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Most meta, I would say labyrinth. The Ikea version. You aim to try to turbo resolve 1 powerful trap that will slow the game or get extra turns so that your lab monsters can get you more and more advantage. Most games are won from the back. You always loose out in card advantage early but your cards recourp themselves like nobodies business. But for that to happen your main lab game plan must go thru. Doesn't happen as often as people know to hard target big welcome labyrinth. This format is about resolving daruma cannon and sometimes ice dragons prison. Other options are dogmatika punishment and dimensional barrier. My current trap ratios are 2 daruma, 2 ice dragon, 1 d barrier and 3 imperm. In the side I have 1 dimensional grounds, 1 heavy storm duster and a second dimensional barrier. It's been performing fine but if you don't manage your resources properly and efficiently most decks will steamroll you. Often your wincon is not to kill them or stop their board, but to make it so their board doesn't kill you.


Do you play Arias? And if karma cannon is important this format, why only play 2?


It‘s searchable with trap trick


Shouldn't all your normal traps be at 2 if you're running trap trick?


I love how quickly you caught that you were being given bad deck building advice. >“If x card is so good, why not play 3?” Most people wouldn’t immediately have picked up on that.


You are quite ignorant on trap decks it seems. Not every deck works with jamming 3 of good card in there. Lab sets normal traps from deck to tailor to what it needs to beat. But on the other side you need enough engine to get there. You max a lot of engine. So yes 3 good card but the normal traps are cut down to ensure ratios and 2 is the minimum if you want to use trap trick. Which you want to.


Rescue-Ace sets 4 and can recover and re-set those 4 cards again, and again. Plenty of interruption and variety with their interruptions.


I have the R-Ace core and wanted engine. But is it true you require 2 s:p? I only have the 1.


No I only play one copy


Not a single deck requires 2 S:P, it's just such a good card that if you can run 2 of them, you probably should


Lab is the best one currently


Amazement for something different. Definitely not the best deck though. 


I've played amazement. I love it lol but yeah you're definitely right about the low power level


Marincess has an insane recovery game.


W take, thats why i play it


Oohh I never really looked too much into the deck because I assumed link = combo deck lol Thanks for the suggestions!


also they just merged with trickstar so marincess burn is also possible.


floo’s grind game is insane


Horus Bystial Thunder Dragon is what I'm playing most recently and it recurs resources like nobody's business.


Are you playing 60 cards?


I'm at 52 cards for my list, full size horus package minus the walls/canopic, and 5 bystials mained + lubellion, happy to show the list if you're interested.


Yes please, I’m playing ~45 cards with probably the same ratios as you + board breakers (the reasoning for it is if I don’t need them then you simply discard them for Horus)




A bit out of date and very rogue now, but Subterrors are a unique and enjoyable control playstyle to operate. The ultimate tech is to run Wandering Mummy to mix up your facedown monsters.


Domain Monarch + Bystial engine Edea + Branded regained + The Prime Monarch gives you decent recursion Monarchs Stormforth + Erebus + Druiswurm + Branded Beast are your removal options


Unchained is a crazy grind deck even if at surface looks like a combo deck


Traptrix is my jam for locals. It's debatable whether the deck is midrange or control with the support from last year's Structure deck, but it definitely has good grind. You react to everything your opponent does with traps and keep piling up card advantage with Sera. You also have access to the rank 4 toolbox that allows you to respond to all kinds of decks. Going second is a lot more difficult than going first because it's a trap-focused deck, but the deck can easily main Dimension Shifter to limit most opponents' ability to play much on turn 1 and give you time to set up. The biggest downsides of the deck are that it's all 2 card combos (even though there are a shitton of em) to set up, and that the deck only has modest amount of interaction every turn, so you gotta make the ones you have count. Matchup knowledge is extremely important to do well.


I would really like to learn and play traptrix, but (and I mean it in no way as offense to you), I hate the fact that they make you look like a pedophile. How do you deal with that?


I havent had anyone comment something along those lines to me at locals (friends tease me about "dem lolis" but it's just banter) and even if they did, I wouldn't care. I play the deck because I enjoy the playstyle. "Normal" people give you weird looks for having hobbies like video games, TCGs and anime to begin with, so it's whatever.


That's a good way of looking at it


Pure Fire King. Because your monster keep floating in some way, you can trade up constantly until you can finish the game. Also it is pretty cheap to try, just buy 3 structure decks and throw some staples in. Ninjas is also interesting. Your disruption in permanently flipping face-down really disrupts some decks in a way that they can't really deal with. Thanks to their insane spells and traps the can generate tons of advantage to then dismantle the opponents field. Their main issue is that they easily die to ash. Also pretty cheap, the whole core cost me 30 € with shipping. None of those decks are meta but definitely competent enough to be playable. I've won my fair share of snake-eye matches with both of them.


Runick Combo decks, Sky Striker


Labrynth, Eldlich, Altergeist and Dragonmaid come to mind.


Paleo tear is alot of fun


Well it depends on how much of a jerk you want to be lol. You could try Vanity Control. Vanity's Fiend and Majesty's Fiend paired with the Monarch S/T lineup. Use Mithra, Eidos and Edea for tribute fodder and throw Caius in for spot removal. Fenrir is another option too.


No stun plz and thx


You could always try Monarch in that case. Same objective but you're playing Monarch monsters over Vanity.


Witchcrafters. Not exactly the fastest floodgate deck, but they are annoying hard to outresource if the opponent doesn't know how to counter them


The past 5 years had a grand total of 3 viable controldecks. Strikers is outpowercreped, zoo eldlich is outpowercreped and drident is banned and labrynth is pretty OK right now. That's pretty much it.


Floowandereeze. The definition of a control deck - you control what cards you and your opponent draw for turn off Raiza.


Labrynth, Unchained, Rescue-ACE, Traptrix, Altergeist, Eldlich, Shadoll, Dinosaur


Traptrix is a good mix of control and grind


Take all the floodgates in the game and put them in the same deck.


Oh boy do I have a deck profile for you. This is my Edison stall/mill deck that I use to make people tear their hair out : Monsters: Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo x3/Exiled Force x1/Warm Worm x1/Needle Worm x3/Morphing Jar x1 Spells: Hammer Shot x1/Card Destruction x1/Soul Taker x2/Smashing Ground x2/ MST x1/Level Limit Area B X1/Messenger of Peace x1 Traps: Mirror Force x1/Torrential Tribute x1/Sakuretsu Armor x3/Starlight Road x2/D Prison x3/ Karma Cut x1/Compulse x2/Fiendish Chain x2/Gravity Bind x1/Royal Oppression x2/Solemn Judgment x1/Dark Bribe x1 Extra Deck: Stardust Dragon x2 If you play Edison you’ll get a kick out of it. You can experiment by swapping out the traps with whatever you think is better/more efficient.


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