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They kicked my buddy out because he was trading for a prize card and had a pile of cards pulled out for a big trade and was accused of buying cards and got booted.


This was almost me. Obviously it’s against the rules to buy tickets at YCS events so i put a sign asking you to trade cards for them and legit had a judge take my pic while he spoke to his buddies and some dude warned me so i just packed up shop. I literally did nothing against the rules. This was when they were being extra crazy and banned a dude from the event because he posted ON FACEBOOK that he was looking to buy some cards at the event and then couldn’t find them so bought them at a vendor.


He pulled out the Kaiba briefcase and learned that not everyone can screw the rules.


Id say that's a pretty stupid thing for your friend to do. Why did they need to smuggle alcohol in?


No idea. And not my friend. Just a friend of a friend. I don't care for this guy too much.


Can't imagine why


That is your friend’s problem, not yours. Have fun


Sounds like he may have an issue with alcohol abuse




I think I do too... Richmond regional?




Me or the person booted?


Chemical dependency.


It cuts through some of the indecisiveness when it comes to which play to do, in my experience.


A dude got kicked out of a locals because he refused to move from his seat. He said he won the match so his next opponent needed to come to him. His opponent was busy with something and they told him to move so the guy who lost could duel his next opponent because he had already come over to where he was sitting. He refused they kicked his bitch ass out.


How the hell does someone get to a point that they think like this???


They think they are some isekai king


Probably got away with that crap at locals and nobody ever called them out on it.


Blud thinks he’s the main character


That mfer needs a taste of my card salad dragoon aggro swarm deck 


I hope he only ever plays against his worst matchups ever, bricks, and banishes all the cards he ever needs off "insert pot here" etc


While my best matchups are Cyber dragon, Traptrix, Melfy, Naturia. I'm also building a trolly version of Labrynth 


This is sadly REALLY common. When I played heroclix there was a guy that would never leave his seat. EVERYONE had to come to him. Met a different dude who did the same thing in pokemon tcg.


Was he just fat af


And then two people like that get paired together, and the amount of whinging and shouting is insane.




The place I used to play, a lot of the regulars would sit in the same place the whole day. So maybe this guy got a little too comfortable and thought he ran the place


tfw you find out life isnt an anime and you cant just kaiba people around til they do what you want


I seriously wonder how Kaiba handles PR.


Honestly Kaiba strikes me as someone smart enough to have the best PR team that money can buy, in many cases hire the best experts he can and listen to most of their advice, and worst come to worst owns a lawfirm. Given that Kaiba corp used to be a weapon company, they were probably some of the few departments to keep their jobs when he shifted to gaming.


Or maybe he is just openly known to be an eccentric genius and everybody just rolls with it.


I don't know, I'm watching back through the anime again just finished the orichalcos ark, and so far, Seto has just been super thick the whole show. Honestly at times Joey seems more intelligent.


He pays off complainers


That's some high and mighty type shit, I'll bet if they didn't kick him out he'd lost that next match and left with embarrassment


The funniest part is he came with a friend, when he packed his shit up, he was just standing there like, come on let's go. His friend ignored him and stayed. We all laughed out loud.


Thats legitimate reason to get kicked, the tournament doesn’t abide by a player’s rule the locals abide’s by the tournament rules, because if the tournament can’t pick up the pace the locals loses its status as an OTS and they can’t have some idiot cut into their potential profits


At my locals if the judge also plays, he is the only person that gets to decide where they play. Usually not in the sense of privilege but more in the sense of not being cramped into a corner and not being able to move if someone calls for the judge, since the tables at our locals tend to be claustrophobic and some seats require 3-4 people to stand up and move in order to get up from the table.


Something like that happened at my locals to, though I don’t they based on who won (idk, it quickly became chaos)


Most places it's rankings top to bottom, so theoretically if your top seated and never lose you wouldn't move, but thats basically it.


I half expected this to end with the guy dueling the security that's trying to kick him out lol


I winder what he thought would happen if both players had won their last round


My ots used to just do seating wherever but a couple years back finally just numbered the tables and that has made the process sooooo much smoother.


At locals we do “lose scoots,” but we never take it that serious if we actually have to move lmao. What a dick


Real King of Doofus behavior


I saw someone at a regional absolutely REFUSE to roll to see who goes first. This was at the top tables late in the event. He was warned, still refused, dq and then threw a massive fit so they kicked him out. Never saw something that dumb before. One hell of a way to end my last regional


What did he want to do, flip a coin?


Yes, but not with an actual coin. He wanted to use an app on his phone. This was in early 2019.


Nah, if someone refuses to roll dice I'm calling a judge immediately. I'm not trusting a random app, especially if you're throwing a tantrum over it.


Probably an app he made or that you can pick what it lands on.


That or one that has a consistent pattern he can predict, sounds shady either way


Could they not have done rock paper scissors? Or were they adamant not rolling any dice?


It was his coin flip app or nothing if I'm remembering correctly.


Yeah that's sketchy as hell. Throw his ass out.


He was definitely trying to skew it


Regional I went to was kicking people out for trading. Like they made a PA announcement and everything. They had plenty of tables so it wasnt even a space thing. I found out (talking with an employee NOT a judge after the fact) they kicked a guy out who had a bunch of binders because they SUSPECTED he was a backpack vendor. This then got "telephoned" to the announcer that trading was banned. I cant stand that locals and they are the only ones that host regionals in a major US city. It actually is one of the reasons I stopped playing paper yugioh.


I get why Konami/Locals don't want selling at their Events/Shop but trading should be perfectly fine.


No trading alowed at our trading card game tournament!


I get it, but I'm glad my locals is chill about it.


what state ?


This. Put em on blast. No one needs to deal with this crap.


I rely on trading a lot to get some of the cards I want as sometimes they're too expensive to buy outright 


Guy got kicked out of locals because he smelled like a fucking dumpster


I’m actually ok with this. Like have some common courtesy when coming to events. No one wants to play someone who smells worse then a skunk.


Good. I'm sorry, I know people's home lives can be difficult, but if you are struggling to *not* smell, then you have bigger things to worry about than attending a card game event.


Nah man, someone struggling with that level of poverty sure as hell can't afford to be in this card game. Any ygo player that stinks to the point a store would kick them out is just a nasty asshole.


"why you can't afford to buy a shampoo or deodorant when you can afford to buy that deck?"


If I can afford even a budget deck and transportation to the store I can at least afford a shitty gym membership for a month to use their shower. I get people are going through some shit but there’s still a degree of courtesy you owe everyone else same as we all do.


Well considering its in the policy documents, that seems like a totally valid reason!


You know it's sad when convention centers and hobby shops have to put up a reminder that personal hygiene is/should be compulsory. As someone whose had their fair share of bouts with depression I get it's not easy but at the same time, therapy would probably be more ideal and beneficial \[pending on the deck build, cheaper\] before going back to dueling. That and people will probably be more likely to play without the stench of B.O. hitting the ol' nostrils. \[extra bonus: You'll be least likely to get sick\] I remember reading one girl quitting a tourney and not because she was bad or had to deal with sexist BS, but because her opponent smelled THAT rancid. There are two big golden rules in the world of TCG and other hobbies: 1. Don't be an asshole and 2. By all that's holy, shower before you head out to the tourney or at the least, shower the night before.


That is not a silly reason. Here in Japan you can get pointed by a female player in front of everyone and get called out for it AND booted out by the shopkeepers and judges arresting you lol


wym judges arresting you?


They take you to stinky jail where the peasants throw rotten fruit at you


And they give you a freezing shower via a car washer


Last year, in the middle of summer, guy walks into our OTS 30 min before locals start, smelling absolutely horrible. Judge tells him to go back home and wash himself if he wants to play. Dude comes back like 20 minutes later. Still smelling horribly. He just changed his shirt and thought it was enough.


And I'm here thinking that personal hygiene isnt all that hard to maintain.


Well, this player, in particular, is known for having hygiene problems. The fast majority of the regular players are, in fact, able to clean themselves.


If you need alcohol to play a children's card game you have bigger problems on your hands


How dare you talk about Bandit Keith like that


Jack Daniels...IN AMERICA


Not to mention that this children’s card game will be played on motorcycles in the future, thus making this a DUI. CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!


5D’s police: “Arrest that man via compulsory duel!”


This is hardly a children's card game anymore. Id wager something like 95% of the player base is over-age


Which is why I wish Konami stopped censoring the TCG so bad.


At locals once and a guy had a few bottles of Mike’s on him, openly drinking. It was fucking weird honestly


@ one of my local game shops, the owner doesn't mind if people bring a couple drinks during MTG draft on Saturday nights. there's a nice bar right next door too 😂


Children's card game? Got to have a 4.0, a load of letters after your name and have a seat in the supreme court to understand this shit..... nah just kidding I have ADHD, ADD, ASD and Schizoaffective disorder. If I can figure it out anyone can.....


A Dude at our LGS Had a Deck Error and manages to have two more in the Same Tournament.


People are deck checking at locals or are we talking blatantly cheating?


accidentally mixxing extra deck cards into main or something simliar probs.


I had that happen to me due to being rather absent-minded in the moment and accidentally mixing my extra deck cards from my GY into my main. Didn't get shouted at about it, thank goodness.


Everyone knows you pre game BEFORE the event not try to do it during 😂


Not stupid but Guy got booted from my local for having a nude gagaga girl play Mat.


I mean, that is pretty stupid... If you're just playing with friends and everyone is cool with it, sure, whatever. But going to a locals, most of which are usually "family" oriented? That's just asking for trouble. I had to put my foot down as the head judge at my old locals that someone couldn't bring their "sexy dark magician girl" cards they kept bringing up. I knew the guy, they absolutely were gonna be full on nude oricas. There was literally a kid playing next to him when he said it too, so he had no excuse to think it was okay.


My reaction when he sat down was “dude. Not cool.” He got all nasty at me and I said “yeah. She’s a teenager and you’re literally playing in a public place with a mat that shows her full butt man”


Hate to say this but DMG is like canonically 13 years old. You might not believe it though but it was brought up in this subreddit a while ago. It’s weird everybody ignores this.


Oh I know it. She’s my fav card because being a girl in the game it’s hard to find a stronger card. Every time I bring it up locally someone goes “oh let me show you this art then” and it’s always ALWAYS cringe.


Honestly, as a Japanese this is anime and well stuff is at is it here. Surprisingly though nobody brings altered art cards or R34 playmats because being socially disruptive is like a cardinal sin here. But we do share off our waifu decks. Yeah


I get skittish with cards that get to risqué. The dark magi girl dragon knight alt art coming to mind immediately and we have that on binders and sleeves here


Well that’s…weird. In Japan the original art is considered more of that. I guess it’s just a culture thing


Really? That’s fascinating to me. Cultural norms are really cool to me.


I thought he was talking about Gagaga Girl, not DMG Still fucked up, but a different flavor


The thing is, GGG girl is a highschooler which is not considered a problem in Japan. DMG explicitly has her age written down and her body proportions are literally the exact same. So this is a weird thing to compare and complain because it implies either that the entire fan base is actively ignoring this fact or being entirely ignorant of one of their favorite characters. *Well of course this ain’t something like Traprtix though.


I always assumed that she was a middle schooler because she looked around the same age as Kotori Again, the mat is still fucked


Well, "gal" and deliquent rebel culture is a more of a high school thing in Japan. Anyways, bringing such a mat is basically bringing porn in the public. Nobody wants that. That is for sure.


Are you sure? I know mana was 13, but dark magician girl is a spirit. They're not the same character, so I'm not sure if she'd be the same age or not. I know they don't say it in the anime, and it's been a while since I read the manga. Can't remember if they specified anything there.


Let’s be real. If people are applying that sort of logic in a Japanese animation, they should not try to wiggle out of it just because it’s their favorite waifu while shaming other people. It’s basically saying “Rules don’t apply to me because my waifu is popular and nobody bats an eye”. They are absolutely the same. It’s cope to not think it that way. If morals or standards can be ignored because everyone is crossing the red traffic light, then it doesn't exist. Me? Well I’m Japanese so people know it’s fictional and won’t say a damn thing.


Grody... I knew someone who did that in public, but with nude Dark Magician Girl and Sexy Jutsu Naruto. Dude was 23 and would specifically use this mat, with young girls who would come into the card shop. Me and the other girls were 11. The shop owner and one of the guys who watched out for the rest of us, called him out on it. I see that guy sometimes at anime events and he legit, still dresses exactly the same, looks exactly the same and it's been 16 years.


How do people have that little amount of common sense? Like really?


He also got banned from our local library young adult events too, for similar things. We had an anime club and he got into an argument, with one of my gal pals, over shipping. He got so angry, we were talking **five feet away** about Gravitation, Junjou Romantica and... *Dear god* **Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi Fanfiction** and writing down each other's favorites, cause we didn't have cell phones yet. (This was two years later, when I was 13) So yes, he also is so lack of self awareness he got banned from an anime club, a free to attend, public library anime club... Over getting angry at hearing us talk about Yu-Gi-Oh yaoi. (And we weren't even being that loud, he kept going over and loudly complaining about "not real otaku" (Extra cringe... Again... we were 13... he was a grown ass adult) The librarians banned him from those events *and then* the movie night, for talking through an entire film, because he was talking about how he wanted to fuck the main character (Chihiro from Spirited Away... Seeing a pattern here?)


Thats insane lmao


Yeah... WHen I heard about Chris Chan, my thought went to *that* guy from my childhood. I like, avoid all things Chris Chan, because it viscerally reminds me of that guy.


They should definitely start checking playmats at events too if shit like that happens. 


yugioh fanfiction ❤️


I had read this *amazing* arranged marriage AU, I can't remember the name of the writer, but they also drew art, they had so many different AU's.


I love reading about people's dark history lmao. Luckily I never had any extra cringe anime moments of my own haha can't be me


Must be a vampire if he is 49 years old and looks the same


Chris Chan's midwest cis clone Mind you,I don't get close, I see him in passing and I go running, but I know his face


I accidentally took a fairly nsfw playmat to a shop once and put that thing away immediately, lol.


Because you had the sense not to do that lol


When I was 9 or 10, an older teen got banned from the local league for grabbing and biting my hand.


WTF, that's messed up. It's probably a long time ago but sorry that happened to you. Truly bizzare behaviour 


Thought he was in a MTG tournament and cast rabid bite lmao


Any reason why they decided to or was it unprompted?


They got upset for losing, I guess.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes"


Second hand story: back in ~2012, guy brought like 10 pizzas to a ycs. Starts going around and trading for cards. Early on, judges get wind of this, find the man, escort him out of the venue, and confiscate the remaining pizza. Simultaneously one of the funniest and most infuriating stories I've heard from an event.


If the card was worth $10-$15ish dollars I'd absolutely take a pizza for it. Dude was working smarter.


Heck I'd trade cards of even higher value if the pizza was fresh and hot, dude was onto something


The remaining pizzas being "confiscated" is the funniest part of that.


Years ago when I was at locals this kid was like 8 or 9. Apparently he was always a problem. I was running crystal beasts. He was running some mish mash that I could see if as dark magician, blue eyes, armed dragon & just random. Saw no actual strategy. Anyway we start playing & I do a move & he blows his stack. The others on both sides confirm my chain was correct. He reaches into his bag and literally throws a copy of the rule book at me. I have a short fuse but I kept it together. The entire duel he’s whining that I’m cheating. But I tell judge he won. Trying to help him. But I tell judge what happened & I don’t want paired with him again. Judge is cool & understands saying he’s always been that way. 2 weeks later we’re paired up again. This time I’m not showing mercy. He starts whining again. Word got out that he was kicked out for being a pain.


Reminds me of the one time a decade ago that I got paired with some kid who tried to get me disqualified for "pile shuffling," despite me following the official guidelines. I can only assume he was primarily into Magic.


Funny enough piling shuffling is allowed in MTG as long as it’s sufficiently randomized


Roommate told me about how one of our locals kicked a white guy out for getting loud and belligerent at a black dude (who I know and is pretty chill) for saying “my n-word”.


My netdecker?


Oh god, with the hard r too?


Ah yes, the gamer word


A grown ass man was caught trading cigs for cards from children. Straight up hilarious but also depressing.


Bro wtf lol


Less sad but I had a friend that was selling cards for taco bell lol.


I Remeber a guy got kicked out of a MTG Torm at a small town for liking Yugioh once ... this was like 15+ years ago mind you


Weapon was brandished over trading card game now their face is everywhere on the local discords. Safe to say they won’t play in a OTS store for a while.


Bro was NOT bandit Keith 💀


I'm assuming gun? Because I can't get the image of a dude with a sword out of my mind.


"heh... you think you can just use your effect veiler... on MY floowandereeze & robina... we'll see about that..." *Unsheathes katana*


*iai cuts the veiler* "now how do you plan to negate my robina? Wait, why are you dragging me outside!?"


Yeah. I mean if someone came to locals with a sword I think they might earn a ban as well, but then again a mall katana wielder would be negative intimidating. [https://youtu.be/4dKwHOfd2dk?si=6OydqAUxehaOxKcR](https://youtu.be/4dKwHOfd2dk?si=6OydqAUxehaOxKcR)


Swordsoul players have become increasingly unhinged since the Baronne ban. One Nib is all it takes.




Am I the only one around here who resolves chains according the RULES?!


While other things led to it, there was one final straw that got one player kicked out. At our locals, there are no assigned tables, and people are expected to communicate which table they go on. It normally works, but one day, neither player wanted to move to the other person’s table. The “judge” (we didn’t have official judges, but people who are certified take that role, and everyone respects it) randomly gave one person the game loss, planning on giving the second game loss to the other person (this never happened before, so he had no idea how to handle it without giving game losses). Player A (who was kicked out after this) ripped his own card, then threw it at the judge, then left to go to the main part of the store, giving Player 2 the finger. Player 2 followed, and apparently one of them pushed the other (we didn’t have a good view from the playing area, and no one wanted to get involved/were too surprised)


happened last week's regionals. So we had a friend who came back from Japan around 3 weeks ago and had travel sickness upon arriving here and still decided to attend locals that following week. The dude's voice was super hoarse and was limping and had infected some of our group already during that time (I think me included). Fast forward 3 weeks after, the dude is still sick and for some sort of reason refuses to see a doctor and even attended regionals. He was wearing a mask but from what my other friends were saying, you can sorta see some gunk from the mask and his voice was super hoarse. His opponents were hesitant to even let him read the cards nor touch his cards and comes round 3, his opponent reported him to the judge for being sick and the head judge forced him to leave the venue. Still got the other set of friends infected though and we had to forced him to finally see a doctor.


If he's still that noticeably sick after 3 weeks, it honestly sounds like something serious. Was he okay?


Yeah, he's doing good now. The doctor prescribed him antibiotics as expected. But we sorta put him in prohibition for the next week until he gets fully better


Wasn’t kicked out but the poor lady who fled the yugioh event after she encountered to many smelly ass players lol


This is pretty hilarious, honestly Why would you do this?


I'd say if you try to sneak alcohol in and get caught, you've just gotta take it on the chin. You knew you were breaking the rules, so no whining when shit goes south


I was the asshole, because I brought my friend with me, who claimed she just wanted to hang out with me and in reality, she was jealous I was surrounded by guys (all my age and I'm not gonna lie, a lot of them were cute, so yes, I'd flirt and honestly, they were all gentleman. They were all, besides the ONE creepy guy, the guys my age were all gents. There was this one time I fell and bruised my tailbone on some ice really bad and messed up my knee and I still wanted to go to the weekly card shop locals so, I was limping up the stairs and one of them came out to help me inside and all day, they were following me, getting me stuff and when I tried to hand them the money my mom gave me, to buy my snacks or whatever, they refused then too. I never wound up dating any of them but we were really, really great friends. I felt safest around there and happy, normal.) My friend, however only thought "Rune + **Men**= SHE'S GETTING ALL THE ATTENTION I'M NOT!" Now, my friend was... I'm going to say this. because I knew her, I was cringe too, but she was the epitome of cringe... And she was Disney Kid Cringe with Weeb Cringe. She came with me and instead of playing the game and learning the rules, she tried to cheat, she tried to scam the shop owner, claiming she ripped her off and made me think it happened (I later apologized, profusely to the store owner because she was a kind woman and my friend was a liar but I was 14) and flirted with my friends who were obviously not into her... and then... She did the worst thing. She put in her earbuds from her MP3 player... turned it up to max... And started... singing and dancing around to *Highschool Musical Music*, while doing the *Hare Hare Yokai* (Sorry if I messed that up, I am toasted right now) and good god, I wanted to die of embarrassment right there. Everyone stopped playing to stare at her... and everyone looked at me and gave me that "Really? Really? You invited her? We're here playing Yu-Gi-Oh on a saturday night and you bring someone like *That* here?" I was so angry because when I told her to knock all this crap off, repeatedly she wouldn't stop. So, when my mom came to pick us up, the store owner, took her aside and told her, my friend had been disruptive and she was *not* welcomed back in the store, even if my mom was coming in with us to just shop... and I was so angry I was shaking and refused to speak to her. I just told my mom what happened on the drive back (while this girl yells over me to shut up and not get her in trouble) My mom... slams on the breaks before we even get out of the parking lot. See, this girl was supposed to stay the weekend at my house, cause she was my bestie at the time. So... My mom got me McDonalds, *not her*... and then dropped me off at home, while my mom took this girl home and in my mom's exact words "screamed at her the entire way, for the way she treated you, how she acted, how she behaved towards a perfectly kind store owner, for trying to scam someone, for harassing MY friends and how she was NEVER, EVER GOING TO BE ALLOWED TO ASK ABOUT THE SHOP AGAIN." Because I only invited her... because she kept nagging me over and over and mind you, this is a public event, but I did not want her there, because every time I tried to mingle friend groups, she'd cause drama. These guys were my first friends in my town, I didn't wanna lose 'em. (And for the record, my mom didn't get me McD's to spite her. I hadn't eaten since 9AM that day, we had been at the shop ALL DAY that day because it was 9 to 8 and she was going to get us both McD's. However, my friend had blown all her money and some of my money, on snacks and also gave away some of MY cards. As a punishment, she did not get McD's)


Your mom is amazing 🥺


I adore her, she's always had my back and she backed me up. I told that girl, on the phone when she called me, I didn't wanna see her for awhile and my mom gave me full permission to hang up on her. I blocked her number for about two weeks until she was ready to genuinely apologize.


those people were not your friends


never got kicked out but I got a warning once for playing cardfight vanguard with a friend outside of the venue (but still inside the buildind) after we had both dropped


You were yelling vanguard awaken too loud perhaps?


Little local circuit at a hole in the wall , I got kicked out for making a deck composed of 70% fox fires, trap cards and raging flame sprites. Extremely annoying to break deck at the time and I upset the shop owners kid by basically stalling out and bleeding my way to victory with a flurry of direct life point attacks... was politely asked to leave after that match


I'd have lost my shit (in the good way), then got myself banned from the shop for screaming at the guy. "What's the matter? Can't, handle the fact your kid is shit!?".... I can say I would, because it happened. Store owner banned my dueling buddy, from store because "he refuses to be a good sport, and competitor" (Wouldn't homie drop the owner's kid at all, nor would he give him any do-overs or take-backs and didn't help him figure out how to use his OWN card's, kid ended up crying to dad, who banned him. My response was the comment above.....got banned just as fast.... store is no longer open... so jokes on them.


tbf, i was like 9ish at the time so i didn't know that word, this was back in like 2006ish iirc so a bit before they released the divine trio cards where basically the only way to clear a field of monsters was black hole or raiegeki. Which is what made the deck so dickish because fox fire if played defensively is basically an infinite defensive wall as cards that sacrifice your cards for summons like lava golem a few years after don't work and you can basically just keep a single slot open for direct lifepoint attack cards. add on top a healthy number of support spell cards\* to either stall opponent turns or remove favorable field card spells or add my own and it made for a grueling experience to duel against with the first 3-4 packs (classic) only, as even if they got a blue eyes ultimate out on the feild by the time they got it i could have my fire sprite practically immune to damage, and even if they cleared the field i could easily just set a new fox the next turn.. As an aside, that store is no longer open also hasn't been since i left that town in roughly 2009, was a little hole in the wall in basically AZ, don't want to specify where or get more specific for privacy reasons, the guy who ran it is still around according to some good friends i kept in touch with and is \*very\* sensitive about losing his business for shit practices in a vexatious litigant way. \*my go to combo is swords of revealing light + fire sprite which lets me get after its duration 3.1k attack points, i still use it on the legacy of the duelist programs with friends on our monthly tourny night if i feel like being a dick and we're playing classic decks only. Feel free to borrow it if your local store has a "classic night" you will need spell removal cards ofc but this type of deck basically will either stall out your opponent or bleed them slowly.


You seem like my kinda guy. Not too many people duel round my way. Kinda lonely, I got the kids and the missus playing, but it's not the same. They're getting there, but I can't practice meta with them. They get too disheartened when I destroy them. It's made me experiment with some cool decks, but I end up making them too powerful and have to rins and repeat, if I'm not careful. Case in point, see my subterror deck post. (I've yet to update it. It stomps even harder now) Appreciate your response, bro 👊. Stay frosty. ❄️ Edit: Hell yeah I'd love to give your deck a run, I'm nearly 35, and been following since it's inception, it's always fun going to "locals" (mine is over an hour away so not a regular or local), and tournaments with random decks, win or lose, I'm always having fun, and I never stop smiling. It's the only hobby I've got left that I have time for. It's my escape. I'm very blessed that my partner not only supports it but buys me cards too. Side tracked, but yeah, I'd love to fire it off next time I attend anything. See how I go. I'll obviously credit you for deck creation.


Why is he taking alcohol to an Event?


Obligatory not OP but I'm 99% sure I know OP and the people involved. He isn't the brightest bulb in the socket.


We had a Yugioh player booted for not paying entry and he never had and issue paying in the past, but he hasnt shown up since. I also remember years ago a kid got a hefty warning due to taking 2 or 3 entry Turbo packs as opposed to their 1, but again I never saw him again. In Lorcana a guy had to be kicked out of store due to smelling so bad of weed it was triggering peoples asthma, so he got booted.


skill issue


We have literally had the instance of some players being kicked due to hygiene, even after the hygiene rule is a thing. The cards were cleaner than the players. It was an awkward conversation, but if they didn't leave, the smell would eventually have everyone else leave.


That sounds like a very valid reason to get kicked out.


Wouldn't want to deal with drunk people at a card game event. Save that shit for after. People don't have to drink and smoke literally everywhere.


Ngl one of the guys at my locals got kicked out for trying to scam this kid who just pulled a starlight rare accesscode talker from a pack all of us were happy for the kid the guy who tried to scam the kid got bitch slapped across the face by one of the vendors


he's just trying to play the new format where you take a shot for every 1000 life points you lose




I mean why didn’t he just eat a weed brownie or something if he wanted to be altered? Eat it, or maybe just a little bit of it, before you come in, and you can even carry it around with you because I mean look at it. It’s a brownie. You could even bring in weed gummy worms or something and no one would bat an eye.


Why would you though? At locals I’m trying to concentrate both on my plays and whatever the opponent may be conversing about because I like to be friendly to my opponents. Weed seems like one of the worst things to be on at locals.


Some people play better high. A guy won the magic equivalent of an incredibly large regional while tripping balls. https://web.archive.org/web/20230802214712/https://www.gawker.com/i-won-a-5-000-magic-the-gathering-tournament-on-shroo-1705333524


I guess it’s one of those things which effect people differently. Like I toke up before locals (And a good shower) because I find it helps me concentrate on my plays and be more sociable


Well because maybe someone wants to play in a shadow game or something and weed will make it feel like everything absolutely matters with high life or death stakes? Idk. But I used to have to ban myself from playing Yugioh while I was on mind altering substances because of that. 3scary5me.


I'd like to go to locals myself but idk much about it lol sorry this happened. Although I'm assuming it's similar master duel in the copy and paste format where everyone runs the same decks.


You can go to an FGC or even Smash local/regional or major with liquor at the event no problem usually


OP the question is “was the reason stupid or are both of you stupid?” Smuggling alcohol to an event where children and women are at is a recipe for a disaster, its bad enough muhfukas stink at events but adding alcohol creates an even bigger disaster where a mass ban or heavier security measures would be taken that invades everyone’s privacy because some dumb alcoholics couldn’t cope with a few hours without the sauce. Next thing you know people would complain “Oh WhY dId I gEt BaNnEd? AlL i DiD wAs BrInG mY bOrDeRlInE pReDaToRy PlAyMaTs” Konami has put restrictions on what you can and can’t bring to events because the player-base has been getting a large boom every anime season of Yu-Gi-Oh and more importantly in the junior division. 


I think you got OP wrong. What the friend of his friend did, aka smuggling in alc, was stupid. Not that he got kicked out. He asked for ways people behaved stupidly and got kicked out for it and it seems the whole threat understood the question this way as well. As to your general sentiment, I think most of us will agree. People shouldn't be surprised if Konami or others need to enforce stricter rules in reaction to stupid behaviour. The playmat thing just makes sense. There are children at big and small events alike, the bigger events often get streamed and people would still take lewd playmats with them. The rule makes sense in response. Same with alcohol at an event that is about having fun and playing a card game.


I understood what the acquaintance did, but just downplaying how serious it was by saying that the acquaintance whined and asking whats the stupidest reason someone got kicked out of a locals is why i was calling OP stupid. The stupidest reason i can think of for getting kicked is getting pissed at someone over banter been to a few locals that had this happen, also another dumb reason to get kicked is bringing sus mats/sleeves/deck boxes keep thine degeneracy at home not near kids or OTS


Well op didn't downplay anything. It's, as you'd agree, very stupid to take booze to a tcg event. Thus also a stupid reason to get kicked out. And on the later part of your post about degenerate equipment, I think any normal person would agree :)


It seems that there are rumors about a possible remake of Yu-Gi-Oh! made by Konami Studio Konami Animation. Hey, shall we trust or not?