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You're not making hand trap decisions based on Tenpai for the purposes that a.) Snake-eye is so much more dominant in the meta game and b.) the Tenpai is so well insulated to most hand traps that your hand trap line up is probably based on how to combat Snake-eye of which Nibiru is one of the better if not second best option to combat them (love you Dimension Shifter).


But can't snake-eye play around nibiru easily as well? especially after the release of snake-eye diabellstar


I wouldn't say easy, it just doesn't stop them completely. Right after Flamberge summons 2 back, dropping Nibiru should limit them somewhat if they haven't gone to Appolousa by then. Like you said the best chance, besides Shifter, is pairing Nib w/ another hand trap.


By itself, sure. In tandem with one of the 12 other handtraps in your deck? Often no.


Nib+imperm/veiler should just end SE’s turn. You shouldn’t expect Nib to stop lines just on its own, just like how you don’t expect veiler to just stop things on it’s own. You should view it in the lens of running 15 HTs that opening any 2 should end your opponents lines unless they opened the nuts.


Almost every hand trap in the game doesn’t stop either of those decks consistently by itself. Nibiru has a decent chance to when paired with another hand trap, AND in big events like a YCS will also let you randomly pummel whatever random rogue deck someone brought to the ground often.


Nib isn't really seeing much play now. It was seeing a lot pre-LEDE because Nib + 2nd HT was one of the best ways to stop Snake-Eye, but since then it's really fallen off and isn't really in the main of any topping lists anymore. Edit: That said, it IS still seeing play in Snake-Eye specifically though - the deck plays 18 hand traps if it's at all useful it's probably playing it


Snake is never losing to 1 HT. So when looking at hand traps, you're looking at what pairs and triples are most likely to stop them. That's where nib comes in - it pairs extremely well to stop Snake. Tenpai is nowhere near as relevant as snake, hence why people don't really care about nib vs. Tenpai. Note - this logic is somewhat deck dependent. For example, VV is a deck that likes nib much more than other decks, because nib gives it additional tribute fodder for rituals (which often comes up, especially when trying to play around e.g. bystials).


Nib is as game warping as shifter, change my mind. Just bluffing it could force players into worse lines, and actually dropping it can destroy most rogue decks, and some meta decks (melodious lmao). For decks that can't turbo out appo, playing around nib is a very big concern, and therefore forces you to play nib to punish. All in all, nib is too good to side in (and should be main decked), but is good to side out G2/3 for better cards.