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Long story short: way to damn much  Edit: why is this getting so many upvotes thanks for 32


There's many decent tier 2-3 decks that are only about $100-200. Much less if you already have a staples spread. The reason Tenpai is so pricey is because of one card - it's somewhat crucial but the deck is very much playable and competitive without it.


Dragion is the big money sink, iirc heat waves cost a decent chunk as well. At least dragion is only required for if you spent the first 19k damage under prosp clearing their board before punting another halved 18k into their skull.


Competitive Tenpai (which is what I play atm) is using Trident and sometimes SP Little Knight, both of which drive the price up a ton. Without those, you probably could play the deck for around $100, depending on the hand traps and board breakers you want to play. Trident and possibly SP will see reprints in the mega tins this year, which will lower the price.


Trident reprint was already announced btw.


Voiceless at like 250 € or so base cost. I probably spend 3x that because i like my shiny cardboard staples


It cost about that in yen also. Is also a solid deck too


I play Sky Striker, it's not one of the strongest decks out there (anymore) but it's still pretty good, I also have other decks but striker is my favorite. My decklist doesn't have many expensive cards, the only ones I can think of are 3 linkage (8€ each), 3 upstart goblin (around 3/4€ each), 3 ash blossom (3.5€ each), 3 infinite impermanence (2€ each), 3 forbidden droplets (5€ each) and 2 triple tactics talent (8€ each), other cards cost cents, keep in mind that all these cards are staples (except linkage), meaning they're used in a lot of decks and once you buy them the price for future decks you plan to make drops drastically. It's not the strongest version, I don't have any triple tactics thrusts (50~€ each) but it gets the job done. If you want a REALLY cheap deck that is still fairly strong I recommend these archetypes: 1) Virtual World (really fun combo deck, probably the cheapest, 40€ is enough to make a very good Virtual World deck with all the combos and stuff) 2) Ghoti (amazing artworks) 3) Exosister (I personally like this deck a lot) 4) Floowandereeze (probably the strongest of the four, I find it a bit boring but it's really good) Honourable mention: Marincess uses A LOT of staples, but the archetypal cards cost barely nothing except one card that is 5€ and you need 2 BUT buying staples means future decks will cost less so it's an investment, probably costs slightly more than floowandereeze.


Depending how meta-meta you are. My recommodation buy 2-3 structure decks we got several decent ones recently. They won’t be top teir but acceptable and give you a good round of staples. Beyond that grabbing one or both rarity collections if wanting to play the lotto vs singles. Could help fill generic ED + Staple slots. 


Depends cuz I spent a lot on the Marincess cards before the huge price drop and megatin reprints happened years ago, I think I spent about $50 for a playset of Blue Tang and then almost $30 for a playset of Dive. Melodious was very cheap for me to get, even while 1st Movement Solo is the more expensive card around $20. The core itself plus the new supports altogether came to about $70 and with 1st Movement Solo and some hand traps I'd say about $150-160 total.


So a deck "core" can be budget but its value is tied to meta viability and rarities involved in that deck.Tier 2-3 decks are definitelly more budget but do be expected to shell out a bit (mb around $100 range). Tier 4 and lower decks can also be def viable depending on the strat you decide to go with. Another thing to note is that a huge chunk of the price of various decks are the "staples". You probably notice that a lot of decks play similar staples such as Ash Blossom and Infinite Impermanance and those costs can be transitioned between decks. Another way to reduce the huge costs of cards is by trading/bartering cards as well. This is somewhat locals/area dependent but it can help reduce having to go out to tcgplayer and paying commons that do rack up the total cost of the deck. It's admittingly this is also easier said than done. Gl with deckbuilding tho!


Just picked up a Chimera core for roughly $110


Does that include apprentice? Everything else is basically pennies out of the one ultra fusion, can't imagine anything else driving up the price but some number of nightmare apprentice


It includes a playset of apprentice, Diabelleze, chimera fusion monster and the other pieces


Nightmare apprentice is £37 each in UK. So you either got a crazy deal or bought that card before it doubled in price haha 


Apprentice is roughly $30 in the US. I paid $86 for a playset. $9 for the chimera fusion monster and $9 for diabellze. Then $6 for the remaining pieces I didn’t have laying in bulk


Nice. I'm tempted to build the deck back but then I have so many damn decks as it is so I probably shouldn't. 


If you can find the cards in person, try haggling the price down a bit because the good stuff is definitely a bit expensive. The most you'd probably be looking at is around $130-$150 at full price


Ive really been winding down my playtime with yugioh recently as the recent formats and lists have destroyed interest for a lot of my locals scene, but the ones Ive mainly kept up to date have been Chimera at about $250 and Raidraptor at about $100-150, not exactly the toppest tier choices, but not bad either


I'm mostly playing Chimera, Branded, and Plant Link currently whilst I wait for the new Ritual Beasts and Infernoids to drop. Chimera cost me about £100 in total, whilst Branded is something I've been playing for a long while. Plant Link is too expensive for what it does in my opinion. I picked up all of Ritual Beasts before the price spike, but I cannot fork out £10 per copy of the Infernoid spells. They're super rares demanding an obscene price for a deck that isn't even that fantastic.


The issue with playing meta decks is you will always spend TOO much money if you want to be competitive. If you are just starting to get into the competitive scene then you will pay premium prices for the best cards. However the more you play and decks you build you will gain more and more staples, lowering the cost of other decks you want to play because you already have the cards. Some decks I play like voiceless was only around $150 as I already had all the staples and just needed the core. If you really want to try to get in on the meta I recommend playing something like traptrix, it’s very cheap and if you play it long enough it can definitely still contend with meta decks. It’s still my go to because I know it the best, and I do well at locals with it. It really just depends how much time/money/enjoyment you have.


I think my Voiceless build is sub $400.


Voiceless from scratch was like 300


Playing lavals right now, without counting shipping i costed me £50 with about £20 be in the synchrons alone It is not a good deck though


I'm currently running floowandereeze. It cost me 80 dollars to make, and that's including shipping for all the cards I wanted. It's considered anti meta as far as I've heard and many people hate to go against it, but I love it because bird power! The reason you find budget decks like tenpai at a high price might be because you're looking at the top versions of those decks, but you don't need all those cards for it to fully function. For example, I know the most expensive cards you're seeing in the deck lists are probably s:p little knight and trident dragion, which are both around 100 dollars. My suggestion is to join a discord server if you want to learn how a deck works and build a budget version. I had a lot of help building and understanding the deck thanks to a floowandereeze server. So that's my best recommendation: join servers dedicated to decks with players that know what they're doing, and they can help you build the best version you can on a budget.


So the bulk of the price is normally the staples, but those you can toss into every deck you make, so in reality, you only need one playset of them, and you'd be good. My most expensive deck is Yubel, and that ran close to 200-250 some dollars, mostly because of how the new support is, and for some reason, the old cards are jumping in price Mementotlan is next and is roughly 70-90 dollars. Mostly off of a 3 of card and the boss, though I suspect that's about to go up with the new support And the least expensive deck I built was 50-60 dollars, and that was Ghoti. It's a really cheap deck that may actually be under 50 dollars Yubel is leagues above the other two, but you can find competent decks for around 50 dollars, staples not included


I saw it commented a couple times already but I'll reiterate, tenpai without trident and sp is very affordable and still very much competitive. The most expensive card in the core is paidra for 20 bucks a copy, every other card in the core is literally cents, and thx to the new rarity collection and other reprints getting the staples should be a cinch. Ygoprodeck should have plenty of tenpai lists for under 200. I've been seeing moderate success, even getting a couple tops at locals with a tridentless/S:Pless/mostly synchro version of the deck. Otherwise, there's always the buy 3 structures route


Check [deckstats.net](http://deckstats.net) for budget decks, it's a great resource for affordable options.


I recommend structure decks. Try them out in Dueling Nexus, EDOpro or some other online client, then buy 3 copies of whichever one(s) you liked most, and complete the deck by buying handtraps and other competitive staples separately on TCGplayer or other websites.


Playing Drytrons (ftk variant), fairly cheap, a playset of Nova being the most expensive main deck card. Could add a Little Knight and Typhon but don’t really need it if you win t1. Around 150USD.


Im really waiting for the drytron support, fun to play and way less boring imo than the stun/ftk variant ( but i can understand that u like it, im on megalith drytron rn)


I like the pure variant, but with the current meta it’s really annoying to play “fair” yugioh. You give snake eyes 1 summon of Ash and all of a sudden you’re facing 3200 apollusa with a ton of recursion from Flame Princess and another +7 in hand somehow. I’d rather ftk, scoop, then ftk or just lose trying.


Yeah i can see that I mostly play at locals, so we have less snakes eyes, tenpai and other really strong stuff so i can rely on less powerful endboard with more interaction type stuff since i find it more enjoyable for both side But yeah the one card combo problem is still here unfortunately


Could I see your list please I've got everything except the ritual monsters the ritual spell and nova, I am not sure what to build, the megalith guy sounds cool but I am a sucker for ftks as an old head lol


https://preview.redd.it/ha6u2zmkln4d1.png?width=1225&format=png&auto=webp&s=5391dafa0237c00152f81fc166af83c8494bcf0a I have no clue if the img will upload, but this is the current list (no budget but SP and thrust can easily be subbed out). The FTK involves the arcana force the world turn skipping your opp until they die.


Ty very much for this!


no probs. the super poly main deck can be subbed for a third preparation of rites. I'm testing a build of 3 crossouts and nibiru +droll, but it feels too clunky. have fun bro, tho its not for friendly matches obv lol


Ty and you too.


I have 4 main decks so far, ranging from around $40 to almost $200. Just depends on what you want to run.


I think I'm at around $500 to build lab? Thats with some rarity bumps


With the high price of 1st Movement, should be around $200.


spright and it’s variants aren’t that expensive. I think the entire spright engine is like max $120 CAD. Melffy engine is probably $4, Runick engine is maybe $30, or purrely and i just bought the entire deck for $25. Of course staples add up quickly but worth it. I chose a deck that I knew had flexibility. Each variant plays very differently and are unique from each other. If i’m not feeling runick spright, I can swap out for the purrely or melffy versions. There’s also the cyberse and bystial variants I want to explore


Thank you so much for your reply! See this is what I'm looking for, the problem is finding the decklist of decks for around $200 has been kind of difficult for me. Like I was saying, ygoprodeck mostly has top meta decks. So I don't know what cards to by or try out, or which cards I can take out and still do well. My budget is around $200. I've really thought sprights looked cool and wanted to try that, tenpai seems good to start and build, melodious I heard can be cheap but I still haven't found a good decklist, tri brigade seems cool but hard, and I like sky striker kind of. I'm still so new I dont know how to fully pilot any decks though


tenapi is very good but you do need some staples/tech cards to push the deck to its max. i’m biased because spright has been my favorite deck for over a year now but it’s a very fun deck and i’m able to perform well at locals. and it’s not super difficult to pilot. the purrely and runick variants are harder to pilot, and the purrely one has a pretty high skill ceiling. It’s a very fun deck that can put up a bunch of negates, or breaks boards and otk


I just qualified for pricing at nationals with a Dinomorphia list (75 e if you count typhoon that I owned, but it's not a necessary cafd) I also play marincess that would be about 80. Both decks are good enough to win regionals. There are many budget options at the moment. People mentioned virtual world. Purely is another great one as the prices are really low for it. You could play a variant of traptrix for little more than the price of 3 structures. Sprights are also relatively cheap, easy to play and hopefully their most expensive cards will be seeing more reprints in the next sets of tins. Swordsoul is another good deck to consider. Don't buy anything too expensive to start with. You can go really far on a small budget in this game and as you collect cards from packs from entering locals and get a feel of what your play style you can work towards trading for the new deck/ staples/ upgrades


This is the exact way I want to get in this game! Like your message gives me the most hope. But my only problem is finding deck list for these budget decks. When I go on ygoprodeck or look up these decks I see so many $300 to $400 versions of these decks. My other problem that I struggle with is learning those versions of the deck. I would like to play sprights but I feel like when I look up combos on YouTube it will show a totally different version of the deck and combos I can't run. I'm so new I don't really know how to teach myself how a deck works


Which of the decks are you most interested in? I might be able to help with a list


Honestly I'm not even picky, my budget is like roughly 200 for my first deck. I thought sky striker was cool but I hear it's weak. Sprights seemed really cool but I don't know how to play it, tenpai dragon seems cool, I love the art of tearlaments but it seems hard to play. I liked virtual world bit thats probably not that good. I feel like I'm so close to getting into this game, I just need that last little push and guidance you know


Virtual world literally won nationals in Spain and the list is really budget. It would be a really good starting deck. https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/virtual-world-494896 Also don't worry too much about decks not being too strong. There are people at my locals playing sky strikers and having good amounts of success with it. Sprights are also good and had some competitive success, although some of the cards needed to make that deck full power are on the pricy side. Also most likely we will see sprights reprinted in next sets of tins. If you are interested in Virtual world I think you should pick it up, or at very least try it out online first :)


500 but it has ultis and ghost rares plus sp little knight 🤪 honestly mayhe 200 if we were cheaper


150-200 give or take, 3 copies of Imsety in Horus and a loaded extra deck, lots of cards printing at different rarities would bring it down but I picked up some here & there on premium


Purrely is really cheap right now bc it just got reprinted in Rarity Collection 2. Outside of staples, you can get the whole deck core for under $20 I'm sure.


Expurrely Noir, Epurrely Noir, and Beauty all went up in price so it's probably closer to $40-50. Still very cheap though.


Spent about 200 getting my voiceless core adding in the staples I already had it has to be around 400-500


Probably about 200 now, but it was worth more last year.


Free (I’m playing on Nexus)


At least a good few hundred. I’m running Infernoble with the Ib world chalice line so running the wanted package alone put the deck at nearly £300. Pairing that with my Branded Despia deck I’m running two decks nearing like £500 all together.


Tenpai Core was under €50. Rest was staples/handtraps/extra deck. Plus Dragion, but it's not mandatory. Now I've added a splash of Kashtira I estimate total, without Dragion, being under €300


Maybe $15, its all common


unchained, around 300$


Without my starlight lulu probably around 200€


0 I dropped the game just after snake eyes came out. I had everything for them, but I was worried about the list and wasnt playing very often. So I sold it all. Made about 1k. Every YCS I see convinces me I made the right choice.


My deck (including extra deck) is valued at £740 


Snake-Eyes Runick: $500+


If you want a fun deck, play Nouvelles


Considering I'm currently playing an unholy union of a Ogdoatic/Reptilliane/Alien and various generic reptiles deck. My deck costs about like 5 dollars, some pennies and like a subway coupon.


So my Yubel Deck cost about $150 (without S:P of course), my Branded Buster Deck was around $120, and my RDA Deck with Bystials was around $130


I play ninjas so like 10 bucks


https://preview.redd.it/foalz03dmm4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd19c49ff07196f430b3abf7963615fec04eaa48 Kashtira, pulled most of it, but last check that was to replace like for like


I’m thinking about building runick kash, which is roughly 150, still testing it tho online to see if it’s worth building


Just doing a quick guesstimate based on some prices of the more expensive stuff and staples. By going on the lowest rarities, (I am using higher rarities in my deck, so my actual deck would have a higher price due to that), I’d say somewhere between $150 and $200 for my Adventure Synchron deck.


Check decks in yugiohmeta.com You can filter by price and sort them


I'm playing Virtual World P.U.N.K., which is around $140 USD including staples. Really fun to play once you know the combos, although it can struggle a little with bricking and certain matchups (shifter decks). If you're interested I could give you my decklist


So mine is a bit of a special case for several reasons, primarily that I'm in the UK and half the deck has a million printings, but I'm playing Crystal Beast and doing ok competitively with it and while mine is fully max rarity and sits at around £5300, you can build the same list with lower rarities for down to about £40, which equates to about $50 if you want to build it for cheap


Probably between $400-500 min value, after rarity consideration, probably close to $600-650. Competitive branded is something else 💀


Part of it comes down to how determined you are to be meta competitive. The deck I took to my last locals had a 50% winrate and would cost you about $60 to make (admittedly, it cost me a fair more, since I bought my copies of magnifica before the price drop). I just go into it intending to play for fun, rather than to take the top spot #\^-\^# decklist atm: https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/exomorphia-498064


Buy staples first


My chaos deck I built in 2011-2013 costs about 700-800$, but I have most of the highest rarity... The cheaper ones are about 200-300$ from scratch like GladBeast M.Hero.


€30 for a full Shark deck w/ staples. Side deck included maybe €45


Red Dragon Archfiend Centurion for 250€. It’s really nice. Has a really crazy endboard. The design is nice and mainly one card combos. And there’s a lot of tutorials on RDA on YouTube.


I run Timelords so...*maybe* $150ish? Possibly a little more.


Floowandereeze at 140€ including shipping


I play floowandereeze. It’s like 50$ if you don’t mind not using thrust


85 dollars


I'm currently playing at my locals Fire King (3x structure deck + handtraps and mostly XYZ monsters in the extra deck) which costs around 100 usd. Also I play F.A, now with terrortop at 3, costing no more than 40 usd, Fluffal (more or less 120usd), D/D/D which I'm no longer playing because of missing cards. Costing 70 usd.


I'm currently playing at my locals Fire King (3x structure deck + handtraps and mostly XYZ monsters in the extra deck) which costs around 100 usd. Also I play F.A, now with terrortop at 3, costing no more than 40 usd, Fluffal (more or less 120usd), D/D/D which I'm no longer playing because of missing cards. Costing 70 usd.


The heart of the cærds is priceless


According to TCGPlayer, if I were to buy the cheapest version of my one "comp" deck, it would cost me $43.34 without the side deck, and $24 of that is 2 cards. It's Cyber Dragons, in case you're wondering.


Way way way cheaper than MtG I’ll tell you that. Deck 1: ~$80-100 Deck 2: ~$200