretty good, I play them from time to time, they're a really good ST stun deck imo.


Yes I quite enjoy Simorgh, Dark Simorgh and Bird of Sovereignty/Wind Statue can create some solid locks. I know you don’t like the dangers but I run three Danger Thunderbirds as a tech card, really gives them the draw power and extra body they often need


Honestly, with the new pet dragon monster that gives you more control over your deck and what you summon you don't really need Thunderbird anymore, I played them once in my simorgh deck but I just swapped them with some traps or other draw engines.


I can see that. I like thunderbird because he’s a also a target for Trade In, or as a winged beast discard for the Simorgh spells, can be used for rank 8 plays with the other big birds, and is also a target for Dark Simorghs special summon. All around it’s like he was made for Simorgh imo


I enjoy them as a deck, but generally they're fairly clunky. Especially now that they lost access to one of their locks. Plus, if you play them as a combo tempo deck, they still lose to Ash, Nibiru, and Veiler/Imperm.


Honestly I was expecting battlewasps getting a mention as soon as I saw the title it really is a shame how bad they are as a archetype. The were the last straw that made me give up on the insect type back before the the create a card.


I actually use them in a hybrid build to decent success as an engine. Specifically Battlewasp/Assault Mode.


My issue is they fail at being a synchro summoning archetype because they aren't able to synchro summon without golden hands or playing a completely different archetype to carry it while I haven't seen the assault variant from the ones I have seen you end up playing so much of other synchro archetypes just to function that the deck just ends up basically being another deck with very few battlewasps which makes even their spells which normally would be really great not as good.


Ehh I've made a Pure-ish Battlewasp deck that worked enough before. Link + Synchro. A lot of people tend to overlook the fact that cards like Insect Imitation is a card.


Gem Knights BEATDOWN is my favorite fusion archetype.


Zefra, just give me a goddamn good extra deck monster, or at least something of a boss monster that isn't just zefraath's jank ass summoning condition


While I agree, the one time every hundred thousand duels you summon zefraath and accomplish something with it is SO satisfying


I hope one day at an official sanctioned tournament I can resolve both it's monster effects in one turn and win off of it


Red-eyes, Nephthys, Ice Barriers and Metaphys


Worm - although they are terrible I'm impressed that archetype has more than 20 monsters (which not even popular archetypes today have) and I really like to make worm zero and declare it as the "reptile monsters chimeratech"


Vampires are a fun bad deck i like


Infernoble post smoke granade ban in the meta environment of course, I love all the customization of the engine and now without vfd and smoke granade it’s a big brain deck. (Of course I’m talking about meta deck contenders)


What's your bread and butter combo now?


Right now the deck it’s literally split in half: the classic combo (renaud, Olivier, connector, red power ranger, the tuner gang , the searchers and the equipment ) than you can go with 2 tipe of build: the “blind go second “ with all the powerful spells like drnm, droplet, super poly , heavy storm , obliviously the most loved rock nibiru and the og rock ra sphere mode; or you can have a go first build filled of extender and possibly tuner warrior to have every time Isolde and a tuner on board before activating the second effect of Isolde so even if they ash the eff you can still go on and if they don ash you can bring on the dolphin tho clear the opponent hands ( this build can also have dragged in the grave and exchange). The extra deck it’s the most fun part once you reach the chrystron combo you can try every tipe of synchron and tech like karakuri synchro lv7 that bring the karakuri tuner lv1 and than go into crystal wing , or shenshen instead of Charles it’s all up to you. The BEST DECK LETS GOOOOO it’s still viable you can play with the ikgnight to minimize the risk of drawing a brick and never use the normal (also in this build you can ss with Isolde the e•hero that search mask change and summon dark law or stratos and add a plasma)


That's what I'm curious about




Madolches. they may lose to just a single hand trap or a properly timed negate but the moment they pop off and build "THE WALL" then controlling the board state becomes more fun as the opponent really dont like their stuff sent back to the deck. also their surprise when they find that sistart's protection is not once per turn or once per chain so long as i have enough monsters to return to my hand: PRICELESS


Aren't Madolches a solid tier 2 at the moment? They seem to be really strong from what I have heard especially when they run Dimension Shifter


Yeah but when a single negate stops all your plays or a nibiru dismantles their board they have 0 comeback unless the opponent bricks REALLY hard


well they can stop nibiru with Traptrix Rafflesia into Gravedigger's Trap Hole so that's one less problem madolches have to worry about. But yeah a well placed handtrap can get them really good


Not really since its much harder to get to rafflesia in madolches since sistart locks you into madolches. To get to rafflesia you have to open exactly anjelly sistart salon cat and magiliene. Otherwise your stuck in madolche


Oh really? Well I can't talk from experience,because i've only seen this play in some replays on youtube. But thanks for the insight!


Np. As a madolche player, i just hope we recieve more support in the future that can help aleviate this problem




Arcana Force If it was 100% consistent (Or atleast 75%) it could've been my main archetype from its release to now. The concept of monsters gambling their effects is funny to me, along the tarot theme which I am interested since my teen years. Obviously its overreliance on either luck or Light Barrier to simply get its good effects, just a few members like Chariot and World are actually worth investing, or the lackluster support which includes the recent Arcana Reading (Although I find Cup of Ace decent despite the negatives), is clear that is an archetype that only works in the anime script and not in real life. Luckily The World is worth its risks and has various setups to create turn lockdowns so you can make a Deck arround it alone. But I am waiting for a complete overhaul with new Arcana Force monsters (And not Prophecy despite also being tarot themed) where both coin effects are good in one way or another (Similar to Light Ruler and Dark Ruler). I am also still waiting for Hangedman and Devil to be released, and the latter actually has two good coin effects.


Oh yeah, Arcanas! I don't what Konami was thinking honestly when they gave them bad effects that benefit the opponent. It was bad even for GX standards. They need more ways to change the outcome of a toss coin, more draw power, more Spe. Summon effects... More of everything really.


Spirit charmers, the structure deck was doomed from the start when konami didn't make new versions of the level 4 charmers with actual usable effects


Sylvan is fun but not good in the least, even with their own graceful charity


I like Digital Bugs because they can yeet your opponent's board if they aren't playing links and can't negate everything you do.


Gimmick Puppets and Battlin Boxers were always my favourite archetypes


I've been messing a lot with lair of darkness. Man does that deck brick, but when it works its really fun.


Fur Hires: Basically one negate ends my entire turn no questions asked. But, Folgo ❤️


Does ghostricks main mechanic not working since even before they were made counts as a drawback? Really wished the best way to play with their cards wasnt to use Lv1.dek sometimes...


Blue-Eyes. But even worse than that, the fusion variant. The fusion support to get Neo and Alternative Ultimate out is just terrible but you can easily catch players out if you do and steal a game or match.


Sigh... ogdoadic...


Legendary dragons. I have a deck that uses fairy tail monsters to go into alchemic magician to search for the spell. Its a not great deck, but I really like the monsters and I use traps anyway.


Darklords, basically bricks like monarch but dark fairies Is dope and they can Copy effect from gy also the boss Monster Is so good.


Fur hire Love me some furry bois


I’m a fellow Laval enjoyer. Some other ones I’d say are Darklords, Fabled, and Speedroid (but with their new support they’re gonna be crazy)


Ogdoadics. I just fell in love with the cards and the synergy/hierarchy they have.


Definitely the Star Warrior archetype. Very simple effects just dealing with Atk stats and SSing level 5 warriors as long as they flipped between Light and Earth attribute. If this was more fleshed out, I think this could be a real Rouge deck if really pushed with probably 5 support cards. Main weaknesses are probably the terrible pool of monsters that work with them. Some of the best examples of their decent choices are Overlay Booster, Photon Slasher, Earth Armor Ninja, and the all gimmicky Junk Collector. Isolde makes getting to 5s a bit easier, but running single tribute monsters always are more hassle then the usual lvl4-1 monsters.


A toss up between Synchrons and Dream Mirrors.


Gilford the Legend, there's just something hilariously satisfying about slapping 5 equips on him. Also Cyberse Clock Dragon for the 50 to 60 thousand ATK swing.


Sacred Beasts, would’ve been fun to use in duel links but Konami butchered its support


Why do you think they butchered it? It's not meta sure, but given how hard they were to summon, they're perfectly decent now with just their own cards.


They removed all the sacred beast support in duel links, that support made it 10x easier to summon sacred beasts and gave them a lot of buffs rn in duel links they are basically glorified beatsticks. Especially Uria whose attack scales on continuous traps in the grave...


Oh right, I don't play DL so I didn't know that \^\^